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Alexis V of Velikoslavia

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Alexis V
Tsar of Velikoslavia (more...)
Tsar of Velikoslavia
ReignMay 8, 2003 – present
CoronationMay 8, 2003
PredecessorNicholas II
Heir apparentPaul, Tsesarevich of Velikoslavia
Prime MinisterAlexander Repnin
House Ivanov
ReignMay 8, 2003 – Present
Born (1989-05-07) 7 May 1989 (age 35)
Fjalnir, Velikoslavia
Full name
Alexis Yaroslav Nicholas Andrew
HouseHouse of Ivanov
FatherNicholas II
MotherFrederica of Silingia
ReligionVelikoslavian Orthodox Church

Alexis V is the current reigning monarch of Velikoslavia. His reign began on May 8, 2003 after the death of his father Nicholas II. Alexis' coronation was held four days after the death of his father. The early days of his rule were handled mainly by Prime Minister Alexander Repnin.

Alexis is the eldest of five children and was born in 1989. He received his education at Gilded Academy for Boys and moved onto Grand University, where he was educated as his father's firstborn. Though unable to finish his education before his coronation, Alexis went back soon after assuming the title of Tsar and completed a masters degree in economics, where he graduated fifth in his class of fifty. He began to function in the station of his office at the age of 22 soon after his graduation where his first major engagement was to commission a new hospital. Alexis married Theodora, Grand Princess of Mesogeia in 2007. His first child, Paul, was born in 2008 almost a year after his wedding.

Alexis has been known as a much more sensible ruler than his father, famously lacking his extremely hot temper and iron fist. Alexis has left the vast majority of domestic policy making in the hands of the Grand Synod of Velikoslavia, stepping in rarely on extremely controversial issues. He has most notably introduced improvements to infrastructure in many poorer areas of Velikoslavia as well as granting greater benefits to those serving in the Grand Velikoslavian Armed Forces. Alexis is a popular monarch with the common man, having applied public money to numerous projects that make life better for commoners.

Early Life and Education

Alexis was born January 12, 1989 during an unseasonably wet year at the Cedar Palace in the Glass Hall in Fjalnir. Nicholas officially announced his son's name on live television across the nation as Alexis, "for he will receive the guidance of the great monarchs of old". Upon his naming, his father publicly proclaimed him as the accepted and rightful heir to the Sapphire Throne of the all Ludic Peoples. Following his birth, the Grand Feast of New Life was held across the nation for five days in a national celebration. Alexis spent the first six weeks of his life with his mother before she turned him over to the care of a governess at the Palace, where he spent the first two years. He was baptized officially into the line of succession at one year of age, per tradition.


Alexis began to reign at 14 years of age but left many of his initial duties of managing court to Alexander Repnin, who was Prime Minister under the rule of Nicholas II. He did little in his initial years besides complete his education. Alexis approved his first act of policy at 15, which was a military reform aimed at increasing pay for those serving in the hostile climates of Eastern Velikoslavia.

By age 22, he had began to take on the reigns of government. In 2011, Alexis authorized funds for repairs of the Cathedral of Saint Peter located in Somensk. He formed a government committee comprised of the Synod Tax Committee and several key officials and instituted several key changes to the tax code. Sales tax was waived on certain key necessities like water and specific food categories. Though income tax and sales taxes were slightly raised, all tax rates were nationally standardized and collection systems were streamlined with multiple methods to pay taxes. It is estimated that the tax system and tax collection efficiency increased by 14% after the reforms were implemented. Local rulers and councils were also given more freedom to make individual decisions that didn't necessarily need to be approved by higher officials.

In 2017, Alexis introduced further improvements to the Pauper Housing Program, renovating some of the more run down complexes and providing increased funding for putting the unemployed to work.

Personal life

As Tsesarevich, Alexis was to be future Tsar and his life was always under great public scrutiny. As a boy attending an all boys boarding school, he had little in the way of relationships with women throughout his primary and secondary years. Alexis' younger years were somewhat wild. When he was 13, he was discovered running through the courtyard of the boarding school naked, which he claimed had been a dare from a classmate. When caught by a staff, he was taken before his father who scolded him harshly. This was one of the many "dares" his school friends would give him that he would carry out. The "daredevil prince" was the subject of several tabloid articles in which his various dares were detailed. In an interview with the tabloid Fate he stated that he wished his father could have lived longer so he could have enjoyed more of his youth but stated he had no regrets about inheriting the throne.


Alexis had no known courtships prior to his relationship with Theodora. He began to court Theodora with permission from her family at age 17 and the couple married when he was 18.

Marriage to Theodora

In 2005, the Velikograd Public Relations Department announced the courtship of Alexis and Theodora of Mesogeia. The pair formally attended the Feast of Saint Kosmas in Mesogeia a few weeks after the announcement. Insiders announced that the courtship was sought by both governments as a way to cement warm relations for decades to come between both nations. Their engagement was announced on August 15, 2006 and along with a wedding date.

The couple conducted their first official state visit with Empress Elena II shortly prior to the wedding. The couple was formally married on 12 May, 2007 at the Velikograd Cathedral, ain a ceremony that the Patriarch of Kollavik officiated. A second celebration was held in Mesogeia at the Great Sacred Palace, where the couple was presented to their Mesogeian relatives, though they did not have a second wedding ceremony. The total cost of all of the wedding celebrations reportedly totaled $31 million and was paid for jointly by the Imperial Court of Mesogeia and the Ministry of the Velikograd Court.


The couple have five children, three boys and two girls, ranging from ages 15 to 6. The eldest child, Paul, was born in 2008, almost one year after the couple was wed. Nicholas was born next in 2010 followed by Michael in 2012. The two girls, Maria and Theodora, were born in 2014 and 2017 respectively. When asked in an interview if the couple was considering anymore children, Alexis responded people would simply need to wait and see. It is well-known that both the Tsar and Tsaritsa try to be doting parents as much as their duties allow, having weekly meals and often attending events and making public appearances with their children.

Public perception and character

Prior to his father's death, Alexis rarely spoke out about his political leanings, which many attribute to the heavy-handed rule of his father. Upon his death, he became increasingly vocal as he grew older, often forcing the government to take action by his statements. Whereas his father was extremely traditional, the reigns of government have relaxed since Alexis inherited the throne. He reversed several of his father's more hardline policies. He is known for more socially friendly policies and has overseen several improvements to the state safety net. He is sometimes called the "friend of the common man".

Titles, styles, honors and arms

Upon assuming the throne, Alexis assumed the full titles of the Sapphire Throne. He is known as: Alexis the Fifth, Tsar of the Velikoslavian Empire, Set Apart by God, High King of the Telerians, Ruler of All Ludz, Rightful Ruler of All Ludic Lands, Grand Prince of Kollavik, Grand Duke of Ustengrav, Ruler of the Lands of the East, Christ's Most Favored, Supreme Commander of the Velikoslavian Armada, Chief Representative of the People, He Who Commands a Thousand Horses, Captain of the Hosts, Highest Honored Ruler".

Orders and decorations

Foreign decorations


Great Seal of Velikoslavia.png
Coat of Arms of Alexis V Ivanov
2003 - Present
Coat of Arms of Velikoslavia
Velikoslav Imperial Seal
1904 - Present


Name Birth Notes
By Grand Princess Theodora of Mesogeia (married Velikograd Cathedral 12 May 2007)
Tsesarevich Paul of Velikoslavia (2008-05-01) 1 May 2008 (age 16) Heir Apparent
Tsarevich Nicholas of Velikoslavia (2010-06-15) 15 June 2010 (age 14)
Tsarevich Michael of Velikoslavia (2012-10-09) 9 October 2012 (age 12)
Tsarevna Maria of Velikoslavia (2014-08-12) 12 August 2014 (age 10)
Tsarevna Maria of Velikoslavia (2017-04-16) 16 April 2017 (age 7)