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Kingdom of Llwynberwyn
Teyrnas Llwynberwyn
Flag of Llwynberwyn
Coat of arms of Llwynberwyn
Coat of arms
and largest city
Official languagesLlwynberwynic
GovernmentAbsolute Monarchy
• King
Madanach XII
• Lord High Steward
Gwydyon Caerwyn
LegislaturePrivy Council
• Estimate
CurrencyLlwynberwynic Denarius

Llwynberwyn, officially the Kingdom of Llwynberwyn, is a sovereign island-kingdom located within the Süd Depths. The kingdom consists of one large island and a number of smaller uninhabited islands. The island has been inhabited for at least 8,500 years, originally occupied by seafaring Mesolithic and Neolithic tribes. It is speculated that Llwynberwyn was one of the first settled islands within the Süd Depths.

Arable land and abundance of seafood led to the early settlers to live a comfortable life on the island. The climate is relatively mild and the soils are extremely fertile; most of the land is farmed, and agriculture is the most important sector of the economy. The kingdom still maintains a system of manorialism. Llwynberwynic manorialism is based on making the kingdom self-sufficient. The land is divided between the various Lords and Barons, the lords give permission to the peasantry to come and live in a plot of land and to farm or to conduct whatever industry that they follow. As a result of living on the land that belongs to the lord, the peasantry serve the lord by providing him with products, paying taxes and serving in the levy.

The local people are known as Llwynberwyners; they speak a language that has evolved for hundreds of years from any outside influence which has led to modern Llwynberwynish.

The kingdom has a total land mass of around 780,000 square kilometers and a population of over 31,000,000. 156,000 citizens live in the city of Aberffrwd and Taldderwen, most of which are social elite. The kingdom has one university, the Aberffrwd Royal University. The kingdom hosts some 732 castles and fortifications, of which 624 are currently garrisoned.


The form of government that has remained in Llwynberwyn is referred to as absolute monarchy; however, the Llwynberwynic monarch has never been absolute in the sense that he wields arbitrary power. The monarch still rules under the law and could only legislate in agreement with the Diet of the Estates; rather, the absolutism is the monarch's ability to run the government unfettered by the privy council, contrary to earlier practice.


Much of the arable land is in the east, southeast, northeast, and along the coast. However, Llwynberwyn is not a modern nation and usage of land remains problematic. Forest clearance has taken place since the Old Age, making room for crops such as wheat, oats, rye or barley.

Llwynberwynic peasants manually harvesting wheat.

Animal husbandry includes the raising of cattle, pigs, sheep and a lesser number of goats. Oxen are kept for ploughing, asses for beasts of burden and horses for human transport. The animals are tended by swineherds and herdsmen. Instead open land was used for feeding, and seasonal transhumance was practised. In addition, bees are kept for the production of honey.

The manorialism that Llwynberwyn has held onto slows down the introduction of technical discoveries and inventions into industry. The low cost of peasants make it unprofitable to replace it with machine labor based on the use of steam engines. Water-wheels are used for the production of sawn wood and flour production. An incomplete industrial revolution has been lagging the country behind industrialized countries Süd Depths.


The populace includes a hereditary tenant peasantry who were not slaves or serfs, but are less than free. The most of the population consists of freemen or free peasant proprietors, wherein lords give permission to the peasantry to come and live on their manor to farm or to conduct whatever industry that they follow. As a result of living on the land that belongs to the lord, the peasantry serve the lord by providing him with products, paying taxes or serving in the levy.

Slavery exists in Llwynberwyn as it does in other parts of the Süd Depths. Slaves are in the bottom stratum of society, with hereditary slavery more common than penal slavery. Slaves might form part of the payment in a transaction made between those of higher rank. It is possible for them to buy their freedom.

Society as a whole is deeply religious. The Church of Serapis, a monotheistic religion revolving around an ancient deity Serapis, is the dominant faith in Llwynberwyn.