List of Rajyani flags

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Flags of the Kingdom of Rajyaghar is a list of the flags of the Kingdom of Rajyaghar, its Union States and Federal Territories, and the historical flags of historic rajyani states.

National Flag

National Flag
Kesara Benara

Flags of the Administrative Divisions

Flags of the Union States

Chanak Dalar Bewar Dedha Harringhata Kendra Pradesh
ChanakFlag.png DelarBewarFlag.png DedhaFlag.png HarringhataFlag.png KendraPradeshFlag.png
Lakhana Mondari Parsa Sanosra Sanyukt
LakhanaFlag.png MondariFlag.png ParsaFlag.png SanosraFlag.png SanyuktFlag.png
Tarkhana Zulmat
TarkhanaFlag.png ZulmatFlag.png

Flags of the Federal Territories

Bishnupur Flag Kinadica Logo
BishnupurFlag.png KinadicaFlag.png

Military Flags of Rajyaghar

Flag Use Description
RajyagharMilitaryFlag.png HM Armed Forces The military badge upon a tricolor flag representing the army (red), navy (navy) and airforce (light blue)
RajyaniCoDS.png Chief of the Defence Staff The flag of the armed forces with five stars representing the military rank of the Chief of Defence Staff; Field Marshal

Historical Flags of Rajyaghar

Flag Date Use Description
NarathaConfederacyFlag.png 1635-1847 Naratha Confederacy The rajprateek of the Naratha Confederacy upon a saffron flag, representing the tulyatan faith
Originally used as the banner of the confederate army but later adopted as the confederate flag