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Dann Kjedor, the founder of Kjedoretism and its namesake

Kjedoratism is a broad nationalist ideology and movement in Seketan that espouses that the land of the Sekens should be ruled by a Seketese state, generally considered to be most of the Northern half of the Island of Nelborne excluding Wilskland, though which groups are considered "Sekens and which land is considered "of the Sekens is often disputed amongst its followers. The ideology first gained traction in the early 20th century during World War I in reaction to Nelbec Empire and their rule over Seketan.

The ideology is primarily associated with the Kjedorate Party, the dominant party of Seketan from 1924 to 1978 which was founded by Dann Kjedor, a Seketese political theorist and politician to achieve independence from the Nelbec Empire. His writings and specific beliefs about the ideology would go on to form Orthodox Kjedoratism, which stood for authoritarian rule and Classical Liberalism Over time, other political theorists and politicians would establish new forms such as Modern Kjedoratism (classical liberalism and democracy) and Socialist Kjedoratism.

Today Kjedoratism is less popular then its peak in the 1950's with only small factions of Modern Kejedorates having mainstream success, primarily with the National Conservatives and the Party of Seketan. The Kjedorate Caucus was established as part of the National Conservatives in 1994 to help facilitate the promotion of the ideology within the party. Notable Kjedorates today are Marckus Jellen, Timothe Dhi, and Simeon Hejjin.


Kjedoratism comes from the ideologies founder, Dann Kjedor, though the word wasn't used much until after his death in 1913. Kjedor called his ideology "Seketese Liberty" and thus named his party the Seketese Liberty Party when he ran for elections in 1906. The term "Kjedorate" only came about under the leadership of Lorin Allis to commemorate Dann Kjedor's death in 1920. Followers of the ideology call themselves "Kjedorates".

Dann Kjedor himself wrote in Sekens Liberty, his published journal that he didn't want his movement to be named after himself, saying that "It is of the highest arrogance to name something after yourself. This movement is about Sekens, not Kjedor."


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Forms of Kjedoratism

Modern Krjedortism

Orthodox Kjedortism

Socialist Kjedortism

See also