Endymion Zografos

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Endymion Zografos
Personal details
March 15th, 1956
Chane, Kaltras
Resting place220px
Political partyNefreedian Socialist Party
  • 220px
Alma materCentral People's Collective Military

Endymion Zografos (born March 15th, 1956) is one of the few surviving senior military officers of the Socialist Worker's Republic of North Kaltras, and by extension, one of the few surviving senior military officers of New Freedomstan. Endymion Zografos signed the official surrender of the SWRNK to the Republic of Kaltras following the nuclear destruction at the end of the 2nd Nefreedian Civil War which killed the civilian and political leadership of North Kaltras, as well as the majority of the military high command. After re-unification, Zografos has marked himself as one of the few ethnic Kaltrasians who support Nefreedian Socialism and by extension the Nefreedian Socialist Party, although since the NSP's turn towards ethnic minority interests rather than Nefreedian Socialism, Zografos have become a less visible figure in the NSP.


Zografos was born to working-class parents in Chane, an industrial city in northern Kaltras bordering Seelelander, and only finished five years of school before having to start working at a local clothing mill at the age of eleven. At the age of nineteen, Zografos enlisted in the Armed Forces but following the failed coup of 1984, was out of a job when the armed forces were all but abolished. While an enlisted soldier, Zografos had married Maria and had two children, and following the abolition of the armed forces, Zografos was forced to take oddjobs of semi-legal nature for years, until he managed to find steady employment in the tobacco fields outside of Chane. There are no records of Zografos' political activities at the time.

Following the invasion and occupation by New Freedomstan, records of Zografos' activities are sketchy, and he himself have been unwilling to give personal details. Between 2002 and 2005 he was a student at the Military Academy of the Central People's Collective, and in 2008 he became a member of the military high command of North Kaltras. During the Nefreedian-Spirean War, Zografos were to act as overall commander of the Kaltrasian Expeditionary Force to assist in the Nefreedian occupation of the southern coast of the country, but when the 2nd Nefreedian Civil War began these plans were put on ice. During the Kaltrasian-Nefreedian War, Zografos became military high commander in the latter stages of the war, following the assassination of C-7 277-188 by Kaltrasian partisans.