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Republic of Crethia
Refoli af Krøtin
Flag of Crethia
Emblem of the State of Crethia
Emblem of the State
Motto: "Til mi Fædrelande"
"For My Fatherland"
Crethia (green) located in Asura.
Crethia (green) located in Asura.
and largest city
Official languagesCrethian
Recognised regional languagesLhaeraidd
Ethnic groups
Crethian (88.3%)
Lhaeraidd (5.6%)
Other (6.1%)
Demonym(s)Crethian, Crethish
GovernmentFederal parliamentary republic
• State President
Mia Hall
• Chancellor
Donal Menzies
• Unification
• Union with tir Lhaeraidd
• Kingdom of Crethia and Crylante
• Independence from tir Lhaeraidd
• Annexation by Lhedwin
• Independence and republic
• 2018 estimate
• 2015 census
GDP (nominal)2015 estimate
• Total
203.04 billion
• Per capita
Gini (2015)23.7
HDI (2015)0.934
very high
CurrencyStirling (CSL)
Date formatdd-mm-yy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+21

Crethia (Crethian: Krøtin), officially the Republic of Crethia (Crethian: Refoli af Krøtin), is an island country located off the northern coast of Asura. It shares a maritime border with Crylante, tir Lhaeraidd, and the Mardin Isles. Crethia is a small country, with an area of square kilometres. It has a population of 18.2 million and a low population density of inhabitants per square kilometre. Most of the population is located in urban centers on the main island along the banks of the River Hvid and the River Til, with approximately 75% of the country residing in urban areas.

Paithwaidh people have first settled in Crethia after migrating from the continent of Asura, with the Albi tracing their ancient origins back to the Lyonese Celts. The Albi were a tribal people and established early confederations throughout modern day Crethia. Over time, Lhedwinic raiders in the early eleventh century. Over time, a fusion of the native Albi and the Nordic cultures and ethnic groups occurred. A number of petty kingdoms, dominated by a Lhedwinic nobility that adopted many local customs, emerged. Eventually, the country was unified by Alexander II, Duke of Donhaven, often remembered as Alexander the Great of Crethia. The First Kingdom of Crethia was established, bring all of the islands of the Crethian archipelago under the control of Donhaven. Following a succession crisis in 152X, it was successfully invaded by tir Lhaeraidd and a personal union was established. This lasted until 17XX when the Lhaeraidd monarch merged the kingdom with Crylante, which was also in union with tir Lhaeraidd. The Kingdom of Crethia-Crylante was established, but was met by broad opposition in Crethia. Many prominent nobles, merchants, and clerics opposed the union. Rebellion began soon after in 17XX when Vilhelm Noble-Surname was crowned King of Crethia. It spanned nearly two decades until Crethia regained independence in 17XX. However, Vilhelm was killed during the revolt and the movement was left with no clear leader.

The Second Kingdom of Crethia was in regency for the entire duration of its existence. Two rival factions sat in the [proto-parliament name] and were unable to agree on a suitable candidate to sit on the throne. The regency council, led by Crethian nationalists, was regularly underminded by pan-Lhedwinic nationalists. After famine struck the islands, the pan-Lhedwinics gained support and ultimately took control of the regency council, offerring to crown to the King of Lhedwin. Crethia was officially annexed into the United Kingdom of Lhedwin in 1799. The Lhedwinic period saw a repression of Crethian nationalism, with a general de-Paithwaidhization taking place as the Lhedwinic-installed government sought to remove Paithwaidh influences from the langauge and culture. This caused controversy among many nationalists, who staged multiple failed uprisings throughout the century. The last and arguably most successful took place in 1872, which won concessions from the Lhedwinic government and the process of de-Paithwaidhization came to an end. Crethians participated in the Great War despite agitation from nationalists. After the defeat and collapse of the UKL, a nationalist revoly began with the intention of placing Margaret of Donhaven on the throne as queen. Before she could take power, she died during childbirth without issue. Crethia descended into crisis and civil war over the issue, which resulted in the victory of the republican faction and the of a republic and constitution.

The country saw a renewed period of significant industrialization and urbanization during the beginning of the twentieth century. divide between the Flodlande, the urban centers on the banks of the Dueling Rivers, and the Udrelande, the rural, agrarian, and mountainous regions and remote islands of the country. This divide peaked following *insert some event in which Crethia is largely reduced to rubble* and the inaction of the government. A far-leftist insurgency known as the [Event] soon began and the fragile government was largely unable to resist. However, intervention from the Commonwealth of Democratic Nations ensured liberal democracy would continue in Crethia. After the [Event] came to an end, much less frequent leftist terrorism was carried out regularly until the 1990s. Far-leftist political parties and groups were outlawed and many older voters in the country view social democracy and socialism with suspicion. The end of the insurgency and economic reforms saw an increase in wealth for the country, which was disproportionately centered in urban areas.

Crethia is a federal parliamentary republic, consisting of twelve provinces. The capital is Donhaven, which has an urban population of 944,667 people. The current president is Mia Hall, an Independent, who serves as head of state. Executive power is exercised by the Government, which is led by the Prime Minister, a post currently held by Donal Menzies (SP), and the cabinet. Legislative power is vested in the unicameral Parliament. Each province has its own legislature and a provincial governor, which exercise developed authority. Starting in 2014, the country was governed by a fragile coalition of the Progressive Conservatives and Republicans and the right-wing National Alliance, a right-wing party, led by Prime Minister Craig Kerr for four years. The government, which had been dogged by scandals, was defeated in the 2018 general election. The victory of the Social Democrats put Menzies' Social Democratic Party back in power as a minority government, propped up by a supply and confidence agreement with the Liberal Party.


The name Crethia has its origins in the Gaelic name for the Albi people, Cruthaen. It is generally accepted that Cruthaen is the Goidelic version of Critani, which is the Britonnic name for the most powerful ancient Albi confederation. From Cruthaen, the Crethian Krøtin was derived. Crethia is the anglicized version of Krøtin.


Early history

Lhedwinic migration

Unification the First Kingdom of Crethia

Tower of Donhaven, located on the River Hvid, was built over 700 years ago by the Clarke monarchs.

Union with

Second Kingdom of Crethia

nited Kingdom of Lhedwin

Independence and Civil War

Republic and industrialization

Modern history



President Mia Hall

The governing doctrine of Crethia is its Constitution, which was drafted and ratified in 1837. It defines the federal system used to govern Crethia. It establishes three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Likewise, it outlines the roles of provinces and their devolved branches of government.

The executive branch consists of the president, the prime minister, and the cabinet. The president is the head of state, meaning the role is largely ceremonial. The current President is Mia Hall, an Independent, and has held the post since 2015. Terms last for five years and presidents are popularly elected using a plurality vote. Typically, president's three primary tasks are conducting official state visits, receiving diplomatic credentials, and formally appointing the prime minister, cabinet, and other federal positions. However, all of these roles are filled by the government in the legislature. The largest party, or coalition of parties, in Parliament form the government. The prime minister, the head of government, is chosen from among the MPs and puts together his or her cabinet. Craig Kerr is the current prime minister and is a member of the Progressive Conservative and Republican Party. He has served as prime minister since the 2014 general election. Likewise, prime ministers nominate candidates to fill all federal posts, including those in the judiciary and various federal agencies. At least 75% of cabinet ministers must be sitting MPs and serve at the pleasure of the prime minister. Ministers oversee the fourteen federal departments.

The Parliament of Crethia (Folketing af Krøtin) is the federal legislature and is unicameral. It has 175 members known as Members of Parliament who are elected through proportional representation. MPs serve a maximum four year terms and then it is mandated by the Constitution that fresh elections must be held. Snap elections may be held between the regularly scheduled elections. Federal elections always take place on the first Wednesday of September and under Crethian law voting is mandatory. Election day is also a federal holiday and is observed throughout the country in order to make it easier for citizens to comply with the mandate. There is a 5% threshold for parties to achieve representation in Parliament. In total, there are 175 seats, 88 of which are needed for a majority. Seats can be adjusted after the census if the government deems it necessary. Traditionally, for every 100,000 citizens there is one seat in Parliament. Currently there is a minority coalition between the Progressive Conservative and Republican Party and the National Alliance. The government is supported by the Farmers' Party. The Speaker of the Parliament presides over the legislature and is responsible for ensuring the agenda is kept. The government is always seated to the speaker's left. After the government is seated, parties are placed according to their location on the political spectrum from the speaker's left to right. The legislature is housed in the Folketing-Hos, located in Donhaven.

The judicial branch at a national level is made up of various levels of federal courts. The highest court of Crethia is known as the Landsret. It has appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over provincial court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. The Landsret alone has the final say on constitutionality, although it may only act within the context of a case for which it has jurisdiction. There are seven judges, known as Dommere (sin. dommer), that serve on the court. It is presided over by the Vigtigste Dommer while the remaining six judges are known as Medarbejderske-Dommere. They are appointed by the Furste and confirmed by Parliament. Once appointed, dommere have life tenure unless they resign, retire, or are removed after impeachment. Other national courts are known as Folkesret. The country is divided into five circuits, officially known as Folkesrondrejse. Provinces are grouped into circuits based on population, and jurisdiction may change with each census.

Political parties and elections

Administrative divisions

As a federal republic, Crethia is divided into twelve provinces, known in Crethian as område. Each province has its own constitution, governor, and legislature. Devolved powers are granted to the provinces and their standing is made permanent by the 1837 constitution. Provincial legislatures differ in the organization, which is laid out in the constitution of each individual province. Each province is required to maintain an official flag and coat of arms, which it reserves the right to alter or replace by passing legislation. Provinces in the Flodlande (Riverlands) region of the country tend to be densely populated, while those in the Udrelande (Outerlands) are sparsely populated. Many of the provincial borders are rooted in the borders of the old counties, the former subdivisions of the monarchist states. Many have been condensed into larger provinces, while some such as Kragesborg and Leteborg maintain their old borders.

Map Name and shield Administrative centre Most populous municipality Population
Template:Crethia labelled map Province (område)
Arms of Galbraith of Culcreuch.svg Blareborg Blare Clud 1,706,584
Arms of Macleod of Macleod.svg Sudlande Harborg Harborg 1,935,301
Mackie of Larg arms.svg Kragesborg Tilvæg Tilvæg 2,814,983
Calder of Calder arms.svg Krombugt Robertebur Robertebur 211,123
Blair of Blair arms.svg Dorneland Klitte Klitte 598,184
Macduff arms.svg Donhaven-Moseskove Donhaven Donhaven 3,694,667
Blason George Dunbar.svg Fiveborg Fiv Hjeme 623,155
Arms of Skene of Skene.svg Hjortelande Heteslande Heteslande 510,216
Riddell of that Ilk arms.svg Kintail Melkirke Melkirke 228,717
Maxton of Cultoquhey arms.svg Leteborg Invermose Rokesburg 2,639,047
Arms of Livingstone of Bachuil.svg Søborg Angulborg Duntopmøde 140,749
Basic Stewart arms.svg Stratborg Strat Dunbroke 2,990,920


Ethnicity in Crethia
Ethnicity Percentage

The first Celtic people arrived in Crethia following the migration of early Lyonese Celts northward. The Albi were the first native Celtic group and lived in modern day Crethia exclusively until Anglo-Saxons from Arkiasis conquered the region in the early eleventh century. Over time, a fusion of the native Albi and the Anglo-Saxon cultures and ethnic groups occurred, resulting in the creation of the modern day Crethian people. The Crethian language also has its origins in this cultural fusion. As such, Crethia is considered a Celto-Germanic state. When discussing Crethian culture, one prominent academic said that it is "Celtic when convenient, and Germanic when convenient".

Today, roughly 88% of the population identifies as ethnically Crethian as of the 2014 census. The biggest minority group within Crethia is Lyonese, with 5.6% of the population identifying as such. The majority of the Lyonese population, which as of 2014 is 985,244, resides within the province of Leteborg, which has historically exchanged hands between Lyonsland and Crethia. In recent years, Lyonese political movements have been launched, with the most notable being the Lyonese Interest Party. Other significant ethnic groups are Teutonic and Lanosian.