Investiture of Peregnevy

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The Investiture of Peregnevy (Literary Vitrian: Peregnevĭskoje obdarovanĭje) was an event in 1181 where Adytum conferred recognition upon a number of Cositene states, and delineated interactions between them. Through Adytum's unquestioned authority over the Cositene community based in their purported supernatural powers, the order created at Peregnevy was respected for a period of time, and had indeed formed a basis for statehood in Cositene Lannonia. However, in its more apparent immediate goals and effects, which was to curtail infighting between the Cositene states and maintain a balance of power among them, its effect was far more short lived; even during Adytum's tenure the Empire of Razaria had began to rise in the early 13th century at its competitors' expense, and upon Adytum's occultation in 1227 actions were taken decisively by Razaria to establish itself as a new hegemon over the entirety of the Cositene community.

At Peregnevy, the divine recognition of each state was marked by the gifting of a mirror, a serical (zrĭkala), and possession of it was considered a key to a state's legitimacy. Sericals later became part of the key paraphernalia possessed by West Borean states.