Alezian Union

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Federation of the Alezian Union
Flag of Alezian Union
of Alezian Union
Coat of arms
Motto: For Those Who Believe
Anthem: Oh, My Alezia
Map of the Alezian Union
Map of the Alezian Union
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised national languagesArabic, Indonesian, Dutch, Alezian, Georgian
Recognised regional languagesHebrew, Russian, Aramnan, French
Finnish, Buginese
GovernmentFederal semi-directorial constitutional republic
• Premier
Sa'idah Mahmudaisyah
LegislatureNational Government of the Alezian Union
National Council of the Alezian Union
National Parliament of the Alezian Union
Reunified in 2021
• Date of Reunification
1st of May 2021
3,199,984 km2 (1,235,521 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2021 estimate
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
USD 18,772,383,000,000
• Per capita
USD 56,465
GDP (nominal)2021 estimate
• Total
USD 15,773,883,000,000
• Per capita
USD 47,446
HDI (2021)Decrease 0.901
very high
CurrencyAlezian Dollar (AZD)
Time zoneWAT / EAT
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy AD
Driving side"right"
Calling code+803

Federation of the Alezian Union or more commonly called as the Alezian Union, located on a pack of islands located on the center of the Pacific Ocean between Japan and the United States. The nation holds a population of 332,458,782. The Alezian Union has 4 regions, with each region holding 6 sub-regions, making a total of 24 sub-regions.

The Alezian Union was considered as a developed country even after facing the hardships of reunification. As a muslim majority country, the Alezian Union has been deemed by the international community as a mouthpiece of the Islamic Community to the West and vice versa, acting as a strong middlepoint between the two community, being a member of both the OIC and OECD. The country is also a member of APEC.


The name "Alezia" comes from an ancient Alezian word "Ali'icha'a'i" which means "I Found It". This word allegedly came from a shout of someone who was predicted to come from the Polynesian Islands. However, the word was made up and thus has no relation to any language of the Polynesian Islands.

The original word itself was contested previously. Some say "Ali'cha'a'i" "Ali'i'i'a'i" "A'i'cha'a'i" and many variations of the word. However, after referring to a written artifact of an Ancient Alezian Story called "The Life That Founds", the National History Committee of North Alezia (predecessor to the National History Committee of the Alezian Union) in 2009 added with consideration and agreement by Native Alezian Leaders of Dadon and Salem suggested and cemented that the actual word that was shouted is "Ali'icha'a'i" which remain in use to this day.

Previously, the name "Alezia" was used even from the start of the colonial era, where colonial powers would use terms such as "British Alezia" (North Alezia), "Dutch Alezia" (South Alezia), "French Alezia" (Pantabang Islands, later divided between Britain and Netherlands), and "Russian Alezia" (Mosin-Nagan and Pyalivostok-Daya Island, North Alezia, later given to Britain).


Founding of the Alezian Isles (around 100 - 1427 AD)

Not much is known about the people who settled in what would now become the Alezian Union. However, it was said that the ancestors of the Native Alezian people has ancestral connections to the people living on the Pacific Isles. However, there hasn't been an exact known location of where did the first group people that would be 1st generation Alezians came from. However, it can be speculated that since the language of Alezian has connection to Hawaiian, it can be speculated that there's a probability of Alezian ancestors coming from Hawai'i. However, there are other speculations saying that the first peoples came from somewhere in what would now become Indonesia instead.

It was speculated that it was a fishing boat from the Pacific who faced a terrible storm that founded the Isles as an Ancient Alezian story that ran mouth-to-mouth says so. The boat was said to contain a family of a man and his wife, and their four kids including one who was a baby. Legend says that the family ran from their previous homes due to an unknown reason, the largest speculation being due to rejection from their previous community. The name of all of the family members are still unknown to this day.

When the family reached land, the man shouted "Ali'icha'a'i" at the scene of an empty island, not yet touched by man. The family docked in the beach on what would become A'u'cha Dock in A'na'au'i, Bucinnois (Northern Main Island), Pantabang Islands. This is the reason why Native Alezians wanted to live in the Pantabang Islands.

According to the legend, when word spread about an island that accepts and welcomes people of all kinds, who are rejected because of the wrong reasons, people flock into the isles and build a community in the isles. After the settlement in the Pantabang Islands was found, people continue to find other lands to settle, where they found the other lands of North Alezia and South Alezia.

It was speculated that there are 1,175,000 native people spread around the Alezian Isles before 1427 AD.

Asian and Buginese Merchants Arrival (1427-1580 AD)

Around 1427 AD, the native Alezians started to receive outside contact from merchants who come from East Asia. However, there are minimal proof of their arrival in the Alezian Isles.

In 1526 AD, another ship had to face a terrible storm on their way to China, which forced them to dock in the Alezian Isles. It was a group of merchants coming from the Sultanate of Bone in what would now become South Sulawesi, Indonesia. When they arrived, the native Alezians welcomed them and let them stay in their own house until they're ready to go home.

It was storied that when the Buginese returned to their home in Bone and telling stories of how they were so impressed by the hospitality of the Alezians even if they don't understand what the Alezians are trying to say a lot of the times, the king of Bone which at the time was La Tenrisukki, Mappajunge ordered the Buginese Merchants at that time to return to Alezia and teach them how to trade and to help them build what would now become Oldport in Zafizamarrah, North Alezia.

In the present, the Alezian Union and the Regency of Bone in Indonesia remained in close contacts.

Muslim Merchants Arrival (1580-1700 AD)

Around 1580 AD, Muslim Merchants started to arrive in what would now become Oldport-Newport, ZF, NA to start trade with the Native Alezians. At that time, the Muslim world knew of the Alezians commodity of spices and fish. When they arrive from the Middle East after their stop in China, while also trading, Islam was also start being spread around the Isles. Ibn Hasma who was the leading merchant of the Muslims asked the joint chiefs of the native Alezians about if they can settle in the land as long as they promise to keep the peace around the isles.

The chief council agreed, and the Muslims established Zafizamarrah (coming from the Alezian word of Cha'i'cha'a'ma'pa) as its settlement. Around this time, the spread of Islam was succesfully initiated, using apporaches of Native Alezian art and culture to spread the word. The chiefs of Ka'upa'i, Na'a'pi, Dadon, and Salem converted to Islam and with the agreement of the chiefs of Ancic and Makarina who kept their beliefs, the Sultanate of Zafizamarrah was established in 1700 AD with the leader being A'una'i of Salem, who later changed her name to be Aminah Salem, and would become Aminah I.

Sultanate of Zafizamarrah (1700-1800 AD)

With Zafizamarrah as it's capital, the Sultanate of Zafizamarrah started to grow with an increasably noticeable power in trade. Around this time, there are noticeable increase in amounts of merchants coming from around the world, especially from the Middle East, China, and Europe. European interest increased due to news being spread about the high quality of Alezian spices, tea, and coffee.

While the Sultanate declared Arabic as their official language, the language of Alezian was preserved although it was rewritten so it could cater to the Arabic alphabet.

While the Sultanate implement Islamic laws from the start, the Merchants of Middle East recalled that the way the law was implemented in Zafizamarrah was very relaxed, for example, there are almost no women that covered up, except for those in Pyalivostok who had to due to the cold temperature.

In 1750, the Sultanate decided to carve the Sultanate into two regions in order to ease administration. It was divided by the center location of the Pantabang Islands, resulting in North and South Alezia. Historians speculated that this is the first time that an idea of "North and South Alezia" existed for the very first time. Both regions had different functions. South as the "protector" of the Sultanate and North as the "representative" of the Sultanate.

In 1753, a merchant by the name of Muhammad Na'ua'i Ancic was sent to the faraway lands of the Na'api tribe who was having a tribal civil war due to disagreements on how they shall rule their forests. The merchant mediated the conflict and while both decided to stay at the Sultanate of Zafizamarrah, with approval of the Palace and M.N. Ancic, the Na'ua'i decided to be divided into two to the Mosin tribe and Nagan tribe, creating a new land called Mosin and Nagan.

In 1773, with the death of Aminah III, the Sultanate started to decline, and European powers started to meddle into the Sultanate's affairs. And in 1799 the joint European powers of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Russia jointly attacked the Sultanate from all sides, forcing the Sultanate to surrender 3 months later and to sign the 1800 Treaty of Zafizamarrah (1st of January 1800) which ended the Sultanate and carved the Alezian Isles into four parts.

European Colonization (1800 AD - 1958 AD)

After the Treaty of Zafizamarrah was signed, the Isles were divided into four. The British holds all of Northern Alezia except for Pyalivostok, The Russians holds the lands of Mosin and Nagan and Pyalivostok, The French holds all of Pantabang Islands, and the Dutch holds all of Southern Alezia.

Initially, the four works nicely around each other, with all of them getting started on spreading Christianity in the Alezian Union. However, they only manage to convert small bits of the population with the most noticeable being in the land of Nagan, Pyalivostok, and Bristol.

Around this time, Jewish merchants settled in what would become Tel Hadiv and Yezateinu. Then a year after that, Italian, French, Spanish, Portugese, German, and Dutch merchants settled in what would become Aramna, making joint families and a new language jumbled from all of the settlers' languages. This created North Alezia's diversity. In Mosin and Nagan itself there are noticeable amount of people of Georgian descent moving into the territory, creating a community where they speak Georgian in what people now call Trishi.

Due to a disease spread by the Europeans around the era of early colonialization, the tribe of Ka'u'api lost almost 80% of its population, nowadays going extinct. In French Alezia, Bucinnois get to keep it's name, but changed its spelling instead to cater to French-speaking people.

French and Russian colonization didn't last long, however. The Russian Empire pulled out of the Alezian Isles in 1822 due to economic issues and gave both "Mosin and Nagan" and Pyalivostok to the British. Then in 1827 France pulled out due to similiar economic reason. However, the French forgot to tell Britain and the Netherlands on who could claim the Pantabang Islands. This caused a strain in the two and thus on 13th of June 1822, the British declared war on the Dutch over the Alezian Isles. Both countries agreed to not bring the war to Europe, only keeping it in the Alezian Isles. The war resulted in a stalemate and resulted in both countries agreeing to divide the Pantabang Islands in two according to the centerpoint where the previous Sultanate of Zafizamarrah pointed.

After the war everything returned to normal, with the British adding an expansion to the previously build Oldport, resulting in what would now become the Oldport-Newport of Zafizamarrah. Both colonial powers competed against each other in order to dominate resources and trade in the Isles which was considered as a lucrative route.

Both colonies were involved in both World War 1 and World War 2 where both of the region's resources were used to support the allies in both wars. In World War 2 specifically, both British and Dutch Alezia worked together to protect the Isles from Japanese invasion. When the war was won, both Britain and Netherlands agreed to give both colonies independence at least 15 years after 1945.

North Alezians initially refused to let the British administration go since they felt that they've been treated well by the British and even asked London to let them stay in the United Kingdom as an equal constituent country just like England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. However, this proposal was rejected due to the difference of culture and the far distance between the two lands, and thus North Alezia reluctantly accepted independence.

South Alezians took the time to focus on being independent, supported by the Dutch on the process. And at the 23rd of February 1958, both countries are declared independent with both colonial powers even supporting reunification between the two.

North and South Before 1988 (1958-1988)

After both countries were declared independent, both worked on the effort of being a single country again. However, a coup in Zafizamarrah forced North Alezia to install a dictatorship led by a dynasty of the Iliya Family. Around this era, censorship was tight, quality of life plumetted, and Zafizamarrah lost its reputation as a formidable trade town. The Family only allows international trade with the United Kingdom.

In the South, the people of South Alezia lost interest on reunification and instead focus on developing on their own using the money that the Dutch granted them. Due to this, the economy of South Alezia initially outran the North by 10:1. While North Alezia suffered, South Alezia flourished and being the attention of the world for being one of the fastest growing nations in the world with Japan as its rival. Around this time South Alezia closed the land border in Pantabang Islands, dividing the island into two.

This situation stays and due to the conditions in North Alezia getting worse, in 1976 the Iliya Family started asking South Alezia for reunification which they rejected due to the fear that North Alezia could plummet their economy down. They tried again in 1978 and 1980 but it was still met with rejection.

From the 1980s, North Alezia started to open up to the world although still in a limited amount. Reforms were start being made, and political opposition led by Mukhlis Krasnaya Novogrody started being secretly initiated. And after the leader at the time, Mika'il Iliya announced a two year conscription plan, North Alezians took it to the streets and protested. In 23rd of February 1988, The Iliya Family fell and Mukhlis Krasnaya Novogrody quickly put plans to put North Alezia back on track. Around this time, the Family tried to split and escape to Mosin-Nagan and Northern Pantabang Islands however both sections are captured and arrested immediately.

North and South After 1988 (1988-2021)

Around the same time, government overspending on unnecessary project started to bring outrage upon the people of South Alezia, who also protested and also toppled down their government. Due to the instability however, General Hoojvinken who was the Head General of the South Alezian military started sabotaging the process of government handover and took the position as the Premier of South Alezia instead. He installed a Military Dictatorship with him being on the top. Around this time, he started designing military weapons that can talk and are sentient using toys and inanimate objects, when this is a success, the objects are used as a guarding tool against the South Alezian people who had to move underground or escape to North Alezia. The military government at this era continued the tradition of overspending and destroying the South Alezian economy even to the point of asking debts to North Alezia.

In North Alezia, Premier Mukhlis Krasnaya Novogrody quickly implemented Liberal economic measures and quickly fixed the quality of life in North Alezia. In just one year of his leadership the economic situation reversed with North Alezia leading over South Alezia in economy by 33:1. Around this era North Alezia started to push for Reunification again but on a more confident note. However, this was still met with rejection by the military government. As time progressed, North Alezia started to become strong economically again and Zafizamarrah returned as a strong trade point. Even though economy and quality of life and freedoms increased highly, the government around this time was also met with criticism due to its high standards of expectation it has on the people which came from "dangerous" legislation which resulted in crime and mental health issues. Premiers after Mukhlis Krasnaya Novogrody attempted to reverse some of Novogrody's innefficient economic laws and increase welfare.

Around this time, however, conflicts arised between the people of Dadon and Salem in the North and Ancic and Makarina in the South starting from 27th of May 2001 to 16th of April 2004. When the government of North Alezia tried to bring South Alezia into the discussion table in order to find a solution to reduce the conflict, South Alezia rejected, and North Alezia had no choice but to lead discussions themselves. The results of the discussion resulted in peace (but still hostile relations) between Northern and Southern Pantabang Islands and reopened discussions towards reunification, adding The Reunification of the Pantabang Islands and the Native Alezian people as a reason. This opened a council called The Reunification Council in which North Alezia, South Alezia (who reluctantly agreed to discussion due to the fear of having their aid cut), Mosin-Nagan and Pantabang Islands discuss about a new unified Alezia. This council lasts from 2004 to 2021.

Reunification (2021-present)

Starting from January 2021, South Alezians who escaped to North Alezia and North Alezians themselves started initiating a coup d'etat towards the Military Government of South Alezia. South Alezia who had been hiding underground also started to defeat the guards of the government by various methods. The North Alezian Government showed their support much later in April.

In 5th of April 2021 the Military Government surrendered, much to the celebrations of the Alezians. The celebration of reunification even prompted Mosin and Nagan to forget their differences and reunify again as "Mosin-Nagan" much to the surprise of North Alezia who thought they won't reunify since they already got tribal and religious (Mosin with Islam and Nagan with Christianity) between them.

After that and a quick declaration by North Alezia's premier Sa'idah Mahmudaisyah for the world to prepare for the Alezian Union, Discussions was quickly initiated between North Alezia, the newly made "Liberation Group of South Alezia for Reunification" led by eventual council member Mahmud Bergen, Mosin-Nagan, and the Pantabang Islands throughout the two first weeks of April. Around that time there was even a proposal to reinstall the Sultanate, however, the descendant of the Sultanate refused due to private reasons.

After the new council and cabinet are established with the Parliament elected democratically through an election later in the year and foreign relations reestablished, on 1st of May 2021 with the witness of Alezians and numerous international delegations, the Alezian Union was established.

Around this time, the Alezian Union showcased their power as a newly reunified country where it finally hosted the Worldvision Song Contest 93, where it was deemed as a stepping stone in repositioning the Alezian Union as an important nation due to it finally hosting its first international-scale competition.


The Alezian Union is a country which includes a series of islands located on the center of the Pacific Islands, and surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. The country shares no land border, however it shares a maritime border with China and Japan on the West, the United States on the East and the South, and Russia on the North.

The country spans a total area of 3,199,984 km2 (1,235,521 sq mi), with 47 percent of it being water. The physical geography of the Alezian Union is varied with different temperatures around the nation. In the Southern parts of the country, it was known for being warm and sunny even though it still snows in those parts. In the Northern parts of the country, it was known for being cold and mountainous, especially in and around Pyalivostok.


The Alezian Union's biodiversity consists of mostly mammals and birds. Few of the known species in the Alezian Union are the Basnaharian Bear, The Doorsbreeken Butterfly, The Haavelijk Butterfly, and The Zafizamarranian Chipmunk.

Government and Politics

Building of the National Parliament of the Alezian Union in Government Way, Metropolitan Zafizamarrah
Building of the National Council of the Alezian Union in Government Way, Metropolitan Zafizamarrah

According to the Political Definition decided by the Government of the Alezian Union, the Alezian Union is a "bicameral parliamentary full-democracy state". The Political Culture of the Alezian Union mostly emphasize on human rights and social justice which was written in full detail inside the nation's constitution, thus becoming the principles of the Alezian Union.

In the Alezian Union, government was divided into two. The Upper House of the Government is called the "National Council of the Alezian Union" which is a five-member house (four leaders of each region plus the Premier) which works as a representative of all regions directly to the Premier of the Alezian Union who approves laws and occasionally would even propose it themselves.

The lower house is called the "National Parliament of the Alezian Union" which works as the representative of the nation's public who proposes and votes on laws before bringing it to the National Council for inspection and final approval.

The National Parliament has held a parliamentary election once. Held in 1st of November this year, the election resulted in a surprise victory of the Meme Party, which is a centre-left party. The Meme Party currently assembled a coalition called the Orange Coalition together with the Green Party and the Liberal-Democratic Party, supported by Internationalist, United New Alezians, and Native Alezians Meanwhile the opposition of right-wing parties includes Economic Efficiency, Fundamentalist, Alezian Values, the Patriots, the Nationalists, and the Joint Conservative List. Between these coalitions sat a third wheel which is the Socialist-Labour Party.

The National Parliament is currently divided into 886 seats accordingly distributed where the four regions combined into 443 seats earned through the constituency vote where North Alezia received 155 seats, South Alezia received 158 seats, Pantabang Islands received 89 seats, and Mosin-Nagan received 41 seats. According to the rules, the allocation for North and South Alezia was decided by dividing the population into constituencies of 1,000,000 people each, where Pantabang Islands and Mosin Nagan due to its small population was divided into constituencies of 100,000 people each. Then, the remaining 443 seats were picked from the Party Vote. Due to this, the Alezian Union operates its election using a Mixed Member Voting method.

The Alezian Union's federal structure was divided into the four regions of the Alezian Union and further divided with each region divided into six sub-regions.


The Constitution of the Alezian Union which was the supreme law of the Alezian Union was completed in 2021, where the constitution took inspiration mostly from North Alezia's old constitution, added with South Alezia's pre-military dictatorship constitution, Regional Constitution of Mosin-Nagan and Native Alezian Laws of Pantabang Islands.

The Alezian judiciary is lead by the High Court of the Alezian Union which has the power to implement and strike down acts of parliament. In the Alezian system of court, the nation uses Common Law. The Criminal Law of the Alezian Union applies union wide.

The Native Alezian Laws of Pantabang Islands itself was updated into the Native Alezian Laws. The laws contain nature preservation, land protection, protection of the Alezian language, et cetera.

The nation of the Alezian Union also follows a moral code called the "Law of the Love of the People" which came from a combination of previous moral codes from North Alezia (Law of Love) and South Alezia (Law of the People). This moral code requires the nation and its people to operate under "consideration for other fellow citizens and in some extent, other countries".

Foreign Affairs

The Alezian Union is considered as a middle power in diplomatic affairs. The nation itself implemented an internationalist policy where the Alezian Union emphasize on openness, transparency, and humanity over personal affairs. The Alezian foreign policy emphasize on helping nations affected by a humanitarian crisis, and using diplomacy as "the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th solution".

In the past, due to the closed society that encircled North Alezia, even under the pressure of Britain, North Alezia never joined the United Nations until 15th of May 1990. South Alezia already joined since 5th of August 1958 and continued to do so until reunification. North Alezia itself only started to boost its reputation internationally as late as 2020

The Alezian Union inherited North Alezia's position as a member of the OECD, G20, and APEC. The nation remained active in those organizations to this day. The Alezian Union's strong economy was considered as a strong point for the international community to invite the nation into G7, possibly reinstalling G8. However, these plans has not resulted in fruition,

As a country with a Muslim-majority population, the Alezian Union earned OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) membership in 2021 continuing from North Alezia (who entered in 1989) and South Alezia (who entered in 2006). As a country who implemented liberal laws and policies, the Alezian Union usually acted as a middleman between the West and the OIC. However, previously, North Alezia was under criticism in the organization for "aligning themselves too far to the West" and due to it's social policies which some members of OIC deemed as "Un-Islamic" and "Blasphemous". However, even with the criticism, the Alezian Union was praised and applauded in the OIC for representing Islam in the modern era.

The Alezian Union opened a joint cooperation with Carrelie, Waisnor, and Malta Comino Gozo in 2021. And the cooperative's economic headquarters is located in Zafizamarrah.


The Alezian Union maintained a pacifist stance, and thus only allowing the Alezian Defence Forces to be deployed in the event of a Defence situation or as Peace-keeping Forces. In the Alezian constitution, it is currently illegal for the government to enact Military Conscription to the people, which the topic itself has been taboo in the Alezian public.

However, the Alezian Union has developed weapons on its own such as their own TECHNICOLOUR series of Jet Fighters, the AMS 2021 series, and various other things. The Alezian Union also continues holding on to North Alezia (10) and South Alezia (15) nuclear arsenals, with dismantling in progress.

Regions, Sub-regions, and Territories

Administrative Map of the Alezian Union

The Alezian Union is a federation consisting of four regions and two territories. Each regions in themselves has six sub-regions contained inside. A region has larger autonomy and position in the government compared to a territory. A territory according to the rules do not have parliamentary representation, however, a territory is dependant on a region on its needs. Each region earns autonomy on responsibility for social services such as health services, education, safety, and other aspects using the help of the Federal Government in Zafizamarrah.

Currently, there are numerous proposals for new regions to join into the Alezian Union, such as a suggestion for North Alezia to release Daya Island from Pyalivostok, which have been a prevalent issue in the region even before reunification due to the different cultures of the majority Russian-speaking Pyalivostok and majority Finnish-speaking Daya Island., and for South Alezia to release Hooveld Islands from West-Brenaven. Other proposals also includes the proposal to make the Metropolitan City of Zafizamarrah its own region within North Alezia. However, this proposal was rejected due to the fact that each region may only have six region and no less and no more.

In the Alezian Union, Sub-regions (which before reunifications are regions themselves) act under the Regional Government. Each of them received subregional funding by their respective regions and each subregion would allocate those funds to stabilize and harmonize subregional economy in which it would work jointly with the economies of other subregions, making all of the subregions working together.


Metropolitan Zafizamarrah, The Biggest City, Economic Center, and the Capital of the Alezian Union.

Even with reunification and the financial problems that comes with it, the Alezian Union stood strong as a developed mixed economy that is classed as a high-income economy.

The Alezian Union's large population translates to a massive labor force. And the nation's labor force is highly diversified, with services dominating the nation's labor force, with 54,8% of the workforce working in the sector. The nation's high tech sector is the second biggest sector, with 23,7% of the workforce. Manufacturing is the third biggest sector, with 10.2% of the workforce. Due to the nation's legislation on clamping heavy industry, heavy industry has been decreasing in amounts of workforce, with only 2.7% of the workforce, with a decreasing trend from 2021. After reunification, the agricultural sector has saw an increase, taking 8.6% of the workforce.

The Alezian Union recorded a very high human development even after reunification, getting a score of 0.901 which came from combining the previous HDI's of North Alezia (0.933), Mosin-Nagan (0.952), Pantabang Islands (0.812), and South Alezia (0.743), added with the continued quality welfare, health, and education system brought from the previous North Alezian administration.

The Alezian Union is also one of world's most spender on research and development, allocating 2.5% of its GDP according to its Middle-2021 economic report.

The Government of the Alezian Union owns numerous State Owned Enterprises with significant control over the company. The State Owned Enterprises itself has a special goal which is to benefit the public in their own sectors.

In the Alezian Union, the Pharmacy and Information Technology Subsector dominates the nation's Service Sector. Most of the nations economical sector relies on the continuous life in Metropolitan Zafizamarrah.


After the reunification of the Alezian Union, the nation enjoyed an re-emergence of the agricultural industry, with notable expansions in South Alezia and Pantabang Islands. Thanks to this, The Alezian Union has been able to produce and export food produce such as Bread, Rice, Fruits, and Vegetables. Application of modern technology from fellow region North Alezia and import from other nations caused production of food in these two region skyrocket.

Other than the aforementioned products, both regions also saw an increase of production in meat such as poultry, beef, and mutton. South Alezia itself developed a strong dairy industry, rebuilding its biggest dairy processing factory in Alvestojke with completion in August 2021. Even with the factory only completed around that time, South Alezia has the ability to produce large amounts of milk, cheese, and yoghurt, which has been exported to other Alezian regions.

The regions of Mosin-Nagan and Pantabang Islands has also developed its seafood industry, with both regions producing fish products with some of it brought to North Alezia to be turned into canned products, where it would be exported back to the other regions of the Alezian Union and/or exported to other countries.

North Alezia itself has mostly moved away from agriculture, thus it does not have a noticeable agriculture industry. However, it's subregion of Pyalivostok continues to produce high-quality potatoes that has been known since 1994.


In the tourism sector, the focus are located in North Alezia, Mosin-Nagan, and the Northern part of the Pantabang Islands, where in 2019, the tourist count in the three areas combined reached 28.2 million people, which was then followed by the Coronavirus pandemic slowing tourism to 9.02 million people in 2020.

South Alezia and Southern Pantabang Islands' tourism capabilities are still unfound. However, few sights has been recognized as potential tourism spots. Like A'ukai Beach Strip in Southern Pantabang Islands, and Nouveljke Mountain Strip in South Alezia.

The Alezian Union is very known for its beaches, with the best located in Mosin-Nagan and Pantabang Islands. North Alezia also has notable beaches especially in Aramna and Basna. However, North Alezia is more known with its mountanious ranges in Northern Zafizamarrah and Southern Pyalivostok.


The Alezian Union enjoys a strong amount of source of energy. Electricity in the country is managed by Alectric SOE, which is owned fully by the Alezian Union center government. Each region uses various sources of electricity. North Alezia and Mosin-Nagan has succesfully moved most of its electricity needs to renewables such as solar panels and water dams. North Alezia also used nuclear generated in its 10 nuclear power plants. However, after the Fukushima Disaster in 2011 which happened west of the Alezian Isles, North Alezia is currently progressing to dismante all of its nuclear plants while continuing to support solar and water energy.

Thanks to its history of being divided in two, the Pantabang Islands used two sources of energy. The northern parts used wind and solar energy, while the southern parts still use coal and gas.

South Alezia on itself due to its past difficulties are late entering the renewable energy trend, only being able to build one in 2021 with completion predicted in June 2022. In the past, South Alezia had signed an agreement with North Alezia, letting them getting electricity from North Alezia. To this day, even in reunification, most of South Alezia's electricity needs came from North Alezia.

The Alezian Union is also a nation rich of petroleum, especially in the areas of Oost-Brenaven and Halle Dag of South Alezia. Areas of Daya Island and Northern Pyalivostok of North Alezia also owns noticeable amounts of oil. All of the petroleum in the Alezian Union is managed by Petrolezia SOE.


Under the supervision of AleziRail SOE. , After the completion of the 2 kilometer connection between Ha'ama Station in Northern Pantabang Islands to Alsvedejk Station in Southern Pantabang Islands in July 2021, the Alezian Union has succesfully connected North and South Alezia by train through the Pantabang Islands, with a megaproject in plan to connect Trishi in Mosin-Nagan to North Alezia using a tunnel system equivalent to the twice the length of the two tunnels in the Pantabang Islands, which once completed, might make the tunnel as one of the longest sea crossing tunnels in the world.

The Alezian Union has an extensive roadway system. If combined, the total amounts of roads in the Alezian Union reached 1,445,859 km of servicable roadways, with Zafizamarrah having the most dense network in the nation. Highways itself in the Alezian Union reached 11,384 km of the total length of roadways. Bridges and tunnels are also common in the country as the nation's land is commonly divided with rivers.

Being an island nation, the Alezian Union relies highly on the usage of ships and planes for inter-region transportation. The Alezian Union has 12,778 seaports and 3,199 landing strips and airports. Both of the biggest seaport and airport are located in Zafizamarrah, North Alezia with the biggest seaport in the Alezian Union being the Oldport-Newport Seaport, and the biggest airport in the Alezian Union being the Mukhlis Krasnaya Airport.

Science and Technology

In the past, the Alezian Isles has not invented any technological breakthroughs to the world. However, the Alezians are known for perfecting the technology of the LCD screen, increasing its flexibility to the point of it being able to fold. Other than that, Alezians has been commended for being able to produce quality scientists.

In the past, North Alezian tech company ARICO SOE. has released and exported computers and cellphones to the international consumption, occasionally selling well in Southeast Asia and Middle East, even rivalling its neighbor to the west which are Japan, Korea, and China. It was expected that thanks to the expanded industrial capabilities of South Alezia and Southern Pantabang Islands, electronics production could potentially triple at its highest extent.

Alezians themselves are also known for inventing softwares and websites such as, Ostani, ALECCO, Newmansite, and many more.


The Alezian Union has a population of 332,458,782 in a 2021 prediction released by the Alezian Survey Group (ASG). This makes the nation the fifth largest country population-wise, behind China, India, Carrelie, and United States, and ahead of Indonesia.

Ethnic Groups

The Alezian Union is a mixed country ethnic-wise with no definitive ethnic majority in the country. It's mostly a combination of ethnicities from Asia, Europe, and native Alezians. Increasing amounts of interracial marriages throughout the nation created the fact that 75% of the nation's population are of mixed ethnicities.

According to the Alezian Citizen Registry (ACR), the ethnic grouping in the Alezian Union was divided into Indonesians, Asians, Middle Eastern, Western European, Southern European, Eastern European, Sub-saharan African, Southern African, Pacific Islanders, and Native Alezians.


Recently, there has been an increase of interest towards the Alezian Union by people from around the world. From 2000 onwards, the Alezian Isles (especially North Alezia) received an estimate of 123,000 people per year. Most of the immigrants comes from Africa and the Middle-East. However, there have also been increasing interest from Indonesians moving from Indonesia to the Alezian Union is factored by news of the nation's economical growth.

From 2021 onwards, however, after the agreement of WMCA were signed, there has been an increasing trend of Malta Comino Gozoans, Waisnorians, and Carrelians moving into the Alezian Union.

The nation's relaxed legislation on Immigration created even more interest from people wanting to move into the Alezian Union. While this created concerns about the possibility of people extremist ideologies entering the nation through the nation's relaxed legislation. However, while the Alezian Union is mostly positive about immigration, the nation also enacted stronger consequences if a violation was made.

Major Cities

The Alezian Union is a nation that is highly urbanized. More than 87% of the population lives in a city (which in the Alezian Union is standardized as an area with a population higher than 200,000 people. Most of the largest cities in the Alezian Union are located in North and South Alezia. Characteristics of those cities are mainly charaterized by congregation of buildings in mouths of a big river that separated the city in two.

Pantabang Islands' biggest cities are also the unofficial tribal capital of the Alezian Union. Both Bucinnois and Baranate has been storied as one of the oldest settlements in the nation.

Mosin-Nagan's small population and land area makes Mosin-Nagan densely populated. However, the region's capital, Trishi, is only the 20th largest city in the nation with population of around 350 thousand, where it was nearly left out from the list of 20 largest cities in the Alezin Union.

The largest city is the Metropolitan City of Zafizamarrah. The Metropolitan itself consisted of the City of Zafizamarrah and the outlying cities of Mazahri, Nuharain, Asma, Yazalan, Ismaman, Ismarda, and Nuh Halim Al Harun.


Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Constitution of the Alezian Union states that the national language of the Alezian Union is English. As a national language, English was understood by 92% of the population as either first or second language. Even though that is the fact, almost 100% of the citizens in the Alezian Union spoke a second language, 85% spoke a third language, and 32% spoke a fourth language, and 10% speaking a fifth language. Due to this, the Alezian Union has been known as a "nation of Polyglots".

Other than English, the nation recognized the four regions' previous official languages as a language with "additional major language" status, where the nation recognized the usage of Arabic (from North Alezia), Indonesian and Dutch (from South Alezia), Georgian (from Mosin-Nagan), and Alezian (from Pantabang Islands). The usage of Alezian as a language has been a debate previously due to the fact that the language was diminishing, and thus emphasizing the need of its revival.

The native language of Alezian was a language derived from Hawaiian, which in itself was a language in the Polynesian family. Throughout time, the language strays further than Hawaiian, making most of the words in Alezian almost unintelligible to a Hawaiian. After Alezian, the Sultanate Era brought the usage of Buginese and Arabic to the nation, then European colonization brought European languages such as English, Dutch, French, and Russian (and to some extent, Georgian) to the nation. After that, immigration throughout the 20th century resulted in the arrival of Indonesian (which many people are familiar with since Buginese has some similiar words to Indonesian) and other languages to the nation.

The Alezian Union also recognized the status of languages that were previously called "sub-regional" languages, where Hebrew, Finnish, French, Aramnan, Russian, and Buginese were also commonly spoken.


Religion in the Alezian Union

  Islam (70.5%)
  Christianity (17.5%)
  Judaism (5%)
  Native Beliefs (2%)
  Non-believing (0.5%)
  Others (4.5%)

The Alezian Union is a secular country, separating the positions of religion and state. However, religious laws has been used to assist the lawmaking of the Alezian Union, with the example on the usage of Islamic teachings to assist on composing some of the nation's legislation about Polygamy (especially the application of the right for the women to sue first due to misuse of polygamy, and the right for the women to demand compensation from the husband).

The Alezian Union has a Ministry of Religious Rights which ensures that religious beliefs across the Alezian Union are given equally and without discrimination. The nation also gives each religion their own council that has the right to give recommendations to the National Parliament and the National Council regarding laws. Often times, all religious councils in the country would give a joint statement.

The Alezian Union is a nation with a mostly Muslim population. However, there's also considerable amount of Christian, Jewish, and Atheist people in the nation. Lately as well, due to the recognition of Native Alezian culture, Native Alezian Beliefs are starting to be counted into the census, with it comprising of two percent of the population.


The healthcare system of the Alezian Union can be typed as a universal health care largely financed by the government's Health Care Insurance (which is called "Healthy Alezia"). The nation's system is deemed as one of the best systems worldwide. According to the mid-2021 report, the nation allocates 12.3% of its GDP towards healthcare. 70% of the nation's expenditures on healthcare came from the government funded agencies.

The nation subsidized healthcare for every Alezian citizen, where it's mainly allocated to chronic diseases and mental health, the latter of which has been a growing issue on the Alezian Isles since the 1990s.

The nation has an institution called "The Institute of Healthcare of Alezia" (coloquially known as "Healthy" and "I (read ee)-HA") where it maintains the standard of doctors and healthcare workers throughout the nation. Lately, the Institute's work has been increasing due to the need to close the gap of standards of healthcare between the Northern and the Southern parts of the Union. The Institute also produces the nation's best doctors where most has championed psychology and mental health, including an award winning thesis on the Psychology behind Lying by dr. Herzaudan Aftari.


The education system of the Alezian Union comes from the combination of previous education systems coming from the Native Alezians (collective curriculum), the Sultanate (vocational studies and religious studies), the British (groundwork for the Alezian academic studies), and the previous systems coming from the nations of North Alezia and South Alezia, where both Muhazari Nawi (North Alezia) and Izharun Aastoop (South Alezia) are hailed as Alezia's Fathers of Education. Both of these people implemented an education system that is free, secular, and compulsory education (that requires children of the Alezian Union to attend schooling until grade 13).

The Alezian Education system is centralized and divided into 3 stages. Primary (Kindergarten (Grade 1) to Grade 7), Secondary (Grade 8 to Grade 10), and Tertiary (Grade 11 to Grade 13). The nation's combined standards puts the Alezian Union just over the OECD Average. Almost all of the nation's population would continue on to either Vocational School, University, or Institutes (which is called Post-Tertiary Education), with 94% of the population own at least one degree.

Primary, Secondary and Teritary education in the Alezian Union is centralized and public, run by the Ministry of Education of the Alezian Union (MIN-ED), while Post-Tertiary Education in the Alezian Union is public yet much more decentralized, run by the Ministry of Research (MIN-RE). While training and remuneration of teachers and the curriculum are the responsibility of the state centrally, the management of primary and secondary schools is overseen by local authorities.

Primary Education consists of one year of Kindergarten and six years of Elementary School. Kindergarten aims to stimulate the minds of young children and promoting Alezian values of love and compassion, with academic emphasization on the introduction of the nature, numbers and letters, and how to assemble them. After that, children go to Elementary School where the studies taught in Kindergarten is emphasized further with increased difficulty.

After that, students continue to Secondary Education where students go to Middle School. This is where students are starting to be directed to either vocational or academic studies. Then, they go to Tertiary Education, where academic and vocational studies are further devided (with academic divided between Science and Social Studies Department), and where students earn their certification for post-tertiary studies called "PalHa'u" (which stands for Pa'ala'pa'ala Ha'uma'ana or Student Certification).

Students who are going to continue to Post-tertiary level of study must take a final test called the Alezian Union Final Examination (AUFX) which used the previous system of North Alezian Final Examination (NAFX). The exam would determine which institution students would continue to. Thanks to this, competition was fierce for university searching which created stress among students that some groups call for AUFX to be either reexamined or be erased entirely.

Post-tertiary studies can either be classified to Pyrotechnics (for students that took Vocational Studies), Universities (for students that took Academic Studies), and Institutes (for students that took Academic Studies but more emphasized on a single department compared to Universities where it's more generalized). Even though most people go to the Post-tertiary Study that was directed to them, it's not common to see some students change their study.

Throughout the study career of an Alezian student, they learn English as the official language of the Alezian Union, then their regional language (in South Alezia both Dutch and Indonesian were taught where it takes a single lesson period compared to the usual two), then given an option to learn either one of their domicile's sub-regional languages (at few occasions, students would go to another school that has the desired language teaching, or follow lessons online).

In the Alezian Union, the grading system more or less stayed the same where the same systems (just with different naming) were used on both North and South Alezia. Due to the similiarities, the system is reused throughout the Alezian Union.

Grade Number English Arabic Dutch Indonesian Georgian Alezian
A+ 100-95 Perfection حد الكمال Perfectie Sempurna სრულყოფილება Ka He'omole'ele
A 95-90 Exceptional استثنائي Uitzonderlijk Luar Biasa Გამონაკლისი Ku'uʻokoʻa
A- 90-85 Near Exceptional قرب استثنائي Bijna uitzonderlijk Mendekati Luar Biasa გამონაკლისთან ახლოს Ku'uʻokoʻa Ku'a'ika'wa
B+ 85-80 Excellent ممتاز Excellent Sangat Bagus შესანიშნავი Ma'ikaʻi
B 75-80 Great عظيم Zeer goed Bagus დიდი Nu'ai
B- 70-75 Great with Note عظيم مع ملاحظة Zeer goed met opmerking Bagus dengan Catatan შესანიშნავია შენიშვნით Nu'ai me'i ka'a memo
C+ 65-70 Good جيد Goed Cukup Baik კარგი Ma'aikaʻi loa
C 60-65 Good with Note جيد مع الملاحظة Goed met opmerking Cukup Baik dengan Catatan კარგია შენიშვნით Ma'aikaʻi loa me'i ka'a memo
C- 55-60 Sufficient كاف Voldoende Cukup საკმარისია La'awa
D+ 50-55 Assistance Recommended يوصى بالمساعدة Hulp aanbevolen Bantuan Disarankan რეკომენდირებულია დახმარება Koku'a'i'a
D 45-50 Assistance Required المساعدة مطلوبة Hulp nodig Bantuan Diperlukan საჭიროა დახმარება Po'ono ke Koku'a'i
D- 40-45 Assistance Mandated تفويض المساعدة Hulp verplicht Bantuan Diwajibkan დახმარება მანდატით Koku'a'i
E 25-40 Retry أعد المحاولة Opnieuw proberen Percobaan Kembali ხელახლა სცადეთ E ho'ao hou
F 0-25 Insufficient غير كاف Onvoldoende Tidak Cukup არასაკმარისი ʻAʻole La'awa
X (student cheated or failed to complete assignment) Fail يفشل Mislukking Gagal წარუმატებლობა Haʻule
