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The nobility of the Imperial & Federal Union consists of the various noble families of the Imperial and Federal Union. The current Contract & Charter of Union recognises three distinct origins of nobility: the Imperial Noble Estates, the Federal nobility, and the Prefectural Exalted Lineages of Nakabe. Although all three are accorded similar rights and privileges, each has developed in different and distinct manners. Together, the various noble families of the Imperial & Federal Union are a significant power base, many of whom have independent power bases and rule territories within the Union.

Rights, Privileges, and Authority

The nobility of the Imperial & Federal Union enjoy certain rights, privileges, and authorities beyond that of an ordinary Imperial or Federal citizen, along with the base level of rights accorded to all citizens.


Imperial Noble Estates

The Imperial nobility consists of the Noble Estates, as recognised by the Reichsregiment. The Imperial nobility consists of those Princely Houses who have been granted portions of the Imperial Crownlands to rule as a Noble Estate. In general, a Noble Estate can be formed either by a direct grant from the Emperor to a Princely House, or by a sub-grant by such a recipient to another Princely House, which creates a sub-rank of estate that is answerable to the intermediate grantor. A Noble Estate enjoys Imperial Immediacy is one who has no such intermediate lord, but rather have received their estate directly from the Emperor, and answerable only to the Emperor. Many of those with Imperial Immediacy in turn grant out portions of their relatively large demesnes to other families, creating structure of vassalage.


The Imperial nobility features clearly defined ranks of seniority, dependant on the size of estate granted to the Princely House, and whether the House possesses Imperial Immediacy. In order, of most senior to least, the various ranks are:

  • Archduke/Erzherzog
  • Duke/Herzog
  • Prince/Fuerst
  • Marquess/Landgrave
  • Count/Graf
  • Baron/Freiherr
  • Imperial Knight/Reichsritter

Of these, Archdukes, Dukes and Princes are normally termed the High Nobility, while Marquis, Counts, Barons, and Knights are termed the Low Nobility.

The High Nobility

The title of Archduke is solely reserved for member of the Imperial Family, the Princely House of Habsburg. All member of the family who lie in the line of succession to the throne receive the title of Archduke or Archduchess respectively. Member of the family who are not in line for the throne, for whatever reason are given the courtesy title of Prince or Princess, but do not hold an Imperial Estate, nor enjoy the rights, privileges, and responsibilities thereof.

Dukes enjoy an almost guaranteed seat on the Imperial Council of State, and hold the right to maintain their own local defense forces, much like a member states. A Duke is guaranteed to have directly received their Estate directly from the Emperor, and so all Imperial Dukes enjoy direct Imperial immediacy. Many Ducal estates are quite expansive, and so can be sub-divided amongst member of the Lower Nobility. There are relatively limited numbers of Dukes within the R.u.B Union, with only twenty established Imperial Duchies as a whole.

Princes are of a similar status to the Dukes, but while all Princes can expect to hold Imperial Immediacy, receiving their estates directly from the Emperor, a seat on the Imperial Council of State is not guaranteed, and is heavily depending on the Prince's own position and relationship with the Emperor.

The High Nobility all enjoy many important rights and privileges. Of these, the most important is the right to raise and maintain their own defence forces. The High Nobility also have rights to mint their own currency, if they so wish, as well as independently tax their own estates, so long as they also pay their share of the Kontribution. Finally, all members of the High Nobility enjoy the right of appeal directly to R.u.B Cameral Courts.

The Low Nobility

'Marquess are the highest ranked of the Lower Nobility. While most Marquesses are vassals to Dukes or Princes, some Marquesses enjoy Imperial Immediacy, usually over territories on the frontiers of the R.u.B Union. Some Marquesses who enjoy Immediacy, are also granted control over portions of the Erblande necessary for wider defence of the R.u.B Union. These marches are often centred around key fortresses, and their surrounding territories. Those Marquesses that enjoy Imperial Immediacy have the right to raise and maintain local defence forces.

Counts, Barons, and Knights are almost always subject to a higher lord of the Noble Estates, but some may enjoy direct Imperial Immediacy over a city, town, or other territories as part of the Erblande.

Federal Nobility

The Federal nobility consists of nobility raised within a Federal State, rather than by the Reichsregiment. Due to wide latitude of Federal Member States within the R.u.B Union, many member states possess their own nobility. As part of the Contract & Charter of Union, most of these independent nobilities had their rights and privileges recognised by the R.u.B Union. Due to the diverse origins of the Federal nobility, no standardised system of ranks or styles exists.

The Federal nobility exists within the structure of the Federal Government, and whatever structure of local government the member state they arise from utilises. As such, although their nobility is recognised, their levels of power, authority, rights, and privileges can vary wildly. In some situations, members of the Federal nobility rule entire member states in their own name, granting them levels of power equal to or greater than the highest Imperial or Prefectural nobility. In others, Federal nobility are merely honorary titles, with little in the way of organic power.

Prefectural Exalted Lineages

Although technically an element of the Federal nobility, the Nakabean nobility--internally termed the Exalted Lines--has been specially recognised in the Contract & Charter of Union, due to the Nakabe Prefecture's special place within the R.u.B Union. The Prefectural Exalted Lineages are thus a unique case within the Imperial & Federal Union, and are recognised as such.


  • Daimyo/大名 (Duke or Prince)
  • Koshaku/侯爵 (Marquess)
  • Shishaku/子爵 (Count)
  • Danshaku/男爵 (Baron)
  • Bushi/武士 (Knight)