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Umunna (Mwo term meaning familyhood) is a Majulan conception of statehood and form of socio-political, economic and cultural organisation. Having its roots in the indigenous republican and democratic institutions of the various precolonia village and city-state federations that inhabited the continent, Umunna distinguishes itself from monarchy in that power is not pased down by hereditary lineage and from Asuran republicanism by its strong emphasis on political decentralization down to the municipal level within a federal context, subsidiarity and direct democracy for local issues, popular control over elected representatives through recall, directorialism, communalism, and collective ownership, management and distribution of resources.

The political system first emerged in the late 19th century and associated with the early far-left factions of the Rally for Majulan Independence and the writings of the faction's most prominent leader, Chukwuemeka Obibuzor, a pan-Majulan nationalist and political theorist. His ideas where soon adopted by the Revolutionary Liberation Front in Odo where it became the country's presiding political system following independence. Today the political system is often associated with Majulan Socialism and the larger post-colonial indigenisation movement. Given its emphasis on decentralized collective authority and self-management Umunna as often been characterized as Libertarian socialist, but has also been compared to third way or even third positionism due to its emphasis on culture and nationalist tendencies, generally incorporating ideas from across the political spectrum.

Etymology and other names


Government structure

Decentralization and Majulan Federalism

One of Umunna's most defining aspects is the concept of "Majulan Federalism" which is in turn rooted in the idea of subsidiarity ― the principle that social and political issues should be dealt with at the most local level with the central government largely serving as a supplementary and regulatory role when it comes to domestic affairs. The delegation of authority away from seats of power to local autonomous rulers where commonplace in pre-colonial Majulan polities such as the Sosso Empire due to the immense ethno-cultural diversity in the region and sought to use this model of devolution as a means of reducing sectarianism. Most Umunna-states maintain a strict, constitutionally enshrined separation of authority between the federal government and subdivisions, with the former usually being heavily restricted to affairs that are distinctly national concerns such as foreign relations, declarations of war, defense and coordinating inter-regional initiatives with local divisions handling domestic affairs such as policing, healthcare and education. Umunna-states typical also maintain several layers of administration depending on the size of the state in question. Majulan Federalism is often contrasted with confederalism in that the central government maintains legal supremacy over individual subdivision on issues within its legal jurisdiction, and exercises its powers within this jurisdiction in a sovereign manner, maintaining separate executive, judicial and legislative authorities. Umunna-states are considered to be closer to supranational associations than states due to these qualities.

Delegated power and direct democracy

Umunna-states place heavy emphasis on democratic institutions. Due to the practice of subsidiarity municipal governments have far more autonomy over their domestic affairs and almost always maintain some variant of direct democracy. Rural municipal governments and villages typically use popular assemblies that meet at biweekly basis to deliberate on issues, usually with a council of democratically elected officials overseeing the process and serving an administrative/commissioning role, while in more heavily populated municipalities and urban areas democratic councils take the form of citizens' assemblies and play a much greater role in dictating policy, however, local inhabitants still maintain a degree of control over them through petitions for recall elections, referenda and popular initiatives. Both models have their origins in traditional forms of village governance which existed in the precolonial and transitional era whereas village elders, while de jure having absolute control over local affairs, still held weekly meetings with all free male inhabitants of age to deliberate on issues. Municipal councils nominate delegates to represent themselves in regional and state legislative bodies and are subject to recall. Referenda and popular initiatives can still be executed on the national level, but require a set percentage of the population (often between 0.8 to 2%) to petition for one, and are usually limited to constitutional amendments.

Collective Authority


Legal system

Economic system
