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LocationCentral Sea of Velar
ArchipelagoEth Dazyig

Adazakh is an island in the central Sea of Velar, located east of Më'idan, south of Semeria and west of Kerypa. It is the main island in the Eth Dazyig, the Dazyan archipelago. With an area of roughly 14,931 square kilometres Adazakh is the second largest island in the Sea of Velar, the Isles of Velar and the Trellinese Empire as a whole.

The island lies entirely within the Kingdom of the Isles of Velar, a constituent nation of the Trellinese Empire, and together with its outlying islands comprises the Velaran county of Dazya. Adazakh and its surrounding islands support a population of 2,270,013, and the island's largest city is Teyra.


Middle ages


Islands in Gar Ersa'i

Among Adazakh's most distinctive geographical features is Gar Ersa'i (the Bay of Ersa) in the north of the island, a broad and shallow bay filled with numerous islets and rocks. Adazakh is surrounded by thirty four smaller islands, of which the largest are the populated Synak Amuzkon and Pezhakh.

The island's interior consists primarily of low, rocky hills which have been sparsely vegetated for millennia. This land is now largely given over to agriculture, particularly the cultivation of sugarcane and grapes for wine. Some areas of woodland remain in the south and northwest areas of the island.
