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The Beastling States of Crystal Spires
Sɒld dejr d'ɛni D'hɑlbrisir
Motto: "Reborn from the ashes, we arise steadfast as solid stone. "
Anthem: The Hymn of the Heartened Ones
Location of Crystal Spires
Official languagesD'rɑgolɛth, English
Ethnic groups
Beastlings 56.4%
Humans 13.5%
Treefolk 12.9%
Elves 8.7%
Changelings 5.1%
Dwarves 2.9%
Unbidden 0.5%
Forntian Idealism, Mystrian Pandeism
Demonym(s)Spirean, Spireans
GovernmentSemi Presidential Representative Democracy
Calisté Chenarn
From Mystria during the Holy Wars
• Founding of the High Council
23 August
• The Signing and Establishing of the Charter of the Spirean Declaration of Rights
29 September
• Total
3,225,711 km2 (1,245,454 sq mi)
• 6% per year estimate
322,571,100 (Pre Election Census)
• 2012 census
Spirean Census
• Density
100/km2 (259.0/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$6.35 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2012)25.8
HDI (Breheimian NWI 2012)0.791
CurrencySignet (CSS)
Time zoneMystrian Central Standard Time (MCST)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy
Driving sidevehicles drive on the right side of the road
Calling code555
Internet TLD.cs

D'hɑlbrisir which is also known as Crystal Spires is a country located in South Central Mystria. Their sprawling cities are loaded with magitech, and advanced technology due to their production of mechanized goods and high density of labor groups. Beastlings are creatures that are described as half man- half beast, as such their appearance varies upon which beast they resemble. They have a very complex court system, which is well known for its ruthlessness in delivering a fast, but fair judgement. They have large bureaucracies, and their religious orders are often seen permeating all levels of government. They believe civil service is a religious duty and as such the heads of government are all clergymen and clergywomen. Their abundance of cities in their homeland makes finding a beastling outside of their homeland rare. As such, Cities like Mephiste, Shaltric, Merlon, Tabril, Sardoc, and Caltris are often very crowded and incredibly dense. Caltris is the capital city and where the highest supreme order of the High Court and High Council is. Their cities are rather multicultural and as such beastlings have a general attitude of non-discrimination towards all races. This doesn't make the attitude mutual however, because there is outright discrimination toward beastlings throughout.


The name D'hɑlbrisir in D'rɑgolɛth means "our land of Crystal Spires" which has been the more common adoption of the the nation of the Beastling States as Common English has become more and more of a Trade language. The original adoption of D'hɑlbrisir came from the foundation and adoption of the High Council, when the Beastling peoples agreed to work together to build a nation as a reflection of their pure souls before the God of Justice. In the Proposal they believed that only Crystal would be a fitting description of such a thing, much like that which decorates the Holy Rod of the Just God.


Main article: History of Crystal Spires


The history of ancient D'hɑlbrisir begins with the emergence of urban societies, discovered in the old Capitals of Merlon, Mephiste, and Caltris. The founding of D'hɑlbrisir is believed to have began with the tribal councils establishing of the Churches and Temples to Fornt, the God of Justice in Altea. Having declared their independence from Altea to the East on 23rd in August with the true year remaining unknown, but estimated to have been in 23,000 in the age of the Golden Leaf (GLA). The proof of their founding was written documents that showed decisions made by tribal religious groups. These first known Beastling metropolises are said to have been founded in the area between the current Capital of Caltris, Mephiste, and the City of Lothar where they were organised around the Church and the High Priest was considered the leader of the village. Then there was an indirect schism of the Temple, the Holy Order, and The Church which led to the founding of the Council. The temple had the High Council and High Court and members were considered the legislators and also judges. They took care of secular and administrative duties. The Holy Order became the Uncorruptibles; mages, warriors, and priests who act as law enforcement officers and take care of the foreign and domestic security. The Church became the main religious center and became the center for education, taxation, social policy, welfare and healthcare.

Early Theocratic Rule

Eight hundred and twenty one years before Kessian's First Call to the Faithful, the Great Holy Wars raged between followers of all the Mystrian Pantheon. The Forntians were unified until they were divided by a vision said to be given to the Forntian cleric Asmund, who claimed to be an Aspect of the Silver Flame. The Order of Idealists did not believe in the vision by Asmund and the High Judgemaster Dreiland Haalm declared Asmund to be self-deluded and cursed. Asmund and his group of followers were declared to have been tricked by Zaiden, an illusion, or a cursed by an abyssal lord, and thus the Judgemaster declared them nonbelievers until they volunteered Asmund to the order to be cleansed of his corruption, and the Order refused. The two Orders declared each other heretics and this created irreconcilable differences between the two orders solidifying a schism within the Order. The Idealists remained in the High Council, and the heretical sect became the Order of the Silver Flame.

The Northern Riders and the Secular Imperial Rule

Unified by the Forntian faith of the Idealists, the High Council decided that the temples needed more secular protections from incursions by the Human invaders, and so the Idealists elected a great High King from the Lord of the Phoenixes who was said to be one of the wisest of all beings blessed by the Gods. The Seat of the King was said to be in the City of Ancient Merlon, where the Phoenix king created the hierarchy of beings, the Kuukarah, which was a rigid caste system which proposed that all beings were subject to the absolute will of the King, with beings of of air and flight ruling over the beings of land, and those of land ruled over the creatures of the sea. Many of the tribes had hence adopted heavily rigid Aristocratic Caste systems in turn except for the the northern riders, which were nomadic Beastling tribes hailing from the area around Mephiste. They held that egalitarianism was absolutely key to the happiness of the people, and were thus declared enemies of the religious order of the Order of the Idealists and Enemies of the King.

The Invasion of Altea and the Order of the Flame

The High King Ralfir, after the collapse of the rule of King Jaragen III across in the Altean state,demanded that the Order of Idealists expand the borders to the east.The King with the authoritative control over the Council forced their way into the Altean heartlands, and at first encountered minimal resistance by the humans, but then over time it began wearing the Beastling forces down. This caused a drop in morale and a drop of support for the King. The once reviled and banished Northern Riders were then welcomed into the northern cities in defiance of the religious and Royal Decree and there was a rise in support for the Northern Riders. The tribal leader of the northern riders appealed to the High Council citing the of deep dissatisfaction among the poor, the debt of the nation due to the war, and the loss of the power in the east. The brothers in the First Order of Idealists tired of the rule by the High King declared all the leaders of the aristocracy corrupt and overthrew them and executed High King Ralfir. Then in Gavenridge a decisive loss had determined that the Beastlings would not be able to hold off an organized strike, and Hinnid gave a call to the faithful to curb the advance and also reunify the Altean state. This broke off into disillusionment with the war and the Order was desperate to withdraw for fear of their home territories coming under threat from eastern rivals, and tribal factionalism was at its height so they negotiated a peace with the humans utilizing the Allied Faiths of Serion. The treaty had worked until the attack on Mephiste by the Order of the Flame. This created an anger towards the Serion Knights that did not become settled until the Times of Darkness.

The Fell Crusade and the Rise of Republicanism

The Fell Crusade

Just before the beginning of the Fell Crusade, due to a distaste with rule by kings and aristocrats the Beastling States experimented with Parliamentary Democracy declaring their independence from the whole region of Mystria writing, signing, and Establishing of the Charter of the Spirean Declaration of Rights and establishing the use of Libertarian Capitalism for their newly established republic. They elected another King by holy mandate, a Forntian Knight by the name of Ser Trathdir Halmen and he became the new High King. With the new expansion of the rights of beings, the Order of Idealists began a few years of uninterrupted prosperity before there were suddenly attacks by unbidden forces throughout the lands. These attacks were organized and concentrated on the areas to the west, and then pushed their advance through the Beastling States. Mephiste and Lothar had both been sacked twice but the city of Caltris did not fall. This lead to the moving of the High Council from Lothar to Caltris where they pondered what to do with the unbidden horde, and how to prevent complete and total annihilation. This meeting was called the Last Call, as it was believed that the unbidden would fully destroy the Order of Idealists, but during the meeting, word of the success of the Shining Army to the East spread. The High Council was presented with a dangerous choice, either they could allow the Shining Army to lend them aid to recover their lands from the unbidden, or they could face complete and total annihilation. They decided to allow the Shining Army to pass and consolidated troops with them and the Order of Idealists helped forcibly regain control of their lands. To ensure that no unbidden threat would return, the Beastling States issued rewards for destruction of unbidden and their camps which now that they were disorganized, Unbidden became nomadic folk.

The First War of Attrition and the Communist Revolution

The First War of Attrition began after the recovery from the Times of Darkness while the Beastling States were reeling from the unbidden horde. The Human Kingdom under the reign of the Archon Messandre who saw this as an opportunity to take the unprotected lands to the east. Sometime during that time, he contracted the taint and became corrupted. It was then that the Archon ordered the purges. The Army of Human Power would enter a protectorate and murder every nonhuman within and declare it to be property of Altea and the Human Kingdom. During this time there was a plutocracy and the people became more and more dissatisfied and so the Order of Idealists were called to dismantle the aristocracy and the Monarchy once and for all. This was done on the Greater Ceremony of Purification symbolically, and within the next year a new system was created which mimicked the religious structure of the High Council itself, and it was called Council Communism. This caused a renewal of the economy and an expansion of technological advances. High Chancellor Selanie was declared the First High Chancellor of the High Council. She was also of the lowest Caste, the Seabound.

The Wars of Attrition

During the end of the first War of Attrition, Archon Messandre continued his march and with his General and in 5 years he seized much of the lands to the north into Dwarven territory, securing the roads into the Changeling empire, and he also managed to purge the City of Arden in the Beastling homeland. The tides changed however as a young soldier, the White Winged Auryn took flight and warned the Falcone protectorate of the oncoming siege and in the Battle of Margoth hills due to the innovation of Magitech there was a decisive beastling victory and the humans were forced back across their borders.

High Chancellor Selanie

For a year and a half there was no further conflict.

The Second War of Attrition began when Archon Messandre succeeded in assassinating the High Chancellor Selanie of the Beastling States and seized the High Council and managed to execute fifteen ministers. For a year and a half there was no further conflict, and Altean occupation until the secret election of the new High Chancellor Verys Altric, a Falcone warrior, who happily led the rebuilt High Council and deposed the Occupation with the help of White Winged Auryn. During this time of Beastling recovery the Alteans rebuilt their forces with racial recruiting. With the addition of the enslavement of captured and reimprinted POWs, they had built an army that was much more powerful than the first. It was then that the new charge entered mostly unopposed while human occupation of the Northern Footlands began. This led to several more genocides by humans in the Beastling Homelands and the first attack upon the Changelings. With domination of the Southern Dwarven mines, the Humans cut off ore trade into the Beastling homelands and the Changeling homelands. For two years there was battle in the Changeling Empire, but the harsh terrain favored their army. The Human expansion to the Changeling territory ended.This changed the focus into expansion into the Beastling States, and Beastling resistance in the occupied territories were met with abject brutality. The Purges continued for another 2 years of occupation.

The Third War of Attrition began when Maven Auryn made the Declared Proposal for the Declared Charter of Protected Rights, and created the New Idealist Army. The New Idealist Army was made up of the Cloistered brothers of the Fornt church of Justice and a now powerful resistance leader, Maven Auryn, established an alliance with the Chosen in the Woodfolk Kingdom and was rejected aid by the Elves. With the unified army of Idealists, they were able to force the Archon's army back to its borders and end the purges. The Decisive battle being held by the Treican fields led to the forcing back of the Human Army. This lead to the signing of the Treaty of Merlon, a full free trade agreement and pact with the Treefolk and the Beastling Idealists. The pact led to 5 years of prosperity for the Beastling and Treefolk states. Then after the prosperity came the drought.

The Fourth War of Attrition began when the droughts led to a period of Elven economic collapse. The Treefolk had a full trade agreement with the Beastlings, and so aid was provided, but the Elves were not so fortunate. Forced by circumstance, the Elves moved their cities Eastward and crossed the border of the Changeling Empire. The Changelings announced that further incursion would be an act of war. The Idealist Army was requested to come to the aid of Changelings. To their surprise, The Idealists sided with the Elves and requested negotiations begin

The Idealist to Nilmarinth

between the Elves and Changelings regarding disputed territories. During the negotiations there was a riot at the border which was known as the Flaxwood incident, and it led to armed incursions by the elves into changeling territory. The armies were met with fierce resistance and the Dragon Changelings of the North who crushed the strike.The Elves then proposed an alliance with the Idealist Army, speaking with General Maven at Nilmarith in response to the decimation of the Elven city of Tuareg. Maven agreed to assist in return to returning Elves to their border, but on the condition that their Navy was pledged to defend the beastlings in the event of attack. The changelings were then forced back by the Idealist/Elven alliance. The Elves kept their word and did not attack the Changelings further. The rains returned a year later while the Beastlings helped rebuild the devastated Elven Cities. The drought over, peace returned.

The Fifth war of Attrition began when after 20 years of occupation by the Human Republic, the Dwarves had finally broken the Human hold upon their Ore and in the Sacking of Deylor, the Dwarves sacked the occupied city and reestablished the City of Dorgon. The Thane and his numerous Royal Guard broke the hold that Humans had over the Ore Trade and declared war on the humans, and embargoed all ore to the Human lands leading to the Metal Strikes in Drakenspire. The Archon Messandre, tired of the Dwarven resistance made an alliance with the Changelings and began the assault on Terradin. The Dwarves appealed to the Elves who called the Idealists. The Idealist Maven Auryn slew Human General Trayor Maston, and the Dwarven Kingdom was liberated. The Dwarves, indebted to the Idealists, decided to allow open trade and their relationship became much warmer. The High Chancellor made a free trade agreement with the Dwarves and they cooperated the ore and tech trade with the Treaty of Harmony. The Archon did not intend to let this stand, and the Changelings had been crossed too many times by the Idealists the uneasy peace lasted for a year.

The Sixth war of attrition began with the death of High Chancellor Verys Altric after he was finally at the end of his term as High Chancellor. The Human Power Army was almost completely pushed back when Marja Ventuk, a Mermaid, won the High Council election by a landslide. Maven stayed busy leading the Idealist Army and pushed back the remnants of the human incursions to their rightful borders when an attempted assassination nearly claimed his life and left him out of combat for about a year. Falton Eylis led the idealists in his place. It was then in the battle of Cooran that the Order of the Flame finally was called in and the Beastling charge was ended. There was a tense stalemate and the Knights held the border. It was during this time that the Changelings were betrayed by the Archon again and they declared a truce with the idealists.

The Seventh and Final War of Attrition was held when a Coup happened in Altea forcing the Tyrant Archon Messandre to head away from the Capital as he sought refuge in the forests by Mordovia. Maven, fully recovered from his injuries discovered that there was to be a trap in Restonshire Keep and an attempt upon the life of the High Chancellor. So he flew to Mordovia to meet Eylis there in time to warn him of the trap and he and Eylis both headed to the location of the Archon finding him far gone from the corruption. They fought the Archon together but Eylis was knocked out by a powerful attack from the Archon leaving Maven to face him by himself. In single combat Maven fought the Archon and with the power of his magic and his monstrous strength, Maven fought for his life against Archon Messandre and almost died as the Archon poisoned his sword with Lyre's edge, attempting to finish Maven once and for all when Maven grappled the sword from the Archon's hand and the Archon drew his own blood. The Lyre's edge poison meant a death sentence. Rather than have him suffer a horrific death due to Lyre's Edge Poison, Maven dealt a death blow to his opponent and the wars of Attrition were finally over. During the times of rebuilding High Chancellor Marja Ventuk helped mend the relations with the humans and also with the changelings. The Peace had truly begun, and Maven Auryn, the new Hero of the Revolution was given the title of Knight Templar to the Temple of Fornt, to which he refused. The years that followed he and Eylis, both judges and now masters of peace were both nominated as High Chancellor as Marja Ventuk decided to step down. Maven was overwhelmingly voted the position of High Chancellor due to his reputation of being a maverick, compassionate lawmaker, and a fair law enforcer, and he rules to this day. Falton Eylis, displeased with Maven's softer stance on Humans declared the Den of Kits, the Foxkin protectorate independent which led to a severance of ties to Caltris.

Anti Spireanism and the Modern Spires

In the days before joining the Coalition of Ponyist States, the Spires was ever a stalwart supporter of Pony rights, always appealing to the Elements of Harmony to attempt to quell international conflict between ponykind and appealing to their practice in the world theater. The Spirean people opened their hands to those who shared in their vision of freedom, equality, harmony, and justice and found it repaid with distrust and open cruelty. Some of this cruelty was met by fear and hatred, something the Pony Race had experienced throughout the times of what the Spireans called the "Heaven's Tear", which was when ponies, a peace-loving and gentle race, were deliberately targeted for eradication due to their race and religion. The Spirean people, sympathetic to their cause, rallied behind the 'Harmonious Call' which was a bannerless group, whose duty it was to respond quick with deliberate action against genocide, with lifesaving as their priority. Forming many organizations against genocide Spireans were a bastion of sapient rights, and carried themselves forward and alone to defend ponies everywhere. The Heaven's Tear abated and the dusts of conflict began to settle, the genocides ended and the Spireans with their great pride tried to fade into anonymity but things did not continue to be so. The Spirean's reputation did not disappear, but so too did there come a shadow which faced the Spires.

Then came the Opposition to Hippostania. In many ways Hippostania stood for everything that the Spireans opposed: It was baldfaced corruption supported by institutional greed. It did not take long for the Spires to bare their fangs to the Hippostanians, but they were defended by a built-in status quo made during the Heaven's Tear to support the Pony Race during the horrible times of blood and terror: The Coalition of Ponyist States. At first the Spireans regarded such an organization with disgust, it was a Bastion of Pony supremacy which instilled only the defense of the Pony Race and Religion as opposed to promotion of harmony and sapient rights in general. The Spires attempted to avoid it, and when confronted by the Status quo Hammer, the Spires hammered back with their progressive vision of a unified understanding of harmony and brotherhood. It was a stalemate with each step until the matter boiled over to what was almost open conflict between the Spireans and the Hippostanians. It became a Cold War that continued on and on as the Hippostanians became more paranoid and began to alienate those around them.

Within a few years there were sprouting alliances as the Spireans took their open hand of comradeship to attempt to unite and raise the smaller nations in the Coalition into a dignified position globally as part of their vision to bring forth a brighter future, but once again Hippostania stood before them on the edge of life and death and the Spireans were given an open hand by the Greater Pony Herd. It was a choice to make a difference inside the Coalition rather than outside as an observer. It was a chance to shake the Coalition with Spirean presence rather than rattle from the outside of a gilded cage. The Spirean High Chancellor shook the hand of Twilight Sparkle, sealing the deal of friendship between the two and with a signature the seeds of conflict were sown, and the Coalition began their division as they divided and pushed away from Hippostania little by little. During the Shrill Crisis however, things had proven to be far more complex than first imagined. While the Hippostanians were being repulsed by the coalition, so too were the Spireans as the strange alienation began.


Main article: Geography of Crystal Spires

Crystal Spires is a nation in South Central Mystria with the mountain range of Fornt's crown to the north and the Great Talabrath and Caltralia Sea to the South.

It spans a land area of about 2,000,000 square kilometers. With land-mass about the size of Tibet, it has a Coastline length of 535 kilometers. The climate is extremely diverse with tropical climates to the south and Highlands in the north. The highest elevation meets in Fornt's Crown

Western Fornt's Crown Mountains

with Mount Kultika which is 8,000 miles above sea level. Then there is the lowest point in the Scarfall valley at which is 10 miles below sea level. In coastal areas, winters are generally cool and rainy whilst summers are hot and humid. In more elevated areas, temperatures usually drop below freezing during the winter with frequent, sometimes heavy snow; summers are warm and dry. The Beastling States are home to the famous Catralia Lily which is said to be dotted all around the coastline of the sea.

East Tabrillian Coast

The Tropics to the south have pink sanded shorelines in the Tabrillian Coast, with more rocky shore closer to the Altean coastline. Much of the Beastling States is forested area, but some is cleared for agriculture where tropical fruits unique to the Beastling States are grown. damantium, Khyber, Mithril, Nenya's ember, Runestone, and Orichalcon found in deep caves and mountains. The rest of the earth metals are rather plentiful, as are rich ore mineral deposits, however there is a dwarf monopoly over them. There's a few natural hazards such as eruptions from volcanoes in the Fornt's crown mountain range and heavy snowstorms in those areas. There's also earthquake activity in those areas. The Typhoon season is in springtime from April-August, and it mostly effects southern coastal villages. Other important environmental issues are droughts, erosion in inhabited areas, air and water pollution, and disappearing endangered species, likely due to poaching and deforestation.

Political Geography

The Beastling States of Crystal Spires is the second-largest country in South Mystria by land area after the High Treefolk and is either the third- or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the definition of total area. Crystal Spires' total area is generally stated as being approximately 2,500,000 kilometers Squared (1,553,427 square miles)and extends across much of South Central Mystria, bordering Neutraligon to the south; Altea, Cantalvia, Carceno, Order of the Flame, and a small section of Terradin to the West; High Treefolk to the East. Additionally Vinyelaujor shares boundaries with Krumbia, Peace, Yorobia and Enatai to the North; Al Harakut Al Islami, Lanos, and Adun to the East; Sanian and New Nassrau to the West.

Landscape and Climate

climate map

Crystal Spire's landscapes vary significantly across its vast land area. In the South, along the shores the Talabrath Sea, there are extensive and densely populated alluvial plains, while on the Catralia Sea there are Tropical and Subtropical forests while on the edges of the north is dominated by hills and high mountain ranges. The while the southeast hosts the deltas of Crystal Spire's major river, the Narai River. To the west there are major forests and the lake of Azohuorah, an exoheric lake in the West Central Spires, and in the northwest section south of the Fornt's Crown are the more arid landscapes of the Fryhet Desert. The highest point, Mt. Kultika (8,000 m)is on the Northeast border. The country's lowest point is in the Scarfell Valley (-10 m).

A major environmental issue in Crystal Spires is the continued expansion of its deserts, particularly the Fryhet Desert. Although barrier tree lines planted since the 1980s have reduced the frequency of sandstorms, prolonged drought and poor agricultural practices have resulted in dust storms plaguing Fordur and Shaltric each spring, which then spread to other parts of Crystal Spires. According to environmental watchdogs, Spires is losing an alarming amount of acres per year to desertification and deforestation has become common which leads to erosion. Water quality, erosion, and pollution control have become important issues in Crystal Spires relations with other countries, and melting glaciers in the Fornt's Crown could potentially lead to water shortages for millions of people.

Crystal Spire's climate is mainly dominated by dry seasons and wet monsoons, which lead to a pronounced temperature differences between winter and summer. In the winter, northern winds coming from high-latitude areas are cold and dry; in summer, southern winds from coastal areas at lower latitudes are warm and moist. The climate in Crystal Spires differs from region to region because of the country's extensive and complex topography.


Crystal Spires is one of the most megadiverse countries in Mystria. In the Northern zone, mammals such as the horse, dragon, ogre, gorgon, camel, tapir, cyclops, sandwyrm, and jerboa can be found. In the Southern Regions the Leopard Cat, Basilisk, Cockatrice, Swamp Monster, Fleshcrawler, Panda, bamboo rat, treeshrew, and various monkey and ape species. Some overlap exists between the two regions due to natural dispersal and migration; deer, wyverns, antelope, goats, bears, griffons, wolves, wild boars, snakes, lizards, and numerous rodent species can all be found in Crystal Spires's diverse climatic and geological environments. The famous Phoenix is found only in a limited area along the Narai River. Crystal Spires suffers from a continuing problem with hostile and terrifying predation by large predators in the area, but Government takes many steps to limit hostile animal attacks which have become limited in the Post Nefreedian war.

Crystal Spires also hosts a variety of forest types. Cold coniferous forests predominate in the north of the country, supporting animal species such as moose and the black bugbear, along with over 120 bird species. Moist conifer forests can have thickets of bamboo as an understorey, replaced by rhododendrons in higher montane stands of juniper and yew. Subtropical forests, which dominate central and some of southern Spires, support as many as 146,000 species of flora. There are tropical and seasonal rainforests in the Courlie, Lukan, Mulier, and Valiste Chancelleries; wetlands in the Helian Chancellery; full grassland plains and steppes in Manu and South Valur; Subtropical forests dominate central spires and much of the Narai River Valley and Deltas.


The Beastling States of Crystal Spires is officially a communist democratic republic, however, in practice, Crystal Spires's political structure cannot be characterized so simply. The Spirean government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as Libertarian, with heavy restrictions on Government action and strongly liberal policies remaining in many areas, most notably freedom of speech, the press, freedom of assembly, reproductive rights, and freedom of religion. Its current political/economic system has been termed by its leaders as "socialism with Forntian Idealism".

Compared to its open-door policies until 2011, the liberalization of Crystal Spires has resulted in the administrative climate being more restrictive than before. Crystal Spires nominally supports the Leninist principle of "democratic centralism", but Spirean politics are far different from the liberal democracy or social democracy espoused in most Liberal Democratic countries, and the High Council has been described as a "rubber stamp" body. Crystal Spire's incumbent High Chancellor is Maven Auryn, who is also the Administrative Leader of the Council Communist Party of Crystal Spires, and is also a senior member of the Interspecial Harmonist Party.

The Palace of Kings in Caltris, newly termed the High Council Building is where the High Council convenes. The country is ruled by the High Council, whose power is enshrined in Crystal Spire's constitution. The Spirean electoral system is semi-hierarchical, whereby local People's Councils are directly elected, and all higher levels of People's Councils up to the High Council are indirectly elected by the People's Congress of the level immediately below. The political system is partly decentralized, with limited democratic processes internal to the party and at local village levels and enjoys relatively little government corruption. There are other political parties in Crystal Spires, referred to in Crystal Spires as openly permitted parties, which participate in the High Council and the People's Political Consultative Conferences (PPCC).

There have been some moves toward political isolationism, in that Anti-Spireanism has become more and more prevalent in the world theater and that legislatures have shown apprehension to foreign relations. However, the Spires retains government transparency. In the absence of meaningful opposition, the CCP wins most elections by default, however there are more movements for Spirean Government Reform in the Post Nefreedian War Environment. Political concerns in Crystal Spires include lessening the growing gap between rich and poor, infrastructural management, and fighting corruption within the government leadership.

The level of support to the government action and the management of the nation is slipping, with 35% of people who express dissatisfaction with the way things are going in their country and with their nation's economy according to a 2012 Research Center survey.

Administrative Divisions

The whole country is divided into two major territories which is the mainland in Mystria and Vinyelaujor. There are 20 major Chancelleries which are administrative divisions in Crystal Spires with 13 on the mainland and 7 in the Lands of Vinyelaujor, and 7 major municipalities.



Mainland Chancellery Capital
Luminas-flag.png Luminas Caltris
Kronas.pngKronas Mephiste
Mevalia.pngMevalia Vehir
Kanus.pngKanus Shaltric
Bael.pngBael Sardoc
Kranar.pngKranar Vierenspire
Valur.pngValur Zepilani
File:Manu.pngManu Shakron
Hanelia.pngHanelia Fallhelm
Mulier.pngMulier Merlon
Lukan.pngLukan Majkalur
Valiste.pngValiste Irianul
Couralie.pngCourelie Glorelheim
Vinyelaujor Chancellery Capital
Starfold flag.pngStarfold Snowfall
Vanisse.pngVannise Freyar
Qaliese.pngQaliese Orla
Nanoli 1.pngNanoli Verys
Messane flag.pngMessane Kratalia
Reiven flag.pngReiven Bornen
Alunul.pngAlunul Wortonshire

The High Council

The cornerstone of the Spirean political system is the High Council, the High Court, and the Order of Uncorruptibles. The Spirean Legislature, represented by the unicameral High Council is a quorum where democratically elected representatives are voted in annually during the Ceremony of Great Purification and the Chancellor and High Chancellor are appointed by an election within the council and each council representative is elected by villagers and the cities they represent. The High Council representatives have the power to write a legislative proposal brought up by their people, and present it to the council. Then the council would bring it to debate if there was sufficient actionable cause to bring forth new legislation, and if a decision was not made in the quorum, the Chancellor would review the legislation, and if no problem of error in writing the proposal was found, then it would be sent to the High Chancellor and by the time it reaches the High Chancellor's desk, the High Chancellor has the power to dismiss the proposal, amend the proposal and bring it again before the council. The job of becoming the Chancellor and High Chancellor is election based and council members had to run for election annually during the and once voted in, they are granted the power to break deadlocks, and moderate the debates. There are multiple Ministers who work within specialized fields who also have a strong voice in the council, but they do not have the power to bring forth proposals, rather they have the power to advocate for their positions in the council. Their system is based on Common law derived from Religious Forntian law. The Uncorruptible Tribunal is the highest Court in the Land of Crystal Spires followed by the Council of Judges in the High Court of Caltris. The Mediators and the Local Courts represent the Judicial branch of Crystal Spires regionally. Crystal Spires has a diverse group of political parties and interest groups. The major political factions at present are Communists, Democratic Socialists, Syndicalists,Libertarians, Environmentalists, Anarchists, Theocrats, Conservatives, Liberals, Fascists, and Radicals. Some Ideological Special Interest groups are Pacifists, Collectivists, Individualists, Mutualists, Ponyists, and Feminists. Some major Political Platformist Organizations are Mystrian Unificationists, Inter-special Harmonists, and Isolationists. While some Racial Special Interest groups are the Beastling Nationalists, Demihuman supremacists, Human Separatists, Dwarven Radicalists, Treefolk Chosen Ones, Changeling Illuminati, and Elven Radicals.

Electoral Process and Spirean Legislature

The High Council can make or repeal laws and are elected while the High Chancellor acts as a Chairman and spokesman. The influence by business is limited, on the laws that are made while the influences of religion is more prominent. The power of worker's councils are incredibly important and the primary influence on all High Council decisions. Spirean Provinces are divided into small District Areas called "Chancellorial Protectorates" and these Protectorates have an electoral Council which all seat are elected popularly with the Chairman of the Council being the "Councillor" who acts as the representative of that district. They go to the High Council where they act as legislators. The Head of State, the High Chancellor and the Chancellor are Recommended within the High Council, but ultimately the vote is determined by popular election during the Greater Ceremony of Purification.

High Council Building in Caltris

In ancient times, Beastling City States and regions would each elect a head as the representative of their regional area and they were non-heirarchical and each head and city state was considered to have equal say and power in decision making. Their powers would be that the leader would create and propose a law which would be presented to the council for review and then the council would debate the laws until a final decision was made that everyone in the council agreed on beyond reasonable doubt. Back in these ancient times, if a deadlock was reached, and no decision or agreement was made, there would be a countdown from one lunar cycle to the next and on the last day all the heads of would be executed by the Uncorruptibles, Church sanctioned executioners affiliated with the God Fornt. The politicians were executed with no exception because civil service is believed to be a religious duty and failure to do so properly is viewed as a sign of corruption, and there is permitted to be no corruption in the head of states.

After the executions the law is dismissed. If it is proposed again it would have to be rewritten by a new leader and edited. This Code discouraged any dead lock, because such locks became matters of life and death and ultimately the one with lesser resolve would withdraw or relent on their position and proposal, and the other who felt more strongly would risk death, and have proven their commitment to the proposal. Such is an act that proves that they takes their legislation seriously enough that they're willing to die for it. This was called the Ancient Code.

The attitudes toward the power of the Church changed with the coming of human and treefolk migrations and the Council was forced to address the issue and then from the legislations there was an informal separation of the Church and legislative powers. The Modern High Court emerged and instead of egalitarian and equal powers granted, there was a more heirarchical structure with the High Chancellor, the Chancellor, and then the representatives of each city state. The ancient code could still be called to be enforced, but that is rare, and not to be taken without a huge degree of solemnity.

The structure of the Modern Council is set in place to follow the path of decision making. Each representative would have the power to write a proposal, and present it to the council. Then the council would debate it and if a decision was not made, the Chancellor would review the legislation, and if no problem of error in writing the proposal was found then it would be sent to the High Chancellor and by the time it reaches the high Chancellor's desk The Chancellor has the power to dismiss the proposal, amend the proposal and rebring it before the council, or force the proposal to pass. The job of becoming the Chancellor and High Chancellor is election based and council members had to run for election and once voted in, he was granted the power to break deadlocks, and moderate the debates.

Foreign and Trade Relations

Main article: Foreign Policy of Crystal Spires

Crystal Spires is very reluctant with opening diplomatic relations, but has diplomatic relations with with 39 countries and maintains embassies in 17. High Treefolk was the first country to establish diplomatic relations with the with the Beastling States of Crystal Spires on 9 May 1950. and In 1997, the Council Communist High Council replaced the Monarchy as the sole representative of Crystal Spires. Crystal Spires also is a member of the IUEF and considers itself an advocate for developing countries.

Under its interpretation of the Coalition Against Genocide and the signatory status with the Amistad Declaration, Crystal Spires has made it a precondition to establishing diplomatic relations that the other country acknowledges genocide and slavery as illegal and severs official ties with slaver states. Much of Spire's current foreign policy is reportedly based on the Protections instituted by the proclaimed rights in the Constitution, but accusations have come that it is a barely secular interpretation of the Forntian Code. Spires exercises in a policy of non-interference in other states' affairs, non-aggression, peaceful coexistence, equal respect and mutual benefit. Crystal Spires also adopts the foreign policy driven by the ideological concept of "harmony without uniformity", which encourages diplomatic relations between states despite ideological differences. This policy has led Crystal Spires to support states that are regarded as dangerous or repressive by Spirean Standards which are considerably many.

Conflicts with foreign countries have occurred at times in Spire's recent history, particularly with the now destroyed Socialist Workers Republic of New Freedomstan and Altea; for example with the decimation of a militia in region #3 during the New Freedomstani conflict in August of 2011 and the Altean Border Conflict in April 2012. Spire's foreign relations with many Pony nations suffered for a time following the nuking of Hippostania in 2012, although in recent months has improved its diplomatic links with the Pony Nations. Crystal Spires furthermore has an increasingly close economic relationship with the Greater Pony Herd which has led to the Spires to vote increasingly along pro-harmonist lines in religious policy. In recent decades, Crystal Spires has played an increasing role in calling for free trade areas and security pacts amongst its Ponyist Allies and Mystrian neighbors. Crystal Spires also owns 56400 shares in the Royal Muffinvanian Bakery, and has 2 memorials set up to the Order of Glorious Song, commemorating the fallen defending Muffinvania, and a special section to the Knighthood of the Spirean High Chancellor Maven Auryn, who is a recognized Knight of the order.


Main article: The Grand Order of Idealists

The Spirean military is divided into the Order of Idealists, The Rangers, The Navy, and the Resplendent Wings. In 2006, the military had 1.037 million personnel on active duty, but post Nefreedian war the number dropped dramatically. It is a voluntary force and is relatively well stocked in nuclear weapons, and ballistic missile submarines, and modern strategic bombers. The Spirean tank force is sparse, its surface navy has been decimated post Nefreedian war, but the air force is among the largest in the region.

The country has a large and fully indigenous arms industry, producing most of its own military equipment with only few types of weapons imported. Official government military spending for 2008 was a massive 27% of its budget, though various sources have estimated Spires's military expenditures were considerably higher given the problem with megafauna. Currently, a major equipment upgrade worth about $200 billion is on its way from international contributions in order to rebuild the Spirean Military.


Economic activity in Crystal Spires has traditionally been based on agriculture and the breeding of livestock. Spires also has extensive mineral deposits for a large part of industrial production. Crystal Spires's urban populations contribute to most of the manual labor force, service industry, mechanized, and industrial goods, and they also are the backbone of the tech and magitech trade. International trade is mildly important, and Crystal Spires has multiple international trading partners. The heart of tourism comes from the environmental beauty of the land, the famed historical landmarks, and also for the rich cultural centers in each of the Spirean cities. Most of the Heavy Industries are in the urban centers and pockets, while the rural areas focus more on agriculture. The Spirean bank is nationalized and the government has heavy regulation on all trades. There is price standardization in all industries made in workers councils which is responsible for Crystal Spire's low unemployment rate and almost negligible percentage below the poverty line. Some agricultural products are the Shaei fruit which is one of the most popular fruits in Mystria, There's the rare D'aal fruit which is too expensive for all occassions in the normal population, but is well known to be used in special occasions and as a luxury food. The Shortstalk is a common staple vegetable grown in Mystria. The grains are abundant and bread and pasta is also a staple. There are many kinds of domesticated animals available for consumption. Crystal Spires is a main exporter of magitechnology, technology, machinery, electronic components, industrial machinery, aircraft, telecommunications equipment, data processing equipment, engineering products appliances, airships, and ships. Their main imports are agricultural goods, consumer goods, chemical and biochemical medicines and pharmaceuticals, refined metals, textiles, and transport equipment. Official attitudes toward other countries greatly affect commerce and trade, as there are official policies decided when sanctions come into play and it can make trade with hostile nations a serious crime. There are Customs inspectors at border crossings, and there is a simple inspection done to make sure that no one brings in dangerous contraband or weapons. The export/import of some magitech, poisonous and biological material, and stockweed is regulated by the government. This affects political relationships between their Mystrian neighbors slightly negatively, but it is considered to be a necessary evil. Businesses are Organized into Unions and more specialized worker's councils, in which democratically appointed heads set standardized systems of weights and measures, standardized pricing, and set business standards and regulations.

As of 2012, Crystal Spires has a rising economy. However, Crystal Spires 2010 nominal GDP which was originally NSD $37,254 per capita fell to about $25,409 NSD which puts it way behind its original indicators of prosperity. in global GDP per capita rankings. PPP GDP reached $6.35 trillion, corresponding to its new per capita. In 2009, Crystal Spires's primary, secondary, and tertiary industries contributed 6.6%, 50.8%, and 42.6% respectively to its total GDP.

From its founding in 1997 until late 2012, the Beastling States of Crystal Spires was a Soviet-style centrally planned economy, without private businesses or capitalism. To propel the country towards a modern, industrialized communist society, Maven Auryn instituted the Open Hand in early 2011 although this had decidedly mixed economic results. Economic reform moved towards a more market-oriented mixed economy under one-party regulation. Collectivization of the agriculture was dismantled and farmlands were privatized to increase productivity. Today Spires is mainly characterized as having a market economy with mild to moderate government regulation.

Under the Open Hand market reforms, a wide variety of small-scale private enterprises were encouraged, while the government relaxed price controls and promoted foreign investment. Foreign trade was focused upon as a major vehicle of growth, leading to the creation of free trade pacts. Inefficient state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were restructured by introducing new management systems, with unprofitable ones being closed outright, resulting in job losses. By the latter part of 2012, Crystal Spires is reversing some of its economic liberalization initiatives, with state-owned companies buying up independent businesses.

Spirean Economic success has been primarily due to manufacturing as a low-cost producer. This is attributed to a combination of cheap labor, decent infrastructure, and relatively high productivity, favorable government policy, and a possibly undervalued exchange rate. The latter has been sometimes blamed for Spire's trade surpluses. The state still dominates in strategic "pillar" industries (such as energy and heavy industries), but private enterprise (composed of around 50 thousand private businesses) has expanded.

In recent years, Crystal Spire's rapid economic growth and subsequent wars have contributed to some consumer inflation, causing the prices of basic goods to rise steeply. Food prices in Crystal Spires increased by over 21% in the first four months of the conflict alone. To curb inflation and moderately falling property prices, the Spirean High Council has instituted a number of fiscal regulations and amendments, raising interest rates and imposing limits on bank loans. In August 2012, consumer prices rose by 6.1% compared to a year earlier, marking a reduction in inflation from the peak of 6.5% in June 2012. A side-effect of increased economic regulation was a slowdown in overall growth Spire's quarterly GDP growth fell in August 2012 and given a manufacturing slowdown and increasing turmoil in labor shortages, the Spirean economy lost a significant amount of growth. The Spirean economy is less energy-intensive and efficient—on average, industrial processes in Spires using between 20% and 100% less energy than similar ones in Mystrian countries, and has highly green energy policies to protect vulnerable people in the Spirean Demographics.

Dates and Time in Crystal Spires

Spires Calendar is incredibly particular and follows Solar calendar and has different ideals for the days of the week and months of the year. They also follow the 12-hour clock and is in the Mystrian Central Time Zone.

Name of Month in Spirean Understanding Gregorian Equivalent Days
Snowfell January 31
Dawnsun February 28* (29 on leap years)
Stormbringer March 31
Warmwind April 30
Flowermarch May 31
Risingtide June 30
Eventide July 31
Sunrage August 31
Firewood September 30
Harvestheart October 31
Hearthfire November 30
Chillmorne December 31


Main Article: Demographics of Crystal Spires

As of July 2012, the Beastling States of Crystal Spires population has an estimated total population of 250,000,000 with 26.3% of the population being 14 years old and younger and 67.7% being of working age, and 6.1% of retirement age. The Population growth rate for 2011 was 2.0%, but now the population growth rate for 2012 is 6.0%. Although a middle to low-income country by Pony Land standards, Crystal Spires's rapid growth has pulled hundreds of millions of its people out of poverty since 1998 with about 10% of the Spirean population living below the poverty line of NSD$1 per day, down from 64% in 1997. It is very cosmopolitan and officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups, the largest of which are the Beastlings, who constitute about 56.4% of the total population. Ethnic minorities account for about 43.6% of the population of Crystal Spires, according to the 2012 census. The 2012 census recorded a total of 59,383 foreign citizens living in Crystal Spires. The largest such group was from High Treefolk (12,075), Ealdurim (7,149) and Neutraligon (6,615).

The languages most spoken in Crystal Spires belong to the D'rɑgolɛthic language family. There are also several major linguistic groups within the D'rɑgolɛthic language itself. The most spoken varieties are Luminan D'rɑgolɛth spoken natively by over 80% of the population, while Common, an increasingly important language from the Indo European Language group of the West Germanic Branch, also commonly known as "English" is spoken by a growing number of Spirean people. Since 2000, Crystal Spires's cities have expanded at an average rate of 10% annually. As of 2007, there were 73,365 primary schools, 17,411 secondary schools, and 414 higher education institutions in the Beastling States of Crystal Spires. As of 2007, 93.3% of the population over age 14 are literate, compared to only 20% in 1950. In 2000, Spirean literacy rate among 15-to-24-year-olds was 98.9% (99.2% for males and 98.5% for females). In March 2007, the High Council declared education a national "strategic priority"; the central budget for national scholarships was tripled between 2007 and 2009, and $5.3 billion signets of extra state funding was allocated between 2007 and 2012 to improve compulsory education in rural areas.

After Marja Ventuk began instituting economic reforms in 1997, the health of the Spirean public improved rapidly due to better nutrition, although many of the free public health services provided in the countryside disappeared along with the People's Communes. Healthcare in Spires became mostly privatized, and experienced a significant rise in quality. The national life expectancy at birth rose from about 35 years in 1949 to 75.18 years in 2008, and infant mortality decreased from 300 per thousand in the 1950s to around 23 per thousand in 2006. Malnutrition as of 2002 stood at 11% of the population, but rose again post war to an alarming 25%. In 2009, the government began a large-scale healthcare provision initiative worth US$23 billion, which is expected to eventually cover 90% of Spirean population.

As of 2012, Crystal Spires's national average life expectancy at birth is 74.8 years, and its infant mortality rate is 15.6 per thousand births. Despite significant improvements in health and the construction of advanced medical facilities, Crystal Spires has several emerging public health problems, such as respiratory illnesses caused by a rise in air pollution and hundreds of millions of smokers, a possible future HIV/AIDS epidemic, and an increase in obesity among urban youths. Crystal Spires's densely populated cities have led to serious disease outbreaks in recent years, such as the 2003 outbreak of Tuberculosis, although this has since been largely contained.

Upper estimates suggest that 84–96 percent of the Spirean population subscribe to Forntian Idealism or Mystrian Pandeism, including a large number of followers of a syncretism of several religions. However, these estimates are based on people affiliated with a temple, rather than the number of true believers. Other studies have suggested that only 70 percent of the population identify themselves as belonging to a particular religion.

The level of religious participation remains high, however, especially during festivals and occasions such as the Day of Law, the Day of Remembrance, the Day of Civil Service, the Ceremony of Great Purification, and the Greater and Lesser Ceremonies for Eventide and Chillmorne. Buddhism, Christianity, and Harmonism from the Pony Lands and other nations have also influenced Spirean beliefs and customs. Spirean streets are also decorated on the Summer Sun Celebration, Christmas and for the Bon Celebration. Fewer than one percent of Spireans are Christian, however. Other minority religions include Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Judaism, and since the ethereal shift numerous new religious movements have emerged in Crystal Spires, but Syncretism is still largely common.


There's 7 major racial categories. The humans, the elves, the dwarves, the beastlings, the changelings, the treefolk, and the unbidden. Within each racial category there's several distinct ethnicities within the racial categories. Most of the Mystrians share the same Pantheon, but they each worship different a different God or Goddess by region, ethnicity, and personal moral codes. There are atheists, but they have less social influence than those who worship the pantheons and patron gods, otherwise there is some religious discrimination throughout. The unbidden are unique in that many of them do not worship their father patron god, but have several different cults of personality. There's many different existing languages, and 7 different writing systems for each language group, but literacy is more common in Crystal Spires's cities.

Universal Spirean Custom is an emphasis on the Spirean Doctrine of "humbling greatness and exalting the humble, promoting the good and welfare of the all". The struggles of the common man are considered to be much more valued and important than those of self-declared elites. This is because the Spirean people are classless. This does not mean that there isn't a sense of elitism. Different occupations garner different amounts of respect and the ones that are most respected are the ones that serve the most people which may seem on the outside as a class system, but Spireans are communist and therefore classless by definition. foreign Merchants and Businessmen are viewed with suspicion because they do not produce their own goods, and they only profit by exploitation and therefore are incredibly ostracized by most Spireans.

Art and Aesthetics

The Standard of beauty is healthy looking beings which display strength, power, and excellence.

Masculine Beauty are those who display virility, strength, and power but also tempered by gentleness and cleanliness. Cleanly shaven or well-groomed facial/bodily hair is considered more beautiful than unkempt wildness and fitness is considered beautiful over being thin or fat.

Feminine beauty are those who display grace, purity, and distinction but also charm and power. Like men, fitness is preferred over being too thin or too fat. Those who are well groomed are also considered more beautiful than those who are not.

Spirean Art reflects a favor of "Appreciating Magic in Reality" paintings often show realism blended with surrealist aspects, or other-worldliness. And sculpting also reflects this same manner of artistic appreciation. Clothing is heavily drawn from Victorian and Edwardian fashion, as well as Dravidian and Han cultures but it also draws aspects of Elven fashion. Furniture and Furnishing also uses this same inspiration of combining utility with "Magical" or mystic beauty.

Architecture can vary locally but several concepts tend to be consistently adopted, such as harmony between land, air, and sea; and strong stonemasonry in traditional Spirean architecture. There are also strong focuses on strict geometric or symmetrical designs.

Literary Culture


Main article:Music of Crystal Spires

Traditional Spirean music is a complex study, and often bardic study is required to play it effectively, with many different kinds of rules on melody, harmony, beat, and expression. There are also many traditionally Spirean Instruments. Improvisation and composing is often a matter of advanced study, as it tends to involve more understanding of the different rules. There are a few types of native Spirean Instruments, and some are borrowed from Altea

Culinary Arts


Spirean Politeness

There is a very high level of importance put on cordiality and manner in Spirean society and it is heavily prized by Spireans to be humble and polite in all actions.

Spireans have a border of in-group and out-group and there's different levels of politeness.

Levels of politeness

In-group casual: This level is familiar, distant, and cold. It is when one insults someone within the in-group and is frowned upon.

In-group polite: This level is familiar, close, and warm. It is how one treats one's friends and family. The idea is to not censor any of your speech and be your true self.

Out-group casual: This level is familiar, close, and warm, but it is often regarded as aggressive or sarcastic, so it can be considered offensive.

Out-group polite: This level is unfamiliar, distant, and warm. It is regarded as the safest way to regard those in your out group. The idea is to be kind, but respect the listener's boundaries.

Humble: Self-deprecatory statements are praised and considered to be a mark of a great person, humbling another person is considered rude.
Honorifics: Exalting another person is praiseworthy, but exalting the self is considered rude.
Beautified language: Speaking in verse formal common or using chant format of speech or ceremonial speech in public is common.

Visiting another person for the first time at their home demands bringing a gift, oftentimes food specially prepared, trinkets that possess cultural value, or a gift that the giver knows the receiver would like.

Meeting someone for the first time demands a bow in good form. A good form is to put the dominant fist across the chest with closed eyes and bow at a 45 degree angle and releasing the fist and running the hand forward and then opening one's eyes to reach for a handshake. If the person cannot give a handshake for cultural or religious reasons the bow is done and the handshake is forgone as the open hand is returned to one's side.

If one makes a mistake apologies are meant to be followed with a bow lower than 45 degree angle with the hands at one's side or if the apology is more grievous then the hands on the floor which signifies a deeper apology for a more serious offense. The lower the bow the more grievous the apology.

Ethical and Religious Beliefs

Main Article: Forntianism

Spirean Ethic is one of fierce collectivism, and is inspired greatly by religious Forntianism. They praise strength of character as defined by the "Keys of Apotheosis" in Forntianism. The Spireans are heavily prized for their considerable civic strengths which is defined by their remarkable solidarity, civility, social responsibility, loyalty, and teamwork which means they work well as a member of a group or team and are remarkably loyal to those groups. They have immense strength of fairness which means Spireans are deeply focused on treating all people the same according to Spirean notions of fairness and justice and they do not let personal feelings bias decisions about others which often gives off the impression that they're very non-judgmental. However once they make a judgment, it is held and unaltered unless a change is made regardless of a Spirean's personal feelings and emotions. This cool judgment is highlighted and contrasted by their sense of selflessness. Spireans praise initiative and good leadership which is marked by a person who encourages a group to get things done and at the same time maintains good relations within the group. Competitiveness is considered anti-social behavior and is heavily scorned. Greed, hate, and ignorance are also considered to be deep flaws in character and therefore institutions that praise such characteristics are frowned upon. Spireans are peace loving people, but they will wage war as a last resort when the good and welfare of all are threatened by the abandonment of the Law, or a complete upset of the natural order. This can mean if a politician fails to serve the people. This often means that Spireans are considerably quick to go to war for purely ideological reasons out of the religious beliefs of the Law, and fear of corruption or returning to the abyss.

File:Forntian symbol.png
Forntian Religious Symbol

Spireans are not all Forntian, but they have a lot of Forntian believers in the High God of Justice and Strength, Fornt is believed to bring the qualities prized on the Apotheosis of the Strength of Justice. He is worshiped mostly by Beastlings and Demihumans,and is the bearer of the Rod of Judgement. The Rod of Judgment itself is used in the High Council ceremonially and is a rare magical weapon that can discern truth from lies said to be created by the Lord of Justice himself. Prized by Fornt is Strengths of Justice defined as civic strengths that underlie healthy community life focusing on the good and welfare of the all. At its core is solidarity, citizenship, social responsibility, loyalty, and teamwork which means working well as a member of a group or team and being loyal to the group. It is given strength by Fairness which involves treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others. It gives birth to Leadership which is the act of encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done and at the same maintain time good relations within the group. The Clergy of Fornt is most personified by the High Judges, the Councilmen, the Uncorruptibles, and the Order of Idealists and the Silver Flame.

The Codices and Clergy say that noble Fornt during the time when the Gods roamed the realms approached Zaiden and tried to reason with him upon the creation of the first true abominations, and he agreed to have a trial to determine if the creature was even alive or not. Finding the being to be unreasoned Fornt appealed to Zaiden to destroy the abomination. When he refused Fornt was forced to lay his affections for his little brother aside and with a heavy heart he sacrificed his feelings and was forced to kill him. The Rod of Judgement, which contains a blade for purification, was used to slay Zaiden. He struck his brother's neck, hoping for a clean kill, but it was not enough and Nenya granted him mercy with a strike to the heart with a single arrow. The Ceremonial purification is used to execute corrupted officials to cleanse them of wrongdoing. This form of execution is reserved for those fallen from the highest graces.

Another uniquely Forntian belief is the core belief of keeping the law. It is believed that if the Law is ever lost the whole of the universe will return to the abyss and everyone will die. So keeping the law is what keeps the world from complete and total annihilation. The ideals of the afterlife is that if one keeps the law, the way to the sacred realm is opened when the flower of Zaiden is found and the Seeker of the Flower will resurrect the dead with the nectar of the flower removing the illusion of death. This makes Spirean people very lawfully oriented and often makes them regarded as justice obsessed.

Cuisine and Dining Customs

Main Article Spirean cuisine

Spireans often eat 3 square meals, Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner but they also have times in between breakfast and lunch which is tea time, and then time inbetween lunch and dinner which is snack time.Using a fork and knife is often considered aggressive, so they're usually foregone for food that can be eaten with one's hands or with chopsticks. The meals vary upon the species, cooking style, and region but there are places famed for their cuisine all round the Beastling States.

D'aal fruit with chocolate syrup and ice cream

*Merlon is famed for their delicious baked goods
*Mephiste is famed for their grilled foods.
*Caltris being the cultural center has tons of different cooking styles and restaurants
*Shaltric is famous for their rum breweries
*Sardoc is famous for its teas
*Anherc is famous for their fruits
*Lothar is famous for their outrageously spicy cooking.


The Lesser Ceremony of Chillmorne is on September 23rd and is a fall harvest celebration mostly celebrated in the mountains. The Traditions of this festival is to bake cakes and also to make gourd faces which are carved faces into Wendiran Gourds. They’re also delicious in cakes for their mild sweet nutty flavor. They’re said to taste a bit like pecans but with the texture of a melon and are very good that time of year. The people to the south wear Colorful Garments and sing special folk songs called “Yittersprings” which are melodic and cheerful

The Day of the Law is on September 29th and is the celebration of the establishing of Crystal Spire's Constitution and Bill of Rights. Marshmallow treats, which are marshmallows covered in chocolate caramel and nuts are made for this day as are the more healthy bread and vegetables with melted Eredur Cheese. Also there are barbecues, magic demonstrations, fireworks, and parades! Spirean colors and banners are traditionally worn to show patriotism.

The Greater Ceremony of Eventide Kite Festival

The Day of Civil Service is specifically a celebration of religious significance to those who believe in the Pantheon God Fornt of Justice celebrated on October 2nd and commemorates those who go into lives of civil service, those who work in charities and those with a fair and generous spirit, and there is fasting by all Forntians, and visits to the Temples and given donations to those in need or performing meritorious actions and deeds. The focus is to perform as many selfless actions the way Civil Servants do. And for Civil Servants to get some acknowledgement for how very difficult their jobs are.

The Day of Remembrance is celebrated on October 31st and is a memorial celebration commemorating the dead and those who fell in battle protecting the freedom of Crystal Spires. Most people return to Memorial Plaques of their families and perform dedications in family shrines, and the traditional funeral garments are worn which are long draping black robes. Dirges are sung as are Remembrances and also some songs from the Canticles as well. Small glutinous rice cakes stuffed with soft fruit jams are traditionally made for the day and lilies are often draped over the Memorial sites.

The Greater Ceremony of Chillmorne is a winter season celebration and is celebrated on December 21st. And this is a festival of candles and song, celebrated with gifts and songs called “Luminae” which are traditionally festive songs. The “Viridae” are more morose songs sung during that season but it’s less common to hear them outside of rural areas. Sweet Dark Chocolate Cakes called “Chillmorn Burns” are made which is similar to Black Forest cake, but with Chocolate glaze topping and coconut shavings.

The Ceremony of Great Purification is a religious celebration mainly done by those who worship the Pantheon God Fornt celebrated on February 15th, but it's also election day, as well as a celebration where many ceremonial acts of ritual purity are performed. These acts include Cold Water dousing, usage of incense, abstinence, fasting, and smudging. Anyone running for office is expected to isolate themselves and also to meditate or keep out of the public eye.

The Lesser Ceremony of Eventide is a spring celebration that is on March 21st. It is a celebration of vibrance and color. And flowers are used to adorn peoples. Special sweets are made such as “rebiets” which are like sweet sugar cookies. There’s also the Bardic Festivals and the Art Festivals which are performed. And the most famous Spirean Theater Troupes also come to perform in most major cities.

The Greater Ceremony of Eventide is a summer festival celebrated on June 21st. It’s usually celebrated with fireworks and also with large cook offs and traditionally it’s a time where kites and floating lanterns are made and flown through the sky. Phoenixes would however become curious about the kites and play with them setting them aflame. So most people call this festival the “Evening Flame”. because all the kites would only be up as long as the phoenixes wouldn’t burn them out.

Independence Day is celebrated on the 23rd of August and is celebrated much like the day of Law, but the light shows are also done.

Flag of spires.jpgThe Beastling States of Crystal Spires
Geography Politics Society & Culture

GeographySpirean TerritoriesMountainsRiversLakesClimateProtected areasFaunaFloraExtreme pointsCommon Weather


HistoryPrehistoryEarly Theocratic Rule The Northern Riders and Secular Imperial RuleThe Invasion of Altea and the Order of the Flame The Fell Crusade and the Rise of RepublicanismSpirean Social MovementsThe Wars of AttritionThe Time of SorrowsThe Crisis AgeHeaven's Tear and The Harmonious CallAnti-SpireanismThe Shrill CrisisThe Spirean Paradoxian ConflictThe Spirean Post Nefreedian War Crisis


EconomySpirean SignetNational bankAldron Stock ExchangeEducationEnergyMediaTourismTransportCompaniesSpirean National Healthcare ServiceMining and Refineries in Crystal SpiresManufacturing in Crystal SpiresAgriculture in Crystal SpiresRetail in Crystal Spires

PoliticsThe High CouncilConstitutionChancelleriesElectionsForeign relationsGovernmentMunicipalitiesPolitical partiesHigh Chancellor (List)Spirean Lobby Groups and NGOs

Foreign Affairs & Defence

Foreign PolicyThe Spirean MilitaryMilitary HistoryGround ForcesAir ForceNaval ForcesCity GuardThe Rangers

Spirean Justice

Spirean LawThe Bill of Protected RightsThe Spirean ConstitutionCourtsSpirean Law CodeUncorruptiblesCorrectional servicesNationality lawCrime

CultureArchitectureArtCinema (Actors)Music (Composers,Singers and Performers)• CuisineReligionSpirean languageLiterature (Writers, Poets)• The Ceremony of Great PurificationEducationScholarly Spirean Culture (Scholars) • Eventide Independence DayThe Day of the LawThe Day of Civil ServiceThe Day of RemembranceChillmorneMediaSportsPublic holidaysSpirean SubculturesSpirean Social IssuesSpirean Humor and Comedy(Comedians) • Spirean Folk Tales and LegendsSpirean Cultural LandmarksSpirean Calendar

Symbols of Crystal Spires
SymbolsNational FlagFlagsEmblemAnthemMottoNameThe National AnimalThe National BirdThe National TreeThe National Flower
Spirean Demographics

DemographicsAdministrative divisionsCitiesLanguagesReligionImmigrationSpirean PeopleList of Famous Spireans