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Members of the Fostana

The body has held an important place in Caropsyne history and has been a part of the political fabric of the nation for over seven-hundred years. From its creation in 1281, the monarchy often relied often relied upon for tax-raising measures and legal guidance. The chamber was originally made up of 60 members consisting of a complex mesh of political, aristocratic, and religious appointments. Although the monarch had the ability to recommend individuals to the chamber, only the existing membership could accept their admission by a majority internal vote. The Fostana held considerable influence over the affairs of the monarchs and the rising Kingdom but everything changed in the mid-1800's.

King Aldrand, the Kingdom's last executive monarch, passed away in 1842 and was succeeded by his liberally-minded son Olimand. He had observed the changing political tides and after serving only one year as the formal head of state, he met with pro-democracy representatives from the lower classes and agreed to downgrade the monarchy from a Royal Family to merely a Royal House. In doing so, he would transfer the responsiblity of running the country's affairs to a democratic government. While the ordinary Caropsyne populace rejoiced, the aristocratic Fostana were collectively outraged at what would result in a dramatic curtailment of their historical power and authority. The Pontiana was created and elections were held for the first time ever. Melthred Consvané, a popular lawyer and one of the representatives who had met with the King, was elected Premier. This symbolized the end of the Unified Kingdom and the formation of the First Pontanore. To ensure sufficient check on the new far larger lower chamber, the Fostana retained an extensive array of the King's former executive functions and powers.

Relations between the Fostana and the Pontiana immediately started off tense as the newly-empowered democratic government began chipping away at the longstanding medieval structures and pollicies that had existed for generations. The Fostana would see its power weaken over the next ninety years until the country was deep in the grips of the economic depression of the late 1920's and early 1930's. Premier Dorias Rormold would be elected by the people in 1931 but he considered too radical by the reactionary Fostana and was overthrown by the upper chamber with the aid of the Damosca two years into his tenure. Immediately following this, the Fostana, then led by Chair Eremas Morclin, proclaimed a National Emergency and shut down the Pontiana.

This marked the end of the First Pontanore and the start of sixty years of Fostana Rule. Neighboring Ardalia and other countries including Corsimenia, Latagon, and Loslakia condemened the seizure but it fell on deaf ears. Some believe that this event is one of many secondary factors that preciptated the Great War of 1938-1942 of which the Fostana assembled an erstwhile coalition to victory over Loslakia and its bloc. They would engage in conflict with Loslakia and Ardalia during the late 1970's and early 1980's in which they would oversee the inclusion of new territories. Rolmand Roth would succeed Morclin as Fostana Chair in 1975.

Direct Fostana rule would come to end in 1993 due to a number of controversies, national uprisings (including the Hermalas Socialist Uprising of 1992), damaging policies, and their cruel use of the Damosca upon groups and individuals who dared to question the council's authority. Recognizing that the nation was on the edge of chaos, the Chair decreed that the Pontiana would reopened and democracy restored. There was widespread praise by the international community. Elections were held weeks later resulting in Phodric Dormond taking the reins of government as Premier. Fostana rule is considered to be a generally negative period in the country's history but one in where Carops was prouder and more assertive. From 1993, the chamber would return to its pre-emergency status and authority but throughout the remainder of the 1990's, they would observe the nation making one extreme foreign policy decision after another under both him and his successor Haldric Maldian.

Eventually the Fostana could no longer stand by and allow Maldian's Government to continue running the Ponatnore. They recognized that Maldian's method of governance was threatening the stability of the country both at home and abroad and the Chair believed that the Damosca, the country's intellgence service, was actively influence the Government's decision-making. One day, the entire 60-member chamber stopped their proceedings mid-session and invaded the Pontiana, thus sparking the 2000 Caropsyne Constitutional Crisis. The events of that week would leaving a lasting mark upon the country that remain even to this day.

Miria Seranoda was elected as Premier in the aftermath of the crisis and both she and Fostana Chair Roth pledged to work together to build better relations between their respective chambers even though they were on two opposite sides of the political spectrum. During the early days of her tenure, she had designs to reform the Fostana's membership to be more meritocratic but neither she nor her successor would be able to achieve this goal as they all believed they needed the upper chamber's support in the fight against Dormondism.

For nearly the next two decades, the Fostana would continue to be the last bastion of wealth and privilege. The end of the old ways of the Fostana would be set in motion with the release of a joint report in early 2019 by Cadriana Speaker Ilmer Yutrias and then-Pontiana Executive Chairman Marias Gatto outlining a wide range of reforms to the ancient body of over seven-hundred years including transforming the composition of the chamber to be made up of notable individuals from the political, bureucratic, and academic spheres of society appointed by the Pontiana. Members of the council reacted negatively to the proposals but it would matter little as Ilmer Yutrias would become Premier on 3 March 2020 on a platform which included implementing the recommendations he and Chairman Gatto had published the year before. Reform was inevitable.

Within the first six months of his Government Yutrias put before the Pontiana the Fostana Reform Act 2020 which would keep the Fostana as an appointed body consisting of legal and political experts, nominated on merit by the Civil Directorate's Secretarial Committee and approved by the Premier. Fostana members (Pantolaré) would be required to hold a doctorate degree, preferably in Pontanore Law, or have held one of the major offices of the State, in order to seek nomination. To further ensure the standards of Fostana rulings, members would be expected to have a wide-ranging experience of Pontanore politics. The Governemnt made an arrangement with the existing Chair, Secretary, and Master of Ceremonies that they could remain on the Fostana in exchange for not delaying the reforms (even though they were advised to retire). The Act was passed by overwhelming numbers across the Pontiana with only the Moderate and Conservative Party members voting against the motion. With its passage, 48 of the Fostana's members were removed from office including Phodric Glothmer due to his other position as a religious prelate.