Immigration and citizenship in Velikoslavia: Difference between revisions

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{{Wp|Naturalization}} into Velikoslavia is somewhat more strenuous than other nations but not unreasonably so. Any relative of a {{Peerages in Velikoslavia|Peer}}, up to a second cousin, may apply for citizenship and be naturalized immediately. Those married to a person who holds Velikoslavian citizenship may also apply for and be fast tracked to citizenship. For others to be naturalized, they must meet several conditions. A person must have at least 3 years continuous legal residence. These requirements may be waived for minor children under the age of 14 adopted by a Veliko citizen, and those who reside for two years and possess a Class A permit. The applicant must have an acceptable command of Velerian and be able to demonstrate a knowledge of local customs and culture. They must also have held employment for the majority of the three year period.


Revision as of 21:00, 14 April 2023

Velikoslavia is considered to have open citizenship and immigration policies owing to a long history of being a multiethnic empire. Velikoslavian immigration and citizenship policies officially draw from the Ethos on the Movement and Resettlement of Population Groups drafted and passed by the Synod in 1976 and accepted into law by Tsar Nicholas I.

Velikoslavian Citizenship has been a concept since 1435 when it was introduced as a way to track and increase tax income and provide benefits to those within the borders. Veliko society has distinct privileges for those who gain citizenship, though it is fairly easy to obtain and open to most anyone who does not have a significant criminal background in their nation of origin.

Immigration Regulations

Immigration and customs in Velikoslavia are managed by the Customs and Immigration Office. The CIO is a subdivision of the Interior Ministry and is responsible for management of all airports, international railway terminals, ports, and border checkpoints. The CIO has judicial authority to detain anyone they find suspicious around the direct border regions of the nation. Within the interior, the CIO may request a warrant from a local judge and search a premises for contraband.

Velikoslavia allows immigration from all countries and currently only has restrictons on Fahran, which due to its status as a warzone, requires applicants to go through the refugee process rather than traditional immigration. The government may also put a nation on an immigration blacklist, but currently no nations are on the list.

Peerage Exception Permit

A Peerage Exception Permit is the highest immigration permit awarded in the nation. The short list of requirements are to not be from a blacklist nation and to have a valid form of identification or a letter from a valid authority denoting the requester as one of noble birth. Those who are awarded these permits are granted permission to stay within the borders of the Velikoslavia for an indefinite period of time. This provision was created to allow for foreign nobility to visit friends and relatives within the nation easily due to the various foreign marriages between noble families. The bearer of the permit is awarded nearly all of the privileges of a citizen. Because of the nature of these documents, fabricated PE Permits have been known to appear on the black market.

Peer Sponsorship Permit

Another highly sought after permit is the Peer Sponsorship Permit, where a title holder of the nobility can sponsor an applicant and fast track them through the immigration process. Sponsorship permits require a payment of 500 ropol from the sponsor and they also must show that the candidate will be given assistance in finding a place to live and work. Exceptions can be made should the lord provide income for the sponsored, allowing lords to hire forign servants. In the event of the sponsored candidate committing a crime, the sponsor is held partially responsible and required to pay a significant fine.

Church Sponsorship Permit

Similar to a Peer Sponsorship, a Church Sponsorship is issued for those who live and work in Velikoslavia for the Velikoslavian Orthodox Church. All Church Sponsorship Permits must be issued by a Municipal Bishop or higher, who must provide proof of income and employment for the applicant. An exception to this rule is a Patriarch Sponsorship Permit, which is a sub-class of this permit. The Patriarch's sponsorship bypasses the income and employment requirements. As with the PSP, the sponsor is held partially responsible in the event of a sponsored committing a crime.

Class A Permit

Class A permits for full immigration and is awarded to up to 300,000 people per year. At least a two year university degree is required and a diploma demonstrating completion of the program must be shown. A contribution of at least 600 ropol must be made in order to apply for the permit. The applicant cannot have a criminal background and must not be from a country on the blacklist. All those who apply need to be fluent in Velerian. Most applicants are required to show an ability to work at the time of application. Some exceptions are made for those with desirable professional skillsets, such as engineers and doctors. Class A permits permit an accepted applicant to live and work on a permanent basis and apply for citizenship provided they fulfill citizenship criteria upon application.

Class B

The class B permit is for temporary visitors for business or pleasure. These are the most common permits issued to those who travel to Velikoslavia. They may be granted in either B1 form (business) or B2 form (pleasure). B permits can be flexibly applied to each nation of origin for differing times of stay. They can also set to expire at different times based on the holder's nationality. Permits issued to those from Latium are valid for a longer period of time than permits issued to those from Charnea, for example.

It is possible to apply for an extension while residing in Velikoslavia, provided the permit does not expire prior to approval.

Class C

A class C permit is issued to those who are travelling through the Velikoslavia to another nation. These are only required if the mode of transit stops within national borders, such as if a train stops at a station or an aircraft lands and the passengers disembark, with the exception of emergency situations. Sub type permits are also issued to diplomats. A C2 permit is issued to those travelling into and out of the country. This includes commercial airline pilots and flight attendants, captain, engineer, or deckhand of a sea vessel, service staff on a cruise ship and trainees on board a training vessel.

Class D

Treaty Trader (D1) and Treaty Investor (D2) visas are issued to citizens of countries that have signed treaties of commerce and navigation with the Velikoslavia. They are issued to individuals working in businesses engaged in substantial international trade or to investors (and their employees) who have made a 'substantial investment' in a business.

Class E

Permit for those seeking education at accredited educational facilities. These are some of the most commonly issued and easy to acquire permits. They limit what employment the permit holder can obtain and do not allow the acquisition of domestic credit or loans. The permit is good for the duration of the student's education and requires a 2.5 GPA to be permitted to stay in the country. If the GPA of the student falls below 2.5, a one semester grace period to bring it back up is provided. The student must depart within 30 days of the last day of the grace period semester if the GPA is not brought up. All Class E permits are managed by the Education Ministry.

Refugee Program

During the Eastern Belisaria Cold War in 1965, the Ethos on Refuge was introduced to allow foreign nationals to apply for refugee status in Velikoslavia. The measure divided all nations into four tiers and provided different levels of refugee assistance to people from nations that are in each tier. This was initially criticized as an attempt to form some moral high ground over Ludvosiya but eventually became one of the more magnanimous and comprehensive refugee programs in Belisaria. Refugee status is contingent upon continued employment and working towards citizenship, with required dates and a documented process that must be followed. Refugee quotas are decided upon based on the number of employment opportunities and housing availability.

Tier 1

Tier 1 nations are those that are friendly to Velikoslavia and at peace. Refugee status can be obtained depending on the circumstances, but most Tier 1 applicants would be directed to other channels such as applying for a Class A permit. Tier 1 nations must apply separately for relocation aid since they are considered not in great need.

Tier 2

Tier 2 nations are those that have no significant ties to Velikoslavia but are not an active war zone. All Tier 2 applicants are considered but are often directed to apply for the appropriate permit since they have just as much a chance as anyone. They are able to apply separately for relocation aid if they can prove their need.

Tier 3

Tier 3 nations are those who are in danger of becoming an active warzone or have significant internal stability issues. There is a set quota of Tier 3 permits awarded based on the individual nation. Those awarded a Tier 3 permit are typically awarded transportation costs and are placed in employment and temporary housing upon arrival. Tier 3 permits may be awarded to those fleeing nations with highly oppressive governments.

Tier 4

Tier 4 nations are those that are an active warzone or the occurrence of some other catastrophic event such as genocide or a natural disaster. There is a yearly quota of Tier 4 permits based on the nation of origin unless a special exception is made. Tier 4 applicants are awarded aid for transportation costs and are given employment and housing upon arrival. Tier 4 applicants are also paid a lump sum of 2,000 ropol, which is not a boon awarded to any other Tier. Tier 4 permits may be awarded to those fleeing nations with highly oppressive governments.


Naturalization into Velikoslavia is somewhat more strenuous than other nations but not unreasonably so. Any relative of a Template:Peerages in Velikoslavia, up to a second cousin, may apply for citizenship and be naturalized immediately. Those married to a person who holds Velikoslavian citizenship may also apply for and be fast tracked to citizenship. For others to be naturalized, they must meet several conditions. A person must have at least 3 years continuous legal residence. These requirements may be waived for minor children under the age of 14 adopted by a Veliko citizen, and those who reside for two years and possess a Class A permit. The applicant must have an acceptable command of Velerian and be able to demonstrate a knowledge of local customs and culture. They must also have held employment for the majority of the three year period.