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{{for|the religion of the same name practised in [[Kretaza]]|Nizni Bowism}}
{{for|the religion of the same name practised in [[Kretaza]]|Nizni Bowism}}

'''Bowism''' (Basaqese: ''Perizîna Bow'', transl. "Bow Worship") is a religious tradition native to the [[Basaqastan]] region of [[Liberto-Ancapistan]]. The largest religion in Basaqastan by adherents, it has no formal institutional structures and encompasses a variety of practices and beliefs, influenced by saints, scholars and regional traditions.
'''Bowism''' (Basaqese: ''Perizîna Bow'', transl. "Bow Worship") is a religious tradition native to the [[Basaqastan]] region of [[Liberto-Ancapistan]]. The largest religion in Basaqastan by adherents, it has no non-monastic institutional structures and encompasses a variety of practices and beliefs, influenced by saints, monastic scholarship and regional traditions.

Bowism is characterised by the veneration of a monotheistic creator god, most commonly referred to as [[Bow (deity)|Bow]]. Bow is considered the creator of the Siyen Zindi (transl. "Living World"), the world of humanity, within a wider cosmology. Bow is not eternal or omniscient, and originates in the space outside the Siyen Zindi, called Netem, the nature and contents of which differ between Bowist schools. While Bow as a whole entity is said to be imperceptible, interactions between Bow and the inhabitants of the Siyen Zindi can be made through the [[Siyenidi (Bowism)|Siyenidi]] (transl. "Living Shadows"), worldly manifestations of Bow's being. Bowists also believe in the existence of lower divine beings, called eriden (transl. "spirits"). Bowist worship typically involves offerings of food and water to particular Siyenidi or eriden, in an attempt to elicit favours or prevent conflicts.
Bowism is characterised by the veneration of a monotheistic god, most commonly referred to as [[Bow (deity)|Bow]]. Interpretations of Bow vary significantly between monastic schools, taking the form of a pantheistic unifying spirit in the Pilizwari school and a singular, caring creator god in the Tasgalati school. According to the largest Kevirozian school, Bow has a single, divine essence separate from the Siyen Zindi (transl. "Living World"), but is currently fragmentary, interacting with the world primarily through distinctive and separate incarnations known as [[Siyenidi (Bowism)|Siyenidi]]. Most Bowist cosmologies envision the Siyen Zindi as created by Bow in opposition to a lifeless, chaotic outer world, Netem. Belief in the existence of lower divine beings, called eriden (transl. "spirits"), is also near-constant among even pantheistic schools. These eriden, together with the Siyenidi, form the basis for most Bowist worship, involving offerings of food, water and incense to elicit favours and prevent conflict.

According to most scholars, Bowism is a development of pre-existing polytheistic Basaqastanian religion. Between the 2nd millennium BCE and 5th millennium CE, deities worshipped in Basaqastan were gradually re-interpreted as Siyenidi of Bow or individual eriden. The origins of the deity of Bow are heavily debated by scholars. The causes of Bowism's development have been debated, with some scholars positing that the development of Bowism can be attributed to attempts at religious consolidation by the [[Great Nizmstan|Nizmstani]] and [[Santian Empire|Santian]] empires, and others emphasising popular origins. Throughout its history, Bowism has been strongly influenced by [[Sainthood in Bowism|saints]], revelatory scholars of Bow, giving their names to interpretations or 'schools' of the religion. The largest school of Bowism, [[Kevirozian Bowism]], emerged in the 9th century CE based on the activities of the saint [[Shamaqoli ji Zinar]], whose sayings and poems were collected posthumously in a book, the [[Isahd]].
According to most scholars, Bowism is a development of pre-existing polytheistic Basaqastanian religion, and developed into a recognisable form over an extended period between the 3rd millennium BCE and 5th millennium CE, with many well-known Siyenidi being recognisable as re-interpretations of older polytheistic deities. The reasons for the origins of Bowism, and the specific origin of Bow as a unifying deity, are heavily debated. Explanations proposed range from the need for a holistic legitimising religious ideology in the [[Nizmstani Empire]] and successor polities, to the abandonment of older deities during times of poor economic fortunes. Bowism experienced significant development and institutionalisation from the yth century, with the emergence of the Bowist ascetic saints and monastic tradition, leading to the compilement and codification of religious texts and prayers. The 'schools' which characterise modern Bowism largely derive from this monastic tradition, with most originating in the establishment of monastic communities by charismatic saints. The largest school, [[Kevirozi Bowism]], was established in the 10th century CE based on the activities of the saint [[Shamaqoli of the Rock]], whose sayings and poems were collected posthumously in a book, the [[Isahd]].

Bowism is primarily found in Liberto-Ancapistan, among [[Basaqastanians|ethnic Basaqastanians]] and some other groups in the Basaqastan region. Most practitioners outside the country are part of the Basaqastanian diaspora. Numerically, it is the largest religion in Liberto-Ancapistan, followed by [[Santian Folk Religion]] and Christianity. Aspects of Bowism have been incorporated into the Basaqastanian Christian tradition [[Nivin Christianity]].
Bowism is primarily found in Liberto-Ancapistan, among [[Basaqastanians|ethnic Basaqastanians]] and some other groups in the Basaqastan region. Most practitioners outside the country are part of the Basaqastanian diaspora. Numerically, it is the largest religion in Liberto-Ancapistan, followed by [[Santian Folk Religion]] and Christianity. Aspects of Bowism have been incorporated into the Basaqastanian Christian tradition [[Nivin Christianity]].
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===Cosmology and Bow===

The foundational feature of Bowism is the belief in a monotheistic, transcendent creator god, known as Bow. Bow was responsible for the creation of the Siyen Zindi, the world inhabited by humanity and all life, from a lifeless exterior world, [[Netem]]. Most Bowist schools hold the nature of Bow to be fundamentally creative, with the creation of the Siyen Zindi an act of creativity, rather than something with a specific moral or material purpose. Bow has no mateiral presence within the Siyen Zindi, and is thus invisible and imperceptible to its inhabitants. However, different parts of Bow's being are held to manifest themselves individually within the Siyen Zindi as Siyenidi, where they act as independent beings with their own personalities and desires. Siyenidi have differing levels of benevolence and connections to the Siyen Zindi's inhabitants, without the driving creativity of Bow.
Most Bowist schools believe in a fundamental division between the Siyen Zindi, the world inhabited by humanity, and Netem, the primordial and infinite world from which Bow emerged. The Siyen Zindi is universally said to have been created by Bow, whether consciously or as a consequence of their existence. Kevirozian, Yesireni and Exaliki Bowists believe that this was a deliberate act of creativity by Bow. Pilizwari Bowists make no distinction between Bow and the Siyen Zindi itself. The age of the Siyen Zindi, and the role played by Bow within it since its creation, differs significantly between schools.

The universe in Bowism is divided into the Siyen Zindi, the world of life created by Bow, and Netem, a larger, lifeless expanse. In some schools, notably Kevirozian Bowism, the contents of Netem are thought to be unknowable, and thus its lifeless nature is held only as a presumption. The makeup and fundamental being of the Siyen Zindi is thought to be similar to that of Netem, with the exception of the life-giving substance of water, held to be an essential component of life created by Bow exclusively within the Siyen Zindi.
Most Bowist schools believe in the existence of several distinctive incarnations of Bow, the Siyenidi. Different Siyenidi are associated with certain appearances, temperaments and interests. While the Siyenidi are usually said to be fragmentary parts of Bow's essence, thus having individual intentions and minds, Tasgalati Bowists consider Siyenidi simply different guises of a unitary and interventionist Bow. Siyenidi form an essential component of Bowist mythology, featuring in a large variety of stories and historic works, and are the recipients of most offerings and prayers. While the number of Siyenidi is very large and undefined, several specific incarnations feature prominently, most famously Paleyî (transl. "Harvest"), a Siyenidi associated with good harvests which was formerly invoked regularly as a polytheistic god prior to the development of Bowism. Many other popular Siyenidi are associated with prophecy and wisdom, such as the Mirovê Stêran (transl. "Man of the Stars").

Within Bowism, a distinction is made between the material and the divine, with the former acting as the fundamental matter of the universe and the latter a product of Bow's divinity. All life possesses a soul independent of the material body, imbued by Bow, who is wholly divine and lacks a material basis. The souls of all life, whether in a human, animal or eriden, are held to be fundamentally similar, based on the original divine spirit of Bow themself. As a result, all life is held to possess intelligence and wisdom, though this may be used or developed in different ways. In the Kevirozian school of Bowism, as well as other prominent schools, the soul is considered immortal, with the death of the body resulting the emergence of the human soul as an eriden.
All major Bowist schools believe in the existence of lower spiritual beings, eriden, which were created by Bow rather than being derived from them. A common tradition, strongest within the Yesireni school, holds that eriden are material beings given immortality upon death by Siyenidi. Eriden are strongly associated with magic, impermanent form and eternal life. Interaction with eriden primarily takes the form of specific offerings and appeals, with prayers being less common, as they are usually restricted to a single geographic location and are more often malevolent than Siyenidi. These appeals form a significant component of Bowist worship, being given offerings in exchange for peace, good fortunes, or protection from malevolent eriden.

===Sacred texts===

===Siyenidi and eriden===

All forms of Bowism involve belief in eriden and the Siyenidi of Bow, which together form the primary focus of Bowist ritual. Siyenidi are worldly manifestations of parts of Bow's being, while eriden are forms of life created by Bow with a variable or partial material basis, giving them a greater dependence on their divine aspects. Both are appealed to by Bowists in their worship.
== Practices ==

Siyenidi, as constituents of Bow, hold immense power and wisdom, and may greatly shape the world with the acceptance of Bow as a whole. Unlike eriden, they do not permenantly exist in the Siyen Zindi, and can be appealed to from any geographic location. Siyenidi occupy a similar space to polytheistic gods, and are associated with specific names, appearances, personalities and mythologies, though these are only rarely held to be entirely true. Most Bowist schools do not identify a specific number of Siyenidi, though some are more widely appealed to than others. As Siyenidi have the wisdom of Bow, they are almost the exclusive focus of Bowist divination. The most well-known Siyenidi of Bow are Paleyî (transl. "Harvest"), associated with luck and agriculture, and the Mirovê Stêran (transl. "Man of the Stars"), associated with prophecy.
Outside monastic institutions, Bowism is focused much more on ritual than religious doctrine, to the extent where it is often difficult to distinguish between Bowist customs and wider Basaqastanian customs.

Eriden, unlike Siyenidi, are independent beings created by Bow, with many Bowist schools holding them to be souls separated from their former material bodies by death. They are distinguished by their inconsistent materiality and greater emphasis on divinity and magic in comparison to material life. Like Siyenidi, eriden have no fixed form and may influence the material world, but vary in their actual abilities and lack the wisdom afforded to Bow. They are usually restricted to a single geographic location, and exist in unknowably large numbers. As the divine can influence the material, but the material cannot influence the divine, human interaction with eriden primarily takes the form of appeals. While eriden are less powerful, benevolent and wisdomful than Siyenidi, most Bowists believe that they are much more likely to answer appeals. Many eriden are though to be actively malevolent, and have historically been blamed for natural disasters including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Their danger can be reduced by giving offerings or calling upon a more powerful benevolent eriden to expel them from an area.
===Shrines and temples===

== Practices ==
Most Bowist ritual worship is centred around religious structures, subcategorised into shrines and temples. These are separated by the presence of a shrine-keeper, or priest, and typically other staff, in a temple, and the lack of such in a shrine. There are up to 60,000 public shrines in Liberto-Ancapistan, ranging from temples with multi-building complexes to small canopied platforms. Traditionally, shrines and temples are dedicated to a single local eriden or Siyenidi of Bow, but larger temples may have a broader dedication or multiple patrons.
All shrines involve a canopy, even if the they do not take the form of full buildings. This is typically made of stone, and supported on at least two sides. On either side of the gate of a shrine or temple are two stone steles, on which the original dedication of the shrine is inscribed. In most shrines, especially those more than two centuries old, this dedication is written in the old Nivin script, which has fallen out of use in most Basaqese writing. The interior of a shrine is centred around a pool of water, beneath a hole in the canopy used to allow rainwater inside. In a small shrine, this may simply be a wooden bowl. The pool is used exclusively for divination, and other messages from divine sources. Around the bowl are raised platforms for the placement of offerings.
Offerings take the form of anything considered to be valuable by Bowists, though food is by far the most common offering and individual eriden are traditionally held to have certain preferences. Most offerings take the form of fruit, incense or prepared meat - historically, animals have been killed and presented on-site in temples and larger shrines, but this has fallen out of common practice in all but the Yesireni and Tasgalati schools. Bowists also make verbal requests of Siyenidi or eriden, and recite prayers.
Temples and monasteries also include one or more ''iregirs'', hollow pillars containing flammable material. These are used in divination, and to make offerings to particularly revered Siyenidi on certain occasions. In larger buildings, these iregirs may take the form of towers up to 100 metres in height, known as 'great iregirs', and are present in most large Basaqastanian cities.
== Bowist monasticism ==

Bowism is generally focused on ritual rather than religious doctrine, to the extent where it is often difficult to distinguish between Bowist customs and wider Basaqastanian customs.

===Religious structures===

Most Bowist ritual worship is centred around religious structures, subcategorised into shrines and temples. These are separated by the presence of a shrine-keeper, or priest, and typically other religious staff, in a temple, and the lack of such in a shrine. There are up to 60,000 public shrines in Liberto-Ancapistan, ranging from temples with multi-building complexes to small canopied platforms.Traditionally, shrines and temples are dedicated to a single local eriden or Siyenidi of Bow, but larger temples may have a broader dedication or multiple patrons.
===Monastic life===

All shrines involve a canopy, even if the they do not take the form of full buildings. This is typically made of stone, and supported on at least two sides. On either side of the gate of a shrine or temple are two stone steles, on which the original dedication of the shrine is inscribed. In most shrines, especially those more than two centuries old, this dedication is written in the old Nivin script, which has fallen out of use in most Basaqese writing. The interior of a shrine is centred around a pool of water, beneath a hole in the canopy used to allow rainwater inside. In a small shrine, this may simply be a wooden bowl. The pool is used exclusively for divination, and other messages from divine sources. Around the bowl are raised platforms for the placement of offerings.

Offerings take the form of anything considered to be valuable by Bowists, though food is by far the most common offering and individual eriden are traditionally held to have certain preferences. Most offerings take the form of fruit or prepared meat - historically, animals have been killed and presented on-site in temples and larger shrines, but this has fallen out of common practice. Some Bowists will leave a note or whisper their requests to eriden, but others believe that this is not a requirement.

===Other regions===

Revision as of 19:17, 27 July 2023

Bowism (Basaqese: Perizîna Bow, transl. "Bow Worship") is a religious tradition native to the Basaqastan region of Liberto-Ancapistan. The largest religion in Basaqastan by adherents, it has no non-monastic institutional structures and encompasses a variety of practices and beliefs, influenced by saints, monastic scholarship and regional traditions.

Bowism is characterised by the veneration of a monotheistic god, most commonly referred to as Bow. Interpretations of Bow vary significantly between monastic schools, taking the form of a pantheistic unifying spirit in the Pilizwari school and a singular, caring creator god in the Tasgalati school. According to the largest Kevirozian school, Bow has a single, divine essence separate from the Siyen Zindi (transl. "Living World"), but is currently fragmentary, interacting with the world primarily through distinctive and separate incarnations known as Siyenidi. Most Bowist cosmologies envision the Siyen Zindi as created by Bow in opposition to a lifeless, chaotic outer world, Netem. Belief in the existence of lower divine beings, called eriden (transl. "spirits"), is also near-constant among even pantheistic schools. These eriden, together with the Siyenidi, form the basis for most Bowist worship, involving offerings of food, water and incense to elicit favours and prevent conflict.

According to most scholars, Bowism is a development of pre-existing polytheistic Basaqastanian religion, and developed into a recognisable form over an extended period between the 3rd millennium BCE and 5th millennium CE, with many well-known Siyenidi being recognisable as re-interpretations of older polytheistic deities. The reasons for the origins of Bowism, and the specific origin of Bow as a unifying deity, are heavily debated. Explanations proposed range from the need for a holistic legitimising religious ideology in the Nizmstani Empire and successor polities, to the abandonment of older deities during times of poor economic fortunes. Bowism experienced significant development and institutionalisation from the yth century, with the emergence of the Bowist ascetic saints and monastic tradition, leading to the compilement and codification of religious texts and prayers. The 'schools' which characterise modern Bowism largely derive from this monastic tradition, with most originating in the establishment of monastic communities by charismatic saints. The largest school, Kevirozi Bowism, was established in the 10th century CE based on the activities of the saint Shamaqoli of the Rock, whose sayings and poems were collected posthumously in a book, the Isahd.

Bowism is primarily found in Liberto-Ancapistan, among ethnic Basaqastanians and some other groups in the Basaqastan region. Most practitioners outside the country are part of the Basaqastanian diaspora. Numerically, it is the largest religion in Liberto-Ancapistan, followed by Santian Folk Religion and Christianity. Aspects of Bowism have been incorporated into the Basaqastanian Christian tradition Nivin Christianity.



Most Bowist schools believe in a fundamental division between the Siyen Zindi, the world inhabited by humanity, and Netem, the primordial and infinite world from which Bow emerged. The Siyen Zindi is universally said to have been created by Bow, whether consciously or as a consequence of their existence. Kevirozian, Yesireni and Exaliki Bowists believe that this was a deliberate act of creativity by Bow. Pilizwari Bowists make no distinction between Bow and the Siyen Zindi itself. The age of the Siyen Zindi, and the role played by Bow within it since its creation, differs significantly between schools.

Most Bowist schools believe in the existence of several distinctive incarnations of Bow, the Siyenidi. Different Siyenidi are associated with certain appearances, temperaments and interests. While the Siyenidi are usually said to be fragmentary parts of Bow's essence, thus having individual intentions and minds, Tasgalati Bowists consider Siyenidi simply different guises of a unitary and interventionist Bow. Siyenidi form an essential component of Bowist mythology, featuring in a large variety of stories and historic works, and are the recipients of most offerings and prayers. While the number of Siyenidi is very large and undefined, several specific incarnations feature prominently, most famously Paleyî (transl. "Harvest"), a Siyenidi associated with good harvests which was formerly invoked regularly as a polytheistic god prior to the development of Bowism. Many other popular Siyenidi are associated with prophecy and wisdom, such as the Mirovê Stêran (transl. "Man of the Stars").

All major Bowist schools believe in the existence of lower spiritual beings, eriden, which were created by Bow rather than being derived from them. A common tradition, strongest within the Yesireni school, holds that eriden are material beings given immortality upon death by Siyenidi. Eriden are strongly associated with magic, impermanent form and eternal life. Interaction with eriden primarily takes the form of specific offerings and appeals, with prayers being less common, as they are usually restricted to a single geographic location and are more often malevolent than Siyenidi. These appeals form a significant component of Bowist worship, being given offerings in exchange for peace, good fortunes, or protection from malevolent eriden.

Sacred texts


Outside monastic institutions, Bowism is focused much more on ritual than religious doctrine, to the extent where it is often difficult to distinguish between Bowist customs and wider Basaqastanian customs.

Shrines and temples

Most Bowist ritual worship is centred around religious structures, subcategorised into shrines and temples. These are separated by the presence of a shrine-keeper, or priest, and typically other staff, in a temple, and the lack of such in a shrine. There are up to 60,000 public shrines in Liberto-Ancapistan, ranging from temples with multi-building complexes to small canopied platforms. Traditionally, shrines and temples are dedicated to a single local eriden or Siyenidi of Bow, but larger temples may have a broader dedication or multiple patrons.

All shrines involve a canopy, even if the they do not take the form of full buildings. This is typically made of stone, and supported on at least two sides. On either side of the gate of a shrine or temple are two stone steles, on which the original dedication of the shrine is inscribed. In most shrines, especially those more than two centuries old, this dedication is written in the old Nivin script, which has fallen out of use in most Basaqese writing. The interior of a shrine is centred around a pool of water, beneath a hole in the canopy used to allow rainwater inside. In a small shrine, this may simply be a wooden bowl. The pool is used exclusively for divination, and other messages from divine sources. Around the bowl are raised platforms for the placement of offerings.

Offerings take the form of anything considered to be valuable by Bowists, though food is by far the most common offering and individual eriden are traditionally held to have certain preferences. Most offerings take the form of fruit, incense or prepared meat - historically, animals have been killed and presented on-site in temples and larger shrines, but this has fallen out of common practice in all but the Yesireni and Tasgalati schools. Bowists also make verbal requests of Siyenidi or eriden, and recite prayers.

Temples and monasteries also include one or more iregirs, hollow pillars containing flammable material. These are used in divination, and to make offerings to particularly revered Siyenidi on certain occasions. In larger buildings, these iregirs may take the form of towers up to 100 metres in height, known as 'great iregirs', and are present in most large Basaqastanian cities. ,


Bowist monasticism



Monastic life



Other regions