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Republic of Hiluxia
Jamhuri ya Hiluxia (Hiluxian)
Hilujos Respublika (Litvinian)
جمهورية هايلوكس (Arabic)
Motto: "Liberty and Loyalty"
• Formation of the First Kingdoms
~3200 BCE
• The Iron and Bronze Pact
~300 BCE
• Creation of the Second Kingdom
1402 CE
• Hiluxian Civil War
1850 CE
• Creation of the Republic of Hiluxia
1843 CE
• Second Hiluxian Civil War
1975 CE
• Annexation of Qeslaria
2016 CE
• 2015 census
CurrencyIkarat (IKT)
Date formatdd.mm.yyyy
Driving sideright
ISO 3166 codeHIL
Internet TLD.HL

The Republic of Hiluxia is a nation located in the region of Valkia. Established shortly after the Summer Revolutions of 1834, the Republic has remained the government of Hiluxia through multiple wars, constitutional crises, and another tumultuous civil war.


Named after the Ovarist goddess Hilux, Hiluxia eventually came to encompass the entire region as the Ovarist faith continued to spread across the country.


Pre-Iron Eras

The first societies of Hiluxia had developed from a mixture of Qutani and Human tribes that had begun to settle down among the Nahr River. Conflict was a constant facet of life, with crude mass graves littering what is now the modern day Kiamat region.

The city now known as Kiamat forms roughly around 8000 BCE, making it among the oldest settlements in all of Valkia that has survived into the modern age. Made of a largely Qutani upper class, it expanded it's reach and power through a mixture of shrewd diplomacy with other growing Qutani cities, and rapid conquest and enslavement of human tribes and settlements. It is predicted that up to 80% of the human population of what is now modern Hiluxia was enslaved by the time of the Kiamati Kingdom's height of power.

Modern History

With the Revolution now over, Hiluxia stood in need of a reformation. Most of the old nobility had perished in the conflict, the ones that had survived now having their prestige and power fading away. The fact of the matter was that to continue the old monarchy, especially now with the ever conscious and republican population now rising upwards, would be suicide for the remaining nobility. The Colleges of Hiluxia, both magical and academic, had also sought to put forth several new political ideas into fruition. Ultimately speaking, in 1836, the Republic of Hiluxia was established, forming a federal government which would ensure certain liberties to each province, while also creating a strong central government to govern the country.

The country would slowly return to a sort of normalcy, albeit one rocked by advancements and industrial revolution. The more isolated, tribal populations living in the mountains and hills and deserts of the country would basically find life changing very little, while, cities like Vosnya and Kiamat would become major metropolitan centers. Standards of living improved and deteriorated at the same time, with new medical advances, hygiene awareness, and antibiotics coinciding with poor working conditions, increased squalor, and overall higher risks of various infectious outbreaks in more densely populated cities.

New political parties truly began to form during this time period, as various individuals all sought to further their vision of a more prosperous, unified Hiluxia to their followers, as well as establish ties with other powerful entities such as the Ovarist Faith and the Jafirite Cult.

While drastic political reforms were made, religious violence had marked the nextdoor principalities of Niekas. Heavily Christianized, large swathes of the Niekasi nobility and people had begun to regard Hiluxia as a den of paganism for its powerful Ovarist and Jafirite faiths and general disregard, if not outright distrust of Christian missionaries, the now majority Christian state rallied around King Jonas, and began a series of pogroms in order to eradicate the pagan religions from the country. These events would do what many had feared would become impossible in future times, and begin to bring a sort of political unity among the two major parties of Hiluxia. The Liberty Party would ultimately gain major concessions however, and a final nail was placed in the coffin of religious interference in government, or so it seemed. The Ovarist Church would rally around the banner of protecting the faith, even as its theoretical power in politics had diminished greatly, it would still unify most of the Provinces around the faith.

by 1843, King Jonas had led an expedition into Hiluxia, rounding up the largest army the Niekasi had ever amassed since the fall of Jielk. Thousands of cavalry, straight out of a time period long gone, marched alongside thousands more men at arms, brandishing blades and firearms. They would march onto the province of Juvar, pillaging and looting dozens of villages along the way. This would test the newly formed Hiluxian Army, as a mere thousand soldiers were stationed in the entire province. However, these thousand wound soon be immortalized in Hiluxian history, as they would proceed to destroy almost two thirds of King Jonas' force defending the village of Kelsa, using a mix of superior weaponry, tactical positioning, and the assistance of a local mage now lost to time.

Hiluxia's slowly dividing political parties unified once more, both in defense of the country, as well as in order to scrub what they believed to be a dangerous religious influence from their borders, galvanized its more developed provinces, massive military expansion now forming. With their industrial capacity now massively outweighing that of Niekas, their army, heavily modernized and equipped with rifled muskets and artillery, forced King Jonas to fully retreat back to NIekas. With most of the Niekasi nobility now dead, Jonas would proclaim himself Emperor of Christianity, calling upon all Christian nations to join him in a crusade against Hiluxia. Unlike the Middle Ages however, no one would join this crusade against the Pagan state, not even Turtleshroom, even as its missionaries continued to preach the faith.

Indeed, while Christianity was beginning to dominate Niekas, the once majority Jafirite population of the country had fought with the new faith since its arrival on the scene. Duchess Ikra Festan, last Pagan noblewoman of the Kingdom of Niekas, had fought battle after battle to keep her majority Pagan hold that way, her people rejecting the words of the false deity and his follower's claims that he was the only true god. When the Hiluxians marched forth onto Niekas, she would ultimately help house and support them, in exchange for firearms and soldiers to further bolster her defenses.

It was from here that the long, bloody push to cleanse Niekas of the plague of the false religion began, in the Hiluxians' eyes. Battles between Jonas' Army, poor militamen with guns provided by Turtleshroom and aging rockets, and the more modern but ultimately simply better logistically equipped Hiluxian forces were bloody, violent affairs, fanaticism and poor logistics often forcing the Christian Militias to try and charge towards Hiluxian forces once they ran out of ammo, provided they didn't flee from prolonged combat with these superior forces. by 1850, the Siege of Korvinas began, Jonas' last major stronghold in the north of the country.

The siege of Korvinas would be one of the bloodiest battles in Hiluxian history. Several Hiluxian regiments were hastily re-equipped with lever action rifles, knives, swords, and bayonets were readied in preparation for the bloodshed against Jonas' army. As the Alqutans broke through the initial defenses and encircled the city, starvation would wrack Jonas' followers and anyone unfortunate enough to be stuck within the city. Repeated, suicidal attempts to stall the Hiluxians' superior artillery only served to tighten the noose around the defenders' neck. Their commanding officer, now irritated by the persistence of the defenders, would order all of his regiments forward, firing upon anything that moved. In the ensuing chaos, Jonas' followers would have to be cleared room by room, with revolvers and swords being used alongside one another to messily clear through each one, blood lining the streets until there was nothing left to slaughter, vultures feasting upon the corpses of both Alqutans and Niekasi in lavish feasts. To this day, it's said that all vultures in Niekas still return to Korvinas, awaiting yet another slaughter of such magnitude.


Law Enforcement

Administrative divisions

Hiluxia is split up into five distinct districts, each with their own state government. These Governments? are limited in power, their roles mostly consisting of tax collection, law enforcement, and infrastructure. While they do possess the ability to pass laws, these laws can be overturned by the federal government via either a head of state veto or a 2/3rds vote against the law in question by parliament. The relatively weak nature of the state government is intentionally designed to make the Federal Government able to stop attempts at secession in response to the Second Hiluxian Civil War.

Overseas Claims


Foreign affairs



The Hiluxian Armed Forces are the military arm of the Republic, totalling at approximately 500,000 members, with nearly a million men readily available as reservists if needed. There are three branches, the Hiluxian Army, Hiluxian Air Force, and Hiluxian Navy, each of them tasked with land, air, and naval control respectively.

While initially a small force of approximately 50,000 men and women, intended as a supplement to any of the at the time much larger state militias, the Second Hiluxian Civil War would rapidly result in the integration of loyalist state militias into the Hiluxian Army, and the total dissolution of any and all state militias until 2004.













Science and technology




Ethnic groups












Art, crafts and architecture









Sports in Hiluxia, as with all other aspects of life in the country, are diverse and vary greatly from region to region. One of the most universally popular sports however is wrestling, both of the 'professional' and olympic types, the latter having it's origins in the old 'Hayakunas' sporting events in the north. Other popular sports include soccer and rugby, both having been imported from foreign cultures instead.

The Persitaman City States, having venerated their bodies for ages, had partaken in the first of these 'Haya-Kunas' events, in which men and women would bare themselves naked and engage in events such as running, boxing, wrestling, and javelin throwing. Warriors, freemen, nobility, and mages all partook in these events, the winners often becoming celebrities for a time, oftentimes the pride of their City State. From the city states, the various events and sports would soon spread out towards the rest of the various civilizations forming in the deserts, before too long forming their own variations.