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Revision as of 11:41, 21 June 2020

The Roman Republic
The Senate and People of Rome
The Flag of the Roman Republic
Official languagesModern Latin
Recognised regional languagesSpanish, French, Greek, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic
Roman Pantheon
GovernmentConstitutional Republic
• Consul of Rome
Gaius Decimus Meridius
• Consul of Rome
Quintus Septimus Avitus
9,077,665 km2 (3,504,906 sq mi) (2nd)
• 2020 estimate
538,845,460 (2nd)
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$21.553 Trillion (1st)
• Per capita

The Roman Republic is a sovereign nation-state in Earth X, a polity centred around the Eternal City, Rome, with signficiant territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, North Africa and West Asia, with a history dating back over two thousand years. The modern Roman Republic is a democratic state, with a written constitution first codified in 1350, centred around the city of Rome and the Italian peninshula, although democratic sufferance is universal across the Republic's territory for all citizens. The Republic is bordered on the North by France and Germany, to the East by the Babylonian Empire, to the South by the Sahara Desert, and to the West by the Atlantic Ocean.

Administrativly, there is a substantial distinction between Italia and the provinces; historically this was underline the dominance of Rome, however more recently this has become a egalitarian distinction allowing for a Provincial Assembly, representing all inhabitants of the province, citizen or non-citizen, to exist under a Roman Governor, thereby ensuring represenation for all inhabitants of the Republic, and a signficiant degree of autonomy in some provinces. As such, the modern Roman Republic is a diverse, multi-cultural polity, with signficaint regional traditions and languages, all under an overarching sense of 'Romanness' and an alliegance to the Eternal City.

The Roman Republic has remained largely stable for the majority of its history since the end of the Empire in 1349 at the height of the Black Death, with no major political conflict. The Republic has faced some unrest in provinces, newly acquired at the time, the most recent being a reborn Zealot movement in the province of Judea, however successful Romanisation (or in many cases, re-Romanisation) has largely resulted in a peaceful and prosperous modern Republic. For much of its history, from Ancient Times up until the last hundred and fifty years, Rome stood as the main obstacle to the advance of Islam into Europe, with the City of Constantinople being at the front-line for centuries. As a result of this, and in keeping with it's martial traditions, Rome has maintained a strong, professional military since ancient times, with Rome's Legions retaining their prestige and renown.

Due to Rome's vast extent, which included numerous overseas colonies during the Age of Discovery, and endurance, the instutitons and cultures of Rome hae had a profound and lasting influence on the development of language, religion, art, architecture, philosophy, law, and forms of Government all over the world. As such, the modern Roman Republic is one of the world's Great Powers, boasting the largest economy and population, and is a permenant member of the Security Council of the World Congress.


Ancient History


Government and Politics

Executive Magistrates

The Executive Magistrates constitute the executive government of the Roman Republic; individuals elected by popular vote to fulfil certain roles within the Roman Government. Each magistrate is vested with a degree of magisterial power, termed ‘potestas’ depending on the office they have been elected to in order to allow them to carry out their duties. Additionally certain magistrates are granted ‘Imperium’, the power to command, initially the authority to command military troops the term effectively refers to the magistrate’s constitutional right to issue commands rather than to simply administer within existing legislation. A Quaestor, the least powerful (and most numerous) of the executive magistrates, hold potestas but do not hold imperium, and as such are principally administrators, usually executing the commands of higher ranking magistrates. The Roman Magistrates operate on a principle of checks-and-balances, and as such every level of magistracy is held by at least two individuals, such as the two Consuls, who have the ability to obstruct (veto) and action being taken by a magistrate of equal or lower power. Whilst in the day-to-day running of the Roman state each individual magistrate concentrates on their own specific responsibility the presence of colleagues with veto ensures a check on balance on any individuals power, even at the highest levels of the Roman Government.

Once a magistrate had completed a term of office, to avoid any one individual gathering too much power, a magistrate would have to wait several years (as many a ten between Consulships) to hold the same office again, or to meet the age requirements for a higher office. Immediately after completing a term of office a magistrate can be appointed a ‘promagistrate’, such as a Proconsul or Propraetor, and was assigned as a provincial governor or diplomatic envoy.


The highest elected office within the Republic is that of Consul, held by two individuals, each with veto power over the other, who serve as both heads of state and heads of government, save for when a Dictator is appointed by the Senate during an emergency. The Consuls are responsible for the administration of the Roman Government, holding significant authority over all other magistrates who are subordinate to them. In the execution of the day-to-day superintendence of the internal machinery of the Republic the Consuls, singularly and together, hold significant authority to oversee the execution of laws. The Consuls convene and preside over meetings of the Senate, one of the key functions of the body is to provide ‘considered advice’ to the magistrates, serve as the Chief Diplomats of the Roman State, and retain the authority, if rarely exercised, to preside over, and pass judgement upon, criminal and civil cases. The Consuls also preside over the Comitia Civis, allowing them to heavily influence the legislative agenda, but they do not hold voting rights in this body. The Consuls also serve as the Commanders-in-Chief of the Roman Military, with extensive powers in this regard, although day-to-day control and administration of the military is exercised by the Praetor Militum. It is not unusual for a Consul to exercise direct command authority over military forces, as almost all Roman Consuls have a military background, although this is typically for offensive operations as defensive operations are under the jurisdiction of provincial governors.

As the Consuls hold significant, almost King-like, power over the Roman State, there are numerous checks and balances on these powers to prevent an abuse, the main such mechanism being the veto power held by each Consul, meaning that one cannot act against the other’s determined will. It is for this reason that the two Consuls are not elected on the same ‘ticket’, and indeed in many cases are political opposites, and are each elected to four-year terms, with Consular elections held every two years although only Consulship is open for election. Although most Consuls are political rivals, it is expected that they maintain a consensus wherever possible, and to avoid unnecessary conflict the two Consuls typically rotate the day-to-day duties of the Consulship, particularly in the legislative arena, and blocking attempts by a Consul to meet a campaign promises are considered taboo. Moreover, a Consul is unable to stand for re-election, ensuring that no individual retains such power for a prolonged period of time, and indeed have to wait eight years (or two full Consular terms) before standing for the Consulship again. As a result, the Consuls of Rome are extremely powerful executive leaders, ensuring clear and decisive leadership, but their power is restrained by the built-in checks and balances of the Roman system.

As of 2020, the two Consuls are:

  • Gaius Decimus Meridus, elected in 2020
  • Quintus Septimus Avitus, elected in 2018.


The Praetors are high-ranking executive magistrates within the Roman Republic, holding a variety of offices and official capabilities, and responsible for the superintendence of a specific aspect of the administration of the Roman State, answerable only to the Consuls of Rome. The Praetors are elected to their positions every two years, and candidates stand for election each of the specific offices on the basis of their previous training and experience. Each of the Praetorships occupies a position within a hierarchy, largely based around the importance of the position, which serves as an order of succession, with the senior Praetor, known as the Praetor Urbanus, responsible for serving as the acting head of the Roman Government in the event that both Consuls are not in Rome.

As of 2020, the Praetors, in order in the hierarchy, are:

  • TBC TBC TBC[/i], Praetor Urbanus (Justice and Security)
  • Publius Cassius Varus, Praetor Militum (Defence and Military)
  • Manius Atilius Cordus, Praetor Pecunia (Finance and Commerce)
  • Sextus Curtius Vetus, Praetor Peregrinus (Foreign Affairs)
  • TBC TBC TBC, Praetor Docens (Education)
  • TBC TBC TBC, Praetor Rustica (Agrictulrue)


The Aediles are middle ranking magistrates, originally responsible for temple building and religious festivals the modern Aedile serves as deputies to the Praetors, responsible for different aspects of a given Praetors portfolio. The Aediles are principally responsible for expanding and detailing the general policies put forward by their Praetor.


The Questors are the lowest ranking magistrates to hold Imperium, responsible for the day-to-day managements of various aspects of the Roman Government. In addition to those Questors stationed in the central Roman Government there are also Questors all over the Republic, serving provincial governors and other key officials.

The Senate and People of Rome

The Senate

The Comitia Civis

Provincial Administration

Provincial Governor

Provincial Assembly

Tribunate of the Plebs

Originally elected officials, from the ranks of the Plebeians exclusively, whose sole purpose was to serve as a check and balance on the power of the Executive Magistrates, possessing a right of veto over any and all Government functions, the Tribunate of the Plebs has expanded extensively over the centuries. Although the Tribunes of the Plebs, of which there are ten, remain responsible for providing oversight on the Roman Government and interceding on behalf of citizens who believe their rights are being infringed, the Tribunate as a whole is also responsible for the administration of the support of the State provided to the poorest members of society. Typically, the College of Tribunes will allocate specific responsibilities depending on the experience and interests of it’s members, to ensure that all duties are suitably carried out, usually with two Tribunes working together to fulfill each duty, as a check and balance on each other. Typically, two Tribunes will be present whenever the Senate is in session, two Tribunes will be present whenever the Comitia Civis is in session, two Tribunes will be responsible for responding to any requests for intercession from the citizenry (which can take them all over the Republic, two Tribunes will be responsible for reviewing Judicial actions, and two Tribunes will be responsible for administering the State Welfare system.

The Tribunes are elected to four-year terms, with staggered elections to ensure a regular turn-over in the College of Tribunes. In addition, the Tribunate, as an organization, also employs a large number of civil servants who, although not possessing full tribunician power, have the limited right to stay any action in the name of the Tribunes until one can arrive on the scene to assess the situation themselves. After a tribunician veto, regardless of the circumstances, the College of Tribunes will convene a Tribunal, a gathering of at least five of their members (although all Tribunes have a right to sit on such Tribunals, meaning that in cases of extreme import all ten may be present), to judge the matter and pass a binding judgement. Although there is no punishment for a Tribune whose veto is overruled by a Tribunal, as a Tribune must be free to follow his conscience and the law, it is expected that a Tribune not exercise his power lightly.

In general, the roles of the Tribunate can be split into three categories:

Governmental Oversight

Any Tribune of the Plebs has the right to veto any action conducted by the Roman Government, whether that by the Executive Magistrates (up to and including the Consuls), the Senate or the Comitia Civis, if they feel that it is not in the best interests of the Roman People. In order to enforce this, two Tribunes are present whenever the Senate is in Session and two Tribunes are present whenever the Comitia Civis is in session, in order to exercise their veto at any point during proceedings that they deem necessary, requiring the judgement of a Tribunal before a passage can be attempted again. In addition, existing laws can also be challenged as ‘unconstitutional’ to a Tribune in which case, if there is a case to answer, the Tribune may place a veto on the enforcement of the existing legislation pending a Tribunal to assess the constitutionality of an existing law.

Civil Rights Protection and Judicial Review

In addition to the legislative oversight, the Tribunate also has a responsibility for interceding on the behalf of citizens who believe that their rights are being threatened or violated by an Executive Magistrate. The act of appealing for intercession alone is sufficient to prevent the action from going ahead (with the Magistrate having a legal responsibility to report the appeal), and is usually backed up by a formal stay issued by a Tribunate official pending the arrival of an actual Tribune. Upon arriving, the Tribune will assess and investigate the situation and make a judgement, which is usually the end of the matter, although both the Citizen and the Magistrate may appeal the ruling to a Tribunal, although this is rare. In addition, the Tribunate is also responsible for reviewing judicial cases to ensure that there have not been any miscarriages of justice, typically those flagged to them by campaigners, but also those escalated from a small staff who review all judicial judgements.

Social Welfare Administration

Perhaps the most substantial addition to the Tribunate in its long history is the responsibility for Social Welfare. The Roman view on social welfare is that the State has a moral responsibility to ensure that it’s citizens do not go hungry or want for shelter, but that the end state of any program of social welfare should be employment, as this allows the poor to stand on their own two feet rather than being a burden to the state. As such, the Roman social welfare system is designed to be a safety net for those that have handled on hard times, but is not designed to allow them to be ‘comfortable’, thereby encouraging the unemployed to seek employment, with the sole exception to this being those with mental or physical disabilities that make it impossible for them to work. In short, the Roman system is intended to prevent unnecessary suffering by those in need but also to provide a specific framework to get a citizen back on their feet.

The principle means by which the Roman State provides social welfare is through Tribunate Boarding Houses all over the Republic. These are buildings, typically large although this is not a requirement depending on the location, which have been constructed (or more commonly converted) to have as many small rooms, possessing a single-bed, toilet and shower, as possible, in addition to a small number of common rooms and an in-house kitchen. As this level of support is provided by the State, specifically to get the homeless poor off the streets, there is no charge for staying in these rooms but they are very basic, intentionally, to encourage tenants to seek employment. In addition to those run directly by the Tribunate, a network of Private Boarding Houses exist which serve as the next step in the framework; typically being a smaller building consisting of somewhat larger rooms with more comforts and facilitates, at a cost, although a large portion of this is subsidized by the State. Typically, a citizen will spend a relatively short amount of time at a Tribunate Boarding House, on average no more than two or three months, a generally longer period at a Private Boarding House, with a year being average, being securing a private tenancy in the conventional renting market. In addition, the Roman State guarantees to find employment for all who request it, although this may be in unpopular or unpleasant roles; citizens can find their own employment however a prolonged stay in a Tribunate Boarding House whilst turning down jobs offered by the State will typically be handled in a dim light by the Tribunate.

In addition to this safety net, the State also provides some subsidies and support to low-income families, however these are contingent upon the citizen being employed. As a result of this framework, the homeless population within the Republic is very low, typically only those with a criminal record or a drug habit are unable to find a place at a Tribunate Boarding House (and thereby enter the system) as trouble is not tolerated, with these issues being handled by other arms of the Roman state.

The entire social welfare system is overseen by two Tribunes, who have extensive responsibilities.


Military, Law Enforcement and Crime

The Roman Military


The Stationarius, so named for the old Roman designation for military troops assigned to policing duties, is the Republic’s principle national law-enforcement agency. The Stationarius (officially, the Cohortes Stationarii) are a military force, with its officers and men holding Legion commissions and appointments, and as such the Stationarius comes under the jurisdiction of both the Praetor Militum and the Praetor Urbanus, in keeping with Republican ideals on shared power. The Stationarius is responsible for providing law enforcement services on public land, such as highways, providing law enforcement services to rural areas and municipalities too small to have their own Vigiles (civilian police) and providing national law enforcement capabilities, such as counter-intelligence. Moreover, the Stationarius also have responsibility for policing the military, and as such members of the Stationarius regularly participate in military missions overseas. The Stationarius have law enforcement powers that can be exercised at any time and in any part of Rome, or the provinces, and are always permitted to carry their weapons as personal equipment.

The Stationarius are commanded by a senior military officer, the Imperator Stationarius, supported by a staff of Legatus Princeps, each of the subordinate commands are under the charge of a Legatus, supported by a staff of senior Tribunes, with various regional or specialised Prefectures commanded by a Prefect.

Vigiles Urbani

Every major municipality within the Republic maintains a combined law-enforcement, fire-suppression, and emergency medical service known as the Vigiles Urbani (Watchmen of the City), responsible for providing those services to the municipality and surrounding suburbs under its general jurisdiction. Outside of the major municipalities, smaller towns and villages receive their law-enforcement services from the Stationarius, Rome’s national military police service, with fire-suppression and emergency medical services administered on a local basis. Each municipality’s Vigiles Urbani is split into at least three cohorts (specialising in law enforcement, fire suppression and emergency medical services), whilst the largest organisations (such as the Vigiles of Rome) can be split into large number of cohorts to cover such a larger urban area. The Vigiles are organised in a military manner, although unlike the Stationarius its officers hold Auxiliary Commissions, and each cohort is split into various centuries each responsible for a given precinct or speciality. The Vigiles are typically led by an officer holding the rank of Prefect, typically named after the city they serve, such as the Prefect of Rome.




Personal and Passenger Transport

The transport infrastructure of the Roman Republic is extensive and well-funded, being of critical importance to both the Roman economy and maintaining connections between Rome and the provinces, not to mention the ability of the Roman military to rapidly respond to any crisis.

Roads and Highways

Perhaps one of Rome’s best-known innovations was an extensive road network, and the modern Roman road system remains vitally important, connecting the Republic for all, from the rich to the poor, private citizens to commercial traffic. At the highest level, the Roman Highways connect Rome to the provinces, typically in a largely centralised manner; with a major highway linking the provincial capital to the other major cities in the province, a circular or coastal ring road, and a connection back to Rome (and in many cases other provinces as well). In addition, each provincial government maintains a number of secondary highways, however these are funded by the Provincial Government and not directly by Rome.

Passenger Railways

In addition to an extensive commercial railroad network, dating back to the Industrial Revolution where it became the backbone of the Rome’s growing industrial capability, the Republic has developed the most extensive high-speed rail network in the World, which thousands of kilometres of high-speed tracks linking all of the provincial capitals to Rome, and largely to each other. Indeed, some provinces also enjoy high-speed links between the provincial capital and other major provincial cities. The crown jewel of the Roman railroad system is the Republic Circular.

Passenger Aviation

The Roman Republic’s aviation industry is extensive, consisting of one consolidated major international airline, as well as several regional, domestic carriers. Jupiter Airways is the world’s largest international airline, both in terms of fleet size (over five thousand aircraft of various sizes) and passengers carried (over a billion, per year), and serves destinations across the Republic and all over the world, and dominated the Roman aviation industry until the rise of regional carriers in the 1980s. Due largely to the extensive high-speed rail network, and regional airlines, Jupiter Airways operates under the hub-and-spoke model; with a heavy focus on long-haul flights. Jupiter Airways has three key hubs; it’s main hub is Rome, connecting the Capital to the provinces, Madrid, which it the airline’s main transatlantic hub flying to destinations in the Americas, Constantinople International, which is the airline’s main transcontinental hub flying to destinations in Asia and the Pacific, and Cairo International, which is the airline’s main hub flying to destinations in Africa.

Cargo Transport

Roads and Highways

Commerical Railroads

The Republic maintains an extensive cargo railroad network within it's borders, including both dedicated lines for commerical traffic and shared lines with passenger services, in which the latter has priority. All railroads in the Republic are build to the Rome-Guage specifications, ensuring interusability regardless of operator, which is also critical in allowing military rail traffic, a key aspect of the Roman Military's strategic flexibility, to move large numbers of troops and equipment within the Republic's borders. Under normal circumstances, the priority of military railroad movement is determined by the nature of the cargo and any security concerns, however in time of war or a state of emergency military traffic assumes top priority to enable Rome to move troops quickly and effeciently.

Commerical Aviation

The Republic maintains an extensive

