Federal Police of Ahrana

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Federal Police of Ahrana
Federala polisen i Ahrana
Føderalt politi i Ahrana
Alríkislögreglan í Ahrana
File:Police Logo.PNG
Logo of the Federal Police
Jurisdictional structure
National agencyAhrana
Operations jurisdictionAhrana
General nature
Operational structure
Minister responsible
Agency executive
  • Sir Carl Augustine Larsov, Police Commissioner
Parent agencyMinistry of Interior
National units
Regional Districts7
Provincial Stations80

The Federal Police of the United Kingdom of Ahrana is the central and national Policing Authority in the Kingdom of Ahrana, responsible for Law Enforcement, Maintaining Peace and Order and the Safety of the Citizens in the Kingdom.

The agency is headed by the Federal Police Commissioner, who is appointed by the Chancellor who is then confirmed by the Parliament who is then asked to head the Federal Police by the Monarchs in the name of the Government to which is in the name of the Monarchs, who is responsible for all police activity in the Kingdom. The Federal Police is in the Ministry of the Interior but is independent and operates separately from the Ministry per the Constitution. The police is governed by the Police Commission Board that acts as the supervisory role in the Federal Police and reports to the Legislative, Judicial and Executive parts of the Government. As with under the eye of the Councils the Police must also adhere to all Policing Acts passed by the Parliament as well as local ordnances as well. The Federal Police typically wear the traditional Black Uniform with combat style trousers with a police duty belt, a polo shirt or a long sleeve button shirt, and a side-cap embellished with a metal cap badge. At the top of the shoulders the Police Insignia and Rank is displayed at all times as well as having a Identification Card attached to their belt at all times. The standard equipment found on a Police Officer is Pepper Spray, a Taser, two sets of handcuffs, a baton, and keys to their patrol unit. All Police Officers in the Kingdom of Ahrana do not carry their handgun on them and must get prior approval to access the gun safe in the boot of the patrol unit before brandishing a handgun. As with the handgun a rifle is also in a separate gun safe in the boot of the car, unlike with the Handgun a Police Officer has direct access to the rifle for cases of terrorism, hostage situation and for border patrol service.

Tasks and Objectives

The Role of the Police Force is described in the Constitution and the Federal Policing Acts that have been passed by the Parliament of Ahrana. These Provisions and Acts state that the police should prevent crime, monitor public order and safety, carry out criminal investigations, provide protection, information and other assistance to the public, along with other responsibilities as prescribed under special provisions. This is supplemented with the annual "appropriation directions" issued by the Government, which specify the agency's main tasks and goals for the year. The Ahranaian police also carry out a number of administrative functions, such as the issuing of passports, national identity cards and various kinds of permits and licenses. A permit is for example required when arranging a protest march or holding a public event, such as a concert. Permits are also required for using public space to sell goods, serve food or beverages. Individuals also have the right to request extracts from their criminal records, which is asked for by a growing number of prospective employers and is required by law prior to employment at schools or daycare centers.


Chart of the Federal Level of the Federal Police Office Structure.

The Ahranaian Government Ministers and Leaders at the Federal and Regional Levels enjoy a great amount of independence from most government organizations in order to keep each Governmental Institution from having more influence over the other as outline by the Constitution of Ahrana, neither the Government nor individual ministers have the right to influence how an agency decide in a particular case or on the application of legislation. This also applies to the Federal Police as well, who instead is governed by general policy instruments, such as laws passed by the Parliament and by the appointment of executives. The Federal Police is headed by a Federal Police Commissioner or just simply Police Commissioner, who is appointed by the Government and has the sole responsibility for all activities of the police. he Commissioner holds regular meetings with a non-executive Public Council to satisfy the need for transparency, and is assisted by the Commissioner's Office, tasked with managerial support and performance management. The organization is divided up into eight Regional Offices, in respect to the eight member states to the United Kingdom of Ahrana, to which a Deputy Commissioner is appointed by the Police Commissioner to head each Regional Office. There are eight offices at the Federal Level as well as the Regional Level to help with the day to day running of the offices. The Federal Police Office is the sole Office where all communications and operations are approved and carried down from, all hiring is approved by the Federal Office. Within the Regional Offices there are eight Support Offices as with the Federal Office but with the addition of a Forensic Office and Special Unit Detachment that reports to the Federal Police Commissioner. The entire department has a Public Council and a Anti-Corruption Unit (AC-01) that act independent from the Regional Offices and answer directly to the Police Commissioner, Federal Government and the responsible Legislative Committee.

Organizational structure


Tactical Units

Marine Police

Aviation Police

Drug Enforcement Police

Traffic Police


Police Training


Uniforms and Ranks

