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Word to the Wise
Directed byAmbrose Montas IV
Written by
Produced by
Release dates
  • July 5, 2022 (2022-07-05) (Vitosium)
Running time
180 minutes

Word to the Wise is a 2022 Vitosian film directed by Ambrose Montas IV, which details the life of Vitosian music legend, David Wise.


Alessandro Sashia as Frank Campos
Arturo Morrison as Toby Thomas
Brendon Mariano as Michael Fonseca
Cody Gama as 14-year-old David Wise
Damon Gero as Mike Couto-Byers
Ethan Monti as Billie Duran
Eric Gabilisco as Connor Moura
Fae Fonnend as Celia Wise, David's Mother
Felix Furtado as Johnny Moniz
Gianpietro Ventimiglia as Dr. Leonard Wise, David's Father
Heitor Tavares as Gene Alvares
Jamie Freitas-Maksym as Loretta Wise, David's Younger Sister
Jonas Gama as David Wise
Keith Madrid as Lance Rocha
Leiona do Rela as Sonia Amorim
Lisandro Coutinho as Aldo Moura
Luca Gabilisco as Javier Singleton
Martino Almeida as Wendell Wise, David's Younger Brother
Paulino F. Wallace as 4-year-old David Wise



The year is 1945 in Diarora, Cunzava, Vitosium. Celia Bastos (Fae Fonnend) is singing in a bar when Leonard Wise (Gianpietro Ventimiglia) walks in and sits down next to his childhood friend, Lloyd Melo (Andrew Pascoal). Leonard thanks him for letting him know about Celia singing here. Lloyd jokes that Leonard wouldn't shut up about wanting to see her perform so he had to. Leonard says that he and Celia used to be neighbours growing up so he always had this crush on her but she always seemed out of his league. The show ends and Leonard approaches Celia, who comments that it's been nine years since they've last seen each-other. Leonard says that he doesn't want to live with regrets and doesn't want to pass this opportunity up. He asks if, perhaps, they could catch up. Celia smiles and accepts, saying that, "unlike the rest of these creeps", Leonard always had a good head on his shoulders.

It is two weeks later. Leonard and Celia are at an ice cream parlour. Leonard comments on graduating med school like his dad, which is why he moved to Diarora. Celia talks about pursuing singing after moving away from her parents. The two discuss how bad Celia's parents are with Celia commenting that she refuses to talk to them again. What's worse, according to her, is them trying to take advantage of her now that she is a well known singer in Diarora. Leonard promises to make sure they don't come anywhere near her or her success. Celia thanks him for the gesture.

It is now ten years later in 1955. Celia watches as four year old David (Paulino F. Wallace) and his two year old twin siblings, Loretta (Isis Barbosa) and Wendell (Beckett Stone) run around playing tag with a couple other neighbourhood kids (Abilio Moura and Corbin Pinto). There is a knock on the door. As Celia opens the door, Lloyd Melo and Avery Alcantara (Francisco Wallace Jr.) enter and congratulate them on moving to a new house. David, Loretta and Wendell come in and beg their mom for food which Celia begins to make. Leonard, Lloyd and Avery head to the living room where Leonard begins to play his guitar. Everybody sans Celia gathers around and listens to his song, which he wrote about his wife, Celia.

It is now 1965. David (Cody Gama), who is now 14, is listening to The Alvims, one of his favourite bands, while studying. Celia and Leonard enter his room and start a conversation with him about what he wants to do in the future. Leonard suggests being a surgeon like him while Celia agrees. David says that he isn't sure right now and comments that he wants to do music like The Alvims and The Montenegro Brothers. Leonard isn't sure if David could be successful but says that he can support a hobby and goes to fetch his guitar. He tells David that he'll teach him how to play as long as he considers going to med school. David agrees and Leonard teaches him his first note. Celia goes to get the two some snacks and some drinks. That night, Celia tells Leonard that, if David wants to pursue music, maybe he should do that. After all, she was a successful singer. Leonard isn't sure and says that David may have some really bad luck and doesn't want him to end up homeless. Celia understands and tells him that, if he wants to pursue music instead of med school, they should support him. The next day, Leonard sits down with David and tells him that, while they have an agreement that he'll teach him guitar in exchange for considering med school, he'll only support David pursuing music if he has a plan. If not, it's off to med school he goes. David agrees and thanks him for changing his mind a bit.

It is now 1969. 18-year-old David (Jonas Gama) sits down in class when Javier Singleton (Luca Gabilisco) sits down next to him. Javier notices David's backpack which has The Alvims on it and comments on it, sparking a conversation between the two. After class, the two eat lunch together as Javier talks about his parents being musicians but nothing famous. David is interested and Javier mentions that they were both accountants and then decided four years ago to start a duet. David says that his mom is Celia Bastos, which Javier recognizes and fanboys over. That night, Javier joins David at his house, trying not to fanboy over seeing the Celia Bastos. In David's room, the two discuss their favourite bands with Javier saying that he wants to be a musician. David gets excited and exclaims the same thing.

There is a small montage of David and Javier practicing the guitar and keyboard, respectively. Javier is then shown practicing singing. After the montage, David and Javier are shown graduating high school. Leonard Wise approaches them afterwards and tells David that the plan he presented to him was a rock band but, if he wants to accomplish that, he needs more members. He'll give him a few months and, if he isn't in any sort of band by then, he needs to start applying to universities. David understands. At Javier's house, the Singletons make an extravagant meal and are excited about David and Javier's venture into the world of music. The two of them tell Javier's parents (Gabriela Salgado and Osvaldo Teixeira) that they need more members in their band. Javier's parents, Leonardo and Suzana, offer to join their band but they have to make it more slow and their lyrics needs to be more about the world. They can't be in a band that plays too hard and doesn't have a good message for the next generation. When David and Javier say that they will think about it, Leonardo gets a little irritated and asks them if they don't think they (Leo and Suzana) are good enough for their band. Suzana tells Javier that they need to be more grateful towards their offer and excuses them from the table, saying that they had eaten enough.

The next day, the two of them are at David's house. David says that, maybe, they can hold auditions in his garage with Javier liking the idea. In the garage, Leonard approaches them and asks what they are doing. When told about the audition idea, Leonard is unsure. Celia comes out and encourages Leonard to let them have the garage as their band space for now with Leonard changing his mind. He tells David and Javier that he can clean up the old shed out back and do a couple renovations on it as long as they have more members to join them. Until then, they can use the garage. David and Javier are both super excited and start to print out flyers asking for people to audition for the band. There is a small montage of auditions but everybody is very mediocre and one tries and fails to smoke marijuana in the garage before being kicked out. David and Javier are now laying down on David's bed. They both discuss it being a month since graduation with David really feeling the pressure. David's sixteen year old twin siblings, Loretta (Jamie Freitas-Maksym) and Wendell (Martino Almeida), enter. The two of them suggest going along with Dad's plans until they can get into a band. Plus, if they get diplomas and the band doesn't work, it is something to fall back on.

It is sixteen months later: February 1971. David is attending Aviron University for Business Administration while Javier is attending the same school but for medicine. David and Javier are hanging out with their new university friends, Aldo Moura (Lisandro Coutinho), Gene Alvares (Heitor Tavares) and Toby Thomas (Arturo Morrison). They are discussing the Beggars and Thieves album from Animal Faces that came out late last year. The discussion turns towards the movie, Psychopath, which is set to release soon. Gene teases Toby about being easily scared. Toby's girlfriend, Sonia Amorim (Leiona do Rela), comes by and sits down, telling them that she overheard them discussing the movie and says that she is excited to see it too. Toby scoffs at her and says that a movie like that isn't for her. Later that day, Javier is seen handing out CDs to students. David, Aldo, Gene and Toby go up to him and ask about the CDs, although David notices "The Singletons" on the front and asks if his parents just released a second CD, to which Javier said they had and they are forcing him to hand out "this hippie trash". The next month, David visits his parents in Diarora, Cunzava. Celia and Leonard are very happy to see him with David saying that he is only able to stay the weekend, although he would love to stay longer if he could. Alone in the kitchen, Celia tells David that it is great that he is taking Business Administration in one of the country's top school. She says that it was not easy to help him get in but she is glad that his hard work paid off. She says that, as long as he works hard, he can accomplish whatever he wants in life. They hug. Loretta and Wendell come downstairs and greet David. Wendell discusses wanting to go to school for medicine like Dad. Loretta says that she is planning to be an elementary teacher due to her love of children and wanting to help the next generation grow. David heads out to the garage to see Leonard Wise. Leonard tells David that he has accomplished so much so far and this is only the beginning. He tells him that, if he wants to pursue music afterwards, he wants him to apply his diploma so their money doesn't go to waste. If he does that, he can do whatever job he wants as long as he does a d**n good job at it. David says that will.

Aldo, David, Gene, Javier and Toby are at a bowling alley when Michael Fonseca (Brendon Mariano) approaches them. Gene introduces his childhood friend to everybody. Michael explains that he is taking Biological Sciences at Kingsland Provincial University. He and Gene grew up together in Gatovita. The six of them bowl together for a few hours, joking around, although Toby gets irritated at the playful insults everybody is throwing around, mainly the ones to him. The next day, they are all hanging out at the back of one of the university's buildings. Sonia approaches them, kissing Toby. She says that, maybe, they can hit up the arcade later. Toby looks at her weird, wondering why a girl would want to go to an arcade. Gene tells Toby to not be an a** but Toby says that women like her don't know what they want. Sonia storms off. Toby gets really angry and walks the other direction. David says that the next time he talks to Sonia like that, he may get his fist to his face. Aldo says that Toby needs to learn to respect her more. Gene says that the guy has issues and he is unsure about being friends with him after university.

As the three of them head to the arcade, they here screaming coming from a nearby alley and check out what is going on. They see Toby beating Sonia, accusing her of purposely embarrassing him and making him look bad in front of his friends. David immediately runs up and punches him in the back of the head. Aldo, Gene and Javier approach them and they all tell Toby to back off. Toby, in tears, runs off. They all help Sonia get to a hospital and explain the situation to the doctor. The next day, Toby tries to ambush David from behind in the hall and tells him to apologize and grovel for betraying him. A teacher (Germano Leite) sees this and tells Toby that the principal wants to speak to him. In Gene's dorm room, Aldo, Gene, Javier, David and Sonia all hang out and discuss the upcoming Psychopath movie. Aldo talks about being a huge fanboy over the director, Cezario Fontes, while Sonia is a huge fan of actress, Madeline Jeannette. They all go to see the movie (June 1971). The scene shows them screaming in horror at some scenes, with Sonia even gripping David's arm at one point. After the movie, David notices Toby sneaking out of the theater, looking at them, then running away. Sonia says that her family reported to the principal what happened and Toby has been expelled as Aviron does not accept violence of any kind. David says that it's good riddance.

The next week, Javier excitedly goes up to David and shows him a flyer showing a band, Molten Crew, wanting auditions. David says that one of them looks like Connor, Aldo's brother. Javier says that Aldo was the one putting the posters up. David and Javier show up to the auditions. Mike Couto-Byers (Damon Gero) and Frank Campos (Alessandro Sashia) introduce themselves as the ones starting the band, hoping to find a guitarist and a singer. The scene goes back and forth between David's and Javier's auditions, as David plays the guitar and Javier sings. The next day, David and Javier, excitedly, talk about the auditions to Aldo, Gene and Sonia. Aldo says that music has always been his older brother's passion so he was really excited when he was accepted to be the band's bassist. A week later, David gets a letter from Mike Couto-Byers telling him to meet him at a certain address in a week. He goes and sees Mike, Frank, Connor Moura (Eric Gabilisco) and Billie Duran (Ethan Monti). Mike says that this is it. When David asks about Javier, Mike says that Javier was great but he couldn't turn down Billie after hearing his voice. That night, David talks to Javier about the both of them not being accepted. Javier tells David to go for it. He'll find another band and, down the road, maybe they can get rich and famous enough to make their band with immediate success. David is hesitant but Javier tells David that this is his opportunity and he needs to go for it. David nods his head and says that he will.

One week later, the band is at Mike's place as he hands out the song notes to everybody. David is openly excited to practice with Mike appreciating his enthusiasm as he wants Molten Crew to be the best band in the world. Frank says that they will be, no doubt. There is a small montage of David balancing school work as well as working on the band while the song, "Griffiti" by Molten Crew plays.

David and Sonia are at a nice restaurant. They are laughing and enjoying each other’s company. They discuss the restaurant, how things are going and enjoy a romantic meal. David looks at Sonia; she looks back, touches his cheek and they kiss. At the end of the meal, David notices that Sonia’s mood has changed. He smiles and walks towards her seat. She discusses how stressed she is with her studies. David says that he will try to help her in any way that he can but Sonia doesn't want to burden him with that, especially as he has his own studies and the band to worry about.

The band is now practicing "Curse of the King". Leonard Wise pulls into the driveaway and calls David over, giving him some alcohol for him and his bandmates. He thanks him but, before he can head back to the others, Leonard tells David that he is both shocked and proud of him that he can juggle his studies and create music. He didn't expect this and hopes for the best. They hug. While the others tease him for hugging his Dad, David says that his Dad wishes them all the best and brought them alcohol. They continue to practice while drinking, although David decides to only stop at one can.

The next week, Aldo, Gene, Javier, David and Sonia are playing tennis at the arcade. Aldo is notably really good at tennis with David wanting to go against him one-on-one. David serves an easy back-hand return. He has his racket aimed at the same spot for a second and then puts his racket on the first ball return. The first return lands in the net. Afterwards, David and Aldo shake hands, both are very satisfied. Later, they’re sitting at the outdoor cafe, drinking tea. David mentions that they have written four songs for far and they are hoping for their first album to have at least six. Aldo drops his tea cup on the ground, fainting. They run to him and lift him up. He is extremely pale, causing the café staff to call an ambulance and take him to the hospital.

The next day, David visits Aldo in the hospital. David asks him how he is doing, and he replies with a smile. Aldo says that only him and Javier have visited him so far, which is fine as the others are busy. He says that the doctors think it was stress from school. Aldo then thinks that it could be his parents as well as they expect the best from him and always have. David says that him and Javier have a lot in common. Aldo says that his parents view him as a trophy; Javier's view him as a bank. Three days later, Aldo is released from the hospital. Billie, Connor, David, Frank, Gene, Javier, Mike and Sonia wait for him outside.

It is four months later. Molten Crew is now playing a few songs at a supermarket. They are all really excited about promoting their first album, "Granite". At the end of June 1973, David graduates from Aviron University. That night, he and Sonia are celebrating his graduation at his parents' place. Everybody is super happy for him and think that Sonia is an amazing girlfriend. Wendell discusses doing well in his studies and talks about a couple facts on medicine. Later, Loretta goes up to David and says that attending Aviron and being a part of a band doesn't seem like an easy task. David admits that it was a massive struggle but now he is done school. He then asks if Wendell always talks about medicine. Loretta says that he really grew an interest over the past few years and now he is pursuing medicine because he wants to, not just because Dad wanted him to. Celia comes into the room and hugs David, saying that everybody is so proud of him. They all go to the living room where Sonia has set up a board game for everybody to play. She says that this is a board game that she would play with her high school friends and is happy to introduce everybody to it.

At Mike's place, the band hangout, Billie [Duran] talks to David about how the idea of being a famous band is slowly becoming a reality and he really loves that. To him, he wants to be known as something--to make an impact on the world somehow ... but he didn't have the abilities to become a scientist that could help change the world. So, the next best thing to him is to make something that people could enjoy and listen to. This way, he could help change how people feel, especially when they are down. David comments on how deep that is. Billie says that his family owns a farm but he didn't want to live on it his entire life; he wanted to do something more. David says that all he wanted to do was create music and not just be some everyday doctor. He doesn't have some really deep reason like him, although he does really respect Billie and his reason and tells him that if his goal is to change the world somehow through music, then they will. They will write songs that could have that impact. Billie and David are then shown writing the song, "High Speed Drifter", one of the band's top hits. Mike [Couto-Byers] really loves the song and says that their next album has to open with this.

The next week, Aldo, Billie, David, Gene, Javier, and Michael [Fonseca] are all bowling together. In general, they laugh and have a great time. The next day, Sonia joins them at the arcade where they play "Ballbreaker". Mike [Couto-Byers] shows up late and joins them at said arcade. At the end of the day, Javier announces that he is now a part of a band called Candy Sanity. Their music will be a mixture of rock, jazz, blues, and psychedelic rock. Everybody is excited. That night, David talks to Javier about how happy he is that he is now in a band and he will buy every vinyl that comes out. Javier thanks him for the support and says that Molten Crew's first album was really good and he is looking forward to the second one.

It is April 1974. Mike, Frank, Billie, Connor and David listen to "High Speed Drifter" on the radio with the announcer discussing Molten Crew's second album, "Numb Fire", coming out in two months. Everybody celebrates with a lot of beer. They all stay the night there as a result. The next day, Frank talks to David saying that, yeah, he and Billie wrote that song, but they shouldn't be too proud of it. It's the weakest song in their album. David, confused, asks Frank if he is jealous that people like High Speed Drifter but Frank says that he's just saying that they don't need to drink whenever they hear the song on the radio. David points out that Frank celebrated with them just fine the other night. Frank says that he drank because he had beer in front of him. Later, David talks to Mike and Billie about Frank. Mike says that Frank is just being Frank; maybe he's still drunk or something. Billie says that the band needs to work as a unit so if Frank continues to be this way, we all need to sit him down. Mike tells them not to worry about it. It is a couple months later. The band celebrates the release of their second album, "Numb Fire". Mike says that they should take a couple months off and then work on the next album. He's going to try and find them some gigs as well. Billie suggests finding a manager. There is a small montage as they do audition for and hire their manager, Roland Martins (Ademir Mata).

David and Sonia finish watching a movie when he gives her some sheets and lyrics of a song he is writing for the band's third album. The song is called "Everything Remains the Same". Sonia absolutely loves it and hopes that the others love it too. The next scene shows Molten Crew playing in a bar. They perform "Griffiti", "Cutting Corners" and "High Speed Drifter". Everybody loves them! Afterwards, Frank asks them if they can stop playing High Speed Drifter. Mike says that, for the last time, that song is one of their most popular songs so, no, they will not. Mike tells Frank that any one of them can write a song for the band so, if he wants to write something, maybe it'll be as popular or even more. A couple days later, David gives Mike the sheets and lyrics for "Everything Remains the Same" and everybody sans Frank loves it. Frank jots down some lyrics and gives it to Mike but Mike asks him if he is just feeling angsty right now. Frank demands that they play it but Mike says that they is only one verse and nothing else to go off it and the lyrics sound rushed. He tells Frank to put more effort into it. That night, Billie, Connor, David and Mike are at his place. Billie and David bring up replacing Frank. Mike says that he and Frank knew each-other since they were 5 so he can't. Connor comments on how rude it is of Billie and David to even suggest that when they were the last two to even join the band. One week later, Frank comes up to Mike and gives him the lyrics for "Fight or Flight". Mike enjoys the lyrics and suggests that they think of a tune for the song. The next scene shows Molten Crew playing in another bar. At the end, David gets the microphone and proposes to Sonia, who is in the audience and says yes after coming on stage.

It is July 1975. The band has just released their third album, "The Unknown". Molten Crew are performing in a bar to a full audience, which includes Aldo, Gene, Javier, Michael [Fonseca] and Sonia, as well as Leonard and Celia. Afterwards, they all go out drinking. Leonard and Celia have one drink and then leave, telling David that they are so proud of the band and, that, they'll leave them be for the night. The next month shows David and Sonia's wedding, which is a very happy and heartwarming scene.

It is March 1976. As David heads home from another session with the band, Frank stalks him until they reach and alleyway. He then corners David and tells him that he doesn't want him writing any more songs for the band. The next day, David talks to Mike about the other night and says that Frank is making him very uncomfortable. Mike says that he'll have a talk with him. For all they know, maybe he was drunk. David says that, if he is drunk all the time, maybe Frank needs rehab! Connor and Frank are taping posters to some electrical pillars defaming David Wise. David sees this and asks them what they are doing. Connor says that he told Frank that he cornered Mike and tried to force him to fire Frank. David says that nobody was cornered. Connor says that he remembers things differently. The next night, David and Sonia are at a bar when they overhear Connor telling the bartender that David Wise is unstable. David and Sonia leave the bar. The next week, Frank is on the news discussing David having a horrible drug addiction and he has tried to be there for him. After watching that, David is seen talking to Mike about how Connor and Frank are going way too far. He wants something done now or he walks. Mike says that he can't control what Frank does. He has spoken to him and he won't listen. David says that Frank is out of control and he and Connor need to be reprimanded. Mike says that he can't let either of them go so they all just need to find a way to get along. A few days later, David is on the news talking about Frank's revelation. David says that, no, he isn't addicted to any drugs. If anybody is addicted to anything, that would be Frank, who needs rehab for his drinking. Anybody who is close to him, especially his wife, can tell them that he has no addictions to speak of; he doesn't even smoke. A couple days later, Javier Singleton, the singer of Candy Sanity, tells the news that David Wise has not touched any drug of any sort. He is as sober as a newborn baby.

Celia and Leonard visit David and Sonia's house the next day. David explains to them that Frank Campos is trying to destroy his reputation due to the two songs he wrote for the band being very popular. Leonard says that they need to sue Frank. Later, David is talking to Mike saying that, as he isn't doing anything about Frank, he is walking from the band. Mike says that they both went after each-other. David says that Frank went onto the news and told everybody he had this drug addiction and he has been trying to defend himself ever since. Connor walks in and apologizes to David, saying that he didn't know that Frank was going to do any of this and he will go onto the news next and defend him. David thanks him and asks about his change of heart. Connor admits that, like Frank, he got jealous and it got out of hand. David says that Connor helped put up posters and lied to people in bars around town. Connor says that he will do whatever it takes to make things right. He tried to tell Frank that going onto the news was a bad idea. He leaves while David turns back towards Mike. Mike says that he'll think about it. David says that he wanted Mike to support him but, clearly, that isn't going to happen. He says that he officially quits the band and leaves. The next scene shows the court case where David Wise is suing Frank Campos for defamation. Wise wins but doesn't get the full amount he wanted ($800 000), only $70 000, which he accepts.

The next week, Michael [Fonseca] knocks on David's door. Michael tells David that, for the past three months, he has been trying to start a new band and one without anybody like Frank. He says that he would like David to think it over. The band's name is Banquet of the New Sound. That night, Sonia wonders if it is too soon for David to hop to another band. David says that he feels like Michael and him have known each-other for years, longer than him and Mike. Plus, Michael and Gene are childhood friends. Maybe--just maybe--Fonseca could have a better band in store for them. Sonia says that he should wait a couple days and think it over. David thanks her for the support and says that he will.

One week later, David talks to Michael at his house and says that he is ready for whatever he has in store. Michael says that he is glad to hear it and says that Banquet of the New Sound will be far better than Molten Crew for sure. David is introduced to other band members, Johnny Moniz (Felix Furtado) and Lance Rocha (Keith Madrid). Johnny and Lance are incredibly friendly towards David and offer their sympathies for what he had to go through. The scene shows the members of the band collaborating on the lyrics for "Evening Road". Afterwards, they all go out to drink. Johnny mentions that he's been singing since he was seven and would end up moving to Michael and Lance's neighbourhood when he was ten. Lance says that his biggest inspiration for music is "The Alvims", which David gets excited about. Michael says that his parents listened to so many different genres of music that he learned to really appreciate each one and that was when he decided that he would pursue music after graduating university. He says that, if the band fails, he still has his law degree to fall back on.

It is May 1977. Banquet of the New Sound has released their first album, "Sacrifices". Michael throws a party with Aldo, David, Gene, Javier, Billie, Johnny and Lance, alongside others. David can't believe that this is the fourth album he has been a part of. Gene talks about David's insane guitar solos in each album he helped with. Later, Javier is sitting outside and David joins him. David congratulates him on Candy Sanity's success. Javier thanks him and is very happy that the two of them are doing what they want in life. He then tells David that his parents (Leonardo and Suzana Singleton) have been bugging him for money ever since their own duet failed after three albums. Javier says that it isn't so much failure, so much as it is them refusing to get a manager or spend money wisely and, now, they want his money now that Candy Sanity is doing really well with three albums under their belt. David says that he doesn't owe them a dime. Javier agrees and says that he would change his last name to disassociate himself with them but he is really close to his Uncle Lloyd on his Dad's side so he will continue the Singleton name because of him.

It is now October 1977. David and Sonia's first child, David "DJ" Wise Jr., is born. Celia and Leonard Wise, as well as Sonia's parents, Ray and Theresa Amorim (Manuel Hunter and Martha Rebelo) excitedly meet their first grandchild.

The next scene is May 1989 with some narration. Banquet of the New Sound has now released six albums and is now a global phenomenon in the hard rock/metal world. Their sixth album, R.S.Z.T., reached number one on the Top 200 not too long ago. Four years ago, Billie Duran left Molten Crew due to Frank Campos and started his own band, which was slowly becoming a success. Frank Campos had been to rehab three times and not much was changing. Javier Singleton got married back in 1979 to a Miss Vitosium model. He hasn't spoken to his parents since March of that year and would never speak to them again until 1991. Together, the two have two healthy sons. Later that year, David and Sonia would have twins, "Angela and Thiago".

David reads in the newspaper that Frank Campos has been fired from the band, Molten Crew. He, excitedly, tells his wife and his twelve year old son, DJ (Shane Correia). Soon afterwards, Mike [Couto-Byers] knocks on his door and asks if he could talk to him. David says that he finally did the right thing a decade later. They are shown sitting in the living room. Mike says that Molten Crew was doing well but Frank needed to go. He was able to excuse a few things because of them knowing eachother for so long but it got to the point where he had to reflect. He felt like he was enabling Frank and he couldn't do that anymore. So, that is when he decided that he should leave. On top of that, that is when he decided that he couldn't be friends with Frank anymore. Hopefully, without the band's success, he can actually get some help and it'll last. If not, he did all that he could. Mike profusely apologizes to David and says that he should have done this back in '76 but late is better than never. David agrees and says that this could be the start of them building a new friendship. Mike agrees.

The next week shows David, Johnny, Lance and Michael working on their next album, 1990's "KO Evolution".

After the screen fades to black ...

... there is a small montage of real life Banquet of the New Sound concert footages from over the years.

There are some text detailing what happened afterwards.

Gene Alvares would become a professor of Forensic Sciences at Aviron University. He would retire in 2014.

In 1996, Aldo Moura, a successful real estate developer, passed away due to a car accident. He was 44 years old and married with four kids. His oldest child, Emilio Moura, is the current CEO of Aldo's company, Moura Estates. Emilio would also start the Aldo Moura Foundation in 2009.

Michael Fonseca would pass away in 2015 due to cancer. The band would reunite and get back together in 2021 and release the album, "Tribute", about their experiences with Michael.

Billie Duran's success led his band to become Vitosium's 16th most financially successful band. Banquet of the New Sound would be #7, even as of this movie's creation.

David Wise became a legend of sorts in the music world due to his intense guitar playing. He is noted as one of the best guitarists in music history.

His son, DJ Wise, would become the guitarist in a band called Echoes of Jupiter.

There is a room with some chairs in it. The real Billie Duran, David Wise, DJ Wise, Javier Singleton, Johnny Moniz, Loretta Wise, Mike Couto-Byers and Wendell Wise sit down and discuss things. Then the credits roll.

Tofino Film Fest Awards
Category Result
Best Picture Nominated
Best Director (Ambrose Montas IV) Nominated
Best Actor (Jonas Gama) Won
Best Actress (Leiona do Rela) Nominated
Best Supporting Actor (Luca Gabilisco) Nominated
Best Supporting Actress (Fae Fonnend) Won