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The city continues the tradition, inherited from the Golden Throne, of allowing the legal distribution of narcotics through one of four companies with Tribunate-issued charters granting rights to that purpose.
The city continues the tradition, inherited from the Golden Throne, of allowing the legal distribution of narcotics through one of four companies with Tribunate-issued charters granting rights to that purpose.


Revision as of 23:11, 17 February 2024

Republic of Tarn

Díenstadi: Repúblika Tarnos
Flag of Hong Kong.svg
Motto: Arms. Faith. Victory.
Official languagesDíenstadi
Recognised regional languagesStevidian, Plánol
• Oligarch Prime
Gregor MaKulin
• Independence from the Golden Throne
MC 2031–
• MC 2031 census
GDP (PPP)2026 estimate
• Total
$6.2 trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2014 estimate
• Total
$6.4 trillion
• Per capita
CurrencyRíokmark (Ŗ)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy CE
Driving sidecommercial driving is illegal
Calling code+5455
Internet TLD.tarn

The The Republic of Tarn is a city-state republic on the isthmus of Jumanota, located on the continent of Xipil in Greater Dienstad. It has enjoyed a long history of autonomy, existing as a self-governing city for many centuries and even having to control a significant maritime empire focused on the Thacu Islands and the southeastern Theohuanacu coastline. It was occupied in 2018 by forces of The Golden Throne, soon after the end of the War of Golden Succession, in order to secure a naval base near Adaptes Astrates, a long time ally of Stevid.

The city is known as the 'private military contractor capital of the world,' and among imperial Macabéans as the 'City of War.'


The Constitution

The Tarnish Constitution enshrines the most vital rules that govern the city'state's politics:

  1. The right of executive previlige shall be bestowed upon the Incorporated Private Militaries.
  2. All companies meeting the Criteria of Incorporation are eligible for Incorporation into the Incorporated Private Militaries.
  3. All entities recognized as Incorporated Private Militaries are required by law to assist in the defense of the city against foreign and subversive aggressors.
  4. Founding Members of the Criteria of Incorporation are Orange-Stoner, Huron Authority, Geh'Lok, Dorian, and the Tribunes.
  5. Founding Members have a right to appoint three members to the Council of Twelve, except the Founding Member who holds the position of Oligarch Prime.
  6. The Oligarch Prime is the deciding vote in a tied-vote.
  7. The Oligarchy of Twelve command over matters of foreign policy and hold right of veto over the Tribunate.
  8. All current employed Private Military Contractors of Tarn and registered Veteran Private Military Contractors of Tarn are automatically eligible to vote within the Tribunate.
  9. All civil and criminal law is a matter of vote by the Tribunate.
  10. Enforcement of civil and criminal law is the responsibility of the Eskúadra Prime.
  11. The Cazik of the Eskúadra Prime is selected by vote of the Oligarchy of Twelve.

Constitutional Revisions

In MC 2026, Tarn Defense Solutions was removed from the constitution by vote of the Tribunate. Huron Authority was elevated in their place.

After their involvement in the Valo'Kap Consortium and the Killian War, Jeh'Ti and Finkirk were removed from the constitution as founding members of the Criteria of Incorporation in MC 2031. Geh'Lok was elevated in the place of Jeh'Ti. Finkirk was replaced by three new elected positions, the Tribunes.

The Oligarchy of Twelve

The Oligarchy of Twelve serves as the executive branch of the Republic of Tarn.

It is presided by the Oligarch Prime, currently Gregor MaKulin. The Oligarch Prime's vote determines the outcome of a tied-vote. The position is elected from the shareholders of the Incorporated Private Militaries, a body composed of all the shareholders of all the constituent corporate members. By constitutional law, all shareholders of companies considered Incorporated Private Militaries are eligible to vote in the election for the Oligarch Prime. Only corporate leadership from among the Founding Members is eligible to run and the company from which the Oligarch Prime is chosen is reduced to two appointed seats on the Oligarchy of Twelve. Although the Oligarch Prime has no official term limit, the position can be vacated at will by the Criteria of Incorporation. Such an extreme measure has not been taken to date.

All other Founding Members have the constitutional right to appoint three members of their corporate leadership to the Oligarchy. All twelve members vote on matters of foreign policy and on the use of the executive veto. The Oligarchy's veto cannot be overwritten. Although the Oligarchy's veto could be overruled by the Court of the Will in Tarn, this higher court is now dismantled as a result of the granting of Tarn's independence in MC 2031, as the city is no longer considered a member of the Imperial Federation.

The Oligarchy of Twelve exercises its right of veto frequently, including against civil and voting rights legislation proposed by the Tribunate. It also historically opposes laws that weaken legal punishments to criminal offenses.

The Tribunate

The Tribunate is the people's assembly in the Republic of Tarn. The voting constuency of the Tribunate are all present and past members of the Incorporated Private Militaries. Originally created in MC 2019, the Tribunate serves as the voice of the non-corporate employees of Tarn's many PMCs, both in combat and non-combat roles. Only the Tribunate can propose new civil and criminal laws, and only the constituents of the Tribunate can vote to enact these proposals into the city's legal code.

Although non-private-military corporations, including arms manufactures and distributors, have lobbied to open entry into the Incorporated Private Militaries, the Founding Members have refused these requests on the ground that Tarn is primarily a city for private military corporations.

The tradition of restricting the popular vote to military veterans was first enshrined by the Golden Throne in MC 2019 as a means of enticing its veterans from the War of Golden Succession to settle in and around the city. It transformed into what it is today, a popular vote for mercenaries and mercenary veterans, throughout the 2020s, as the Macabéan military presence shrunk and the number of private military corporations rapidly increased.

As of MC 2031, three constituents of the Tribunate are voted for membership in the Oligarch of Twelve. These are the only three positions in the Oligarchy subject to the popular vote. The position of Tribune is held for 3 years and can only be held of three non-consecutive terms.


Air and Sea

Hart-Jackson International Airport at night.

The city operates one deep water container port, the Port of Tarn, handling more than 90,000 twenty-foot equivalent units per year. It is the most significant commercial port in Holy Panooly and serves as a distribution center for goods entering, and leaving, Theohuanacu from, and to, eastern Greater Díenstad. Four harbor zones comprise the port: Klofeld Deep Water Port, Crown Point, Canal Harbor, and Rohton Harbor. As of MC 2031, the Port of Tarn is operated by the Tarn Port Authority, which is subcontracted by authority of the Oligarchy of Twelve. Navitek has held the Tarn Port Authority contract since the organization's inception. Navitek also larges portions of the Jumanota Canal and was responsible for most of the port and canal infrastructure's construction. The company holds royalty rights to canal revenue collected by the government of Tarn.

Commercial air traffic over Tarn is tightly regulated because the city's airspace is prioritized for military purposes. Two international airports service 170 million total passengers each year combined, the Hart-Jackson International Airport and Karlsen Field. Both airports are accessible only by high speed rail and local light rail lines, as the city outlaws all private vehicular use.


Aside from entering the city by ship or aircraft, Tarn is accessible from the outside by maglev high-speed rail. High-speed rail lines currently exist between Tarn and Voros, on the opposite end of the Jumanota Canal. A line connects the airport and port with urban rail hubs that also connect with local rail and metro services, allowing residents and tourists to visit any part of the city on foot — necessary because all forms of private vehicular transport are banned to prioritize the use of highways for military exercises and deployments. The maglev lines can achieve a maximum operational speed of 430 km/h.

Traditional and light rail is available for short-distance suburban travel.

Metro is avaialble for short-distance urban travel.

Public Utilities

Through the Tarn Maintenance Authority (TMA), the city-state provides mail delivery, sewage and water, as well as trash disposal services. Public utilities are delivered through a network of pipes and tunnels that connect all residences and businesses both on the surface of the city and below. By law, all residences and businesses are required to be connected with all public utility services. The construction and maintenance of mail and package delivery tunnels, sewage and water pipes, as well as electrical cables and other essential components is subsidized by the city-state's government through the Tribunate.

The TMA is a government-sponsored enterprise awarded through a 5-year contract to one or more companies. The Tribunate may choose to hold tender contracts at any point in time, if the overall quality of the services provided are deemed to be poor.


Tarn imported roughly 70 million tons of crude oil and 25 million tons of refined oil per year in MC 2030. The majority of these imports go to the war industries, whether for field training exercises, operations, or other uses. Roughly 65 percent of all crude and refined oil is imported from Theohuanacu, with another 15 percent originating from Indras, and the rest imported primarily from Guffingford and Stevid.

The city-state also operates four nuclear powerplants on the outskirts of Tarn's hinterland, producing more than a combined 23,000 MW. During the city's occupation of Jumanota, between MC 2026–31, six additional powerplants were constructed along the length of the Jumanota Canal. Their ownership was passed to the newly established Tarn Energy Authority (TEA), which is ran on similar lines to the Tarn Port Authority and Tarn Maintenance Authority, and these plants continue to power the city after the isthmus' ownership was returned to Holy Panooly. These additional powerplants provide more than a combined 40,000 MW of energy. Three more offshore powerplants are currently in construction and are planned to begin operations in MC 2035, raising the city's total nuclear energy output to almost 100,000 MW.

The difference between residential-and-commerical energy needs and what is not produced through nuclear means is imported from Adaptes Astrates.


Dawn of the 21st Century

Tarn entered the 21st century as a significantly-sized commercial city on the west coast of the Jumanota isthmus, a territory then disputed between Adaptes Astrates and Holy Panooly. Like much of the western Panooly coastline, Tarn was frequently raided by slave-selling pirates operating from the southeastern cities of Theohuanacu. It weathered these largely unprotected, as governmental control over the isthmus remained in dispute.

In late MC 2018, the Golden Throne occupied and annexed Tarn as part of the first phase in a general occupation of Jumanota. Although the occupation of Jumanota was eventually called off after an agreement between the Golden Throne, Adaptes Astrates, and Stevid, Tarn remained annexed as a likutat, or free-city, of the imperial federation.

City of War

Initially, Tarn was quickly turned into a major base of operations for the Golden Throne's invasion of Theohuanacu. A large garrison, as well as a sizeable naval contintent stationed at the city's harbor, contributed to a booming economy driven by the consumption of imperial military personnel. This influx of money attracted immigrants from elsewhere on the isthmus, and from Holy Panooly, to find work in the city. Tarn grew rapidly over the coming years. A large military presence also brought new businesses into the city, including arms manufacturers, distributors, training companies, arms repair and maintenance firms, and countless other contractors involved with the Fuermak. The port was enlarged to allow more commercial shipping to supply the burgeoning metropolis, matching a rapid growth in trade. Tarn became known as the City of War as a result of its association with the imperial military.

After the annexation of Theohuanacu, most of the military presence gradually transferred eastward to the Theohuanacán mainland. To replace the large amount of revenues earned from soldiers in the Golden Throne's service, the city decided to cater to soldiers who were just leaving the Golden Throne's service. Exploiting the minimal federal oversight over the running of the Tarnish economy, the city crafted a network of laws to empower business leaders managing the large private military corporations in Tarn that had developed to offer the imperial government off-the-books military capabilities.

The change in the city's civil code, limiting the military-industrial complex's exposure to legal scrutiny, ushered in a rising wave of investment in the city. New private military corporations were founded, some raised from their bootstraps and others funded by foreign national governments. The city now holds headquarters for thousands of firms associated with the PMC industry. The growing financial power of the industry invited larger financial services providers, including Díenbank, other major clearinghouse unions, and their associated network of lesser banks, which opened the industry up to an even greater scale of capabilities. The city as a whole has become a vital commercial entrepot in central Greater Dienstad.

With the Fuermak's relocation of military forces in Tarn to Theohuanacu, the Council of Twelve was reorganized under the leadership of the most important private military corporations with their home headquarters located in the city. Apart from the body's original mission of aligning the Tribunate's legislative direction with federal law, the Council was further tasked with leashing the PMC complex to prevent conflicts of interests between the imperial federation and companies headquartered in the city.

The granting of signficant autonomy to the PMCs in Tarn were to have significant implications on the future of the metropolis.

PMC Capital of the World

The rapidly growing PMC industry in Tarn made companies more competitive and desperate to sign bigger contracts. In 2026, Tarn Defense Solutions led a project awarded by Navitek to seize the Jumanota Isthmus, long-disputed between Adaptes Astrates and Holy Panooly. The multinational holding company became interested in Jumanota after winning a Macabéan contract to cross the isthmus with a canal capable of accomodating the largest commercial and military vessels in the world. The seizure was primarily intended to secure the length of the canal from the growing instability in Holy Panooly. However, the invasion was contested by Holy Panooly and the war expanded into the country's northern regions. Tarn Defense Solutions famously assassinated the Panooly leader, Dominic Templeton, leading to the arrest and imprisonment of several leading members of the company's leadership team. Jumanota remained occupied by Tarn-based PMCs until MC 2031, when the isthmus was handed to the new territorial government in Holy Panooly in exchange for the city's independence from the imperial federation.

Tarn-based companies would be recurring accused of participating in black-ops under contract by foreign governments. For some, these accusations define their brand. Orange-Stoner has been accused of undertaking anticommunist death squad operations in Crysuko. The corporation's participation in frontline combat against Ordenite forces during the Second Krasnovan War is publicly acknowledged by its leadership. Huron Authority allegedly took a Morridane contract in New Garrack and a Macabéan destasbilization mission in San Castello. Dozens, if not hundreds, of firms are accused of being satellites of foreign national military forces for the conducting of unofficial black op missions.

Large contracts, like the seizure of Jumanota and the infamous contract with the Killian government, leading to the Valo'Kap War, has incentivized firms to temporarily cooperate through the creation of independent consortiums. Consortiums like Valo'kap operated up to two million military personnel in a single military deployment. Other consortiums take on smaller contracts, usually by working instead as a broker between clients and a diverse portfolio of independent firms, each with their own specialty.

Military & Law Enforcement

Eskúadra Prima

The Eskúadra Prima is the government of Tarn's only law enforcement and public self defense arm. It is composed of roughly 34,000 officers.

Pact of Pezlevko

The Pact of Pezlevko empowers the Incorporated Private Militaries to form a common defense against any threat that affects the collective, including diplomatic disagreements that compromise the outcome of missions.

Private Military Corporations in Tarn

Laws Regarding PMCs in Tarn

Major Operations Involving Tarnish PMCs

Economic Impact

Military-Industrial Complex


Canal Income

Other Taxes and Public Revenue

Banking and Finance



Tarn is known for its brothels, popular destinations for active contractors and veterans alike. The prostitution industry as a whole is estimated to be valued at $10 billion a year. Although legal, prostitution is tightly regulated by the Tribunate. All brothels are owned and controled by the Tarn Entertainment Authority, a contract awarded to one or more private companies and which is re-committed to on an annual basis. The Tarn Entertainment Authority's primary buyers are soldiers, contractors, and veterans, although certain brothels also specialize for their corporate or tourist clientele.

Gambling is also legal and regulated, also under the umbrella of the Tarn Entertainment Authority. However, gambling houses and casinos are all privately owned and independently operated, often belonging to several different other industry associations and organizations. The companies who dominate the gambling industry are the same who dominate the city's sports and entertainment industries, along with the hospitality industry. Tarn attracts between 50–60 million tourists who specifically visit to gamble or for the associated events, such as the gladiator fights. Contractors and veterans also spend on the gambling and entertainment industry, although despite the number of customers in the city the demographic remains second to international tourists in terms of revenue share, a testament to the city's draw for vice.

The city continues the tradition, inherited from the Golden Throne, of allowing the legal distribution of narcotics through one of four companies with Tribunate-issued charters granting rights to that purpose.



Gladiatorial Games
