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Matriarchy of Oyus
Il Matriarcato di Oyus (Cristinese)
Ny matriarka oyus (Oyan)
Flag of Oyus
Coat of arms of Oyus
Coat of arms
Motto: "Serenity and Sanctuary"
Anthem: A Song for Oyus
Location of Oyus
Location of Oyus
StatusIndependent State
and largest city
Official languagesNone
Recognised national languagesCristinese, Oyan
• Head of State
Kera Eka Lam
• Kera's Hand
Kol Tala
LegislatureThe National Congress
• The Queendom of Acona
• The Queendom of Oyussa
• The Unitary Republic of Oyus
• The Matriarchal Restoration
• 2018 census
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
• Per capita
CurrencyNew Tala (ONT)
Internet TLD.oy

Oyus, officially the Matriarchy of Oyus, is an island nation located in the Adisi Ocean. It is comprised of a larger northern island and a smaller southern isle. It is The small population of 3 million is almost entirely urbanised concentrated mostly in the northern island. Oyus's capital is Yulaa also being it's largest city.


Oyus is the shortened form of the more formal name of the native populace, known better as the Oyussa in later history. It isn't very clear what it specifically means, with only a vague idea being traced through folklore back to first contact with the outside world. It is believed to derive from a taunt thrown at imperialist foes that in turn somehow was applied to themselves as an identity. Previously, Oyussa was referenced as "people of Acona".




Oyus inhabits two islands that are classified as having tropical monsoon and rainforest climates.


The beginning of Oyus' history is not certain, but most pick up where nomadic tribes somehow made it to the islands and settled and remained in isolation for centuries. Being a more isolated, smaller populace, the history is not as interesting as some might expect it to be.

Tribal Era

The Tribal Era of Oyus spans the great majority of it's history. For many years, some 20 tribes are estimated to have existed on the islands, before slowly being meshed into one of three tribes: the Mer, the Seca, or the Oyus. At approximately 1478, progress to unification would begin to show when the three principal tribes began interacting, on more peaceful terms. Over the many years previously of constant fighting and conflict between the principal three, it took its toll, and the Oyus began feeling exhausted first, eventually convincing the Mer and Seca to an eternal white peace. The time immediately that followed were fragile ones, with tensions still being felt in the three-way rivalry. This white peace became more convincing to them though in 1507, when an unspecified expeditionary group lost its way and found itself on the isles. Their immediate encounter with these clearly technologically superior and advanced humans was nothing less than hostile, as the foreigners looked down upon them as savages and inferiors. The tribes found themselves unable to single handedly deal with this threat thrown upon them, realizing that perhaps it took more than just a village to stand for themselves. In 1509, the foreigners found themselves forced off the isles with decisive battles in favor of a united coalition. Per the account of a tribesman in the Mer, he claimed that the process of creating the united front perhaps intertwined the three tribes more than they intended to, showing that there was an understanding a need for cohesion. Their celebrations furthered this too, but the history of Oyus would have likely been very different had it not been for the well formed coalition overcoming a more powerful foe and threat. Over time, as the three principal tribes grew, so did their need to find more resources. Each tribe had something to offer the other, and ultimately trade in the 1700s would foster further positive relations.



The governing body of Oyus is seen to be a sorts of mix with monarchy, meritocracy, and technocracy, with a matriarchal tendency. From the relatively newly founded capital of Yulaa, the Matriarchy consists of two principal branches: an executive and a judiciary. The authors of the current constitution saw a great need to balance the unlikely possibility that those who rose in the executive would attempt to use judiciary powers to evade punishment, an abuse of powers. The executive branch legislatea and enforces their policies. The National Congress meets daily and consists of Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Assistant Ministers, heads of principal agencies under a ministry, the Kera (Head of State), and possibly the Crown Princess. Being that the island nation is smaller in population the government is unitary, and there is little autonomy afforded, the exception being that of municipalities, like villages or cities. The judiciary is staffed by the National Congress, with every appointment made by the Kera, and reviewed by an independent committee with no ties to the Keral family and Justice Ministry. Ultimately, judges are confirmed if other members of the National Congress take no issue with their ascension to their prospective post. Ministers and agency heads are also appointed by the Kera. Often times, the process of filling the posts starts with the generation of a shortlist of recommendations to the Kera made internally by the respective ministry with input from heads of agencies relevant to the operations of the post.

Foreign Relations


Most combat in the history of Oyus has been internal conflict, which is largely no longer a concern since unification long ago. While a military is maintained, it is merely a self defense force from any foreign invaders. Thus, it is appropriately named the Oyusard Home Guard, divided between two branches: the Oyusard Army and the Oyusard Coastal Guard. Few are employed by the military actively. So few, in fact, it was once remarked by a former controversial mayor of Yulaa that the chief of the national police held more power, sway, and prestige, than the Minister of Defense. Despite it's relatively few active members, the Oyusard National Congress mandates compulsory reserve service upon turning the age of 18, with few exceptions-one being a volunteer for active service. The Oyusard Home Guard is often less a serious branch and seen as a very lax environment in peace time. In the limited times it has seen conflict, the general attitude changes almost overnight for some reason.


The economy of Oyus aims to be a very diverse one, with the main industries being Tourism, Agriculture, Banking, Transshipment, and Sugar Refinement. Due to the very well held beliefs of the necessity to preserve nature, some have remarked that the efforts of Oyus to preserve its beauty are successful, and perhaps one of the most beautiful places to visit on Eurth. Eco-tourism and beach resorts account for much of the income from this industry, not including money spent in commercial districts and shops, though in the case that this industry were to disappear, the Oyus Matriarchy makes great efforts not to assume that they are consistently dependable. Agriculture is also a significant and notable portion of the Oyus economy, in that, due to the tropical climate it is able to grow fruits such as bananas and citrus fruits, in addition to the minimal sustenance farming present. Banking is a main-stay industry for a very apparent reason: the lax laws in the financial sector, specifically pertaining to banking, has deemed Oyus a tax haven and offshore financial centre. The Oyusard Fidelity Bank (OFB) and the New Bank of Yulaa, the two largest banks of Oyus, that very much so poster children of the industry.


Ethnic groups

Ethnically, Oyus is mostly homogeneous, but more recently has held a policy of opening its doors to those that seek asylum and permitting them to seek citizenship if they are proven contributors. An estimated 57% are presently Oyusard Islanders, which only recently had dropped. The remaining 43% are a mixed bag of foreign backgrounds, with the largest group being Limonaian, 23%.



Religion, while recently finding a much lower place in society, finds that it still maintains a strong following, with 68% following the Aconite faith. 9% state they follow another religion, and almost a quarter of the populace calls themselves non-religious, at approximately 22%.



Oyusards are proud of their history and current country, having come a long way from its time in the tribal era and long history in the modern era. It is an on-going project that will never truly be finished, but it is not just a mere experiment. While most peoples are less loving of authoritarian tendencies or an authoritarian government outright, the Oyusards find that it is perhaps the most efficient and effective way of governing, and are proud of this, too. It is an explanation why they are suspicious of superbly democratic governments and excessive protests are not understood. Overall, they see other countries as mere brothers sisters of different hues and colors of the rainbow. They are rather accepting of other peoples, a firm belief in acceptance of all. Life is considered precious and sacred, and why Oyusards are open to second chances, but resorting to being draconian for thirds. They value life greatly, and for that reason are very liberal in many facets of their daily lives, such as dress. Although, in the presence of important business and foreign leadership, they are conforming to values/customs, especially if visiting other countries. Oyusards are very much tapped into their past with the arts that have long been stylized like that in the tribal era. Murals are admirable masterpieces. Literature often looks to the style of folklore and folktales, usually with a more modern twist.This template may be deleted.