General Zitty Mollay

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General Zitty Mollay is the most respected Military General (alive) in Sloughttopia. She started her Military career in Floptopica and helped Floptropican president Deborah Ali Williams carry out many military operations. When Sloughttopia became independent, She was offered the job and title of Highest General of the Slsoughttopia Royal Military. She has some of the greatest military knowledge in all of South America. She has one of the highest ranks in Sloughttopia and is among the 20 richest people in Sloughttopia. She also a major contributer to the Sloughttopia National Space Agency (SNSA).

She was in charge of almost all of Sloughttopia's major military events. She commanded the operation where Sloughttopian Forces trapped Da Boyz in an airport and kept then hostage for multiple days when a war started between Sloughttopia and Daboyz. She was in charge of selecting the locations of the 300+ missiles sent to Da Boyz by Sloughttopia. She also commanded the Valentines Day Invasion of Da Boyz in 2024 and was successful in the claiming of the Sloughttopian-Da Boyz territory of Sloughttopian Unofficial Colony of Godopolis in previous daboyz capital Gigapolis.

General Mollay was also the 4th person to obtain a Sloughttopian citizenship, following Queen Keni, Prince Amileu, and Prime Minister Yuni Williams. She shows a deep dedication to her current and previous country and is also some times known as Al-Muharib which is arabic for 'The fighter'. General Zitty Mollay has won every single one of her 27 battles since the start of her military career. 15 of the battles are from before her current position as Royal General of Sloughttopia and 12 come from her current position. General Zitty Mollay is also currently 3rd in line to the Royal Sloughttopian Throne. If something were to happen to both the queen and prince of Sloughttopia, she would take the position of Queen.