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The Federal State of Hiskavia
Flag of Hiskavia
Motto: Unity in Diversity, A Heritage of the Heart
Anthem: Harmony of the People
CapitalKettering Town
Largest cityWeatheringham
Official languagesBosnak
Demonym(s)Hiskavian, Hiskavi
GovernmentBi-Cameral National-Syncretic One Party Republic
Rory McDougal
Gary S. Eaton
• Settlement of Nomads
• Establishment of the Angle Monarchy
• Establishment of the Republic of Anglania
• Establishment of the Socialist Republic of Anglania
• Collapse of the Socialist Republic Anglania and Civil War
• The Peaceful Transformation
• Total
255,804 km2 (98,766 sq mi)
• March 2022 estimate
• January 2020 census
GDP (PPP)May 2022 estimate
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)May 2022 estimate
• Per capita
Gini (2020)48.6
HDI (2019)0.67
CurrencyPound (HSP)
Time zoneHST
Driving sideright
Internet TLD.HS

Haskavia, officially the Federal State of Haskavia is a Unitary National-Syncretic one-party Republic, situated in the middle of Cesylle. Haskavia. Most Haskavians live on the coasts and the city of Weatheringham in the Northwest.

Elaklania’s geography is diverse, the "Mediterracrest Sea," its coastline showcases sandy beaches reminiscent of "Solara Shores" and serene coves akin to "Dalmari Bay." Inland, rolling hills, valleys, and picturesque villages evoke the charm of the "Slavin Plains" and "Walsh Fields." Further inland, the landscape transforms into rugged mountains, with peaks resembling the "Packza de Lucera" and "Avalon Heights," offering hiking and winter sports opportunities. The region is adorned with alpine lakes similar to the "Crystaline Ponds." Haskavia's geography is unique, creating a distinctive and breathtaking setting.


The name Hiskavia finds its origins in the word Hiska from the Bosno language and the old myth of Hiska. A guardian of all the creations of the Earth.


Settlement of Nomads

The settlement of nomads in Haskavia is a crucial part of the nation's history. In 141 AD, the Bosnaks were already established in the region, having a deep-rooted presence that stretched back as far as collective memory allowed. They had cultivated the land, established villages, and maintained cultural traditions for generations.

However, the English, arriving from a distant and unknown land, appeared like a tempest on the shores of Haskavia. Their origins were shrouded in mystery, and their sudden and assertive decision to settle in the region was met with bewilderment and concern. Their arrival was marked by a degree of forcefulness as they aggressively asserted their claims to various territories, leaving the existing Bosnak communities to grapple with the presence of these enigmatic newcomers.

The intermingling of these two distinct groups, the Bosnaks and the English, resulted in a unique fusion of cultures, customs, and identities. Over generations, a new people began to emerge, known as the Scotti. The Scotti represented a dynamic blend of Bosnak and English heritage, forging a distinct cultural and social identity that played a crucial role in the nation's development. This process of integration and cultural exchange not only reshaped the nation but also contributed to its rich history of diversity.

Establishment of the Angle Monarchy

The Angle Monarchy was founded in 1345 and marked a significant shift in Haskavia's governance. It was a hereditary monarchy with the Angle people playing a prominent role in shaping the nation's culture and institutions. The monarchy lasted for several centuries, leaving a lasting impact on the nation's history.

Establishment of the Republic of Anglania

Haskavia faced its "Crisis of the Century" during the late 18th century, intensifying the divide in the caste system. The Angles and Scotti, entrenched in the monarchy, continued to enjoy disproportionate power and wealth. The crisis, exacerbated by economic inequality and social injustices, prompted a growing sense of discontent among the Bosnak population, who sought social and political reforms. As the crisis deepened, calls for a more equitable society resonated with a broad spectrum of the population, ultimately leading to the abolishment of the Angle Monarchy in 1806 and the establishment of the Republic of Anglania.

Establishment of the Socialist Republic of Anglania

The caste system continued to play a significant role as "Racist Capitalism" took hold in the 20th century, perpetuating discrimination against Bosnaks in economic, social, and political spheres. The Bosnaks, relegated to the lowest castes, faced systemic oppression and limited opportunities. The stark inequalities and the inherent injustice of the system drove the rise of socialist ideals and the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Anglania in 1933. This transition aimed to dismantle the existing caste-based hierarchies and create a more inclusive society where all citizens had equal rights and opportunities.

Collapse of the Socialist Republic Anglania and Civil War

While the socialist government sought to address the injustices of the caste system, it faced resistance from some Angles and Scotti who were invested in preserving their privileges. This resistance, combined with external pressures, led to the collapse of the Socialist Republic in 1977, sparking a civil war. The conflict was, in part, a struggle between those who wanted to maintain the old order and those who sought a more egalitarian society. The eventual resolution of the civil war marked a turning point in Haskavia's history, as the nation worked toward breaking down the caste system and building a society based on principles of equality and diversity.

Establishment of the Hiskavian State

In the tumultuous backdrop of the late 20th century, Haskavia underwent a profound transformation with the establishment of the Haskavian State in 1984. This marked a significant shift in the nation's governance, combining elements of a dictatorship, pragmatic state infrastructure, and a commitment to anti-racist policies.

Under the leadership of Brandon Robertson-Kergonovich, the Haskavian State emerged as a one-party system. While the government held significant authority, its policies were paradoxically rooted in anti-racist principles, aiming to eradicate the deeply entrenched inequalities and divisions that had plagued the nation for centuries. This unique approach aimed to unify the diverse ethnic and cultural groups of Haskavia, with a particular emphasis on breaking down the remnants of the caste system that had persisted over generations.

The pragmatic state infrastructure introduced during this period played a vital role in rebuilding the nation's economy and infrastructure, focusing on efficiency and development. Haskavia's education system was revamped to promote tolerance, inclusivity, and an understanding of the nation's multicultural heritage.

The establishment of the Haskavian State in 1984 represented a pivotal moment in Haskavian history, combining seemingly contradictory elements of governance to address the nation's complex challenges and work toward a more inclusive and equal society.

The Peaceful Transformation

In the year 1990, Haskavia embarked on a transformative period known as the "Peaceful Transition." This era marked a significant departure from the authoritarian policies of the past, as the nation shifted towards embracing liberal capitalist principles while retaining elements of its authoritarian governance structure.

Under the leadership of Angus Roberts-Kaganovich, Haskavia began to introduce a series of carefully orchestrated reforms aimed at revitalizing the nation's economy and governance. Central to this transformation was the decision to embrace liberal capitalist policies, which brought increased economic freedoms, private enterprise, and market-driven initiatives into the nation's economic landscape. The government's role in economic affairs shifted from direct control to one of facilitation and regulation, fostering innovation and economic growth.

This transition, while promoting economic liberalization, also marked a period of international engagement. Haskavia initiated diplomatic relations, opened up to foreign investments, and actively participated in international trade, effectively ending its once-isolated and insular stance.

However, it's important to note that the Peaceful Transition did not mark a complete departure from the authoritarian foundations established in 1984. Elements of authoritarian control persisted, particularly in maintaining public order and security. The government continued to exercise a firm grip over certain aspects of society, ensuring political stability.

Throughout the Peaceful Transition, the government emphasized the importance of education. Reforms were implemented to produce a skilled and adaptable workforce capable of thriving in the evolving economic landscape.

The Peaceful Transition, spanning the decade from 1990 to 2000, represents a nuanced period in Haskavia's history. During this time, the nation grappled with the challenges and opportunities of transitioning towards liberal capitalist policies while retaining a degree of authoritarian governance. This unique balance aimed to foster economic growth and prosperity while safeguarding political stability.



Haskavia enjoys a diverse climate due to its varied geography. The coastal regions, including Solara Shores and Dalmari Bay, have a Mediterranean climate, characterized by mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers. Inland, the climate transitions to more continental, with colder winters and more pronounced seasonal variations.



Haskavia's diverse geography has led to a rich variety of flora. The coastal areas are home to palm trees, oleanders, and other Mediterranean vegetation. Inland, you'll find lush meadows, forests of pine and oak, and alpine plants in the mountainous regions.


Haskavia's fauna includes a range of wildlife such as deer, wild boar, and various bird species in the forests and meadows. The mountains are inhabited by mountain goats and other alpine animals. The country's waters host a variety of marine life, including fish, dolphins, and sea turtles.



Administrative divisions


Haskavia is divided into districts, each with its local district government and representatives. Key districts include Coastalshire, Inland Valley, and Highland Regions, each with its distinct characteristics and governance.


Within the districts, there are numerous municipalities, which are the primary units of local governance. They are responsible for local services and infrastructure development.


Law Enforcement

Foreign Relations


















Ethnic groups








Haskavian cuisine is known for its diversity, reflecting the nation's multicultural heritage. It includes dishes influenced by Angle, Scotti, and Bosnak traditions. Common ingredients include seafood from the coasts, hearty stews, and various pastries. Traditional dishes like "Hiskavian Seafood Paella" and "Angle Shepherd's Pie" are popular.


Sports play an important role in Haskavian culture. Football (soccer) is the most popular sport, with numerous local clubs and a passionate fan base. Haskavia also has a strong tradition of outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and water sports due to its diverse geography.