Era of Civil Wars

Revision as of 20:10, 19 April 2021 by Layfet (talk | contribs)
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The Era of Civil Wars is an official historical era in which there were the numerous civil wars occuring in the same relative time period between 1938 and 1970.

Wars included in this era include the Zhousheng Council War (1938-1941), the Layfetian Civl War (1948-1964), the Kentalian Civil War (1951-1964), Gran Rudgioian Civil War (1968-1970),Prei Meas Civil War (1972/3?-1976), and the Bakyern Civl War (1973-1976).

Also included was the short lived Gassnassian Insurgency (1972-1975?)

The Era of Civil Wars remains a mystery with many historians and sociologists trying to understand why there were so many seemingly unconnected bouts of social upheaval during this time period. Many theories have developed most centered around the Great Coincidence Theory and Social Rebound Theory.

The Great Coincidence Theory tries to assert that all these civil wars are indeed unconnected and it's just coincidence that they occured during this time.

The Social Rebound Theory is the idea that these civil wars were began as a reaction to unresolved social dilemmas mostly centered around the Great War or other wars connected to the Great War or each other. This theory particularly notices the apparent but unproven connections of rising Stratocracies in Layfet and Kentalis.