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Latest revision as of 04:25, 21 April 2022
This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
This Lua module is used on approximately 11,000 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them.
Transclusion count updated automatically (see documentation). |
This module depends on the following other modules: |
This module creates the header section for boxed content. It implements {{box-header}}. It is intended to mainly be used in portals, but can also be used elsewhere.
- For use in templates; calls
with the parameters passed to the template as arguments.
- For use in modules; constructs the box header (and the start of the box body). The args are the parameters accepted by Template:Box-header. (The output may need to be expanded, depending on the values in the args.)
- For use in templates; calls
with the parameters passed to the template as arguments.
- For use in modules; calculates appropriate colours for the box header, and then constructs it using
. The args are the parameters accepted by Template:Box-header colour – the same as for Template:Box-header, apart from those specifying colours and the title. (The output may need to be expanded, depending on the values in the args.)
See also
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}
---------- Config data ----------
local namedColours = mw.loadData( 'Module:Box-header/colours' )
local modes = {
lightest = { sat=0.10, val=1.00 },
light = { sat=0.15, val=0.95 },
normal = { sat=0.40, val=0.85 },
dark = { sat=0.90, val=0.70 },
darkest = { sat=1.00, val=0.45 },
content = { sat=0.04, val=1.00 },
grey = { sat=0.00 }
local min_contrast_ratio_normal_text = 7 -- i.e 7:1
local min_contrast_ratio_large_text = 4.5 -- i.e. 4.5:1
-- Template parameter aliases
-- Specify each as either a single value, or a table of values
-- Aliases are checked left-to-right, i.e. `['one'] = { 'two', 'three' }` is equivalent to using `{{{one| {{{two| {{{three|}}} }}} }}}` in a template
local parameterAliases = {
['1'] = 1,
['2'] = 2,
['colour'] = 'color'
---------- Dependecies ----------
local colourContrastModule = require('Module:Color contrast')
local hex = require( 'luabit.hex' )
---------- Utility functions ----------
local function getParam(args, parameter)
if args[parameter] then
return args[parameter]
local aliases = parameterAliases[parameter]
if not aliases then
return nil
if type(aliases) ~= 'table' then
return args[aliases]
for _, alias in ipairs(aliases) do
if args[alias] then
return args[alias]
return nil
local function setCleanArgs(argsTable)
local cleanArgs = {}
for key, val in pairs(argsTable) do
if type(val) == 'string' then
val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
if val ~= '' then
cleanArgs[key] = val
cleanArgs[key] = val
return cleanArgs
-- Merge two tables into a new table. If the are any duplicate keys, the values from the second overwrite the values from the first.
local function mergeTables(first, second)
local merged = {}
for key, val in pairs(first) do
merged[key] = val
for key, val in pairs(second) do
merged[key] = val
return merged
local function toOpenTagString(selfClosedHtmlObject)
local closedTagString = tostring(selfClosedHtmlObject)
local openTagString = mw.ustring.gsub(closedTagString, ' />$', '>')
return openTagString
local function normaliseHexTriplet(hexString)
if not hexString then return nil end
local hexComponent = mw.ustring.match(hexString, '^#(%x%x%x)$') or mw.ustring.match(hexString, '^#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)$')
if hexComponent and #hexComponent == 6 then
return mw.ustring.upper(hexString)
if hexComponent and #hexComponent == 3 then
local r = mw.ustring.rep(mw.ustring.sub(hexComponent, 1, 1), 2)
local g = mw.ustring.rep(mw.ustring.sub(hexComponent, 2, 2), 2)
local b = mw.ustring.rep(mw.ustring.sub(hexComponent, 3, 3), 2)
return '#' .. mw.ustring.upper(r .. g .. b)
return nil
---------- Conversions ----------
local function decimalToPaddedHex(number)
local prefixedHex = hex.to_hex(tonumber(number)) -- prefixed with '0x'
local padding = #prefixedHex == 3 and '0' or ''
return mw.ustring.gsub(prefixedHex, '0x', padding)
local function hexToDecimal(hexNumber)
return tonumber(hexNumber, 16)
local function RGBtoHexTriplet(R, G, B)
return '#' .. decimalToPaddedHex(R) .. decimalToPaddedHex(G) .. decimalToPaddedHex(B)
local function hexTripletToRGB(hexTriplet)
local R_hex, G_hex, B_hex = string.match(hexTriplet, '(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)')
return hexToDecimal(R_hex), hexToDecimal(G_hex), hexToDecimal(B_hex)
local function HSVtoRGB(H, S, V) -- per [[HSL and HSV#Converting_to_RGB]]
local C = V * S
local H_prime = H / 60
local X = C * ( 1 - math.abs(math.fmod(H_prime, 2) - 1) )
local R1, G1, B1
if H_prime <= 1 then
R1 = C
G1 = X
B1 = 0
elseif H_prime <= 2 then
R1 = X
G1 = C
B1 = 0
elseif H_prime <= 3 then
R1 = 0
G1 = C
B1 = X
elseif H_prime <= 4 then
R1 = 0
G1 = X
B1 = C
elseif H_prime <= 5 then
R1 = X
G1 = 0
B1 = C
elseif H_prime <= 6 then
R1 = C
G1 = 0
B1 = X
local m = V - C
local R = R1 + m
local G = G1 + m
local B = B1 + m
local R_255 = math.floor(R*255)
local G_255 = math.floor(G*255)
local B_255 = math.floor(B*255)
return R_255, G_255, B_255
local function RGBtoHue(R_255, G_255, B_255) -- per [[HSL and HSV#Hue and chroma]]
local R = R_255/255
local G = G_255/255
local B = B_255/255
local M = math.max(R, G, B)
local m = math.min(R, G, B)
local C = M - m
local H_prime
if C == 0 then
return null
elseif M == R then
H_prime = math.fmod(((G - B)/C + 6), 6) -- adding six before taking mod ensures positive value
elseif M == G then
H_prime = (B - R)/C + 2
elseif M == B then
H_prime = (R - G)/C + 4
local H = 60 * H_prime
return H
local function nameToHexTriplet(name)
if not name then return nil end
local codename = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.lower(name), ' ', '')
return namedColours[codename]
---------- Choose colours ----------
local function calculateColours(H, S, V, minContrast)
local bgColour = RGBtoHexTriplet(HSVtoRGB(H, S, V))
local textColour = colourContrastModule._greatercontrast({bgColour})
local contrast = colourContrastModule._ratio({ bgColour, textColour })
if contrast >= minContrast then
return bgColour, textColour
elseif textColour == '#FFFFFF' then
-- make the background darker and slightly increase the saturation
return calculateColours(H, math.min(1, S+0.005), math.max(0, V-0.03), minContrast)
-- make the background lighter and slightly decrease the saturation
return calculateColours(H, math.max(0, S-0.005), math.min(1, V+0.03), minContrast)
local function makeColours(hue, modeName)
local mode = modes[modeName]
local isGrey = not(hue)
if isGrey then hue = 0 end
local borderSat = isGrey and modes.grey.sat or 0.15
local border = RGBtoHexTriplet(HSVtoRGB(hue, borderSat, 0.75))
local titleSat = isGrey and modes.grey.sat or mode.sat
local titleBackground, titleForeground = calculateColours(hue, titleSat, mode.val, min_contrast_ratio_large_text)
local contentSat = isGrey and modes.grey.sat or modes.content.sat
local contentBackground, contentForeground = calculateColours(hue, contentSat, modes.content.val, min_contrast_ratio_normal_text)
return border, titleForeground, titleBackground, contentForeground, contentBackground
local function findHue(colour)
local colourAsNumber = tonumber(colour)
if colourAsNumber and ( -1 < colourAsNumber ) and ( colourAsNumber < 360) then
return colourAsNumber
local colourAsHexTriplet = normaliseHexTriplet(colour) or nameToHexTriplet(colour)
if colourAsHexTriplet then
return RGBtoHue(hexTripletToRGB(colourAsHexTriplet))
return null
local function normaliseMode(mode)
if not mode or not modes[mw.ustring.lower(mode)] or mw.ustring.lower(mode) == 'grey' then
return 'normal'
return mw.ustring.lower(mode)
---------- Build output ----------
local function boxHeaderOuter(args)
local baseStyle = {
clear = 'both',
['box-sizing'] = 'border-box',
border = ( getParam(args, 'border-type') or 'solid' ) .. ' ' .. ( getParam(args, 'titleborder') or getParam(args, 'border') or '#ababab' ),
background = getParam(args, 'titlebackground') or '#bcbcbc',
color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000',
padding = getParam(args, 'padding') or '.1em',
['text-align'] = getParam(args, 'title-align') or 'center',
['font-family'] = getParam(args, 'font-family') or 'sans-serif',
['font-size'] = getParam(args, 'titlefont-size') or '100%',
['margin-bottom'] = '0px',
local tag = mw.html.create('div', {selfClosing = true})
:css('border-width', ( getParam(args, 'border-top') or getParam(args, 'border-width') or '1' ) .. 'px ' .. ( getParam(args, 'border-width') or '1' ) .. 'px 0')
:css('padding-top', getParam(args, 'padding-top') or '.1em')
:css('padding-left', getParam(args, 'padding-left') or '.1em')
:css('padding-right', getParam(args, 'padding-right') or '.1em')
:css('padding-bottom', getParam(args, 'padding-bottom') or '.1em')
:css('moz-border-radius', getParam(args, 'title-border-radius') or '0')
:css('webkit-border-radius', getParam(args, 'title-border-radius') or '0')
:css('border-radius', getParam(args, 'title-border-radius') or '0')
return toOpenTagString(tag)
local function boxHeaderTopLinks(args)
local style = {
float = 'right',
['margin-bottom'] = '.1em',
['font-size'] = getParam(args, 'font-size') or '80%',
color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000'
local tag = mw.html.create('div', {selfClosing = true})
:addClass('plainlinks noprint' )
return toOpenTagString(tag)
local function boxHeaderEditLink(args)
local page = getParam(args, 'editpage')
if not page or page == '{{{2}}}'
return ''
local style = {
color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000'
local tag = mw.html.create('span')
local linktext = tostring(tag)
local linktarget = tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(page, {action='edit', section=getParam(args, 'section')}))
return '[' .. linktarget .. ' ' .. linktext .. '] '
local function boxHeaderViewLink(args)
local style = {
color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000'
local tag = mw.html.create('span')
local linktext = tostring(tag)
local linktarget = ':' .. getParam(args, 'viewpage')
return "<b>·</b> [[" .. linktarget .. '|' .. linktext .. ']] '
local function boxHeaderTitle(args)
local baseStyle = {
['font-family'] = getParam(args, 'title-font-family') or 'sans-serif',
['font-size'] = getParam(args, 'title-font-size') or '100%',
['font-weight'] = getParam(args, 'title-font-weight') or 'bold',
border = 'none',
margin = '0',
padding = '0',
color = getParam(args, 'titleforeground') or '#000';
local tagName = getParam(args, 'SPAN') and 'span' or 'h2'
local tag = mw.html.create(tagName)
:css('padding-bottom', '.1em')
:wikitext(getParam(args, 'title'))
if getParam(args, 'extra') then
local rules = mw.text.split(getParam(args, 'extra'), ';', true)
for _, rule in pairs(rules) do
local parts = mw.text.split(rule, ':', true)
local prop = parts[1]
local val = parts[2]
if prop and val then
tag:css(prop, val)
return tostring(tag)
local function boxBody(args)
local baseStyle = {
['box-sizing'] = 'border-box',
border = ( getParam(args, 'border-width') or '1' ) .. 'px solid ' .. ( getParam(args, 'border') or '#ababab'),
['vertical-align'] = 'top';
background = getParam(args, 'background') or '#fefeef',
opacity = getParam(args, 'background-opacity') or '1',
color = getParam(args, 'foreground') or '#000',
['text-align'] = getParam(args, 'text-align') or 'left',
margin = '0 0 10px',
padding = getParam(args, 'padding') or '1em',
local tag = mw.html.create('div', {selfClosing = true})
:css('border-top-width', ( getParam(args, 'border-top') or '1' ) .. 'px')
:css('padding-top', getParam(args, 'padding-top') or '.3em')
:css('border-radius', getParam(args, 'border-radius') or '0')
return toOpenTagString(tag)
local function contrastCategories(args)
local cats = ''
local titleText = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titleforeground')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titleforeground')) or '#000000'
local titleBackground = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titlebackground')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'titlebackground')) or '#bcbcbc'
local titleContrast = colourContrastModule._ratio({titleBackground, titleText})
local insufficientTitleContrast = type(titleContrast) == 'number' and ( titleContrast < min_contrast_ratio_large_text )
local bodyText = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'foreground')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'foreground')) or '#000000'
local bodyBackground = nameToHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'background')) or normaliseHexTriplet(getParam(args, 'background')) or '#fefeef'
local bodyContrast = colourContrastModule._ratio({bodyBackground, bodyText})
local insufficientBodyContrast = type(bodyContrast) == 'number' and ( bodyContrast < min_contrast_ratio_normal_text )
if insufficientTitleContrast and insufficientBodyContrast then
return '[[Category:Box-header with insufficient title contrast]][[Category:Box-header with insufficient body contrast]]'
elseif insufficientTitleContrast then
return '[[Category:Box-header with insufficient title contrast]]'
elseif insufficientBodyContrast then
return '[[Category:Box-header with insufficient body contrast]]'
return ''
---------- Main functions / entry points ----------
-- Entry point for templates (manually-specified colours)
function p.boxHeader(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local page = args.editpage
if not args.editpage or args.editpage == '' then
page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText
local output = p._boxHeader(args, page)
if mw.ustring.find(output, '{') then
return frame:preprocess(output)
return output
-- Entry point for modules (manually-specified colours)
function p._boxHeader(_args, page)
local args = setCleanArgs(_args)
if page and not args.editpage then
args.editpage = page
if not args.title then
args.title = '{{{title}}}'
local output = {}
table.insert(output, boxHeaderOuter(args))
if not getParam(args, 'EDITLINK') then
table.insert(output, boxHeaderTopLinks(args))
if not getParam(args, 'noedit') then
table.insert(output, boxHeaderEditLink(args))
if getParam(args, 'viewpage') then
table.insert(output, boxHeaderViewLink(args))
if getParam(args, 'top') then
table.insert(output, getParam(args, 'top') .. ' ')
table.insert(output, '</div>')
table.insert(output, boxHeaderTitle(args))
table.insert(output, '</div>')
table.insert(output, boxBody(args))
if not getParam(args, 'TOC') then
table.insert(output, '__NOTOC__')
if not getParam(args, 'EDIT') then
table.insert(output, '__NOEDITSECTION__')
table.insert(output, contrastCategories(args))
return table.concat(output)
-- Entry point for templates (automatically calculated colours)
function p.autoColour(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
local colourParam = getParam(args, 'colour')
local generatedColour = nil
if not colourParam or colourParam == '' then
-- convert the root page name into a number and use that
local root = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootPageTitle.prefixedText
local rootStart = mw.ustring.sub(root, 1, 12)
local digitsFromRootStart = mw.ustring.gsub(rootStart, ".", function(s) return math.fmod(string.byte(s, 2) or string.byte(s, 1), 10) end)
local numberFromRoot = tonumber(digitsFromRootStart, 10)
generatedColour = math.fmod(numberFromRoot, 360)
local output = p._autoColour(args, generatedColour)
if mw.ustring.find(output, '{') then
return frame:preprocess(output)
return output
-- Entry point for modules (automatically calculated colours)
function p._autoColour(_args, generatedColour)
local args = setCleanArgs(_args)
local hue = generatedColour or findHue(getParam(args, 'colour'))
local mode = normaliseMode(getParam(args, 'mode'))
local border, titleForeground, titleBackground, contentForeground, contentBackground = makeColours(hue, mode)
local boxTemplateArgs = mergeTables(args, {
title = getParam(args, '1') or '{{{1}}}',
editpage = getParam(args, '2') or '',
noedit = getParam(args, '2') and '' or 'yes',
border = border,
titleforeground = titleForeground,
titlebackground = titleBackground,
foreground = contentForeground,
background = contentBackground
return p._boxHeader(boxTemplateArgs)
return p