Prei Meas

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Third Nokor of Prei Meas
នគរនៃព្រៃមាសនេះ (Prei)
Prei meas coat of arms.png
Coat of Arms
Motto: "ខ្លាំងដើម្បីប្រយុទ្ធប្រឆាំងនឹងអារក្ស "
"Strong to frighten the devil"
Anthem: "Nokor reach"
detailed map of Prei Meas
detailed map of Prei Meas
and largest city
Official languagesPreimean
Recognised regional languagesPhnom, Cantonese, Aschar, Minean, Phau, Azurite
Governmentconstitutional monarchy
• Ste ch
Rathanak I Sisowath
• Prime Minister
Bun Veasna
LegislatureUnited Chamber
National Parliament Senate
People's house
• Independence day
January 14 1949
• Total
[convert: invalid number]
• Water (%)
• Estimate
• 2016 census
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
៛139,000,000,000,000 (wip)
• Per capita
Gini (2015)Positive decrease 12.40
HDI (2020)Increase .829
very high
CurrencyPrei Meas Riel (៛) (PMR)
Time zoneUTC-4 and -3 (PMT)
Date formatdd ˘ mm ˘ yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+0

Prei Meas is a medium sized Constitutional Monarchy situated at -55° West, and 0° North. The Capital and largest city is Tikrongmeas literally meaning "City of Gold" in the local language. Everything isn't all golden in Prei Meas though as in the western Phau and Minean regions there are separatist movements causing instability and and estimated 500 died in the fighting there since 2018 not including the recent PLG conflict and spillovers into and from the Azureden conflict.


WIP summary The earliest people in Prei Meas lived there in 5000 BCE. Through the medieval Period the 1st Nokor only hugged the coast and became rich from the spice and gold trade. It then subjugated the Phnom tribes and the Preimean empire was formed after subjegations of the Phau and Minean people and crucial parts of the modern Cantonese river delta controlling trade through that very important strait. This would not last as the Empire's vicious lust for conquest alienated trade and the Prei Meas Empire slowly declined. This lasted until the 1890s when Prei Meas was colonized by Neuewland and after a brief guerrilla war Prei Meas gained independence again.



The climate of Prei Meas with the exception of the northern steppes and mountains of the Phnom province is relatively uniform.



The political landscape of Prei Meas is as diverse as the people. There are parties ranging from centrist to moderate left and right and religious parties. Two major factors influencing Prei Meas politics is the Phau Conflict, and the conflict in Azureden both taking place in the turbulent Eastern half of the country. In the west the Nokor is more populated by ethnic Aschar people and ethnic Preimean people. In a relatively stable and rich part of the country dotted with heavily populated cities with beautiful scenery and large industry where the country makes most of its income and where most of the country lives. In the East there is a deep contrast between the north populated by Ethic Phnom people who are typically loyal to the central government and work with it in combating insurgents. The south is inhabited jointly by ethnic Cantonese people and Preimean people. The Center of the East is the most unstable part of the country. It is the region inhabited by ethnic Azureden people, Phau people, and Minean people. The Phau and Minean regions are the most densely forested parts of the country and one of the poorest regions of the country. Here there are constant conflicts between the central government and Phau and Minean separatists and insurgents who wage a brutal guerrilla war.


Peoples House

The Peoples House has 53 seats elected from the country as a whole. The following is a diagram of the current Peoples House.

Prei Meas National Parliament.png


The senate composes of 3 seats for each province with all 3 dedicated to the party that won the majority of the province. 1 province's 3 seats will be made speaker if their party has the majority of seats in the senate and there will be 4 additional seats in the cross bench made of the following people. The Ste ch, The Prime Minister, The President of the Peoples House, and the Second Minister.

Supreme Court of Prei Meas

Heads of government

The people

Ehnic Groups

Prei Meas consists of 5 Main ethnic groups. The Phnom, the Aschari, the Preimeani, the Phau, and the Mineans. Each with their own unique culture. These combine into 3 Main groups. The Prei Meas Literal made up of the Aschari and Preimeani people, the Phaumi made of the Phau and Mineans. The final group is the Phnom consisting of just the Phnom people in Phnom Province who have a nomadic culture which some say is similar to that of Gabrielland but has a completely unique language not similar to any of the surrounding languages in the region.

Contrast in Ethnic makeups pre and post civil war

The Prei Meas civil war lasting from 1970-1976 which saw the rise and fall of the Democratic Republic Prei Meas and the Republic of Prei Meas and the fall of the 2nd Nokor of Prei Meas saw the death of 30% of the nation's population with the majority of that being mass killings being carried out by the Prei Meas Revolutionary Front (in Preimean រណសិរ្សបដិវត្តព្រៃមាស) in what is now refereed to as the Prei Meas Genocide This was only stopped by an intervention in mid 1976 by Zhousheng. The Phaumi people before the civil war were the majority basically in the entire provinces of Phau, Minea, and Tri B before the civil war now their numbers have greatly decreased. For the Aschari people who sided with the Republic of Dei Neak This was even worse. They used to make up the majority in the province of Dei Neak and Villea da Aschar. Now they still make up a majority in Villea da Aschar but in Dei Neak they now only exist in rebuilding community strung about in the province but their population has been steadily growing and it is expected to make a full recovery if it stays at the same rate by 2050.

Public Transport

In Prei Meas the forms that the public transport takes varies widely from place to place. In major cities like Tikrongmeas and Kanchanatang it typically takes the form of small 3 wheeled open air cars called remorque or simply "trailers" they are also nicknamed tuk tuks. These tuk tuks are popular among tourists and locals for their ease of access and low cost. In more rural areas there are also tuk tuks but pulled by hand instead of motor. There are also bus networks all throughout major cities and a small train network. While many schools do have some school buses it is common for students to prefer going by tuk tuk or other city buses. City buses will usually offer rides to students for free or for large student discounts tuk tuks usually don't do this but as there is no standardized tuk tuk system many can.