Greater Dienstad

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Greater Dienstad is a shared-world region founded by The Macabees in 2005.


Dienstad refers to a cultural and political entity focused around the northermost peninsula of the mainland territory of The Macabees, canonically known as the Golden Throne. The name was applied to the wider region after the 2005 refounding of Imperial Armies, renamed to Greater Dienstad.

In Common, Dienstad does not contain an accent mark over the i. The accent mark is native to the Dienstadi language.


Country Primary Player Continent Type Language
Adaptes Astrates Stevid ??? Puppet, Historical Stevidian (Common)?
Arcaenia The Technocratic Syndicalists ??? Primary ???
Barjaanistan Potthan ??? Puppet ???
Castille Castille de Italia ??? Primary ???
Czaslyudia Czaslyudian Peoples ??? Primary ???
Deamonopolis Deamonopolis ??? Primary ???
Eitoan Eitoan ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)?
Federal Ralkovia Eitoan ??? Puppet ???
Fustera United World Order ??? Puppet, Originally: NPC Istoloan, Creoloso
Imbrinium Imbrinium ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)?
Haishan Haishan ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)?
Kolechia Free Kolechia ??? Primary ???
Holy Marsh Holy Marsh ??? Primary ???
Independent Hitmen Stevid ??? Puppet, Historical Stevidian (Common)
Irat The Macabees ??? NPC Istoloan
Istoloa The Macabees ??? NPC Istoloan
Kassaran Kassaran ??? Player ???
Killia The Macabees ??? NPC, Historical Dienstadi, Stevidian (Common)
Ladero The Macabees ??? NPC Istoloan
Lamoni Lamoni ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)?
Lyras Lyras ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)?
McNernia McNernia ??? Primary ???
Merica Patrick O'Connor ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)
Mokastana Mokastana ??? Primary Mokan (Zarbian)
Morrdh Morrdh ??? Primary ???
New Empire The Macabees ??? Puppet, Historical Dienstadi, Stevidian (Common)
Nova Orontes The Macabees Hugen NPC Dienstadi
Ordena State of Ordena ??? Primary Ordenite
Palmyrion Palmyrion ??? Primary ???
Pennslyvannia Pennslyvannia ??? Historical Stevidian (Common)
Philotas Islands Imbrinium Makria Puppet Stevidian (Common)
Potthan Potthan ??? Primary ???
(Regime) Ralkovia Ralkovia ??? Primary ???
Romandeos Holy Marsh Makria Puppet, Originally: Primary ???
Safehaven The Macabees Hugen Puppet, Historical Zarbian (Mokan)
Samarasta The Macabees ??? Puppet, Originally: NPC Creoloso, Istoloan, Dienstadi
San Castello The Macabees ??? Puppet, Historical Plánol, Knootossian, Dienstadi
Solisian Union Solisian Union ??? Primary ???
Sorofi The Macabees ??? NPC Istoloan
Stevid Stevid ??? Primary Stevidian (Common)
Tarn The Macabees ??? Puppet, Originally: Owned Dienstadi, Stevidian (Common)
The Eternal Union The Ice States Makria Primary ???
The Golden Throne The Macabees Hugen Primary Dienstadi
Tnemrot Tnemrot ??? Primary ???
Tupenga Holy Marsh ??? Puppet, Originally: NPC Istoloan, Creoloso
United Gordonopia United Gordonopia ??? Historical Stevidian (Common)

Notable Past Countries of Greater Dienstad

Past members of Greater Dienstad include Maltropia, Santheres, and Sumer.

Canonical History

See Canonical History of Greater Dienstad

Greater Dienstad's canonical history begins when the region was founded by The Macabees as a refound of Imperial Armies, after Imperial Armies' founder was permanately banned from NationStates. Guffingford, the original founder, remains on the map and is a core component of early regional lore.

The region's history is replete with recurring instances of political instability, war, and crises. This pattern remains true even as the region's domain extends territorial, evidenced by the growing number of continents included on Greater Dienstad's map.


Fedala Accords

Greater Dienstad Regional Council (GDRC)



