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Worker's Society of Kyashi
Flag of Kyashi
Coat of arms
and largest city
Official languagesKyashi,
Ethnic groups
Santo, Shinto, Heido ,
GovernmentLimited Worker Assembly
• First Representative of All Workers
Hideyoshi Sanatobi
• Pre History Colonization
2500 BC
• Rise of the Tarawa Shogunate
12 AD AD
• Collapse of the Shogunate
450 AD
• Warring States Period
460 AD
• Unification of Kyashi
1760 AD
• Winter Revolution
1931 AD
• Total
977,300 km2 (377,300 sq mi)
• 2012 estimate
GDP (nominal)2012 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
HDIIncrease 0.643
Error: Invalid HDI value
CurrencyYen (ЖY)
Calling code837
Internet TLD.kya

Kyashi (officially the Worker's Society of Kyashi) is a nation located in the region of Astyria. It is located on the continent of Insula Fera and is bordered by Aquitayne to the southwest, the XXXXX to the southeast, and New Pangus to the northwest. Kyashi covers an area of X km2 and contains 121,283,402 people. It is one of two oriental nations in Astyria and unifies a large portion of oriental people under its banner. It is governed under the First Representative and the Worker's Assembly. The territory of Kyashi is one of the most economically diverse in the world with conditions and systems varying widely between union territories. It also has the most currencies in circulation of any nation in Astyria.

Modern day Kyashi comprises all of the territory of the former Shogunate Empire. The country was colonized by migrating people in 2500 BC. The first known unified Kyashi occurred under the Tarawa Shogunate in 12 AD. The Shogunate ruled until 450 AD when it collapsed. The nation existed under a period of decentralized feudal states for more than a thousand years until the Hideori Shogunate unified the nation in 1760. Hideori and his descendants ruled until 1931 when the Winter Revolution occurred. Syndicalist rebels rose up against the last ruling Shogun, Dietroi V, and deposed him. This gave rise to modern day Kyashi under a syndicalist regime. It has remained mostly independent from large alliances and maintains trade relationships with a majority of its neighbors.

The Kyashian economy is considered a developed economy, though the gross domestic product is lower than most states due to its decentralized economy and lack of corporations. The people of Kyashi are generally poorer than some richer Astyrian states but small scale market capitalism in local markets acts as a driving force for the national centralized economy. The Kyashian economy is made up of free market zones which have maintained the system. Kyashi is an active member of the EATA and is active in several of its international peace keeping missions.





Kyashi contains two government entities; the Worker's Assembly and the Politburo. The only legal party and policy maker is the Kyashi Worker's Party, which all bureaucrats in government are apart of. As of 2016, the Assembly voted to hand vast executive and legislative powers over to the Politburo. This resulted in the Great Centralization Act, which reorganized the myriad of small unions into Collective Regions, each with its own governor and assembly. These collectives were declared subservient to the Assembly and ultimately, the Politburo. Touted as a preservation of national security, the act changed modern Kyashi significantly.

Worker's Assembly

Kyashi is governed via a Limited Worker Assembly under a system of syndicalism, adhering to national-syndicalism or revolutionary syndicalism. The Worker's Assembly is comprised of one representative from each Union and votes on matters of national policy. The Assembly is also responsible for maintaining order between unions. It contains the Dispute Court where disputing unions can voluntarily come to resolve disputes. Should two unions refuse to resolve a dispute, then the Politburo will step in and resolve the dispute via negotiation or force from the Kyashian Worker's Armada. The Assembly's main purpose is to elect the governing officials of the nation and act as a mediator organization. A secondary purpose is to assess the needs of and approve aid to any union territory that is hit with a disaster or falling into disarray. The Assembly can approve money for public works projects that are too large for one union to pay for and are funded via mandatory contributions from each registering union that is under the assembly.

The assembly is limited in its authority and cannot exercise executive action like the Politburo. From the revolution in 1931 when Hirohito Sanada handed off executive powers to the first Politburo until 1941 during the Bandoma Uprising, it acted as the legislature of the nation, able to take action on internal issues. Several factions within the assembly passed the Action To Centralize Kyashi Under a Greater Banner, which removed many self government rights from individual unions. This created a brief upset and lead to the Bandoma Uprising against the government. The newly elected Third Politburo struck down the act and issued Executive Act 24. This resulted in a direct military purge of those who had voted in agreement to the centralization decree. The Assembly's power as a legislature was also completely revoked, granting that power to the Politburo exclusively. Self government rights of the unions were quickly restored and the uprising died down. Many experts agree that this was the time when Kyashi truly began to grow towards being a developed state.

As of 2016, The Assembly voted and passed the Great Centralization Act. This resulted in the


The Politburo of Kyashi is comprised of twenty-five officials that are elected from representatives within the Worker's Assembly. These officials, called Representatives, serve as ministers over various spheres of society. The most powerful of these officials is the First Representative. This position holds overarching executive power over all of the other representatives. Politburo appointments are voted on every five years and the individuals chosen for these seats cannot be usurped before the five year periods ends. A singular exception for the rule is if the entire assembly votes unanimously to remove an official. The final appointment of the First Representative is done via vote of all Politburo members for one of their own. The Politburo has an executive member for each category of governance that serve in the capacity of ministers. The Representative of the Economy can oversee and make modifications to the national economy as necessary. The Representative of Defense of the Revolution oversees the military and its branches. Representatives that do not have a roll in government serve as advisers and vote in Politburo wide decisions. In this way, the Politburo of Kyashi is indirectly democratic, since it is elected via an assembly of representatives and votes democratically on certain decisions. In order to vote, the First Representative must call for a vote. The issue is then voted upon by all members with the First Representative serving as a tie breaker in the event it happens.


The Judicial system of Kyashi consists of the Supreme Union Court of Kyashi, which is the highest dispute resolution body in the land. The court provides oversight to those that willingly submit to its direction. The primary purpose of it is to resolve disputes between Unions. Both involved parties must willingly submit to the court's directives via contract in order to enter dispute resolution. Despite the system being voluntary, should an unresolved dispute fester for too long and disrupt the "Peaceful Coexistence of The Kyashian People", then the Politburo may step in and force both sides to abide by the court. Kyashi uses the inquisitorial system of Roman law, where the judge, procurator, and defense attorney collaborate to establish the truth.


Worker's Army

The Worker's Army is the primary ground force of Kyashi and was the first branch to be founded in the 1931 Ceremony of the Worker's Republic, followed shortly by the Navy. Its purpose is for protection of the borders of Kyashi, as well as security of the state itself. It directly answers to the Forth Representative of Kyashi in the Politburo but has significant assembly oversight on the Ground Forces Committee where day to day operations are overseen. The primary head of day to day operations is the Grand General of the Ground Forces Committee. The entire force contains roughly 80,000 active personnel at any given moment with significant reserves available via the Kyashi Red Reserve.

Worker's Armada

Worker's Air Armada

State Security Bureau

The State Security Bureau (Kyashian: 国家安全保障局) is the primary intelligence arm of the Kyashian state and a branch of the main armed forces. Often called the SSB everywhere else, it is under the direct command of the Politburo and is completely immune from assembly oversight. Its main functions are foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, operative-investigatory activities, guarding the border of Kyashi, guarding the leadership of the Representative Politburo of Kyashi and the other government components, organization and ensuring of government communications as well as combating nationalism, dissent, and anti-state activities. The Internal Protection Force, the Kyashian equivalent of a national police force, is also under the direct command of the SSB. The organization is officially under the direct command of the First Representative but its day to day operations are governed by the Committee of Intelligence, chaired by the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee. The actual activities, training, and operations of the SSB are kept entirely secret, locked up in its vast archives at Manachi Tower in Nakamura.


The economy of Kyashi was one of the earliest nations to adopt a planned economy after the Winter Revolution in 1931. During the period of reconstruction after the Great Astyrian War and the subsequent revolution, the Politburo took direct control of the economy and industries. This control was almost removed entirely in 1941 when the Second Politburo took office and declared reconstruction over. The measures put in place afterwards were in line with Syndicalist ideals. Industries were designated as Unions and placed under the collective governance of those who worked them. In order to receive control of the territory and industry, each union had to register and send a representative to the Worker's Assembly. Once this was completed, each union could register an amount of territory around their place of work. Those who registered first were recognized and the remaining workers either left or joined the new union.

The Kyashian economy has gone through stages of being more of a planned economy and more of a market economy throughout different Politburos. Regulation and planning of military industries was approved by the assembly early on. This resulted in arms manufacturing unions quickly swelling to enormous size to support the ever expanding military. Though armament manufacturing industries posses a high degree of autonomy in governing territory, production and sales are regulated heavily to prevent Kyashian technology from falling into other nation's hands. Preparations for possible war with XXX and the moving forward of technology and development accelerated industrialization on a massive scale. Under the prior regime, the Shogunate had owned a stake in all major industries and produced a massive, expensive armada that caused the nation to go bankrupt by 1930 under the weight of supporting it. Under the First Politburo, the cost of maintaining infrastructure and building new was spread out among the unions.

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, economic planning was steadily relaxed and a market economy began to creep in on a small scale. It was during this time that the Hybrid Economic Model was developed where small scale market economies existed on a local level with state oversight and planning in some industries. The release of the economy by the state prompted a period of sharp economic growth as small businesses began to form. The hybrid nature of the syndicalist economy came into play when those businesses who expanded to multiple workers outside of the owner's own family began to encounter the demand of the Kyashian system. Each worker that was hired was granted a stake of ownership under Kyashi law. This quickly lead to hundreds of disputes that sometimes turned violent. The issue came to a head in 1963 when seventeen people were killed in a wage dispute in the city of Okasaka. The Seventh Politburo exercised its executive powers to institute the Union Oversight Declaration. This required all small business owners to join their local registered union and enter into union profit sharing agreements. This measure rapidly expanded the size and wealth of many unions across Kyashi and created massive local supply and distribution networks where goods could come out of factories and head straight into a store to sell to other unions or even other workers.

This system worked up until the 1980s when the economy became large enough to have significant international export of goods. Without the government oversight of a planned economy but without the freedom of a market economy, unions began banding together under international trade collectives. The collectives standardized trade policy across member unions and provided a stable body for international export. These collectives were officially recognized in 1986. Currently, there are five collectives. The Kyashian economy continued to grow throughout the 1990s with a brief period of stagnation from 1991-1994. This ended when the Politburo relaxed further controls on small businesses, creating a system where the economic engine was entirely localized. This hybrid system is unlike any seen in Astyria currently and teeters on the brink of state planning and market economies.

The modern Kyashian economy relies heavily on the export of oil, natural gas, and chemicals. In exchange, Kyashi imports manufactured goods such as automobiles and computers.


Kyashi is a significant producer of crude oil and produces vast amounts of it. Significant natural gas reserves also exist in southern Kyashi. Despite this abundance, the energy policy set by the First Politburo focused heavily on utilizing oil and gas to produce export revenue while relying on nuclear power to produce electricity internally. As a result, Kyashi was one of the leading nuclear developers of the 20th century. Many of the twenty nuclear plants across Kyashi run Lead-bismuth cooled fast reactors. Hydroelectric power is another major source of Kyashian energy production. Several large hydroelectric dams produce major power for the nation. The most notable is Honshu River Dam, which powers the greater capital district along with the Honshu Atomic Energy Complex. Kyashi is almost entirely devoid of renewable energy, citing its inefficiency and poor returns. The full production of nuclear power is directly under the Politburo due to the fastidious nature of maintaining reactors. Production of oil and natural gas are under three major Unions; Kanji Petroleum, the Alliance of Central Kyashi Gas and Petrol Producers, and the Gulf Alliance. These Unions all handle the export and sale of products for their individual members as well and all hold significant influence in the assembly.

