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Holders of Themiclesian visas are, by definition, foreigners, who having met certain requirements can become Themiclesian citizens by the process of naturalization, which in practice is often anticipated by holders of permanent residency visas but is a separate legal process.  As naturalization alters an individual's legal allegiance, only Parliament has the power to naturalize foreigners though an act of the body.  As it is accomplished through legislation, the power of naturalization is not restricted to those holding visas, though after 1936 the vast majority of naturalizations are presented as Government bills. 
Parliament's public bulletin No. 1134 (1977) states that there are three ways to request Parliament to naturalize a foreigner:
*Government bill;
*Private member's bill; and
*Direct petition.
The process of naturalization by government bill is the normal way to obtain citizenship and is the expected result of permanent residency.  In this method, the permanent resident, having proven six months of continuous residence and meeting several other criteria, files an affidavit so stating to the County Magistracy where they reside.  The magistracy performs preliminary investigations about the truthfulness of the affidavit, and being satisfied, would then inform the Foreign Office about their intention to acquire Themiclesian citizenship.  The names of such permanent residents are presented in one Government bill to Parliament, and the bill is always passed near the end of a session as a Matter of Course.  Once the bill passes both houses, the permanent resident is considered a citizen the instant the bill receives Royal Assent.
The two other methods are more archaic and are intended as remedies to failures of the executive process.  The ''Naturalization of Aliens Act'' of 1915 required the Home Secretary to present the names of aliens in Themiclesia seeking naturalization to Parliament upon their request and gave permission to the Foreign Secretary to do the same for aliens who wished to immigrate to Themiclesia but were abroad.  If the immigrant is an individual of "great notoriety", their names were to be presented "without delay".  In practice this measure was never presented personally but by a junior member of the Government as a private member's bill, since these measures are a statutory obligation and not Government policy.  Such a bill is not passed as a matter of course, and it is rarely passed unless the Government specifically argues for it.
Should the alien be unable to secure permanent residency or Government support, they are still able to present their request to naturalize to Parliament as a direct petition.  This was the main method of naturalization until 1915.  To do so the petitioner must print and present their brief to all Peers and Members of Parliament and secure the sponsorship of at least two Peers and two MPs, to present the case in the upper and lower houses respectively.  The filing fee is $20,000 in the House of Commons and $9,000 in the House of Lords, and a bond of $50,000 is posted (lost if bill is rejected).  Additionally, the petitioner must satisfy the Clerk of the Parliaments and the Clerk of the House of Commons that they are either foreign royalty or significant errors have occurred in executive actions and all remedies have been exhausted, to motivate Parliament to exercise its power to correct the executive power.  Payment of fees does not guarantee the petition will be given a third reading—if the Committee on Prerogatives decides the bill is without merit, it would be abandoned, and the bond would be lost.

==List of nationalities with visa privilege==
==List of nationalities with visa privilege==

Revision as of 11:59, 9 May 2022

Themiclesian visa policies govern the issuance of transit and residency permits ("visas") to aliens; these permits vary by effective period, privileges recognized, and individuals eligible for their issue. Generally, visas are granted on the basis of a valid travelling document, such as a passport, and as a rule aliens may not enter Themiclesia without a valid visa. Recently, it has been possible to acquire visas through a variety of channels and locations, most importantly consulates, airports, and over the Internet. Viewing visa policy as a means of population and border control, as well as an influence over demographics, permanent residency permits, refuge and sanctuary permits, as well as other extraordinary instruments that confer the right to enter Themiclesia as an alien are also within the scope of this article.

For acquisition of Themiclesian nationality, please see



Types of visas

Temporary resident

Permanent resident


Holders of Themiclesian visas are, by definition, foreigners, who having met certain requirements can become Themiclesian citizens by the process of naturalization, which in practice is often anticipated by holders of permanent residency visas but is a separate legal process. As naturalization alters an individual's legal allegiance, only Parliament has the power to naturalize foreigners though an act of the body. As it is accomplished through legislation, the power of naturalization is not restricted to those holding visas, though after 1936 the vast majority of naturalizations are presented as Government bills.

Parliament's public bulletin No. 1134 (1977) states that there are three ways to request Parliament to naturalize a foreigner:

  • Government bill;
  • Private member's bill; and
  • Direct petition.

The process of naturalization by government bill is the normal way to obtain citizenship and is the expected result of permanent residency. In this method, the permanent resident, having proven six months of continuous residence and meeting several other criteria, files an affidavit so stating to the County Magistracy where they reside. The magistracy performs preliminary investigations about the truthfulness of the affidavit, and being satisfied, would then inform the Foreign Office about their intention to acquire Themiclesian citizenship. The names of such permanent residents are presented in one Government bill to Parliament, and the bill is always passed near the end of a session as a Matter of Course. Once the bill passes both houses, the permanent resident is considered a citizen the instant the bill receives Royal Assent.

The two other methods are more archaic and are intended as remedies to failures of the executive process. The Naturalization of Aliens Act of 1915 required the Home Secretary to present the names of aliens in Themiclesia seeking naturalization to Parliament upon their request and gave permission to the Foreign Secretary to do the same for aliens who wished to immigrate to Themiclesia but were abroad. If the immigrant is an individual of "great notoriety", their names were to be presented "without delay". In practice this measure was never presented personally but by a junior member of the Government as a private member's bill, since these measures are a statutory obligation and not Government policy. Such a bill is not passed as a matter of course, and it is rarely passed unless the Government specifically argues for it.

Should the alien be unable to secure permanent residency or Government support, they are still able to present their request to naturalize to Parliament as a direct petition. This was the main method of naturalization until 1915. To do so the petitioner must print and present their brief to all Peers and Members of Parliament and secure the sponsorship of at least two Peers and two MPs, to present the case in the upper and lower houses respectively. The filing fee is $20,000 in the House of Commons and $9,000 in the House of Lords, and a bond of $50,000 is posted (lost if bill is rejected). Additionally, the petitioner must satisfy the Clerk of the Parliaments and the Clerk of the House of Commons that they are either foreign royalty or significant errors have occurred in executive actions and all remedies have been exhausted, to motivate Parliament to exercise its power to correct the executive power. Payment of fees does not guarantee the petition will be given a third reading—if the Committee on Prerogatives decides the bill is without merit, it would be abandoned, and the bond would be lost.

List of nationalities with visa privilege

Nation Visa status Visa type
and duration
Aenvelinck Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Allied Nations Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Andor Exempt Travelling, 90 days
A'olafa Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Artanor Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Aversgard Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Bataviae Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Beloslavia Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Chervakia Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Dayashina Exempt Travelling, 180 days
Commercial, 6 months
Visitor, 1 year
Dzhungestan No
Ehuktenni Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Eisenmaat Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Ephthesia Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Eriador Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Erquin Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Federation of Soviet R. Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Free Anchin Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Hanhae Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Visitor, 1 year
Heliokhora Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Hokotani Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Innominada, R. Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Innominada, DPR. Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Jedoria Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Khalistan Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Kouralia Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Lothlann Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Maldania Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Maverica Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 30 days
Commercial, 6 months
Menghe Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Professor, 2 years
Visitor, 1 year
Prof. visa doc. pending
Minilov Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Commercial, 6 months
Mozria Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Naseristan Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Neo-Pillowlandia Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Nukkumaa Exempt Travelling, 180 days
Professor, 2 years
Commercial, 6 months
Prof. visa doc. pending
Organized States Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Professor, 2 years
Commercial, 6 months
Prof. visa doc. pending
Ostland Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Rajamaan Yhdysvallat Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Commercial, 6 months
Romavy Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Shijuku Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Sieuxerr Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Commercial, 6 months
Sundan Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 45 days
Sylva Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Tol Galen Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Commercial, 6 months
Tyran Exempt Travelling, 180 days
Professor, 4 years
Commercial, 6 months
Verpletterant Visa-on-arrival Travelling, 30 days
Neko/Inu, 6 months
Vyzhva No Refugee, indefinite
Wuestenfelsen No Refugee, indefinite
Yugoslovenski Exempt Travelling, 90 days
Commercial, 6 months

See also