Commander-in-Chief of the Atmoran Armed Forces

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Commander-in-Chief of the
Atmoran Armed Forces
Opperbevelhebber der Strijdkrachten
Canadian Forces emblem.svg
Tri-service badge
Imperial Standard and Flag of the CINCUAF.png
HIH the Princess Regent.jpg
Empress Henrietta II
since 14 September 2088
Her Majesty's Atmoran Armed Forces
StyleHer Imperial Majesty
First holderHigh Queen Alexandra
DeputyChief of the Defence Staff

The Commander-in-Chief of the Atmoran Armed Forces (Iravian; Opperbevelhebber der Strijdkrachten) is a position vested in the Atmoran monarch, currently Empress Henrietta II, who as sovereign and head of state is the "Head of the Armed Forces".

Command organisation

Powers and Duties

The Chief of the Armed Forces has the power and/or duty to:

  • Command and control the armed forces such at will.
  • Preside over meetings of the national defense councils and committees, which determine overall military strategy.
  • Appoint and dismiss the most senior military officers (the Chief of the Defence Staff for example).
  • Decide the necessary amount of resources for the armed forces.
  • Order a direct nuclear strike (sole official who has this power).
  • Initiate a military intervention in other countries.

Further Commander-in-Chief

Colonial governors

Rank Insignia

Pay Grade Special
Atmora Imperial Atmoran
Space Command
Imperial Atmoran Space Comand OF-10-collected.svg.png
Atmora Atmoran Army British Army OF-10.svg
Atmora Imperial Atmoran
Air Force
Imperial AirForce-OF-10-collected.svg.png
Atmora National Marechaussee National Marechaussee CINC rank insignia.png