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The organisational structure of the Section is based upon councilist principles like other Sections of the Workers' International. The Section is organized in a hierarchical and pyramidal system of councils, known as the Pyramid (Pirmiḍ), where a council elects the members of a council the next tier up, who then elects the next tier. Under the councilist system, the Section ultimately derives its political power from these councils. It is designed to ensure that all tiers of the Satrian Section, from its local councils to the national council, is ultimately accountable to its grassroots party membership. In general, Section Councils consist around 25 members and operate by consensus and governed by collective leadership.

Section Councils

The lowest level of the Satrian Section are maintains a series of lower councils, known as the Revolutionary People’s Councils. A council is assigned to every local Assembly to serve as an ideological check and to represent the interests of the Satrian Section. However the Councils does allow some local ideological flexibility to preserve pragmatism and efficacy for the region. It consists of the local members of the Satrian Section and the members from the organisations of the People's Volunteer Organisation. These councils serves to coordinate and connect the Satrian Section to their grassroots members and to mobilize society with their socialist mass movements. In addition it also has a role in social welfare campaigns, such as literacy campaigns and vaccination drives.

These councils elect representatives to various higher councils, consisting of around fifty delegates representing RPCs in the geographical region. These regional councils consists of members from various subcouncils that operate in government institutions and businesses at the council's tier. These councils elect representatives to even higher councils, which are attached to regional governmental Congresses. Regional Councils play a similar role to the Revolutionary People’s Councils, except on a wider geographic area.

Central Section Council

The Central Section Council or the Central Council is the Satrian Section's most powerful institution and is its highest deliberative and decision-making body. According to the SKIS's constitution, the council forms the highest tier of the Section Councils and consists of around 25 representatives elected by Arthasthan's Tier Four Councils and 7 representatives from the Satrian Section's international branches. The Central Council is the top forum for national debate and decision-making about policy direction and issues that effects the entire Satrian Section. The Central Council examines reports sent by its councils and international branches to inform itself about issues effecting the party and to inform policy decisions and debate. Its last major role is to elect the members of the Secretariat and to approve further appointments made by them.


The Satrian Section Secretariat is the Section's executive body that serves as its highest authority. The Secretariat has an important role in setting the general agenda of the Section's national institutions and ensuring the implementation of the decisions of the Central Section Council. The Secretariat consists of nine elected officials and various appointed officials, led by the First Secretary. The body functions as a cabinet, with its members tasked with heading the Section's key offices. The Secretariat's main duties include the daily administration of the Satrian Section, the implementation of Section policy as decided by the Central Council, and appointment of officials in other party institutions. Although the Secretariat in theory is solely an administrative body, in reality it wields significant influence over the Satrian Section's institutions, and functions as the Section's leadership. Nevertheless the Secretariat is ultimately responsible to the Central Section Council and its decisions can be overridden by it.

First Secretary

The First Secretary of the SKIS is the chairperson of the Secretariat and the head of the Satrian Section of the Workers' International. The Section's constitution establishes the position as the party's head administrator, commander in chief, and chief diplomat to Arthasthan and the world. The First Secretary's duties include overseeing the activities and duties of the Secretariat, attending sessions of Section institutions, commanding the party's armed wing the People's Guard of Arthasthan and other paramilitaries, and consulting with Arthansthan's civilian leaders. The First Secretary's power is broad, but in reality, power is shared with the Secretariat and the Central Section Council.

Domestic Affairs Commission

The Domestic Affairs Commission manages the Satrian Section's affairs within Arthasthan. Its three primary duties are directing foreign direct investment and economic funds from the Satrian Section's international branches, managing the Section's organisations, and managing its relations with the civilian government and the Arthani military. The Commission also oversees the Section's relations with elected representatives in the national, state, and local governments. Due to its central role in the Section's domestic activities in the country, the Commission is considered to be heart of the Secretariat. As a result, the Secretary of the DAC is traditionally the third highest-ranking member of Secretariat.

National Labor Commission

The National Labor Commission manages the Satrian Section's labor relations within Arthasthan. It oversees the Satrian Section's labor organisations the Arthani Worker's Association, the Section's national federation of worker cooperatives and the Federation of Labour Organisations, a coalition of Section aligned trade unions. The Commission holds significant sway over the country's economy by directing the AWA to undertake economic initiatives and mediating labor disputes with the FLO. The Commission heads the Congress of Arthani Workers, which consists of representatives from the AWA, FLO, and the Commission to determine economic and labor policy..

International Relations Commission

The International Relations Commission is responsible for the Satrian Section's foreign affairs and relations. Its major roles are representing the Section in the Congress of the Workers' International, representing the Section in other international affairs, and coordinating the Satrian Section's international branches. The Commission also has an addition role with gathering intelligence on, managing relations with, and attempting to influence individuals and organizations outside Arthasthan.

Central Security Commission

The Central Security Commission is responsible for maintaining security for the Satrian Section and providing protection to high ranking officials. The commission is responsible to the Secretariat and the Central Council. The First Secretary officially heads the Commission but they usually delegate power to the Secretary of the Central Security Commission. The commission controls the Section's paramilitary wing, the People's Guard of Arthasthan, and its intelligence wing, the Office of Intelligence and Research.

Central Investigation Commission

The Central Investigation Commission is the party organ responsible for combating corruption and other wrongdoing as well as disciplining members. The Commission's most important role is to ensure that the Satrian Section remains a strict meritocracy and is not effected by the Arthani patronage and kinship system. However it has been largely unsuccessful at fully curtailing corruption and patronage, especially at the lower levels of the Section. It is the only organ within the party which can sentence or condemn party members. The Commission, and its chairman and deputy chairmen, are elected by the Central Council.

Other organs

  • Central Administration Commission: responsible for solving the organizational problems and implementing the decisions of the Central Section Council. The Secretariat oversees the work of the Departments of the Central Council. It is also responsible for coordinating the Section's actions as well as drafting and circulating party directives and internal reports between the tiers of the Satrian Section.
  • Central Research Commission: responsible for researching issues of significant interest to the Satrian Section leadership and developing policies and responses to it. It oversees several research arms that manages dozens of think tanks and cooperates with the Security Commission's Office for Intelligence and Research.
  • Office of Ideological Development: conceives and develops the party's ideological line. It advises the higher institutions of the Satrian Section and provides political training and ideological indoctrination for members of the Section.
  • Political and Legal Affairs Commission: responsible for handling the Satrian Section's legal affairs within Arthassthan and abroad.
  • Minkathalan Affairs Commission: oversees the Satrian Section's activities within Minkathala and supervises and coordinates the Section's policy towards the island.
  • Organisation Department: The Section's human resources department; it is responsible for managing the Section's membership.
  • People's Media Group: A media organisation that manages the Satrian Section's media outlets, such as the Dawn newspaper, radio stations, and TV channels. It also functions as the Section's public relations department.