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While the spirits in the holy chronicles are supposed to be the ones that created life in the universe and the gods are supposed to be the ones that brought wisdom and guidance to the wise species so were the world created cold and lifeless by a group of beings called Elderväsen. According to legend so are there nine Elderväsen and they are commonly talked about in quiet hushed tones as "the eight sleeping and the one dead!". While there are known that there are a grand total of nine Elderväsen so is the name of only one of these creatures known, the weakest of them all, Dreaded Ark-irk.

According to the holy chronicles so are ELderväsena creatures of pure evil that wishes nothing more to the world to be as when they created it. As such do they not oppose gods and men but instead do they merely find them to be in their way for their goals, however despite this so have some species, most noteworthy the wharen, sworn fielty to them and was in return promised a place to dwell in Elderväsendena's accursed city of Ashgra-rishar.


Ark-Irk is the weakest and the youngest of all the Elderväsen and it was he that first awoke when the Wharen that served the nine creatures summoned him to the world during the battle of light and shadow. Despite him being recently awoken and still weak by his long slumber was he able to hold his own against all gods that simultaneously attacked him with all the mortal armies they had under their command. It was first when Bel, Rasmer, Belron, and Imer the great all managed to get past his guard the horrid creature was slain.

Even then do the holy chronicles tell the tale about how when the end of the world shall come so will Ark-Irk once more rise up from his grave and do battle more powerful than ever or in the words of the holy chronicles "that which may eternal lie is not dead and by the end of days might even death die". As it stands now so is Ark-Irk locked away in the prison temple in the city of the burning rose on the spot where he fell. For it is said that to even approach the creature will kill men and beast alike and even today so can one in strange nights when the stars shines right or when the vial between the realm of the living or the realm of the dead hear his voice distant and whispering things just out of the range of mortals hearing in the night if one rests in the city of the burning rose.

Ark-Irk is depicted as a large creature shaped like a horrid mix between and elf or a man and a Wharen in his body, his body is however starved and one can see bones sharply under just a slight tone of scaled green/greyish skin. His fingers are long sharp nails as is his toes. His head however is that of an elk skull with a horrid green gas that kills all above minerals and rocks on the great scale of being coming out where his eyes should be and out of his mouth.

Origins and fall

The Elderväsen is said to be older than time and all of creation itself and that they for untold and uncountable eaons that were both the present, the future and the past at the same time rested in the accursed and abandoned dark city of Ashgra-rishar where once demons and dark things danced and did the bidding of the nine kings that ruled this horrid realm that can be found outside of creation and outside of space and time itself.

However when they created the world did they unintentionally gather the attention of the spirits that were said to rest in what would later become Gyllenheim and Silferheim. The spirits looked at the thing Elderväsendena created and thought to themselves that they could improve it and they spread life over the creation.

This did however infuriate Elderväsendena that wished to keep it as it was, cold and lifelike as horrid Ashgra-rishar. So they all swept down on the life and killed it all in a horrid war with the spirits that forced the spirits to withdraw. Twice more did the spirits and elderväsendena do battle when the spirits created life and once more did Elderväsenda slay all living things. However during the third life circle did the Spirits manage to trick Elderväsendena and managed to make them all fall into a deep deathlike sleep. They took the nine horrific creatures and locked them and their servants away in dark Ashgra-rishar and its surroundings that later on became Mörkerheim where they all remained until Ark-Irk arose.

While the rest of them sleeps so is it however clear in the holy chronicles that they will one day awake and bring death and destruction down upon creation unlike anything ever seen. This is a day that will come and it might not be stopped. However at this day will the forces of good lead by the gods and their armies do battle however nobody knows if they will win or even if they can stand against the gathered nine creators of all.