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Confederation of Motuasima

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The Grand Confederation of Motuasima
Fa'apotopotoga o Motuasima
The Motusian National Flag
Motusian Naval Flag
Motto: I le Sami
Common languagesMotuwi
• 155 BGD-128 BGD
Keoni I
• 114 BGD-89 BGD
Kai I
• 84 BGD-67 BGD
Kaisaro I
• 108 GD-118 BGD
Keoni III
• 118-169 GD
Kai V
• 181- 207 GD
Kaisaro V
LegislatureHigh Council
• Upper House
Lords Hall
• Lower House
Citizen Hall
Historical eraClassical Antiquity
• Established
• Settled by the Motui People
• Founding of the Confederation of Motuasima
• The Troubles
• Contact with Solarius
• First Sol-Motus War
199-203 GD
• Second Sol-Motus War
249-251 GD
• Disestablished
8 July 251GD
CurrencyCopper Coins
  1. <--......-->

The Confederation of Motuasima (Confederation of Islands of Salt) was an island nation in the Magna Sea during Classical Antiquity. It was founded when then-Chieftain Keoni I diplomatically went to tribes on the surrounding islands to form a Confederacy to help better protect them from pirates and other states trying to exert their power over the islands. It was at the signing of the Stone Tablet of Tali'a that all the chieftains gathered to sign into the Confederation, ruled by Keoni I of the Sili Tribe.

Background History

After the arrival of the Motui in ~1100BGD/~1600BR, they had started to build a civilization around the Crescent Islands. Houses were built on stilts to allow for more land usage that was already small to begin with. Due to the coastal lifestyle, fishing had become a main trade for the people, with rival clans fighting for fishing breeding grounds. The tribes had built small ships that could withstand the turbulent waters that surrounded the islands, making them great seafarers in the region. They had developed a language that used symbols to communicate with. This is one of the earliest recorded use of languages in the Magna region. There is some archeological evidence of stone spearheads on the Centre-West coast of Pythia near current-day [Pythia Nation]. This suggests that the Motui peoples had sailed across the Ocean and reached Pythia before anyone in Ilus knew about the Continent.

Tribal Wars

With the Motui peoples occupying small islands in the Crescent Islands, resources were in very low quantities.