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Dossier Information

Editor's Note: Obviously, if this file has just landed on your desk, I apologize for the filing concerns. This builds on work done in the PRCO in 2019-2020 before its dissolution [SEE:ARK-PRCO-20201906/SHRH-BSM1]. Now with the reconfiguring of [REDACTED] this doesn't come as much suprrise that classification levels remain all over the place, but I just wanted to warn you that I am under orders directly from [REDACTED] to get this sent out in readable form to every branch of the OSO and OSC. So, use your best judgement.

This is the Intelligence Threat Assessment - Belisaria for the 2023-2024 organizational year. We've had several recent developments in the last few months and so it should go without saying to use common sense when applying this information to HUMNIT. ███████████ will be recieving this as part of █████████████████████████████████, just as they have prepared their own equivalent report for ██████████████████████████████████████. Obviously, after Gadir, we also have a presence in the area, but recent developments have required a narrowing down of operational scope onto just Belisaria for the time being. Expect an HSH-S by █████████████████████████████████████████████████████. Breaking with PRCO tradition, this dossier will be organized by the scale of the percieved threats, and not alphabetically or by nation, region, etc.



Barderec-Pshenets-Zarinsk Axis

PDC Liason, ORVOS & APKO have all recommended an increased level of intelligence scrutiny on the BPZ axis (Barderec-Pshenets-Zarinsk; i.e. Ostrozava-Zamorodna-Velikoslavia [SEE:REP-RBOS-20221024/NNO-ZK1]) following not only the successful execution of Operation Throwing Knife but also Operation ███████████ in the region in the last fourteen months. Despite IDR-related concerns persisting, Namdak's death has shifted potentialities for IDR activity southwards around the purported location of Arnt Andelfingen (see below). Of higher concern in this region is the potential for proto-Invictism. Analytics and ███████████████████ have both reported marked rises in variations on pan-Baderianism or pan-Orthodox nationalism. While it is the opinion of the Primar and of the RBOS director that pan-Baderianism by itself is not a threat and may even be beneficial to the Prime Republic, care should be taken that these movements are not co-opted by foreign, subversive, or otherwise nihilistic actors.

Ottonia & Northwest Belisaria

Drevstran & Ludvosiya

Magnish Belisaria