Euthanasia in Greater Meridon

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The legality of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Greater Meridon varies by country, with the legality of euthanasia and assisted suicide being labelled in the chart below.

Legality of Euthanasia by country

  Euthanasia is illegal
  Euthanasia is illegal, but assisted suicide is legal (or vice versa)
  Euthanasia varies by administrative divisions
  Euthanasia and assisted suicide are legal

Nation Status Details
 Datch Union Euthanasia and assisted suicide are legal. The Datch Worker's Union has legally recognized the right to die as of 1976 and legalized the act of voluntary assisted suicide. The Datch Union also voted recently, to legalize voluntary euthanasia in 2016, however, assisted suicide tends to be preferable to the Unionist population.
 Datchlia Euthanasia is illegal but assisted suicide is legal. The State of Datchlia legalized assisted suicide in 1997, however, Euthanasia remains illegal as the Datchlian government fears the possibility of legalized Euthanasia resulting in the forced euthanasia of unwilling persons.
 Diamante Euthanasia is illegal The Diamnean government has refused to legalize assisted suicide and the Septonate Brotherhood has refused to allow this law change stating that it believes that assisting those who would otherwise utilize assisted suicide methods and reducing their suffering is a preferable alternative. However, the Septonate Brotherhood did pass an edict decriminalizing assisted suicide in favor of civil penalties.
 Dorado Euthanasia is illegal, but assisted suicide is legal. The Doradan Constitution of DI 213 legalized the right to die as a right of all citizens, however, the language did not include protections for euthanasia specifically, and euthanasia remains illegal out of concern that forced euthanasia may occur should it be legalized.
 Göke Euthanasia is illegal The Gökan Federation refuses to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide, however, the Reform Party and Labor Party members have made motions to legalize Assisted Suicide.
 Illaria Euthanasia is illegal Illaria currently has a nationwide ban on euthanasia. Some duchies have assisted suicide movements campaigning for legalization of medically assisted suicide. None of these movements have succeeded however.
 Lesser Verde Euthanasia varies by administrative divisions Laws governing euthanasia vary by island-state, with the laxest state being Isla Lapis, which has legalized both euthanasia and assisted suicide, and Isla Zafiro being the strictest with both euthanasia and assisted suicide remaining illegal.
 Los Cuarzos Euthanasia and assisted suicide are legal Traditionally laws varied by locality, however, by DI 215 (2015), the last local governments legalized both euthanasia and assisted suicide.
 Murmusa Euthanasia is illegal Euthanasia is illegal in Murmusa. The Murmusan government has not made any indication of a change in policy in the future.
 Plata Assisted suicide is illegal, but euthanasia is legal. The Platan government legally allowed persons to die as of DI 212 (2012), however it mandates that the suicide occur in the presence of a physician who oversees the administration of lethal drugs to minimize the suffering involved.
 Verde Euthanasia is illegal, but assisted suicide is legal. The Verdean government legalized assisted suicide with the Right to a Dignified End amendment to the Constitution in DI 209 (2009). However, provisions in the amendment prohibited euthanasia out of concern for the possibility of forced euthanasia.
 Walakia Euthanasia is illegal Walakia has not legalized euthanasia, the party has indicated no intention to legalize it in the near future.