Law of Al-Harreh Danistarab
The law of Al-Harreh Danistarab is mostly based on shariah law of the Maliki school along with Kanun established by the Majilis Ash-Shura with the consent of the Emir.
Danistarab followed shariah law from 1501-1970 and started following aspects of it again in 2020. Under the January 2021 Basic Law "No law which contradicts the teachings of Allah (May He Be Praised and Exalted) and the Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) in the Qur'an may be passed. Any attempt to pass such a law is null and void."
Family law
Laws governing marriage and divorce (including annulment and alimony) are based on the religion of the husband. There are the followingpersonal status codes: Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Sabian (Mandaean), Samaritan, Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Hindu and Orthodox Christian. Followers of traditional African religions along with atheists are bound by the Muslim personal status law. Polygyny is legal for Muslims, Protestants, Jews, Samaritans, Zoroastrians and Hindus. It is prohibited for Catholics and Orthodox Christians. The legality of polygyny for Buddhists is unknown though polyandry is prohibited.
Criminal law
Criminal law is based on a moderate form of Maliki shariah. Executions are rare with only rape, murder, terrorist conspiracy and treason being capital offences and so is long-term imprisonment. Judicial corporal punishment is, however, common. It is considered more merciful than imprisonment (because imprisonment separates the accused from their family except during visiting hours and is more drawn out) and is also cheaper for the government. Most corporal punishment sentences are of seven to ten lashes.
Food and drug laws
All recreational drugs are illegal (with the exception of some caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee). Recreational rugs are classified either as Class C (such as cannabis), Class B (such as alcohol and khat) or Class A (such as cocaine, crack cocaine or opioids). Sale of class C drugs is a misdemeanour (punishable by up to 1 year in prison) whilst sale of Class B and A drugs is a felony. Sale of Class B drugs is punishable by a maximum of 14 years imprisonment whilst sale of Class A drugs is punishable by up to life imprisonment (with or without parole).
See also Marriage in Danistarab Prisons in Danistarab Capital punishment in Al-Harreh Danistarab Al-Harreh Danistarab Law of The Ashleigh Caliphate Law of Sharifistan Danistarabian organised crime Law enforcement in Al-Harreh Danistarab