Danistarabi family

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This article refers to the political dynasty and (from 1615-2020) military family, for the deposed royal family of Danistarab see House of Danistarab.

Danistarabi family
political dynasty
CountryEmirate of Danistarab
Current regionTreasure Beach, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
Etymologyfrom Danistarabi (“from Danistarab”)
Place of originDanistarab
Current headAhmed Danistarabi II
Style(s)His Excellency, Her Excellency, His Honour, Her Honour, His Lordship, Her Lordship.
MembersPresident Ahmed Danistarabi
Connected familiesAdama family (connected by marriage), Sharifistani royal family (connected by rivalry)
DistinctionsPresident of Danistarab, Medal of Extreme Valour.
TraditionsAllegiance to the Emirate of Danistarab (1605-2020), military service (1615-2020), Sunni Islam (1425-1968), atheism

(C.1963-), black humanism (C.1964-), secular nationalism

Estate(s)Danistarabi President’s House, Treasure Beach, St Elizabeth, Jamaica.


The Danistarabi family can be traced to Ali Muhammad Danistarabi (soldier and 1st Colonel of the Marine Regiment of Danistarab). He named his family Danistarabi in honour of the royal family. He had three wives, one of whom was a Princess of Danistarab and all of whom had fathers in the Danistarabi Navy. His sons were in the Army, Navy and Marines of Danistarab from 1633-1915. In 1915, the growth of the Marines of Danistarab meant that those with maritime inclinations joined them instead (looking forward to the greater opportunity for medals in a close-combat role). By 1935, it was exceptional unusual for a member of the family to serve in the Navy (excluding the marines). In 1943,General Muhammad Danistarabi had a son, Ahmed Danistarabi, who would become a President of Danistarab after an exceptional military career. Ahmed Danistarabi became an atheist during his studies at the University College London but was elected to be President due to his military record. As President he removed most elements of shariah law from the constitution and was widely unpopular. In 1978, he founded the Danistarabi Institute, a think-tank ostensibly dedicated to “promoting secular politics and tolerance for people of all faiths and none in Africa.”

Present day

Whilst Ahmed Danistarabi languishes in prison, most of the family are part of the government-in-exile in Jamaica, living the luxurious lives of the upper-classes on a Caribbean island. The Danistarabi Institute is based in New York, in the United States of America.