Süd Depths

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Süd Depths
Marabut, Philippines, Tropical sky in Pacific Ocean.jpg
Surface areaUnknown
Average depthUnknown

The Süd Depths is the foremost body of water in the known world. It contains numerous continent-sized islands and a large amount of various archipelagos. The complete size of the Süd Depths is unknown, as many explorers have ventured further into the ocean, only to find more islands, sometimes inhabited with humans at different stages of civilization. It is currently unknown how humans settled in the Süd Depths, but a scholars have translated an ancient Llwynberwynic text, probably written by an explorer or some sort of religious priest and seemingly the only recorded event from the old age of the Süd Depths, leading scholars and religious authorities to believe that Llwynberwyn was the first site of settlement in the known regions of the Süd Depths. The translation is as follows;

"At the end of the journey, time became visible, eyes blinded with tears. I see the star of our hope, the King of Kings, who once brought peace and prosperity to our people, who built a powerful empire and united tribes from all across the land. I see an epoch of overall happiness. Now that all lies in ruin. The gods had arisen, brothers picked up arms against brothers, mankind clung to eachothers throats, ruled by a state of anarchy, and nature took its revenge by showering plague and famine. Evil is walking in this world, leaving nothing but dead cities and buried settlements, the land is lifeless and barren. But maybe there is life on those distant forgotten lands, where only few once dared to venture. Those who we would once call madmen. We are these madmen now. Deep into the seas we go. What awaits us? Will we find our way or dissapear trying? Will we rise to glory or fade into obscurity? No one knows. Only time will tell."

The text, discovered in the form of a cloth scroll, was found enclosed in a stone container buried beneath an abandoned ruin (see also: Ruins of Klathzgar) that was undergoing exploration at the request of the King Raibeart. It remains the only documented story of what is believed to be first settlers in the Süd Depths. Explorers have attempted to find aformentioned land and "powerful empire", but all have failed. Many explorers have gone missing, or returned empty handed, finding only small isolated islands or archipelagos. It is only left to speculation on how the Süd Depths various islands were formed, and most explanations are usually religious.