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Atmoran Empire
Atmoraanse Rijk
Motto: Splendor sine occasu (Latin)
“Splendour without diminishment” (English)
“Pracht zonder ruïne” (Dutch)
Alexandriëslied (offical)
I Vow to Thee, My Country (unofficial)
Largest cityNew Sierrapolis
Official languagesEnglishDutch
Recognised regional languagesFrenchMizuheseGerman
Ethnic groups
  • 82.9% Atmoran
  • 4.3% Westphalian
  • 4.1% Mizuhan
  • 2.6% Tristanian
  • 2.2% Iravian
  • 1.7% Slavic
  • 1.4% First Nations
  • 0.3% Mixed
  • 0.5% Other
GovernmentFederal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Monarch
Henrietta II
Christopher A. Testarossa
• Deputy Prime Minister
Lysithea van Hresvelg
• Speaker of the House
Jurrian Grieshof
• President of the Senate
Jan-Hendrik Tiesselink
• Chief Justice
Boudewijn Luijendijk
House of Representatives
Independence from the Iravian Empire
• Atmoran Unification
15 December, 1812
• Confederation
6 January, 1813
• Constitution
13 May 1813
• Interregnum
6 June 2082
• 2090 estimate
Gini (2078)18.68
low (2nd)
HDI (2090)Increase 0.983
very high (2nd)
CurrencyGuilder (ƒ)
Time zoneUTC-8h, UTC-7h, UTC-6, AIT-2
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy (CE)
Driving sideright
Calling code+1
Internet, .gov, .mil and .edu

Atmora (/'ətmôrə/), officially the Atmoran Empire (Iravian: Atmoraanse Rijk), is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy laying in the middle of the Atmoran Ocean. It includes 18 constituent states, covers an area of 11,232,596.85 square kilometres, and has a largely temperate seasonal climate. With about 725.8 million inhabitants, Atmora is the second most populous states in the Atmoran Ocean. After North Timeria, it is the third most popular immigration destination in the world. Atmora's capital and second largest metropolis is Alexandria, while it's largest city is Sierrapolis. The country's other major cities are Halifax, Anthold, Vianen, Lichtenburg City, Haastrecht, Brühl, Mariënburg, and Lüneburg.

Atmora is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Empress Katherine II being the monarch. The country is officially bilingual at federal level. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. Its advanced economy is the second largest in the world, relying chiefly upon its abundant natural resources and well-developed international trade networks. Atmora's long and complex relationships with the United States of Conner, Irav and North Timeria has had a significant impact on its economy and culture.

Atmora is a developed country and has the second highest nominal per capita income globally, and the second highest ranking in the Human Development Index. It ranks among the highest in international measurements of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic freedom, and education.

Etymology and terminology

The name 'Atmora' was first used in the 15th century when Iravian explorers named the land "Terra Admare" meaning the Land Towards the Sea, until Iravian settlers renamed the land "Atmeri" the Iravianisation of term Terra Admare. When the Hyrukians and Deritains came they renamed the area Atmora the latinisation of the Iravian word Atmeri.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of Atmora is as a "Atmoran" or from the province/territory they're from.


Aborignal History


Iravic Discovery of the Americas

Iravian Colonisation

Iravic Rule over the continent

Formation of the Atmeric Confederation and the Acadian Confederation


Flora and Fauna


Environmental Issues


Administrative Regions

Atmora is a federation composed of eighteen states and numerous colonies off world. In turn, these may be grouped into four main islands: Athabaska, Leuven, Caledonia and the Karelian Isles. States have more autonomy than colonies, having responsibility for social programs such as health care, education, and welfare. Together, the states collect more revenue than the federal government, an almost unique structure among federations in the world. Using its spending powers, the federal government can initiate national policies in provincial areas, such as the Atmora Health Act; the provinces can opt out of these, but rarely do so in practice. Equalization payments are made by the federal government to ensure that reasonably uniform standards of services and taxation are kept between the richer and poorer states.

Constituent states

<imgur w="670">f8EyGeG.png</imgur>
Flag Name Capital Largest city Area (km²) Population Premier
Kingdoms of Atmora
IMG 0785.PNG Lieseltania Brühl Sierrapolis TBA TBA TBA
File:Koninkrijk Leuven.png Vlag.png Leuven Haelen Haelen TBA TBA TBA
Koninkrijk Huldenburg-Achel.png Huldenberg Halifax Halifax TBA TBA TBA
Flag of Gallia.png Gallia TBA TBA TBA
Flag of Laurentia.png Laurentia Birmingham Haastrecht TBA TBA TBA
Koninkrijk Brunswick.png Brunswick Lilianburg Vianen TBA TBA TBA
File:Koninkrijk Caledonië.png Caledonia Balmoral Rothesay TBA TBA TBA
Grand Duchies
Flag Name Capital Largest city Area (km²) Population Premier
Grand Duchies of Atmora
File:600px-Banniel Breizh 1.0.svg.png Roeselare Roeselare Ravels TBA TBA TBA
Flag of Rothenburg.png Rothenburg Rothenburg Kelowna TBA TBA TBA
File:Flag of Vlieland.svg.png Vlieland Charlottetown Charlottetown TBA TBA TBA
Flag of Guldenhof.png Guldenhof Mariënburg Mariënburg TBA TBA TBA
Flag Name Capital Largest city Area (km²) Population Premier
Duchies of Atmora
Flag of Lancaster.png Lancaster Lancaster Black Burn TBA TBA TBA
Flag of Adenburg.png Adenburg TBA TBA TBA
File:Flag of the Kingdom of Geldermalsen.png Geldermalsen Amstelveen Dresden TBA TBA TBA
File:Flag of Vurenburg.jpg Sayn-Ravenstein TBA TBA TBA
Flag Name Capital Largest city Area (km²) Population Premier
Principalities of Atmora
TBA.jpg Vlissingen Vlissingen Vlissingen TBA TBA TBA
Vlag van Lichtenburg .png Lichtenburg Lichtenburg Lichtenburg TBA TBA TBA
File:Flag of Lorraine.svg.png Lorraine Straatsburg Straatsburg TBA TBA TBA

Largest Cities


Atmora has a parliamentary system within the context of a constitutional monarchy, the monarchy of Atmora being the foundation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The sovereign is Empress Katherine II, who is also monarch of each of Atmora's dominions and colonies.

The direct participation of the royal and viceroyal figures in areas of governance is limited. In practice, their use of the executive powers is directed by the Cabinet, a committee of ministers of the Crown responsible to the elected House of Commons and chosen and headed by the Prime Minister of Atmora (at present The Countess of Lyria), the head of government. The monarch may, though, in certain crisis situations exercise their power without ministerial advice. To ensure the stability of government, Empress Katherine II will usually appoint as prime minister the person who is the current leader of the political party that can obtain the confidence of a plurality in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) is thus one of the most powerful institutions in government, initiating most legislation for parliamentary approval and selecting for appointment by the Crown, besides the aforementioned, lieutenant governors, senators, federal court judges, and heads of Crown corporations and government agencies. The leader of the party with the second-most seats usually becomes the Leader of Her Imperial Majesty's Loyal Opposition and is part of an adversarial parliamentary system intended to keep the government in check.

The Senate chamber within the Centre Block on Parliament Hill Each of the 338 members of parliament in the House of Commons is elected by simple plurality in an electoral district or riding. General elections must be called by the monarch, either on the advice of the prime minister, within four years of the previous election, or if the government loses a confidence vote in the House. The 105 members of the Senate, whose seats are apportioned on a regional basis, serve until age 75. Five parties had representatives elected to the federal parliament in the 2075 election: the Liberal Party of Atmora, the Conservative Party of Atmora , the New Democratic Party, the United New Socialist Party, Liberal Democratic Party of Atmora, and the Green Party of Atmora. The list of historical parties with elected representation is substantial.

Atmora's federal structure divides government responsibilities between the federal government and the states. States legislatures are generally unicameral and operate in parliamentary fashion similar to the House of Commons. Atmora's colonies also have legislatures, but these are not sovereign and have fewer constitutional responsibilities than the states. The colonial legislatures also differ structurally from their State counterparts.

The Bank of Atmora is the central bank of the country. In addition, the Minister of Finance and Minister of Industry utilize the Statistics Atmora agency for financial planning and economic policy development.

Law and Justice

The Constitution of Atmora is the supreme law of the country, and consists of written text and unwritten conventions. The Constitution Act, 1867, affirmed governance based on parliamentary precedent and divided powers between the federal and provincial governments. The Charter guarantees basic rights and freedoms that usually cannot be over-ridden by any government—though a notwithstanding clause allows the federal parliament and provincial legislatures to override certain sections of the Charter for a period of five years.

Atmora's judiciary plays an important role in interpreting laws and has the power to strike down Acts of Parliament that violate the constitution. The Supreme Court of Atmora is the highest court and final arbiter and has been led since 2055 by the Chief Justice Cynthia Keswick. Its nine members are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the prime minister and minister of justice. All judges at the superior and appellate levels are appointed after consultation with nongovernmental legal bodies. The federal Cabinet also appoints justices to superior courts in the provincial and territorial jurisdictions.

Common law prevails everywhere, where civil law predominates. Criminal law is solely a federal responsibility and is uniform throughout Atmora. Law enforcement, including criminal courts, is officially a provincial responsibility, conducted by provincial and municipal police forces. However, in most rural areas and some urban areas, policing responsibilities are contracted to the Atmoran Federal Police. Atmora's primary special response unit is Scepter 4 which overseen by the Minister of the Department of Public Safety.

Foreign Relations

Atmora has been an advocate for multilateralism, making efforts to resolve global issues in collaboration with other nations. However as of late Atmora has been leaning towards mercantilism with its newly established extrasolar colonies, while maintaining ties with the Systems Alliance

The nation is a founding member of the Systems Alliance and of the Material Continuum. In addition, the nation has military and economic cooperation agreements with nations such as Irav, the Royally United Provinces, the Republic of Weco, and the Atmoran Dominions. However, it is currently embroiled in the Cold War, and as such has hostile relations with the Strategic Defence Association; United States of Conner and North Timeria. However relations with North Timeria are the most normal compared to the hostile relations between the United States and the Confederation.

The nation's foreign relations department is the Department of Foreign Affairs, headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a post currently held by Virgil Perkins. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is a senior member of the Atmoran Cabinet.


The Armed Forces of the Empire of Atmoran, officially, the Atmoran Armed Forces which consists of three professional service branches administered by the Department of National Defence: the Imperial Army (Atmora), the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Air Force. The commander-in-chief is the Atmoran Monarch, currently Empress Katherine II, to whom members of the forces swear an oath of allegiance. The roles each branch is allowed to fill and the equipment they are allowed to operate is managed by the Department of National Defence (DND), and roles are regularly updated with changes in strategy, as well as tactical advancements.

Typically, the Imperial Army is responsible for conducting mass land operations, such as invasions and defenses. The Army primarily maintains infantry and land-based weaponry, though it also manages a fleet of amphibious vessels and some rotor vehicles. However most amphibious operations are done by the Imperial Marine Corps

The Imperial Navy is the naval warfare arm of the Atmoran Forces. It is tasked with maintaining and operating all naval vessels. On board all Imperial Navy vessels are the Imperial Marine Corps.

The Imperial Air Force is the aerial warfare arm of the Armed Forces. It is in control of all aerial warfare assets under the command of the Armed Forces, including fixed-wing aircraft, most rotary craft, and space weaponry. Instead of Imperial Air Force aircraft onboard the Imperial Navy aircraft carriers, the Atmoran Fleet Air Arm deals with the naval aerial operations.

These branches, along with the JSOFCOM - the special operations command of the Unified Atmoran Armed Forces, report directly to the Department of National Defence in Alexandria, in which the DND reports to the Atmoran Parliament





Atmoran public education is operated by the provincial and by local governments, regulated by the Atmoran Ministry of Education. Most children are required to attend school from the age of six or seven until they turn 18, by which they have graduated from the 12th grade. An estimated 0.05% of children are enrolled in private schools. Education is free in Atmora because it is provided by the government, and many students come from foreign nations because of this. This has made spend more on education per student compared to other nations.


Atmora's culture draws influences from its broad range of constituent nationalities, and policies that promote multiculturalism are constitutionally protected. In Aurora and New Derita, cultural identity is strong, and many French-speaking commentators speak of a culture of Aurora and New Derita that is distinct from Anglo-Atmoran or Dutch-Atmoran cultures. However, as a whole, Atmora is in theory a cultural mosaic – a collection of several regional, aboriginal, and ethnic subcultures. Government policies such as publicly funded health care, higher taxation to redistribute wealth, the outlawing of capital punishment, strong efforts to eliminate poverty, strict gun control, and the legalization of same-sex marriage are further social indicators of Atmora's political and cultural values.

Historically, Atmora has been influenced by Hyrukian, Iravian, Connerian, and aboriginal cultures and traditions. Through their language, art and music, aboriginal peoples continue to influence the Atmoran identity. Many Atmorans value multiculturalism and see Atmora as being inherently multicultural. Connerian media and entertainment are popular, if not dominant, in Anglo-Atmora; conversely, many Atmoran cultural products and entertainers are successful in the United States of Conner and worldwide. The preservation of a distinctly Atmoran culture is supported by federal government programs, laws, and institutions such as the Royal Atmoran Broadcasting Corporation (RABC), the United Provincical Broadcasting Company (UPBC), and the Imperial Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (IRTC).






Arts and Literature





Science and Technology