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Taranima, as a heterogeneous nation cannot be said to have a singular culture, with several of the minority ethnic groups having distinctive cultures apart from that of the Taranic majority. This heterogeneity has resulted in several cultures with largely the more recent civic traditions serving as  an overall touchstone. The exception to this rule however comes in the form of the religion of [[Sacramo]], which was spread by the Taranic peoples during the late antiquity and early post-antiquity, and forms the basis of Taraniman family values, holidays, and other aspects of daily life.
===Music and Dance===
===The Visual Arts===

Revision as of 23:28, 22 June 2020

The Principality of Taranima
Principatul Taranimei
Flag of Taranima
Motto: Vom îndura
(Taranaran: We endure)
Anthem: Martie a Rosei
(Taranaran: March of the Roses)
Royal anthem: Hymne de la Maison d'Elisa
(Gallic" Anthem of House d'Elisa)
CapitalCour d'Elisa
Largest CityIlcharest
Official languagesTaranaran, Voscoi
Recognised national languagesGallic
Recognised regional languagesMontei, Ungar
Ethnic groups
Taranic - 74%
Voscoi - 10%
Ungarii - 8%
Montei - 5%
Gallians - 3%
Demonym(s)Taraniman, Taranic
GovernmentConfederal Elective Constitutional Monarchy
• Grand Prince
Sergiu Silvia d'Elisa
• Prime Minister
Natalia Alexandru Văduva
• Lady President of the Peerage and Duchess of Taranar
Elisabet Cochestru din Taranar
• Duke of Vestolor
Leo Popescu din Vestolor
• Duchess of Nordumar
Cecilia Cojocaru din Nordumar
• Duke of Nowa Gallica
Miron Papineux de Nowa Gallica
• Duke of Ausmonta
Marian Lungu de Ausmonta
• Duke of Estboche
Kosta Valentinov на Estboche
• Duchess of Deparscht
Nadia Georgiev на Daparscht
• Duchess of Aprimar
Iskra Kaloyanov на Aprimar
LegislatureConfederal Assembly
House of Peers
• 2019 estimate
• 2010 census
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Total
• Per capita


Taranima translates roughly from ancient Taranic, as "land of our hearths", and was used in antiquity to describe the central territory of modern Taranima (now the duchy of Taranar), and in particular the lost meeting grounds of the tribal confederacy in antiquity and into the early post-classical period. As the Taranic peoples came to dominate the regions around Old Taranar, the concept of Taranima expanded slowly into the whole of the modern country. The demonym for citizens of Taranima is Taraniman or Taranimans, though Tarani or Taranii is favored by some, particularly along the Northern coastal regions of the country.


Ethnic Groups of Taranima

  Taranic (73.8%)
  Voscoi (10%)
  Ungarii (8%)
  Montei (5.1%)
  Gallians (2.9%)
  Other (.2%)

According to the 2010 census, the Principality of Taranima has a population of 31,675,962, though current estimates place the population slightly higher having grown at an average rate of .15% per year over the past decades, if demographic trends have indeed continued from the 2000-2010 census period. Immigration to Taranima is relatively low, in part due to the restrictive immigration laws put in place by the Conservative-National coalition in 1989. In spite of the low immigrant population, Taranima is actually quite ethnically diverse with five major ethnic groups represented in Taranima, though they are mainly quite segregated with the ethnic groups possessing a significant majority in some regions with comparatively small populations in others. According to the census, roughly 82% of the population identified as being part of the lgbt community, with the overwhelming majority participating traditional Sacramo family structures.

The largest ethnic group of Taranima are the Taranic peoples who represent much of the central and coastal population, including most of Taranima's major cities. This is followed by the Voscoi and Ungar populations which tend to live in the eastern and southern duchies of the country. Montei peoples are semi-nomadic, but are concentrated in the mountainous west. Lastly are the Gallians, Gallic persons who did not leave when Gaul ceased its influence over Taranima, as well as surviving the pogroms of the fascist government of Taranima, who mostly live in coastal cities.

The population of Taranima is quite rural with only 45% of the population living in urban areas, of which about half (26% of the total population) lives in the largest twenty population centers. There are currently fifteen cities with a population of over one hundred thousand, and three with a population of over five hundred thousand, currently there are no cities with a population greater than one million. There has been a very slight trend towards urbanization in Taranima since the Rose revolution, though migration patterns seemingly favor smaller ubran areas, cities with populations between fifty and eighty thousand.

Largest cities or towns in Taranima
2010 Census
Rank Duchy Pop. Rank Duchy Pop.
1 Ilcharest Taranar 850,181 11 Cour d'Elisa Nowa Gallica 381,871 Ungrad
2 Buchovia Taranar 821,285 12 Karpagrad Depsarscht 350,721
3 Ungrad Daparscht 691,761 13 Barselun Nowa Gallica 297,985
4 Nortara Nordumar 499,750 14 Vardun Nowa Gallica 221,871
5 Timova Nordumar 475,189 15 Baripople Nordumar 157,915
6 Mariople Taranar 462,254 16 Salviople Taranar 97,652
7 Barshislawa Estboche 452,986 17 Granadople Deparscht 95,848
8 Ustengrav Aprimar 448,647 18 Sternograd Taranar 95,374
9 Cutio Nordumar 435,615 19 Belkarp Ausmonta 92,762
10 Constantin Ausmonta 421,641 20 Horograd Arpimar 82,715


The Principality of Taranima recognizes the Taranaran and Voscoi languages as nationally official. languages, used by the government in all its official processes. Additionally, Gallic is recognized as a historically important national language, though it has fallen out of favor as the lingua franca of Taranima. Ungar has been recognized as a regional language, however, concerns over the previous regime of Taranima have seen Ungar begin to fall out of favor with most Taraniman people. Montei is a regional language, but due to the relatively wides and thin spread of the Montei population it is used largely in shires and municipalities rather than recognized at the Duchy level.


Though the Principality is formally a secular nation, the de facto primary faith of the Taranima people is Sacramo, which is practiced almost exclusively in Taranima, and has survived almost all conversion attempts from foreign missionaries, being practiced by a full 78% of the population. The bulk of the Taraniman population was, as of the census cosnidered moderately (50%) or very (42%) religious, with most of the population actively participating in religious ceremonies. A small, but growing percent of the population (3% as of the 2010 census) is areligious or irreligious, major minority faiths include Catholics (most notably of the Albigensian heresy) at 7%, Mazadaki Zoroastrianism, which is practiced primarily by the Montei peoples at 5%, and Judaism at 3%.


The Principality of Taranima is a Confederal Parliamentary Elective Constitutional Monarchy, with the monarch, bearing the title of Grand Prince or Princess, serving as the Head of State for the Taraniman Confederal government, but with most legislative and executive powers turned over to an elected Legislature, and the Confederal Peerage. Taranima is however, lacking in a legally empowered, appellate judiciary. In addition to the central Taraniman government, Taranima has significant and quasi-sovereign devolved governments in the forms of the Duchies of Taranima. The structure of the Confederal government of Taranima is outlined by the Articles of Confederation of the Principality of Taranima, and the roles of governments are as follows:

Executive: The executive branch of the Principality is embodied by two institutions. The first of these, the monarchy, is elected from among the gentry when the previous sovereign dies, or is otherwise rendered incapable of discharging the duties of monarch. The Grand Prince or Princess serves chief diplomat of the Principality, as well as leadership of the Princely Armed Forces of Taranima in addition to the duties owed to the houses of Taranima. The second is embodied by the Prime Minister of Taranima and their cabinet which are appointed by, and accountable to, the Parliament of Taranima, being summoned and discharged by vote of no confidence.

Legislative: The legislative branch of Taranima is a bicameral affair with a democratically elected Parliament, as well as the Hereditary House of the Peerage. The Parliament is the more powerful of the branches possessing power of purse, as well as most of the daily legislative powers in Taranima, in addition to the appointment of the Prime Minister, their cabinet, and most other important executive officials. The Peerage on the other hand is responsible for the election of a new monarch as well as having the final vote on changes made to the Articles of Confederation. Peers convene on an irregular basis, but are expected to select from their number a Lord or Lady President who is to respond to crises, engage in Conclaves, as well as being the day to day representative of the Peerage in the Taraniman political scene. The Peerage is nominally expected to be a nonpartisan body, but most members of the Peerage have publically expressed political support for Taraniman parties.

The Articles of Taranima is the foundational document for the modern Principality of Taranima, outlining the structure of government, the legislative process, the succession process, the devolution of government, and the responsibilities of the monarchy. It is reviewed every twenty five years in a Conclave where amendments, if necessary, are made.

Parties and Elections

His Majesty's Government
  Bread and Roses Party: 146 seats
  Unity and Justice Party: 56 seats
  Green Party: 61 seats
  HM's Worker's Party: 9 seats
  Voscoi Agrarian Party: 8 seats

His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition
  Liberal Conservative Party: 102 seats
  Taraniman Royalist Party: 85 seats
  National Front: 32 seats
  Republican Worker's Party: 22 seats
  Ungar People's Union: 19 seats
  Absolutist Faction: 8 seats
  Montei Front: 6 seats
  Pirate Party-Confederation of Labor: 1 seat

Elections for the parliament of Taranima occur every three years, or in snap elections if the Prime Minister and their government is recalled by vote of no confidence, or if parliament is willingly dissolved by its members. Citizens of 21 years of age or older are eligible to vote in the general election. Seats in Parliament are assigned by locality with each Shire and Municipality (of which there are currently 555) of the Principality being assigned its own Member of Parliament. Members of Parliament are elected by First Past Majority vote, with instant runoffs in the event that no candidate has achieved a majority of the vote. Members of Parliament will then form a government either as a majority or in coalition with other parties (no party without a majority of seats is allowed to form a government independently). The government is then required to form a cabinet and appoint a Prime Minister. Elections in Taranima are well known to be chaotic as a result of the large number of political parties, particularly ethnic parties which often change political loyalties; and no party has managed to secure a majority government since the 1982 when the Rose Coalition broke up.

In addition to the regular elections are Conclaves, which are called once every twenty five years, or since the Rose Revolution, by referendum. Conclaves are legislative meetings wherein the Peers of Taranima, and elected representatives are called together in a legislative session to review the Articles of Confederation, and make amendments as necessary. Conclaves are technically supposed to be nonpartisan bodies, however, there are no laws in place to prevent members of Conclaves from registering in political parties.

The current government of Taranima is led by the social democratic Bread and Roses party, the successor party to the Rose Coalition, which leads a coalition of other center-left, green, and social liberal parties. Opposition comes largely in the form of the classical liberal Liberal Conservative Party, and the conservative Royalist Party, with several other minor parties representing political views from both the far left, and far right, as well as parties representing the interests ethnic minorities in Taranima.

Devolution of Government

Taranima possesses a highly devolved, confederal government, with the eight Duchies of Taranima serving as voluntary members of the Principality, with a great deal of autonomy. The Duchies are quasi-sovereign with their own standing armies, legislatures, Ducal constitutions, and in rare cases external diplomatic relations. These duchies have their own devolved counties, and local shires and municipalities (of similar import but are distinctly either rural or urban in nature), which are responsible for much of the day to day operations of Taranima. Devolved governments of Taranima are allowed a great deal of autonomy in internal affairs, but are required by the Articles of Confederation, as of 1982, to have elected legislatures and strict limits on the power, and more importantly, legal privileges of the nobility.

Foreign Policy

The Taraniman Pirncipality maintains a relatively neutral foreign policy. Aside from expressing interest in the Teremaran Security Organization, Taranima has largely avoided joining international organizations. Taranima is however dedicated to maintaining amicable relations with other nations in Teremara. Taranima occasionally participates in humanitarian interventions, largely in concert with larger allied nations, usually providing logistical support and security for long term operations in comparatively stabilized regions. Taranima operates a small diplomatic service with embassies in a handful of Teremaran nations, and consulates in others. More strangely, some of the larger Duchies of Taranima possess diplomatic services of their own, though Ducal governments are only rarely recognized by foreign powers, and are barred from contradicting the Confederal policy when it comes to foreign diplomacy. Taranima favors free trade, and freedom of movement with nations that the Parliament deems to be similarly aligned to Taranima, and the current government has expressed some interest in increased involvement on the international stage.


Taranima, as a heterogeneous nation cannot be said to have a singular culture, with several of the minority ethnic groups having distinctive cultures apart from that of the Taranic majority. This heterogeneity has resulted in several cultures with largely the more recent civic traditions serving as an overall touchstone. The exception to this rule however comes in the form of the religion of Sacramo, which was spread by the Taranic peoples during the late antiquity and early post-antiquity, and forms the basis of Taraniman family values, holidays, and other aspects of daily life.


Music and Dance

The Visual Arts


