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Federal Republic of Aznazia
Flag of Aznazia
National Seal
Motto: Walk with the grace of an Angel and strike with the heart of a Demon
3d Map for Az iiwiki4.png
CapitalPacifica City
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised regional languagesSpanish, French, German, Revon
Ethnic groups
68.4% Caucasian
21.6% Hispanic
2% Rhodeve
1% Native Aznazians
8% Others
GovernmentFederal Constitutional Republic
• Chancellor
Chancellor Fredrick Pudikov
National Assembly
• Declared
3rd May, 1750 CE
• Recognized
27th August, 1754 CE
• Current Constitution
22nd February, 1983 CE
• Total
3,921,592.5 km2 (1,514,135.3 sq mi)
• 2018 estimate
• 2015 census
GDP (PPP)2017 estimate
• Total
4,807,274,315,032 NSD
• Per capita
48,824NSD (A$ 26,109)
GDP (nominal)2015 estimate
• Total
4,619,012,403,770 NSD A$ 2,537,918,972,005 (7th)
• Per capita
HDI (2017)0.831
very high
CurrencyAznazian Aznote
Time zoneUTC+7 ((UTC-6 / -7/ -8))
• Summer (DST)
Date formatmm-dd-yyyy
Driving sidethe right
Calling code+628
ISO 3166 codeAZN
Internet TLD.Azn

The Federal Republic of Aznazia is a collection of 15 providences united by a Federal Constitutional Republic. The original United Provinces of Aznazia were united under a government similar to Plato's philosophy which rapidly degenerated into a corrupt oligarchy that ruled for nearly 127 years. However the Aznazian people have been able to make their voices be heard and have brought a just government into power. Aznaizans strive to be fair, and equal. Many of it's citizens are said to have a strong sense of pride and are supportive of their nation through either the armed forces, or hard work. Aznaiza is located in the western hemisphere of Sunalaya South of Rhodevus and North of Corentia. It has a total population of approximately 98.3 million who reside on the island nation, with Pacifica City being the capital city. Other large cities include Crawford, Santa Elva, Port Patterson, Griswold and Endeavor.

Aznazia began it's life as group of break away states from Rhodeuvs in the 1750's. Under the guidance of the Great Thinker Robert Webb, the newly United Aznazian Provinces created a form of government that decentralized the power of the executive branch and placed that power in the hands of philosophers, great thinkers, economists and generals. However, after Webb's death, the government grew authoritarian in nature with the executive branch gaining power through leaders looking to strengthen the nation against future attacks through the repression of basic freedoms. In 1947 after the second world war, the members of the Senate and military orchestrated a coup to topple the Oligarchy and turn the nation into a Federation. In 1982 the government was rocked by a massive scandal which resulted in a new constitution and a call for a Federal Republic form of Government.

Aznazia has seen major growth in the last few decades after establishing ties to Rhodevus and other nations after a long isolationist period. It has strong ties with several Sunalayan nations such as Smoya, Rhodevus, Oblaren, Layfet, Librira and Seven United.


Scholars believe that in 1438 the Rezuan mapmaker of Willibert Kortas named the land mass Aznazgen after the Anisasee tribe that was first discovered by Rondaly explorers in 1423. The name should have been "Anizazgen" in Revon, but translation issues and a lack of information forced Kortas to use the name he though was the closest to the spelling. As a result, the name continued to be used by later mapmakers from Lindenholt, Capsland, the Pantorrum Kingdoms, and De Fleuves. The first recorded documents use of Aznazia was in the Treaty of Bartonville in 1534, where colonists of New Besntle signed a treaty with the local native tribes for protection of colonists on the continent of "Aznazia".



The National Census counted, on November 1st 2015, 98,427,643 people lived in Aznazia. From which 11,121,670 living in the top 15 major cities in Aznazia. The Aznazian population doubled from 44.625 million in 1900 to 88.25 million in 2000.

With a birth rate at ? per ? it has a population growth of 1.12%. There are over 745,000 Aznazians that identify themselves as being from Rhodeve decent.

In Aznazia there are four main ethnicity/races: the Caucasian 68.4%, 21.6% Hispanic, 2% Rhodeve, 1% Native Aznazians and Others 8% .


The de facto language of Aznazia is English with not official language. Aznazia recognizes the following languages as regional languages: English, Spanish, Revon, Flueve. After the revolution in the 1950's many government officials tried to push legislature to make English the official language but failed because of it's unpopularity.


Religion in Aznazia
No Religion
Other or Unknown

The majority of Aznazia is predominately Christian in their beliefs with the second largest belief group being non-religious. This mainly stems from the Christian settlers that arrived from Ventismar, Ronaldy and Rhodevus who settled the colonies first. Protestant, Catholic and Episcopalians make up the majority of the Christian followers in the nation. Even though the nation is very devote, citizens still strongly support science with very few people in the nation being scientific adverse.


Before the Federation was formed, Aznazia had medical care provided by the government. In order to increase economic productivity and stop pandemics in the Government offered health care to workers who work hard and have good remarks form their employers. The health care paid for most costs of the medicine. However the government was very strict on the criteria a certain individual/family had meet. Everything from weight, muscle build, work ethic, and manners were taken into consideration. This was because the Government wants only the best and strongest to receive the small amount of medicine available.

After the revolution and with increased trading, the Federation government disbanded the government care and allowed private insurance. Now all citizens are expected to be ensured however it is not mandatory. There is a small percentage of the population that receives medical support from government subsidies. However the criteria to have this special access is very strict.


The school system of Aznazia is based off the European school systems. Schooling in Aznazia is compulsorily and begins at the age of four with Pre-Primary School. Children then go onto Primary School from six to twelve years old. Primary School in Aznazia is the equivalent of Elementary and Middle School in American schooling.

All students of the nation will be in the same classes from Pre-Primary to Primary schools. At the end of Primary School, all students will take the Aznazian Skills and Knowledge Examination (ASKE) to determine the level of schooling they will receive. Using the results of the ASKE, the population will be sorted into three levels of Secondary School; Basic, Medial, and Elevated.

-Basic Secondary is the lowest level and will train students for life in the work place and some trades until the age of 18. From there they will be drafted into technical schools across the nation. After that they may enter the work force as labor workers.

-Medial Secondary is the mid level school. In medial students will learn all trades and be schooled until the age of 16 to 18 depending on their progress. Those who have a grade below a C- will progress to the work force and become workers in offices and the trades. All students below a B+ average will progress to local 2 year colleges. All students above a B+ average can progress to the Universities.

-Elevated Secondary School will prepare students for the 15 Province Universities and Private Insitutions. Elevated Secondary is the place where students will learn the skills needed to become the brightest minds in the country. Students that do not maintain a C+ will be placed into Medial Secondary School or will progress to local 2 year colleges. At the end of 6 years (age of 18) the students graduate and may go onto the Universities were the tops students will receive the best education possible. Students who can not pay for college of University may submit for very generous Government scholarships based on grades.

The Government pays for this system by using taxes and not spending as much money on poverty. About 8.8% of government budget is used in Education.


Colonial Era (Early 1500's to 1715)

A depiction of early Ronaldy and Ventismar colonists

Aznazia was first colonized by Rondaly, D'Flueves, Capslandian, and Lindenholt settlers around the early 1500's when the continent was discovered. Capsland set up an expedition in 1543 lead by Sir Willis Scott-Kingshire. In 1545 he claimed the area of New Goldwyn which he named after the state of his birth. The vast natural resources of the colonies attracted people from Ventismar looking to make money. The Colonies enjoyed an extreme amount of autonomy from Rondaly and their Ventismar masters.

Colonies in Aznazia and date of establishment

Pantorrum (1532, New Benstle) Capsland (1545, New Goldwyn) Some Spanish Nation (1553, West Coast) Some English speaking nation (1564, Avaia) Lindenholt: Paddersenhaven (1567, Aubrey) De Fleuves (1573, Frigusten) Rhodevus (1716, Bawold)

Colony of Rhodevus and the Articles of Succession (1715 to 1754)

When the Rhodevan Republic broke away from its colonial masters, the settlers pledged their allegiance Rhodeuvs due to its geographic proximity. After independence was achieved, Rhodevus launched a new colonization effort to acquire more resources to grow the fledgling Republic. The first colony from Rhodevus was Bawold which started in the North Western part of Aznazia in 1716 lead by Francis Goodwill. Starting with the colony of Bawold, Rhodeve settlers moved further south towards the older colonies that had not developed due to Native Attacks and declining populations. In the 1720's the Rhodeve fought a war with Lindenholt over their colonies located near present day Port Patterson when Lindenholt refused to allow any colonists trade to Rhodevus. The land taken from Lindenholt was reorganized into the colony of Aubrey which accepted immigrants from Ventismar nations like Capsland, Rezua and D'Flueves. This rapidly drove up the population of the colonies to nearly 1 million by the 1740's and made the land more diverse.

Ever since pledging allegiance to the Rhodevan Republic in 1715, the former Ronaldy colonies desired their own voice in the social, political, and economic policy making in the Rhodevan Senate. However, the polices by President Ivan Parcel made the colonies more subservient to Rhodevus with policies that benefited Rhodeve citizens rather than the colonist. In the Colonial Town Halls, loyalty turned to distrust and eventually outrage at taxes and economic restraints on Aznazian colonists. Several Colonies like Aubrey, Avaia, New Goldwyn and Valete sent letters of protest in the spring 1747 to the Senate stating that they refused to pay the economic costs to make Rhodeve citizens wealthy if they could not be considered Rhodevan. This resulted in the Senate stationing troops in Aznazian colonies. In February of 1750, President Roger Micheal lit the fuse to violence when he accepted people in Bawold as a Rhodevan citizens since it was settled exclusively by Rhodevan. This lead to a massive wave of protests which turned violent in Port Patterson and Crawford when colonists provoked the Republic troops into firing on protesters.

With shots being fired, representatives from the colonies of Frigusten, Aubrey, Valete, New Goldwyn, Avaia, New Benstle and Griswold meet in Brookhurst; the colonial capital of Valete. On May 3rd, 1750, the Executive Commission signed a letter titled "The Articles of Succession" to President Micheal that the seven colonies would no longer pledge allegiance to Rhodevus and would form a United Provinces of Aznazia. The Representatives then moved to set up a provisional government in the town until they could vote on a capital. In the months following the signing, 3 signatories would be captured and executed forcing the provisional capital to be moved inland.

President Micheal retaliated against the seven "rebellious" colonies with swift military action with over 10,000 troops being deployed to Port Patterson and Crawford to strangle the colonies into submission. He also called upon the people of Bawold to join in a battle for control of the island of Aznazia.

Aznazian Troops Fighting Rhodeve Republic Regulars

Birth of the United Providences of Aznazia

Flag of the Untied Providences of Aznazia/ "Imperial Aznazia"

Aznazia began it's life as a collection of 7 colonial districts after the Revolution lasting from 1750 to 1754. In early 1755, the representatives of the 7 districts voted to adopt the Government structure created by Robert Webb (1712-1766). Under this system, the Provisional Council (responsible for making the decisions of the provinces pertaining to the war effort) would become the executive branch of the government known as The Executive Council of Aznazia. The 7 members of the council would be elected by their representative province for life or until retirement. Webb's reasoning for this decision was to ensure that decisions would be made by all provinces. Elections where held in summer 1755 with the Council was first made up of honest men who were elected from the 7 provinces. They worked hard to bring prosperity and freedom to the people of Aznazia but found that it was more difficult to set up trade relations across the sea with Ventismar than previously believed. It was also difficult to control the rapid spread of settlers westward into the lands promised to the native people. This resulted in numerous raids by native confederacies and tribes against homesteads set up in their territory. In order to safe guard Aznazian interests, the Executive Council gave General Samuel Fulton command of 2,000 troops to patrol along the frontier. In 1763, the Cheranee Chief Red Hawk of the Yellow Wood tribe, lead a 500 man war party on a campaign against settlers who pushed well into Crawnee lands. Over 30 homesteads were razed with nearly all inhabitants scalped before General Fulton launched his own campaign against the Crawnee. These clashes would begin the Aznazian Indian Wars that would last until 1889 and result in the death of thousands of Native peoples and tribes.

The Slide into Oligarchy (1790's to 1820's)

Image of Port Patterson Circa 1860

Initial success of Webbism in Aznazia quickly vanished as the nation struggled to gain the finances to support itself. The first few Executive Councils were well run and comprised of highly qualified candidates. However by 1805 the Council had become almost powerless by a group of corrupt Senators. As a result in 1809 the first poll tax was created and increased annually until the pieces were too much for common folk. By 1815 the freedom of speech and the press was tightened when "rebels" threatened to destroy the nation. In 1821 Rhodevus attacked Aznazia and tried to colonize the still fragile nation. Rhodeve soldiers landed on Aznazian soil and burned Port Patterson and Crawford and small large towns near the coast. The Aznazian military was able to push the ground forces out of Aznaiza but the Aznazian navy was decimated and people were beginning to starve. In 1822 The Senate decided that Aznazia would sue for peace and gave up claims over Bawold and the native lands in the interior part of the nation. As a result the people of Aznazia demanded the Senate be "removed" with some calling for an open rebellion. To prevent a civil war, the Executive Council dissolved the Senate from the Rhodeve Republic age and took power for themselves. They claimed that it was necessary to "removed bureaucrats from interfering with the progression of society". In 1823 slavery was abolished and citizens were given a free vote in local governments. In 1824 the New Military Act allowed the The Council to raise a new military to counter Rhodevus. Aznazia also expanded it's ports to allow more foreign ships to enter for trade and to house a larger navy. By 1831 the military was growing in size and new technology was making it possible for Aznazia to expand Westward throughout the Indian territories. In 1836 the Caldonian Principalities to Aznazia's west allied with the Indians and attacked Aznazia for attacking Indian territory and violating territorial treaties written in 1794 and agreed upon in the 1822 peace terms of the first Aznaz-Rhodeve War. The war lasted 2 years and ended in an Aznazian victory. As a result nationalism was at an all time high as the economy continued to grow and industrialization began to take root.

Native raids in middle provinces, Anarchists in 1824 and 1840 in Argusville, Griswold.

Second Aznaz-Rhodeve War

Ever since the defeat during the First Rhodeve war in 1822 The Executive Council plotted revenge on Rhodevus. To accomplish this they built a secret navy and expanded to military to counter the "Northern Threat" of the Colony of Bawold and Corwen (Oblaren) which remained loyal to the Rhodevan Republic and served as the jump points for any future invasions of Aznazia. Luckily for Aznazia, the Rhodeve had lost interest in fighting due to their "mad" President desire to find lands in Ophion worth colonizing. This gave Aznazia the breathing room needed to rebuild its industry, infrastructure and influence. The Executive Council sent waves of diplomats to Ventismar, Ophion, Corentia and Azarah to convince nations to join together against Rhodevus. The period was also marked by an explosion of scientific advancement in the nation thanks to government funding as well as deregulation of industry to spur on development. While the full effects of these policy changes would not be clear for many decades, the impact was substantial. Military technology jumped forward decades with the development of prototype ironclads, rocket artillery, and breech loading rifles.

Aznazia also reached out to other nations that had been bullied by Rhodevus to assistance. By 1840 the Aznazian military had been rebuilt with some of the latest technology and best training thanks to it's open trade agreements with other nations. Delegates from Lindenholt, Podemitrean rebels, etc. and Aznazia met behind closed doors starting in 1842 and continued to make the appropriate arrangements into the winter of 1844. The Aznazian navy in particular saw a change in culture under the leadership of Admiral Menderson who worked with scientists and engineers to develop early ironclads and rocket barges.

As luck would have it, Rhodevus was looking to smooth over relations with Aznazia by offering the island chain of Corwen to its neighbor. The Executive Council took the deal and immediately moved troops to the island to quickly seize on the new opportunity to destroy the Rhodeve fleet that was still at berth.

Aznazia worked with Podemitrean rebel Johann Laurenz to set up a resistance to Rhodevus in Lee, Geiv and Losr. Aznazia would double cross the rebels.

Rhodeve Privateers raiding Aznazia used a pretense for war even though Aznazian privateers attacked Rhodeve cargo vessels.

Chain at Ft. Klamat raised to prevent the Rhodeve navy from escaping the harbor while cannons sunk the ships.

Aznazian navy moved troops to Yztal and invaded with 20,000 troops under General Kidd Griswald. Colonel Wavington and the 3rd Ranger Brigade (5,000 men) attacked by Rhodeve which allows Gen. Griswald to attack Kingston.

President Rubin Machin surrenders to Aznazia and releases Rhodeve colonies except the Ile de Flowers. This would result in the end of Rhodevan Republic and birth of the Kingdom of Rhodevus.


It's victory against Rhodevus in the Second Rhodeve War propelled Aznazia to the forefront for the world powers of Sunalaya.

Expansionist Period


In 1854 the nation celebrated it's centennial anniversary with 3 new districts that had been carved out of the indian territories and from land of Caldonia. The subsequent force re-settlement of Native peoples from 1853-1879 along the "Prairie Trails" lead to tens of thousands of native peoples dying as they were forced to march west to Caldonia. By 1863 the nation had entered the industrial era with unrestricted capitalism creating an upper class that controlled masses of lower class civilians who lived in poor conditions in the inner cities. Conditions were so bad that some people began to form unions, enact strikes and radical anarchist and socialists groups to form. In an effort to alleviate this pressure, Aznazia's Imperial ambitions were turned north from 1863-1866 to conquere the small Dominion of Bawold. This resulted in the Rhodeve majority being removed from their lands for settlers. These military campaigns did little to stop the increasing amount of strikes which boiled over in the "Bloody Wednesday" Strikes that left 245 people dead in Crawford when hired strike breakers fired on a crowd. To prevent further violence the High Court stepped in and outlawed the use of strike breakers and the Executive Council called for economic and social reform. By 1878, conditions drastically improved when the Working Rights Act of 1877 was enacted, which required "reasonable compensation and benefits". As a result the economy and Aznazia continued to grow like other nations and the Executive Council were able to keep their power by listening to the populous. At the same time Aznazian explorers claimed what is today Shawata and Uszwa as Aznazian colonies after the discovery of diamonds, iron, tea, coffee, lumber and oil in region. In 1882 the Aznazian "white navy" of 18 pre-dreadnaught warships sailed from Aznazia to Corwen, to Shawata and back to Aznaiza displaying the industrial and colonial power of Aznazia. The end of Aznazian expansion came when the Executive Council moved to attack Caldonia after losing Corwen to the Oblarenite War of Independence that lasted from 1891 to 1893.

3rd Aznaz-Caldonian War

The Flag of the Republic of Caldonia (1867-1893)
Map of Mainland Aznazia and Caldonia Prior to the Third Aznaz-Caldonian War (1893)
  The United Provinces of Aznazia
  The Republic of Caldonia
  The Republic of Oblaren

The loss of Corwen to the Oblarenite rebels in 1893 lead the High Council to redirect all of its available military might towards the Caldonian war which had been raging for over a year. In the Spring of 1891, Aznazia began an attack along the borders of Caldonia after the "alleged" sinking of the UPAS Ophelia by a Caldonian naval mine. Today the “Ophelia” is believed to have exploded due to a magazine explosion caused either by crew error or a power cook off. However, back in 1891 the Executive Council was more than willing to use the hawkish press to push for war and gain public support through the promise of new land for poor Aznazians. The first major engagement of the conflict began near the town of Monetico where a large number of refugees were fleeing westward. The Caldonians put up stiff resistance against the Aznazians for 3 months through a well thought out trench system that encircled the town. This allowed for the Caldonian Congreso Socialista to mobilize the military of the nation. The Caldonian navy in particular fought a valiant effort to keep the ports of Santa Elva and San Juanito for supplies from nations willing to the rivals of Aznazia. However, by the end of the year the Aznazian Pacifica Fleet under Admiral Elias Rodgers was able to break the Caldonian navy in a decisive battle at the mouth of the Andevica Bay. This resulted in a complete blockade of Caldonia for the rest of the war.

20th Century

1900's to World War One

By 1905 Aznazia had one of the world's first oil companies operating within it's newly expanded boarders which included former Caldonia which had been destroyed in 1893. The new land gave Aznazia access to the Pohaki and the Ahiu Island chains and to the Far East nations of Sunalaya. In 1896 it set up forward military outposts on Terminus Island and Amity Island to protect against an attack from POD. In 1903 Aznazia began a massive naval modernization program to keep pace with the growing naval forces of nations in Ventismar and Corentia. This era of growing tensions lead to many nations of the world to begin to create a web of alliances in order to defend themselves. One such alliance was between Engleberg and Aznazia in 1906 in an effort to create the largest naval surface force in the world.

When the First Great Sunalayan War broke out in 1913, Aznazia was at first fighting Rhodevus and Oblaren but soon found itself to supplying Romaleus and the Iason Empire with weapons, supplies, and training to hold back the Allied Coalition. This lead to Aznazia losing some of the opening battles as military planners struggled to stabilize the front lines. The Aznazian navy achieved a few naval victories against Rhodevus and Oblaren but soon the Aznazian colonies in Ziamba came under attack after Divergia entered the war on the side of the Allies. The nightly air raids by allied zeppelins and bombers brought the war to the door step of Aznaiza and many feared an invasion would soon follow. After many months of fighting the High Council felt it was not in Aznazia's best interests to keep fighting and therefore withdrew support from the Central Alliance.

Interwar Period

The war left both sides exhausted and on the edge of revolt. The Iason Empire collapsed into the Untied Soviet States of Opion while Romaleus became a military dictatorship under a Rezuan General. After the war the nations attempted to rebuild the economy. In 1920 Aznazia sold Shawata to Andramedia for war reparations and then granted Uszwa independence. However the surrender conditions had a heavy effect on the Aznazian economy. Trade slowed and the rebuilding of bombed factories was delayed by unemployment. The stagnating economic and low national pride lead to a revival of Caldonian Nationalism. By 1925 over 200,000 people living in western Aznazia had joined the Red Hand Movement who staged a major revolt in the Fall of 1926 which ended in a massive battle near the town of Sanjañto. The battle outlined the major social and racial issues that would plague Aznazia for decades and cause tensions at home. However as Aznazia began to rebuild from World War 1, it found that other nations where also rebuilding. Rezua and the new USJR were the leading nations of Ventismar and were quickly rearming once again. To ensure Aznazia's security, the High Council decided that they better improve ties with its neighbors that had left it virtually isolated during its reconstruction. In 1935 Aznazia signed a deal with Rhodevus to assist each other in rebuilding each other. From 1936 to 1938 the same was done with Zanera, Smoya, and Philomachus. These new deals improved conditions in Aznazia and allowed it to rebuild and renew its military just as the Fascist nations of the World began their aggressive expansion.

(Quick outline to be added: Many of the North Western Factories where bombed during the war by Rhodeve zeppelin raids (after they captured the Northern Pohaki Islands they also launched some on my west coast but not at bad as the North west). These raids were indiscriminate in their bombing and lead to many civilian deaths in the fires started. This damage was also compounded by at least two major resistance groups rising up in the former Caldonian and Bawold regions where separatists were being supplied by Rhodeve agents. They blow up major railway junctions, bridges, communications lines, arms depots and factories. While the damage was not severe, the economic downturn and low social moral of the nation caused these industrial centers to be shut down for years after the war due to a lack of funds. My nation was faced with major social unrest in the years following the Great War with a 200,000 man insurection that formed New Caldonia in the Province of Deserma (which was crushed after thousands where killed on both sides of a line battle). While I would probably have good relations with you on a Government level, my nation would be more concerned with rebuilding the North, stopping unrest and putting more effort into rebuilding the military (Mainly due to the naval arms race that was starting and more research into aircraft after being shown the effectiveness of Rhodeve aircraft). My people would be extremely hostile to immigrants who might take jobs.

The next major issue was the fact that while my nation was able to recover to pre-War economic levels, we were not growing. The war chased off investors and since we lost no one from aboard was going to invest capital in a nation plagued with defeat and civil unrest. We had also lost our Sunafrica colonies which were rich in resources which forced us to pay more money by buying the resources from other nations. )

World War Two

Aznazia offically entered World War Two on the side of the Allies to fight against Divergia and other Fascist nations that threatened to take islands from Aznazia.

After the war Aznazia formalized its alliance with Rhodevus and continued to use the increased scientific knowledge gained during the war to forge a path as an advanced research nation. Dr. Alexander Williams helped develop the Atomic bomb with other scientists from Rhodevus and became the father of nuclear power in Aznazia.

The 1947 "Blue Revolution"

After winning the war the High Council felt that Aznazia had recovered to the point in which they could ignore the calls for the Senate to be given back power. By late 1946 mass demonstrations broke out around the nation calling for the end of the High Council if it did not hand power back over immediately. The Blue Revolution began when the High Council refused to surrender their Wartime emergency power as they had promised after World War 2 was ended. By March of 1947 almost 1 million people marched on the Capitol city of Endeavor to protest. The High Council were put under pressure by the nation's Elite to crush this "marxist" uprising and released the Brutal Riot Police. In just 2 days over 1,347 people were killed and the peaceful march turned into a mob of armed citizens who besieged the city. On March 26th, troops under the command of Lt. General Alfred Lodren arrested 3 members of the High Council in the Capital and called for a democratic government to take power. As the population rejoiced from the coup, 4 members of the High Council of Aznazia Retreated to their command bunker that was built in 1934 with about 20,000 Loyalist troops. The Council member's barricaded themselves inside with 500 tanks and their most loyal troops outside and tried to re-establish command over the nation.

However by this point the nation had established a preliminary government on April 2nd from the Senate. On the 3rd of April they ordered 100,000 troops and 2,000 tanks to remove the remaining High Council members from their bunker. When the Loyalist troops refused to surrender on the 6th of April, the battle began. After 3 days most of the loyalist tanks had been destroyed and most of the loyalist troops either had surrendered or had been killed. However the High Council refused to Surrender from inside the bunker with food, a spring for water, and plenty of ammunition. As a result the Aznazian military had no choice but to use poisonous gas to kill the 5,000 troops still inside the bunker. Once the bodies of the four "Elite" (Council members) were recovered, the nation rejoiced for 4 days and then the on April 13th, 1947 the Federation of Aznazia was formed.

The Federation (1947-1982)

Late 1940's to 1950's

One of the first actions taken by the newly elected Chancellor Weiver was the Civil Rights act of 1948 (June 9th, 1948) which guaranteed the right of all citizens of Aznazia but especially those of Caldonian-Aznazians. For decades after the annexation of Caldonia in 1893, millions of former Caldonians faced open racism by Aznazian settlers. Many west coast Provinces criticized the actions as an over step of power by the new government and claimed that this action would allow the Red Hand to grow in strength. Their basis was that the Red Hand Movement had been revived after the end of the Second World War and then terrorists needed to be screened. Weiver also set about breaking up major Monopolies that had control over the Federal Government and rooting out corruption. In 1949 the Province of Bawold considered leaving the Federation due to a rise in Nationalism and for exploitation after being annexed in 1864. Rather than preventing the vote, Weiver allowed the referendum to be held and vistied the region; He reassured the people of Bawold that the Federation was a better option than independence and that Aznazia could not have won the Second World War without Bawold aircraft factories. As a result, the Independence Referendum of Bawold Failed by 34%-66%. This along with his even handed policies, earned Chancellor Weiver respect and an approval rating of nearly 75% across the nation.


Chancellor Weiver choose not to run for a second term as Chancellor since he felt that Aznazia needed a peaceful exchange of power sooner rather than later. This lead Wevier's President; Robert Hampton, to run for office instead. As a result, Hampton won by a landslide under the Liberty Party ticket. He continued many of Weiver's policies including making sure that Aznazia would defend democratic nations abroad and build more ties with liberated nations of Ventismar against the USSO. Much of Hampton's term was marked by growing fears of Marxist infiltrators within the government. The Senate approved two bills that would allow the government to monitor "persons of importance" in Aznazia, but Hampton vetoed them every time. However as he tried to remain level-headed he could not disregard the growth of the Red Hand. In 1956 the group launched an attack on the Capital and tried to blow up the Senate building with the assistance of weapons and training from former Caldonian generals hiding in the nation of Uszwa. As a result, Hampton demanded that Uszwa hand over the generals. To this the Uszwan chairman replied simply "No". With this, Hampton met with members of the WSA and then declared war on the small Sunafrican nation. The war in Uszwa lasted for nearly 3 years and resulting in thousands of men dying trying to root out the Red Hand Leaders. This resulted in Hampton's lose to former Lt. General George Kelly in the 1956 election. Chancellor Kelly quickly took control of the situation and threatened the Uszwa regime with nuclear weapons. Kelly also began to curb some of the liberties granted under the Civil Rights Act of 1948 by allowing Military Police to search Caldonian-Aznazians. This resulted in a Court battle that would last the rest of Kelly's Chancellery. Kelly then torpedoed relations with all nations supporting any form of socialism. This came to a head after the Rhodeve 1959 elections where Socialists won a large number of positions. In response, Kelly pledged to invade the nation to prevent the socialists from taking power and allowing the USSO to set up military bases. Rhodeve relations plummeted and the Monarch had no choice but to condemn the pledge in order to prevent the socialists from rising against the crown.


As Divergia rebuilt itself from the the devastation of the Second World War, Aznazia become increasingly more suspicious of the rearmament and increasing hostility towards Aznazia. Fueled by a new Government and strong public resentment of Aznazia for its nuclear attacks and treatment of Divergian Baptists in the pre-war era, Diverigans were looking to settle the score and reclaim their position as the Eastern Power of the Pacifica Ocean. To respond to these threats, Aznazia deployed the 2nd fleet to the Segelbrecher Islands where they were within striking range of Divergia. Seeing these moves as a threat, Diveriga sent spy ships to observe the fleet and test Aznazian resolve. On April 9th, 1960, the destroyer FAS Robert T. Ulysses intercepted a spy ship and captured the vessel. A near by Divergian submarine was soon afterwards detected and depth charged, leading to the Submarine sinking the Ulysses. The attack caught many people by surprise with many commanders unsure as to why the destroyer attacked the submarine. However Chancellor Kelly decided that the incident was an act of war and stated that he "knew we could never trust those damned Divy's with any peace. This time we will burn them for good". He immediately ordered the 2nd Fleet to attack Divergian naval bases to destroy their new fleet while it was still in port. However the Aznazian miltiary intelligence failed to heed information that the USJR was giving Divergia advanced naval missiles. This information came too late to stop the destruction of half of the Aznazian 2nd fleet from air launched anti-ship missiles. This loss lead to Lucy Pudikov creating the Bison party and winning the 1961 election on the promise of ending the Aznaz-Divergian War.

Upon her swearing in ceremony on January 5th, 1962, Pudikov sent delegations to the USJR who offered to host the peace talks. The process took months with back and forth negotiations until and agreement was reached on November 29th, 1962 and the treaty ratified by the Senate on December 13th. During this time, Pudikov launched her economic policy of slashing corporate taxes and enacting measures to raise tariffs on international goods. By February of 1963 the tariffs we placed on major manufacturing nations such as Rhodevus. Rather than helping to revive the economy, the tariffs merely cancelled out the tax cuts passed. In spring of 1964, she was forced by the Senate to withdraw some of her tariffs which let some of the economy regain back its losses and even began to grow. After tackling the economic issues of the nation, she turned her attention to the social issues facing the nation. Her first target was welfare spending that had already been cut by Chancellor Kelly. This resulted in push back from the Sapphire party and the newly formed Liberal Coalition made up of social democrats. This new group of voters drew the attention of Pudikov who delcaed them “communists”. By 1966 the Bison party was beginning to see multiple members and popular supporters abandoning the platform for the National Democrats and Lucy lost support from the remaining blue collar Sapphire senators she had relied on for her agenda. Raleigh Hudson of the Sapphire party would win the 1966 election and be sworn in in 1967.

Raleigh Hudson (1967-1972)

Due to the continuing chaos in the Aznazian right wing political establishment, the Sapphire Party was able to gain the support of many moderates around the nation who wanted to stop the growing nationalist movement by the Bison party but continue fixing some of the social issues being tackled by Chancellor Lucy Pudikov. Raleigh Hudson quickly became the front runner and gained support from the Sapphire and Liberty Party as a moderate Sapphire candidate who would put a halt to the destructive diplomatic policy of the Bison Party. Eventually even the Liberal Coalition fell in line behind him as they realized that their candidate; Timothy Reid, would not win.

Attempt to undo Pudikov damage but blamed for most of the issues and unable to do much due to debt and oil crisis.


Raleigh Hudson's one term ended in a disastrous campaign due to his unpopularity.

1970's oil crisis

Liberty party facing civil war with some feeling that the party should become more fiscally conservative. This resulted in the formation of the Silver party and a drop in support for the Liberty party until the Green revolution of 1982.

Floyd Collins (1972-1977)

Birth of the Environmental Movement

Re-armament of Aznazia

Howard Kraven took office on Febuary 1st of 1977 as the seventh Chancellor, promising to take Aznazia out of a mini-isolationist period imposed by Lucy Pudikov. He tried to use diplomacy to open up with the East but soon found that they were not going to negotiate. Aznazia had been left vulnerable due to Pudikov's reduction in military spending in the 70's after she shifted Aznazian foreign policy away from interventionism in the 60's. He increase the military budget and laid the ground work for a new Aznazian navy.

The Green Revolution

Kraven's political career was cut short when he resigned in 1982 after a scandal (not sure what the scandal was yet). The Green Revolution was a peaceful revolution where citizens protested after Kraven resigned. After the scandal of the Howard Kraven the Aznazian people demanded a new government that was more "fair". Former Chancellor Daniel Weiver called for the governemnt to be reformed. The next day the Senate ratified a bill that called for a new Chancellor to be elected. As a result The next election would determine the course of the nation. One candidate for Chancellor would continue the Federation, while the other would lead a new Federal Republic. When Daniel Weiver was elected in Decemeber of 1982 the fate of the nation was sealed. It took two months to completely restructure the government but on February 22nd, 1983, Daniel Weiver became the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Aznazia

The Federal Republic (1983-Present)

1983 to 1990's

Daniel Weiver (1983-1988)

A week after his swearing in ceremony, Chancellor Weiver appeared on television to assure the nation that he was going to make sure that Aznazia would be a more just, fair, and free place to live in than under the Federation.

Christopher Rodney (1988-1993)

1990's to 2000's

Andrew Sullivan(1993-1998) Jonathan Mulfer (1998-2003)

21st Century

2000's to 2010's

Aurelia Vigil (2003-2008)

Rhodeve Civil War

Richard Livington (2008-2013)

2010's to 2020's

Richard Livington (2013-2015) Fredrick Pudikov (2015-2020)


Soil Order Map from the Aznazian Geological Survey (AGS)

Not many nations have the same level of geographic diversity that Aznazia does.


Aznazia has a very wide variety of climates, it has chilly forests in it's northern providences, hot arid desserts in it's south west and a humid subtropical in it's south eastern providences.

The provinces of Griswold, New Benstle and Avaia have a Humid subtropical climate, whilst all other provinces on the East Coast mainly have a Humid Continental climate with soft winters and cool summers. Temperatures in Aznazia during winter can drop to 10 degrees Fahrenheit in the North and can sometimes even go up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit in the South West. During summer the average temperature is around 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit depending on location. The highest recorded temperature in Aznazia was at 137 degrees Fahrenheit in the Estérillo Desert. The lowest temperature was on top of Mt. Nevera at 9,486 meters above sea level, the temperature was -35 degrees Fahrenheit.

Administrative Divisions

The 15 Provinces and 5 territories are the principal administrative districts in the country. These are divided into subdivisions of counties and independent cities.

Typical map of the 15 provinces and Territories as it is found in most primary school class rooms
Flag Province Capital Largest city Area
Population (2014) Density
(per km²)
Andevica.png Andevica Pacifica City Pacifica City 1,482,240 16,290,580 10.991
Aubrey Flag.png Aubrey Port Patterson Port Patterson 1,084,544 12,769,537 11.774
Avaia Flag.png Avaia Crawford Crawford 839,808 12,596,556 14.999
Bawold Flag.png Bawold Trent Trent 423,680 3,736,043 5.623
Deserma.png Deserma Moñetico Moñetico 945,344 792,764 0.839
Frigusten Flag.png Frigusten Lawrence Lawrence 757,696 2,493,623 3.291
Fulton.png Fulton Endeavor City Endeavor City 685,376 5,895,978 8.603
Flag of Griswold.png Griswold Griswold City Griswold 1,306,368 11,589,424 8.872
Harken.png Harken Dulac Dulac 167,168 1,976,960 11.826
Lenworth.png New Goldwyn Whitemount Whitemount 346,944 3,434,862 3.075
New Benstle.png New Benstle Bartonville Bartonville 823,616 9,717,158 11.798
South Suavio.png South Suavio Santa Elva Santa Elva 2,086,272 7,483,936 3.588
Tenasoda.png Tenasoda Elmsworth Elmsworth 726,720 3,639,291 5.008
Valete Flag.png Valete Brookhurst Brookhurst 139,520 2,382,394 26.778
West Lock.png West Lock Ft. Eugene Ft. Eugene 653,824 2,560,392 3.916
Total 98,362,797

Largest Cities

Number City Population Province
1 Crawford 5,169,114 Avaia
2 Pacifica 3,463,827 Andevica
3 Santa Elva 2,014,447 South Suavio
5 Port Paterson 1,791,784 Aubrey
4 Endeavor City 707,183 Fulton
6 Griswold 551,743 Griswold
7 Philipsburg 511,470 Avaia
8 Ft. Eugene 464,463 West Lock
9 Bartonville 443,214 New Benstle
10 Moñetico 397,447 Deserma

National Parks

Under construction.

Lake Andevica Battlefield Park

The Park is named after the Battle of Lake Andevica that took place from April 6th to April 9th, 1947 after the Freedom Revolution broke out in March. The Freedom Revolution began when the High Council refused to surrender their Wartime emergency power as they had promised after World War 2 was ended. On April 2nd, troops under the command of Lt. General Alfred Lodren arrested 3 members of the High Council in the Capital and called for a democratic government. As the population rejoiced from the coup, 4 members of the High Council of Aznazia Retreated to their command bunker that was built in 1934 with about 20,000 Loyalist troops. The Council member's barricaded themselves inside with 500 tanks and their most loyal troops outside and tried to re-establish command over the nation.

However by this point the nation had established a preliminary government on April 1st from the Senate. On the 2nd of April they ordered 100,000 troops and 2,000 tanks to remove the remaining High Council members from their bunker. When they refused to surrender on the 6th of April, the battle began. After 3 days most of the loyalist tanks had been destroyed and most of the loyalist troops either had surrendered or had been killed. However the High Council refused to Surrender from inside the bunker with plenty of food, a spring for water, and plenty of ammunition. As a result the Aznazian military had no choice but to use poisonous gas to kill the 5,000 troops still inside the bunker. Once the bodies of the four "Elite" (Council members) were recovered, the nation rejoiced for 4 days and then the on April 13th, 1947 the Federation of Aznazia was formed.

After the battle many tanks were left as a memorial to the battle and because most tanks were too damaged to repair. This did not stop scrappers and scavengers from cutting the tanks up for metal. By 1951 almost 350 tanks out of the original estimated 500 were gone. As a result the government stepped in and created the Park to surround the battleground and allow the public to be educated. However vandalism still occurs to this day and many tanks have begun to deteriorate at an alarming rate. Because of this the Senate recently increased the budget of the park to repair the Central Command Bunker that has been closed since 2003 after cracks began forming in the supports. The budget also has the funds to build shelters over the remaining tanks still left and to renovate the historical buildings from the Second Aznaz-Caldonian War. Hopefully these funds will make the battlefield look nice and reopen the bunker which was the main attraction of the National Park.

Nivalis Mountains Railroad Trails

In 1853 Aznazia set out to connect the nation with railroads. However Aznazia's western most territories were separated from the east by the Nivalis mountians. The mountains were extremely hazardous and many workers died in avalanches, rock slides, exposure, and hypothermia. However by the 1860's the rail roads were completed and allowed Aznazia to quickly develop the west and attack Caldonia. As the nation industrialized, smaller railroads branched off from the main lines to connect various coal mines. Using this effective system; raw iron, copper, and coal made their way to the east coast cities of Port Patterson and Crawford. When Caldonia was annexed in 1896 even more railroads were built to help with the industrialization of the West coast. However as the coal ran out in the 1950's many of these mines were abandoned along with the small mountain railroads. Many tracks still zig-zag the mountains and have been turned in to hiking paths for tourists and end at the mines.

Fort McGrath

After the First Aznaz-Rhodeve War, Aznazia quickly moved to fortify its Ports on the East Coast in order to protect against future Rhodeve naval attacks. Fort McGrath was one of 10 Heavy forts ordered in 1824 and was completed two years later in near the entrance of Port Patterson. During it was upgraded in 1869 during the War with Sunarctica after fears of possible naval raids by converted Sunarctica whaling ships. This threat never came to fruition and the Fort once again fell into a lack of maintenance until the Oblarenite War of Independence. WW1 rolled around and the fort was once again modernized with 12" guns to defend the Port from the Rhodeve, Oblarenite, and Rezuan navies. After WW1 ended the fort was abandoned until it was opened as a fair ground for public events in the 1920's and 1930's. Then in 1937 in an effort to help rebuild Aznazian pride the government invested money to restore the Fort as a monument.


The Senate

Composition of Senate
  National Democratic: 25 seats
  Liberty: 21 seats
  Sapphire: 18 seats
  Silver: 7 seats
  Liberal Coalition: 4 seats
  Bison: 2 seats

Representatives of the senate shall be elected every 4 years by the people of the province that they will represent. Territories elect their representatives every 6 years. The form of election shall be a single transferable vote system that favors a more representative vote for all people. No person under the age of 30, not a citizen and not born within the boarders of Aznaiza may hold a representative position. A representative must be living in the province that he or she wishes to represent for more that 10 years before ascertaining the office.

Each Province received 5 seats while the combined territories share 2 seats.

Members of the Senate will be lead by the President of the Senate who will run meetings and will have one vote in the event of a tie. The Senate shall have the power to impeach officials of any branch of government including the Senate. During such meetings, members will be under oath to speak only the truth. If the Chancellor is tried the Head Judge of the judicial branch will be present. No person on trial may be convicted without a two thirds attendance.

During impeachment the highest charge may be the removal from office and disqualification to hold any future offices within the Republic.

The National Assembly


Composition of National Assembly
  National Democratic: 112 seats
  Sapphire: 97 seats
  Liberty: 84 seats
  Liberal Coalition: 28 seats
  Silver: 18 seats
  Bison: 11 seats

The National Assembly is the lower house of the Republic. After the Green Revolution of 1982, the newly formed government under re-elected Daniel Weiver set out to make the legislative branch more representative of the people. As a result the addition of a lower house to chosen over a full overhaul of the Senate. The number of Assembly Persons is capped at 350. All Seats in the National Assmbly will be divided up between all Provinces proportionally based on population. No providence may hold less than 2 seats in the Assembly at any one time while a Territory may not hold more than 1 Representative. If a Representative can not for full his or her duty to represent one's providence, then a new representative will be appointed until elections may be set up. In order to represent the present views of the nation, the representatives are elected by a proportion representation model.

The Chancellor

The executive power shall be granted to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Aznazia. His term will consist of 5 years. During the Federal, Chancellors were sworn in on April 13th due to the official formation of the Federation and the creation of the government under Daniels Weiver. After the Special Election of 1982, the people chose to begin Chancellor terms to coincide with the formation of the Federal Republic. Originally this date would have been February 1st, but the delays in the Gobernemnt set up force the date back to February 22nd when Chancellor Weiver took his second term as Chancellor of the nation.

Each Province or Territory shall provide polling stations to each town or send out polls by mail to those who either can not make it to the polls or live outside of the boundaries of a community.

The only persons whom may be elected to the office of the Chancellory must have been born within the boarders of Aznazia; be a citizen of the Federal Republic of Aznazia; and be over the age of 35 years. Citizens will vote for Chancellor using a Alternative Vote system to ensure that all voices and opinions are heard.

Supreme Court

Under construction.

Political Parties

There are currently six major political parties in Aznazia. During period of the United Provinces of Aznazia, the only two parties allowed in the nation were the Federal party and the Unity parties were allowed to run for office by the Executive Council. After the Blue Revolution of 1947, Chancellor Weiver removed the ban on political parties and created his own Liberty party which held a socially liberal and moderate fiscal position between the Federal and Unity parties. The Unity party quickly changed its name to the National Democratic Party and took up a moderate right stance. After the election of 1951, the Federal Party changed its name to the Sapphire party and moved to a center-left position which took some support away from the Liberty party. This lead to the National Democratic Party winning the 1956 election with George Kelly. During Kelly's Chancellery, many citizens became disenfranchised with the National Democratic party when Chancellor Kelly went to war with Divergia, exacerbating fears over Marxists infiltrating society and a deteriorating economy after the end of war time production. As a result, Lucy Pudikov formed the Bison Party with a promise to end the war with Divergia and rebuild the Aznazian economy. The growing populist movement in the Northern part of the nation as well as members of the left wing parties soon joined in hoping to end the war after the loss of half of the Aznazian 2nd fleet. When Pudikov was elected in 1962, she initially had widespread support for her promises to rebuild the industry lost after the Second World War and keep Aznazia out of foreign skirmishes. However by mid-way through her term she was hemorrhaging support after torpedoing ties with nations that allowed left-wing parties and the slow down in the economy due to high tariffs. The result was a political revolution during the 1966 election as the nation looked to find its identity again. Many citizens who opposed Pudikov rallied to the support the Sapphire party candidate Raleigh Hudson. However the more revolutionary minded felt that Aznazia would be better off with a more socially progressive government. The social-democrat; Timothy Reid, gained support and formed his Liberal Coalition party in the hopes that he would be elected against Hudson. Meanwhile the Liberty party was also facing its own civil war with some feeling that the party should become more fiscally conservative. This resulted in the formation of the Silver party and a drop in support for the Liberty party until the Green revolution of 1982.

List of Political Parties in Aznazia and their political stances

  1. Bison: Populist Conservative
  2. Liberty: Right-Leaning Centralism
  3. National Democratic: Moderate Right
  4. Silver: Right-Libertarian
  5. Sapphire: Center-Left
  6. Liberal Coalition: Moderate-Left (Social Democrats)

Foreign Relations

Aznazia is a part of ROVAA


The Aznazian military is a professional modern military that has a large budget to defend the nation. 3% of the national GDP is spent on military costs and research. Aznazia is considered a leading military in Sunalaya with the ability to project power across most of the world.

Aznazian Navy


Economic Sectors


Aznazia uses the Aznote as it's national currency. On March 25rd 2015 1 Aznote equals NS$ 1.85 and 1 NS$ equals 0.54 Aznotes. The Aznote has coins of 5 Azcents, 10, 25, 50, 1 Aznote and 2 Aznote. There are Aznotes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. In most touristic areas stores will accept the NS$ and other major currencies in Sunalaya such as the Crawford, Pacfica, and Port Patterson.


Aznazia has a sales tax of 0% on life goods (such as food), it has a sales tax of 15% for luxury goods and a sales tax of 20% for goods that are bad for the environment or health (such as cigarettes).

Corporations have a flat tax of 35%

Citizens are taxed on a progressive income tax with people earning more than A$ 400,000 being taxed 50% and people earning less than $20,000 being taxed 10%.


Under construction.



Under construction.


Under construction.


Under construction.


Under construction.


Under construction.



Wind Turbines in Aubrey

The majority of energy used by early Aznazia came from the large coal deposits in the nation.

With a lack of domestic oil reserves, Aznazia understood that an oil crisis would cripple the economy. As Gas prices continued to rise in the early 1970's the nation was forced to look for ways to be more efficient and find alternative means of energy. The Government introduced subsidies to support the renewable energy companies the began to form with strong support for solar, wind, natural gas, nuclear and hybrid technology. This shift caused a high demand for electrical, nuclear and mechanical engineers as well as Environmental Scientists in Aznazia. The first hybrid cars began appearing on the roads in the late 1980's with solar and wind taking off in the late 1990's due to decades worth of research and financial support. Aznazian designs were ahead of most other nations with many international researchers coming to the nation to do their studies. The resulting energy revolution also lead to a high demand for electricians to set up a high voltage national distribution grid to connect the decentralized energy systems. As a result it is seen as "Patriotic" to use Aznazian based technologies that are not only better for the environment, but also support the economy and prevents the nation from being dragged into oil crusades.

Energy demands for Aznazia:

Electric Consumption per Capita: 9,120 kWh per year. Total Electric MWh: 898,576,682.4 MWh per year Minimum MW Installed: 410,308.987 MW

Total Energy Consumption per Capita: 210 GJ/a (Gigajoules) Total Energy Consumption: 20,690,910,450 GJ/a

1 kg of oil equivalent (kgoe) = 11.63 kWh or 1 kWh = 0.08598 koe [4] 1000 kgoe = 42 GJ 1 GJ/a = 31.7 W

Total Renewable: 20% (8% Hydro-electric, 5% Wind, 4% Geothermal, 3% Solar) Oil: 25% Natural Gas: 27% Nuclear: 28%


A Map of the Major Highways of Aznazia

Under construction.