Edwardsland Region

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Edwardsland is a region of Delamaria consisting of Providence, New Bedford, Labrador and New Guernsey, as well as parts of Georgeland and Crownsland. The term Edwardsland is named after Admiral Henry Edwards, a navy officer, who was one of the first non-native men to step foot on the Delamarian coast, and Great Grandfather to President James Edwards-Landstadt.

Edwardsland was the name of a colony from 1765 to 1801, when it was split among the states known today.

The flag used by Edwardsland.

The region can be almost indistinguishable from mainland Europa, from which the first settlers arrived from, in architechtural and cultural forms. Some islands off the coast of Edwardsland still have Anglish accents due to lack of outside contact.

Today the Edwardsland states are some of the most educated, prosperous and technologically advanced states in the nation. With higher life expectancies, better standard of living and higher average IQ than the rest of the nation. The first 12 Presidents of Delamaria were all from this region, and it has been home to every city to have been capital of Delamaria.