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Kingdom of the Drev
237 years
Flag of Drev Kingdom
Orthodox Christianism
Drev Korrag 
• 816 - 829
Garza I
• 1014 - 1022 (last)
Worsak V
• Lush settlement
• War of the Icons
Succeeded by
Kingdom of Yugstran

The Kingdom of the Drev was one of the two Lush kingdoms that came from the partition of king Gersa I retinues. It took its name from the Drev river around which the kingdom was centered.

In 811, Gerza I died. Two of his sons had survived to adulthood and shared their father's inheritance. The second born, Worsak, received no land but enough men and cattles to survive. But rather than continue his people's migration, he chose to settle in the Drev river valley. To win the local Ludz communities to his side, he converted to Christianity. It's this act that is considered to mark the birth of the Kingdom of the Drev.

In 1014, the king Worsak IV was murdered because of his Iconoclast sympathies. His weak son, Worsak V, was crowned under the patronage of his first cousin once removed, the Duke Havar of Vizstran. Havar was the leader of the Iconodulist faction, and he led campaigns after campaigns of repression against the Iconoclast movement. He died in 1020 and was succeeded in his position of strongman by his son, who was murdered in broad daylight the same year. Karro, Magrave of Sevromark, gathered a powerful Iconoclast army and marched on the capital, where he forced the king to appoint him as the new Mayor of the Palace. Two years later, Worsak V died without an heir. Rather than claim the throne for himself, Karro elevated his March into a Kingdom. Since the leader of the Iconodulist remnants refused to take the mantle of King of the Drev, preferring to elevate his lands to a Grand-Duchy, it was the official end of the Kingdom.