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Milostian National Army
Size238,000 nominal, peacetime

The Milostian National Army ('MNA') is the regular national armed forces of the Milostian state, one of the nation's three armed forces alongside the Ecclesia Guard, and the Martyr's Militia. It is composed of the Milostian National Army Ground Force, the Milostian National Army Air Force, the Milostian National Army Navy and the Milostian Army Strategic Rocket Force. It is manned by conscription - male Milostian citizens are compelled by law to serve for three years, and females eighteen months. In times of war, it may be augmented by whatever militia and paramilitary forces which can be mustered in an emergency.

MNA Ground Force

Higher organisation

The organisation of a MNAGF Tank Brigade

The MNAGF is the largest component of the MNA. It is the regular national army of the Milostian government and its major units answer directly to the MNA General Staff.

In peacetime, the main force of the MNAGF is comprised of three Armies, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, each comprised of two Corps, plus an independent formation known as the Army Guards Corps. The maneouvre elements of the Corps of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Armies each consist of three Mechanised and two Tank Brigades.

A Mechanised Brigade consists of some 4,500 personnel, and possesses three Mechanised Battalions (typically two of wheeled APC's, one of tracked IFV's), a Tank Battalion (with forty main battle tanks in four companies), two Mobile Artillery Battalions, a Rocket Artillery Battalion, a SAM Battalion, an Air Defence Battalion (equipped with SPAAG), an Anti-tank Battalion, an Engineer Battalion, a Supply Battalion, a Maintenance Battalion, a Reconnaissance Company and an NBC Company.

A Tank Battalion is organised on similar lines, except that its ratio of Tank to Mechanised Battalions is reversed to 3:1 of the former to the latter, and it omits the Anti-Tank Battalion.

Aside from Tank and Mechanised Brigades, a Corps contains a number of support elements, including one to two Artillery Brigades, a Ballistic Missile Battalion, a SAM Brigade, an Engineer Brigade and a Combat Support Brigade.

The Army Guards Corps provides the MNA garrison for the capital city. It consists of a high proportion of professional, full-time personnel, and typically are the first to receive newly-introduced equipment. It consists of three Tank Brigades, two Mechanised Brigades, and the Air Assault Brigade. The latter is a unique formation which is trained in conducting helicopter-mobile operations and, at least partially, parachute operations. It has two mechanised and two light infantry Air Assault Battalions.

The total number of maneouvre brigades in the MNAGF's peacetime order of battle is 36. In wartime, each of the three Armies receive an additional Corps of reservists, boosting the number of brigades to 51.

Battalion Tactical Groups

The basis for the MNAGF's tactical maneouvre warfare doctrine is the Battalion Tactical Group. These are ad hoc formations, created around battalion headquarters by the brigade staff, and incorporates tanks, infantry, artillery, engineering and other assets in a combined-arms formation tailor-made to fulfill its tactical mission.

Small unit organisation

A typical Motor Rifle platoon consists of thirty personnel – a platoon command team consisting of a platoon commander, a platoon sergeant and a radio operator, six vehicle drivers and gunners, and 21 dismounts. The dismounts are divided into three squads of seven, each accompanied by one member of the platoon command team. Each platoon is issued one M76 or M91 marksman rifle.

Each rifle squad consists of a machine gun team of three, equipped with a one M72 light machine gun or M84 medium machine gun, and an assault team of four. The latter consists of three riflemen armed with M70 rifles and a grenadier armed with a M70 rifle plus a 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher. In close quarters fighting, such as in urban areas, MNA infantry are trained to operate in groups of four.

General Staff Reconnaissance Bureau

The GIB ('Generalstaba Biro Izvrsni'), or 'General Staff Reconnaissance Bureau' is the intelligence arm of the MNA. It serves three primary functions. The first is to operate part of Milostia's foreign HUMINT network by running agents to gather military intelligence, although it adheres to a strict division of labour with the Ecclesia, with the latter having the role of collecting intelligence on political and other non-military matters. The second is to coordinate the activities of the intelligence units of the army's front-line combat formations, most notably those of its three 'frontier' armies. The third and newest is to manage the MNA's increasingly sophisticated media warfare and cyberwarfare operations, the Unit 173, which has become the likely suspect of several major high profile hacking incidents in Belisaria.

General Staff Spesnag

The Spesnag (from "specijalne snage" - special forces) are the special forces of the Milostian People's Army. Its members are trained in special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, covert operations, parachuting, sabotage and terrorism. It works in close conjunction with the Guard Air Assault Division in its operations, which may be tasked with providing heavy reinforcements to Spesnag operations.

Each of the three 'frontier' field armies of the MNA possesses one battalion-sized Spesnag unit of roughly 500 personnel. They are directly subordinated to the field army's intelligence formation and are tasked with long range infiltration, reconnaissance, sabotage and assassination within the army's operational zone. Two more battalions are held in reserve by the General Staff Reconnaissance Bureau to deal with unexpected contingencies.

MNA Air Force

The MNAAF consists of four main components: the tactical ‘fast jets’ force, the utility and transport force, the helicopter force and the air defence force.

For years, the MNAAF had relied on three main tactical fast jets of Liothidian origin – the Fe-20 interceptor, the Fe-19 strike aircraft and the Fe-26 ground attack aircraft. In the 1990’s, a new multirole fighter of indigenous design, the Novi Avion began to enter service. Due to the latter’s relatively high cost, it is mostly reserved for elite, high readiness squadrons. Also available are a substantial number of J-22 Orao trainers, which would be employed as attack aircraft in times of war. In air operations, these fast jets are supported by Tu-64 AWACS aircraft.

The helicopter force is intended to work in close conjunction with the MNAGF. It consists of medium and heavy lift helicopters, as well as and attack helicopters (DM-20KH).

The air defence force is charged with protecting vital areas of the republic from enemy air attack. It is separate from the MNAGF’s own air defence units, which are responsible for providing protection for mobile ground formations. Accordingly, it is equipped with weapons with greater reach, albeit lesser mobility than those available to the MNAGF, such as the HQ-9 batteries which protect the Capital Garrison District.

MNA Navy

The MNAN is the most neglected of the MNA’s three armed services, having been starved of funds in order to enable the modernisation of the MNAGF and MNAAF. Its most modern units are the trio of Ruegen-class submariness imported from Liothidia, supported by frigates, missile boats and older diesel submarines of indigenous design.

The MNAN is also responsible for defending the republic’s ports and coastlines. Its primary means of coastal defence consists of mobile missile batteries armed with Styx missiles, although a few more modern elements use imported Kh-35. Rumours that 3M-54 Klub missiles are deployed in the coastal defence role, hidden in containers, is unconfirmed.

The MNA Naval Infantry, a battalion-sized force trained in amphibious warfare, is a part of the MNAN. It is theoretically equipped with a number of small landing craft. Its true readiness in operating as a marine unit is unknown to most international observers, although it is reputedly one of the more professional and combat-ready of the MNA's ground units.

Strategic Rocket Force

The MNASRF is an independent arm of service directly subordinated to the General Staff. It is the republic’s primary means of strategic deterrence against ‘regime change’ actions from hostile and ‘imperialistic’ foreign powers. It is equipped with a plethora of indigenous and imported ballistic missiles, giving it the means to deliver payloads against the urban centres of Estoni’s strategic adversaries in the area.

Although the current status of the Milostia nuclear program is not known to any degree of exactitude to NATA intelligence apparatuses, Milostia is the acknowledged possessor of significant quantities of nerve agents. These include GA (Tabun), GB (Sarin), VX and the potent ‘Novinara’. The Milostian arsenal also includes blistering agents such as Sulfur Mustard and blood agents such as Cyanogen chloride, the latter being regarded as especially dangerous owing to its ability to degrade the effectiveness of CRBN filters. The Milostian military-scientific establishment is also known to have experimented with biological agents such as Anthrax, Small Pox and various viral hemorrhagic fevers.

The Rocket Guards Regiment is a professional infantry unit directly under the command of the SRF rather than the Ground Force, intended to provide security to the SRF's launch sites and storage facilities for weapons of mass destruction. It is a rapid reaction force of light mechanised infantry, equipped with the BOV family of wheeled armoured vehicles and staffed by some of the most professional and politically-reliable of the MNA's personnel.


Small arms

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Ammunition ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |----- |M75 hand grenade|| Milostia||Fragmentation grenade||N/A|| |----- |CZ 99|| Milostia||Pistol||9x19 parabellum|| |----- |M88|| Milostia||Pistol||9x19 parabellum|| |----- |M57|| Milostia||Pistol||7.62×25mm Tokarev|| |----- |M56 Submachine gun||Template:Country data Mlostia||Sub-machine gun|| 7.62×25mm|| |----- |Master FLG|| Milostia||Sub-machine gun||9x19 parabellum|| |----- |M92|| Milostia||Carbine||7.62x39||Widely distributed to rear personnel, pilots and drivers. Suppressed version used by special forces. |----- |KS-23|| Liothidia||Shotgun||23mm|| |----- |M70|| Milostia||Assault rifle||7.62x39||Former main service rifle, to be phased out |----- |Bestava M99|| Milostia||Assault rifle||7.62x39|| Current main service rifle |----- |M76||  Milostia|| Marksman rifle || 7.92x57|| |----- |M91|| Milostia||Marksman rifle||7.62x54mmR |----- |M48|| Milostia||Sniper rifle||7.92x57||Accurised and fitted with synthetic stock, suppressor, Harris bipod and 3-9x42 variable-zoom scope, used in small quantities by dedicated sniper teams |----- |M93 Black Arrow|| Milostia||Anti-material rifle||12.7x108|| |----- |M72|| Milostia||Light machine gun/light support weapon||7.62x39||Some 75-rounds drum magazines and 40-rounds extended box magazines are supplied |----- |M53 Sarac|| Milostia||General purpose machine gun||7.92x57|| |----- |M84|| Milostia||General purpose machine gun||7.62×54mmR|| |----- |M02 Coyote|| Milostia||Heavy machine gun ||12.7x99|| |----- |BGP 40|| Milostia||underbarrel grenade launcher||40mm grenade|| |----- |M93|| Milostia||Automatic grenade launcher||30mm grenade|| |- |M80 Zolja|| Milostia||Disposable AT launcher|| || |----- |M79 Osa|| Milostia||Reloadable AT launcher|| || |----- |PF-07|| Liothidia ||AT launcher|| || |----- |M90 Stršljen|| Milostia||AT launcher|| ||Elite units |----- |RPO-A|| Liothidia||Thermobaric launcher|| || |----- |}


Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Ammunition ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |PROM-1|| Milostia||Bouncing anti-personnel mine||N/A|| |----- |PMA-2 mine|| Milostia||Anti-personnel mine||N/A|| |----- |TMM-1 mine|| Milostia||Anti-tank mine||N/A|| |----- |MRUD|| Milostia||Directional anti-personnel mine||N/A|| |----- |}

Anti-tank weapons (crew-served)

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Ammunition ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |Bumbar||  Milostia||Light man-portable ATGM|| ||Special forces |----- |AT-3D Sagger|| Milostia||Man-portable ATGM|| ||Main anti-tank missile. Mostly modernised to 2T5 standard. |----- |HJ-8|| Kadaria||Man-portable ATGM|| ||Main anti-tank missile. Mostly modernised to the HJ-8E, L and FAE standards. |----- |AT-14 Kornet|| Liothidia||Man-portable ATGM|| ||Elite units only |----- |AT-13 Saxhorn 2|| Liothidia||Man-portable ATGM|| ||Equips the Guard Air Assault Division |----- |T-12 antitank gun|| Liothidia|| || || Mostly employed by reserve formations |----- |Sprut anti-tank gun|| Liothidia|| || || |----- |M60 recoilless gun|| Milostia|| || ||Mostly employed by reserve formations |----- |}

Anti-air systems

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Ammunition ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |FlaRak-2 ||  Liothidia || MANPAD || ||Battalion-level AA weapon |----- |M55 || Milostia||Towed triple 20mm AA gun || ||Reserve formations, mostly in storage |----- |BOV-3|| Milostia||SPAAG/SAM combination system|| ||Regimental mobile AA system, mainly the HS M09 BOV-3 version equipped with eight Strela-2 missiles and three 20mm autocannons. |----- |SA-8 Gecko|| Rhynovia/ Milostia||Short range SAM system|| ||Main division-level air defence weapon of the MNAGF, production license purchased from Communist Rhynovia. |----- |SA-3 Goa|| Liothidia||Medium range SAM system|| ||Employed as static defence of strategic locales |----- |SA-6 Gainful||  Liothidia||Medium-range SAM system|| ||Employed as semi-static defence of strategic locales |----- |FlaRak-16|| Liothidia||Medium-range mobile SAM system|| ||Employed by Army-level air defence units of the MNAGF |----- |FlaRak-9|| Liothidia||Long-range area-defence SAM|| ||One regiment employed to protect the Capital Garrison District. |----- |AZP S-60|| Liothidia||57mm anti-aircraft gun|| ||Used by local AA gun units |----- |}


Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Ammunition ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- | M57 mortar ||  Milostia || Commando mortar ||60mm ||Company-level weapon for infantry units |----- |M74/M75 mortar|| Milostia||Heavy mortar||120mm ||Battalion-level weapon for infantry units |----- |M-56 Howitzer|| Milostia||Field gun||105mm ||Mainly in reserve |----- |Gun-howitzer M84 NORA || Milostia||Towed gun||152mm|| Used in the divisional artillery of Motor Rifle Divisions |----- |D-30|| Liothidia||Towed gun || 122mm||Regimental-level artillery in Motor Rifle Regiments |----- |M-46|| Liothidia||Towed gun || 130mm||Up to three battalions per Independent Artillery Brigade |----- |PzH 12.2|| Liothidia||Self-propelled gun|| 122mm||Standard regiment-level artillery in Tank Regiments |----- |Sora 122mm|| Milostia ||Self-propelled gun|| 122mm||Four battalions in the Guards Motor Rifle Division |----- |PzH 15.2|| Liothidia||Self-propelled gun|| 152mm||Division-level artillery of Tank Divisions |----- |Nora B-52|| Milostia||Self-propelled gun|| 155mm||Three battalions employed by the Guards Motor Rifle Division |----- |M-77 Oganj|| Milostia||Self-propelled MLRS|| 122mm/128mm rockets||One battalion per manoeuvre division |----- |Kosava Rocket-Assisted Aerial Bombs System|| Milostia||Self-propelled rocket-assisted aerial bombs projector|| 100, 250 or 500kg aerial bombs||One battalion per Independent Artillery Brigade |----- |M-87 Orkan|| Milostia|| MLRS||262mm rockets||One battalion per Independent Artillery Brigade |----- |M-1978|| Milostia||Heavy artillery|| 170mm gun||One battalion per Independent Artillery Brigade |----- |FrW-01|| Liothidia||Thermobaric rocket artillery||220mm||One battalion per Independent Artillery Brigade |----- |2S4|| Liothidia||Heavy self-propelled mortar||240mm||One battery of 6 per Independent Artillery Brigade |----- |}

Armoured fighting vehicles

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Variants ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |IMV 0.75||  Milostia || Light general purpose vehicle || || |----- |Spähwagen-2|| Liothidia||Wheeled armoured reconnaissance vehicle|| || |----- |9P148 tank destroyer|| Liothidia||Wheeled tank destroyer|| ||BRDM-2 fitted with AT-5 missiles |----- |OT M-60|| Milostia||Tracked APC||All variants||Mostly in reserve |----- |TPZ-70|| Liothidia||Wheeled APC|| ||Main vehicle of the Motor Rifle Divisions |----- |BOV|| Milostia||Wheeled APC||All variants||Mostly in service with the Strategic Rocket Force Regiment, border guards, and the armed forces of various internal security apparatuses. |----- |BOV-1|| Milostia||Tank destroyer|| ||Armed with six AT-3D Sagger missiles in two launch baskets. |----- |BOV M11|| Milostia||Armoured reconnaissance vehicle|| ||To be introduced with the Guards Motor Rifle Brigade |----- |BVP M-80|| Milostia||Infantry fighting vehicle|| || |----- |M-84|| Milostia||Main battle tank|| || |----- |M-84AS|| Milostia||Main battle tank|| || Roughly 800 in service, equips elite units |----- |Pz-55 ||  Liothidia||Main battle tank|| ||Main tank of the reserve Motor Rifle Divisions |----- |Lufsturmpanzer-125|| Liothidia||Airborne light tank|| ||One battalion of 40 in service with the Air Assault Division 'Krajina'. |----- |VIU-55 Munja|| Milostia||Heavy engineering vehicle|| || |----- |PP-64|| Liothidia||Pontoon bridge|| || |----- |MT-55|| Liothidia||Armoured bridgelayer|| || |----- |Tpz-152|| Liothidia||Wheeled-APC|| ||Mainly reserve/paramilitary use |----- |}

Rotary-wing aviation

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Variants ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |Dem-20KH||  Liothidia||Attack/utlity helicopter|| || 60 |----- |Dem-11H||  Liothidia ||Medium lift helicopter|| || |----- |Dem-80HK||  Liothidia||Heavy lift helicopter|| || |----- |}


Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Variants ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |Vrabac Mini UAV||  Milostia||Light drone|| || |----- |Pegaz 011||  Milostia ||Medium drone|| || |----- |}

Fixed-wing aviation

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Variants ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |Fe-20||  Liothidia||Fighter-bomber||Built under license until 1997. Being upgraded en masse to the Bison configuration || 150 (120 in reserve) |----- |Fe-19||  Liothidia ||Strike aircraft|| || 60 (48 in reserve) |----- |Fe-26||  Liothidia||Ground attack aircraft|| ||60 |----- |Novi Avion|| Milostia||Multirole fighter|| ||80 |----- |J-22 Orao|| Milostia||Trainer/light attack aircraft|| ||84 |----- |Tu-62|| Liothidia||STOL AEW&C aircraft|| ||9 |----- |Tu-64|| Liothidia||STOL medium transport|| ||15 |----- |Ze-75|| Liothidia||Medium transport|| ||7 |----- | |}

Naval forces

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Variants ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |Kotor-class frigate|| Milostia||Coastal frigate|| ||4 in service, re-armed with 16x Kh-35 in lieu of Styx missiles |----- |Končar-class missile boat|| Milostia||Missile boat|| ||5 in service, equipped with Kh-35 |----- |Kralj-class missile boat|| Milostia||Missile boat|| ||4 in service, equipped with Kh-35 |----- |Ruegen-class submarine||  Liothidia||Diesel-electric submarine|| ||3 in service, rumoured to be upgraded with 3M-54 Klub missiles in 2015-2016. |----- |Sava-class submarine||  Milostia||Diesel-electric submarine|| ||2 |----- |Heroj-class submarine||  Milostia||Diesel-electric submarine|| ||2 |----- |Gersfeld-class landing craft||  Liothidia||Small landing craft/coastal mine-layer|| || 4 in service |----- |Mirna-class patrol boat|| Milostia||Patrol boat|| ||9 in service |----- |SS-N-2 Styx||  Liothidia||Anti-ship missile|| ||Equips most coastal defence batteries |----- |Kh-35|| Liothidia||Anti-ship missile|| ||Equips a number of modernised coastal defence batteries |----- |}

Ballistic missiles

Template:Standard table ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Name ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Origin ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Type ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Variants ! style="text-align: left; background: #aaccab;"| Notes |----- |OTR-21 Tochka|| Liothidia||Short-range ballistic missile|| ||Standard battlefield ballistic missile employed by the MNAGF, 70-185km |----- |BM-4 SCUD-B|| Liothidia||Theatre ballistic missile|| ||300km |----- |BM-6 SCUD-E|| Milostia||Theatre ballistic missile|| ||500km |----- |BM-7 SCUD-F|| Milostia||Medim range ballistic missile||||1,200km |----- |BM-25|| Milostia||Mobile IRBM|| || 4,000km |----- |}