
Revision as of 20:39, 4 April 2022 by StrikerArrow (Hiblund) (talk | contribs) (Fixed history section, as well as added a few things to the first paragraph.)
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The Grand Duchy of Frarstizk
Frarstizk's current flag, adapted in 1953.
Motto: "10,000 years can really give you such a crick in the neck!"
Frarstizk, in Thrismari
Frarstizk, in Thrismari
Recognised national languagesGerman, Hiblundun, Swedish, Frarstizkian
Recognised regional languagesGerman, Hiblundun, Swedish, Frarstizkian
GovernmentConstitutional Monarchy
• Prime Minister
Majan Ausenhosen
• King
Jacobi II
• Independence Day
September 25th, 1946
• Estimate

Frarstizk is a nation in Anteria, which proudly borders Hiblund, UCP of Scotland, and Linetzburg. It was founded in 1946 after being a territory of Hiblund and declaring independence from Hiblund and the signing of the Hiblundiin-Frarstizkian treaty. Frarstizk is considered a small country with around 12,000,000 inhabitants (national estimate.) The official languages in Frarstizk are Hiblundun, German, Swedish, and Frarstizkian. The capital of Frarstizk is Eamni, although Maegnitersburg is the largest city at a population of 1,300,000. The King of Frarstizk, Jacobi II is a national symbol rather than a ruler of a country, as Frarstizk is a Constitutional Monarchy. The Prime Minister is Majan Ausenhosen of the Frarstizk Theocrat Party who has more power than King Jacobi II.


Before independence, Frarstizk was a part of Hiblund. Frarstizk had became independent for one reason. At the time, Hiblundiiun leaders enforced all citizens of Hiblund to learn Hiblundun. The east side apposed of the new law and quickly took acts to seperate from Hiblund. After weeks of protesting, the Hiblund government knew these people would not back down until they got their way. At first, Hiblund thought of these people as "rebels" and "traitors" but the government of Hiblund reminded their people they were for the citizens and not for power. Eventually, Hiblund accepted the fact Frarstizkians thought it was wrong they be forced to learn the language. On September 25, 1946, the Hiblundiiun-Frarstizkian Treaty was signed and the people of the new country were granted independence. However, the language of Hiblund (Hiblundun) is still being taught today in Frarstizk's public schools. Immediately following the treaty was the alliance to further bring peace between the nations, known officially as the Made as One Alliance, that achieved this and also made sure of any future independence in these regions would follow with peace after the independence.
Laellic was the first city built by the Hiblundiiuns in the area that is now Frarstizk. Originally, Hiblund wasn't optimistic of the idea of expanding eastward but at the time, other nations in Thrismari were becoming bigger and expansion was important to withhold their ground. And so, the first city constructed in that area was Laellic. Prior to Laellic, there had been other cities in the area. They weren't well kept, and the government of Hiblund often overlooked the area. In most cases, the cities were destroyed. Frarstin Laellic, a politician in Hiblund had the original concept of expanding once more to the east, but people were sceptical. Laellic noted that if they were going to do this they would need a stronger army to defend the area. Also, he encouraged the government to not just have authority over the people, but to also respect them because of who they were. The were not just people, they were Hiblundiiuns. And with Laellic's speech, Hiblund had no choice but to comply.