History of Angland

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The history of Angland dates to contact the pre-Remillian peoples of the Aurean coast of the Anglican Peninsula made with the Remillians and Carcedonians and the first writing systems known as Paleoanglican scripts were developed. During Classical Antiquity, the peninsula was the site of multiple successive colonizations of Remillians, Anglo-Herulians and Wittekings. Native peoples of the peninsula, such as the Robergiais people, intermingled with the colonizers to create a uniquely Anglican culture. The Remillians referred to the entire Peninsula as Angligaullica, from where the modern name of Angland originates.


Stone Age Anglica

Later Prehistory

Genetic Markers of Pan-Vetullian Culture

Early writing systems

Remillian Anglica

Anglo-Herulian Era

Initial Herulian Invasion/Migration


Witteking Invasions

1089 War with Vermand

House of Westemere

Stephen the Great

The Great Death

House of Orange

Emerging Romantic Culture

House Vieri and the Vieri Era

Treaty of Unity and the Anglish Empire

Arthur I

Fall and Civil War

18th and 19th centuries

House Graff

War with the United Federation

Rise of House Bientot

Height of the Anglish Empire

Industrialisation (Willard Era)

20th Century

World War One and Post-War

World War Two

Eisen Occupation

Second Interwar Period and Recovery

Post-World War Three and Modern Conflict