Privy Council of Atmora

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Her Majesty's Privy Council
Geheimraad van Hare Majesteit
Middle Coat of Arms of Atmora.png
Imperial Coat of Arms
AbbreviationPrivy Council, RD
PredecessorCouncil of State of Lieseltania
Formation15 January 1812 (1812-01-15)
Legal statusNon-executive advisory body
List of current members
Empress Henrietta II
Prince Jayden, Duke of Westmorland
Clerk of the Council
Sijbrand Meulenbelt
Office of the Privy Council

Her Majesty's Privy Council (Dutch: Geheimraad van Hare Majesteit), usually known simply as the Privy Council of Atmora, or simply as the Privy Council, is a formal body of advisers to the Sovereign of Atmora. Officially consists of members of the imperial family and Crown-appointed members generally having political, commercial, diplomatic or military experience. It was founded in 1812.

Certain judicial functions are also performed by the Empress-in-Council, although in practice its actual work of hearing and deciding upon cases is carried out day-to-day by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (Dutch: Gerechtelijk Comité der Geheimraad). The Judicial Committee consists of senior judges appointed as Raadsheren/Raadsvrouwen (literally, "Lords and Ladys of the Council") predominantly Justices of the Supreme Court of Atmora and senior judges from the Atmoran colonies.