Critical Teleportation Failure

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A Critical Teleportation Failure is a term that describes a malfunction in the operation of a teleportation device or transportation devices that use teleportation. Critical Teleportation Failures often describe objects or matter coming within a teleporter and going through the sequence without reappearing or reforming on another teleportation device. Malfunctions of this magnitude are most often reported in a failure of maintaining a mass–energy equivalence and malfunctioning equipment such as a Biopattern Retention Device or Energy Equalization Metric. Certain countries within Oxus rely on teleportation as a means to employ interplanetary travel, such as Lijiang and Orassia. Proper maintainence of teleportation devices are required, and manual replacement of certain equipment within devices is required, especially in larger teleportation devices where Biopattern recognition is required.

Mechanical Malfunction

Biological Malfunction

A biological malfunction when the processes in a teleportation device using equipment involved with biological tissue.

Biopattern Retention Failure

A Biopattern Retention Failure, often dubbed a RF (Retention Failure) is the failure of a Biopattern Retention Device to retain a biological pattern, and render a pattern that is unlike the pattern of the person teleporting. When a retention failure occurs, different effects can resume depending on how much of the biopattern rendition has been retained.

Deoxyribonucleaic Destruction

Cloning Effect

Certain entities can split apart into two different entities that are effectually clones of each other without much difference. Very rarely are both clones the same as the original entity. Differences between clones are very minimal, if any at all. However the most pronounced effect of a Biopattern Retention Failure is the damaging effect on both clones. Certain neurological functions can be lost, or physical defomities can occur. Damage to the organs of an entity can occur.

Chemical Imbalance

When a retention failure occurs, a chemical imbalance in which certain essential elements necessary are lost within the transfer. This can cause a number of problems to biological tissue and towards the life of a teleporter.

A Chemical Imbalance from a retention failure is most noted when teleporting Luride

Total Mechanical Malfunction

A total mechanical malfunction is caused when several pieces of equipment fail. The most notable of this event is the 2056 Teleportation Destruction of Xianglao on the planet of Weila, where a large teleporter at the Xianglao Transportation Center failed in limiting the amount of materialized dark energy, which is used to power teleportation models. When the Weihai Teleportation Device used failed, the core of the Transportation Center failed.