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==Phau astrology==
==Phau astrology==
As previously mentioned Phau Spiritism has its own astrology and belief on how the stars show the Aethericals' plans laid out for each person. It is said the world is split into two parts sitting on the backs of 2 snails facing away from each other, the Material and Spirit worlds, which appear completely identical with beings able to transport between the worlds. away from these are the Aetherical plane where the spirits dwell and plot out their plans for life on the stars above.
Phau Spiritism has its own special importance placed on the ability to read the stars and deciphering the meanings of various constellations and their locations. Before a ne'egnej is born into a mortal form in either the Ncajn̑ãim or the Parallel.



Revision as of 17:20, 30 June 2022

Unique to the Phauic peoples in Prei Meas Phau Spiritism is by design an extremely decentralized faith.


Unique among most religions in Anteria Phau Spiritism has no pantheon and even no god at all. Instead its beliefs rest on a host of spirits and souls. It believes that the world always existed with no primordial creature but instead at the center of everything there is a tree called Ntiajntả literally "planet tree" and on one of its branches sits 2 snails upon which the 2 worlds of existence exist, the Ncajn̑ãim and the Parallel surrounded by the Aetherical plane and the stars.


The concept of a ne'egnej is one of the most important in the traditional Phauic faith, every single living being from the most noble human to the lowliest ant has a ne'egnej and so does every entity inhabiting the Parallel on the other world snail. When a ne'egnej's body dies the ne'egnej returns to the Aetherical to its free existence to create for itself a new mortal form and plot its new path into the stars. Therefore when a hunter or raiser of livestock slaughters an animal they must show it the proper respect to ensure the continued cycle of the ne'egnej. The greatest sin to a believer of the traditional Phau faith is the interference in the cycle of a ne'egnej.

The Plains and worlds


The Ncajn̑ãim is the physical world in which all life and love happens. Here plans come to fruition, wars are fought and actions are taken. Ncajn̑ãim is also where the ne'egnej p̩aɨ literally "life beings" take mortal forms to follow through on their plans and lives they pick for themselves in their Aetherical.

The Parallel world

The Parallel world is a thing of mystery. It is inhabited by near immortal spirits who live and work in much the same way as on the Ncajn̑ãim and they have their own ne'egnej p̩aɨ. While these beings are considered to be almost mortal many scholars think of them as the closest things Phauic faith has to gods. Many of these spirits are able to transport into our realm at any time to either assist the beings of our world or cause mischief, however, no being is purely good nor evil. While beings of this world are able to access our world at will it is said that our world has lost this art and are only able to travel to the Parallel in our dreams or during extremely focused meditation.

Aetherical Plain

The Aetherical plain or the Uake in Phau is the Aetherical plain is sometimes referred to the Phauic equivalent of an afterlife despite it not necessarily fulfilling this role. The Aetherical consists of 4 great creations, the 2 great steps from the Aetherical to the stars (used by ne'egnej p̩aɨ from the Ncajn̑ãim and the Parallel to make their marks on the stars), and 2 celestial bodies, the sun and the moon meant to guide the mortals. Here the immortal ne'egnej p̩aɨ gather to share their tales from worlds and plan their next journey and create their new mortal form.

Phau astrology

Phau Spiritism has its own special importance placed on the ability to read the stars and deciphering the meanings of various constellations and their locations. Before a ne'egnej is born into a mortal form in either the Ncajn̑ãim or the Parallel.

