Royal Family of West Phoenicia

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Royal Houses of Greater Phoenicia

Before a number of states broke away from Greater Phoenicia to form West Phoenicia in 1586 they were under the reign of two royal dynasties.

  • Royal House of Imperium
  • Royal House of Dundas

House of Imperium

  • 1.King Pious Imperium I 1130-1145 (Murdered by his 2nd wife Delphina)
  • 2.Queen Delphina Imperium 1145-1147 (Murdered by her son)
  • 3. King Pious Imperium II 1148-1188 (Died of bad health)
  • 4. King Genesis Imperium I 1188-1199 (Died during war)
  • 5. King Genesis Imperium II 1199-1200 (Murdered by sister)
  • 6. Eleanor Imperium, Princess Royal 1200-1201 (Murdered by brother)
  • 7. Duke Octavian Imperium 1202-1204 (Died of illness
  • 8. King Octavian Imperium II 1205-30 (Murdered by General Sirena
  • 9.General Alexander Sirena 1230-1235 (Murdered by wife Octavia Imperium
  • 10.Princess Royal Octavia Imperium 1235-1280 (Died of old age)
  • 11.King Octavian III Grey-Imperium 1280-1300 (Died in battle)
  • 12. King Pious Grey -Imperium III 1301-1310 (Killed by citizens)
  • 13.King Pious Grey - Imperium IV 1311-1341 (Abdicated)
  • 14. King Pious Grey -Imperium V 1342-1390 (Died of old age)
  • 15. Lady Prudence Grey-Imperium 1390-1400 (Died in childbirth)
  • 16. Queen Octavia Imperium II 1400-1402 (Stepped down in favour of husband)
  • 17. General Henri De'Wintre 1403-1413 (Spouse of Octavia Imperium II)(abdicated)
  • 18. King Henri De-Wintre II 1413-1450 (Died of old age)
  • 19. Queen Henrietta De- Wintre 1451-1478 (Assassinated)
  • 20.King Henri De-Wintre III 1479-1514 (Health Complications)
  • 21. Princess Royal Thea De-Wintre 1514-1515 Murdered by Darius Dundas I)

House of Dundas

  • King Darius Dundas I: 1515-1550 (Old age)
  • King Darius Dundas II: 1550-1565 (Murdered by his 2nd wife wife Arsinoe I)
  • Queen Arsinoe I Virtus Dundas: 1565-1565 (Murdered by her son)
  • King Darius Dundas III: 1565-1586 (Deposed and sent into exile)
  • Prince Regent Prince Khufu: 1586-

Royal Houses of West Phoenicia

West Phoenicia has had two royal houses that have ruled. The House of Dorcas and the House of Bush.

The House of Gryphon is a royal family of the Kingdom of Gryphon that married into the House of Bush. The current ruler is Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II.

  • Royal House of Dorcas
  • Royal House of Bush
  • Royal House of Gryphon-Bush

House of Dorcas

  • King Richard Dorcas I:1586-1590(Assassinated)
  • Queen Helen Dorcas: 1586-1590 (Assassinated)
  • King Constantine Dorcas II: 1590-1595 (Died in battle)
  • Queen Louisa Dorcas:1595-1615 (Forced to abdicate)

House of Bush & Gryphon-Bush

Coat of Arms1.jpg

The Bush Family is the Royal Family that has ruled The Confederate Empire of West Phoenicia since 1616. Glenton Bush I was a member of the nobility who over threw the House of Dorcas which had ruled West Phoenicia since 1586. After overthrowing the Dorcas royal family, Glenton Bush I assumed power, he was crowned king and began the Bush Dynasty.


Succession to the West Phoenician throne is determined by descent, legitimacy, and religion.

Under West Phoenician law, the crown is inherited by an individual's children and by a childless individual's nearest collateral line.

Currently Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II is on the throne, his children will inherit it after he has died or abdicated. After his children, his older siblings and their children will than fall into the line of secession.

The succession line moves onto the descendant of Emperor Glenton's maternal aunt.

The line than passes to the siblings of Emperor Glenton's maternal grandfather, King Jarius Bush II who are still living and their descendants.

The throne would than pass onto the Emperor's fathers siblings and their descendants as a way to keep the same blood on the throne.

Succession to the Throne